//完成订单 protected void lbtnComplete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ChkAdminLevel("orders", DTEnums.ActionEnum.Edit.ToString()); //检查权限 BLL.orders bll = new BLL.orders(); Model.orders model = bll.GetModel(this.id); //检查订单状态 if (model == null || model.status != 2 || model.distribution_status != 2) { JscriptMsg("订单不符合要求,无法发货!", "", "Error"); return; } //检查支付方式 Model.payment payModel = new BLL.payment().GetModel(model.payment_id); if (payModel == null) { JscriptMsg("支付方式不存在,无法完成订单!", "", "Error"); return; } //增加积分/经验值 if (model.point > 0) { new BLL.point_log().Add(model.user_id, model.user_name, model.point, "购物获得积分,订单号:" + model.order_no); } //如果配送方式为先款后货,则检查付款状态 if (payModel.type == 2) { bll.UpdateField(this.id, "status=3,complete_time='" + DateTime.Now + "'," + "payment_status=2,payment_time='" + DateTime.Now + "'"); } else { bll.UpdateField(this.id, "status=3,complete_time='" + DateTime.Now + "'"); } JscriptMsg("订单已经完成啦!", "order_edit.aspx?id=" + this.id, "Success"); }
/// <summary> /// 重写虚方法,此方法在Init事件执行 /// </summary> protected override void InitPage() { action = MXRequest.GetQueryString("action"); //获得最后登录日志 DataTable dt = new BLL.user_login_log().GetList(2, "user_name='" + userModel.user_name + "'", "id desc").Tables[0]; if (dt.Rows.Count == 2) { curr_login_ip = dt.Rows[0]["login_ip"].ToString(); pre_login_ip = dt.Rows[1]["login_ip"].ToString(); pre_login_time = dt.Rows[1]["login_time"].ToString(); } else if (dt.Rows.Count == 1) { curr_login_ip = dt.Rows[0]["login_ip"].ToString(); } //未完成订单 total_order = new BLL.orders().GetCount("user_name='" + userModel.user_name + "' and status<3"); //未读短信息 total_msg = new BLL.user_message().GetCount("accept_user_name='" + userModel.user_name + "' and is_read=0"); //退出登录========================================================== if (action == "exit") { //清险Session HttpContext.Current.Session[MXKeys.SESSION_USER_INFO] = null; //清除Cookies Utils.WriteCookie(MXKeys.COOKIE_USER_NAME_REMEMBER, "MxWeiXinPF", -43200); Utils.WriteCookie(MXKeys.COOKIE_USER_PWD_REMEMBER, "MxWeiXinPF", -43200); Utils.WriteCookie("UserName", "MxWeiXinPF", -1); Utils.WriteCookie("Password", "MxWeiXinPF", -1); //自动登录,跳转URL HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect(linkurl("login")); } }
private void RptBind(string _strWhere, string _orderby) { this.page = DTRequest.GetQueryInt("page", 1); if (this.status > 0) { this.ddlStatus.SelectedValue = this.status.ToString(); } if (this.payment_status > 0) { this.ddlPaymentStatus.SelectedValue = this.payment_status.ToString(); } if (this.distribution_status > 0) { this.ddlDistributionStatus.SelectedValue = this.distribution_status.ToString(); } this.txtKeywords.Text = this.keywords; BLL.orders bll = new BLL.orders(); this.rptList.DataSource = bll.GetList(this.pageSize, this.page, _strWhere, _orderby, out this.totalCount); this.rptList.DataBind(); //绑定页码 txtPageNum.Text = this.pageSize.ToString(); string pageUrl = Utils.CombUrlTxt("order_list.aspx", "status={0}&payment_status={1}&distribution_status={2}&keywords={3}&page={4}", this.status.ToString(), this.payment_status.ToString(), this.distribution_status.ToString(), this.keywords, "__id__"); PageContent.InnerHtml = Utils.OutPageList(this.pageSize, this.page, this.totalCount, pageUrl, 8); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { openid = MyCommFun.RequestOpenid(); int otid = MyCommFun.RequestInt("orderid"); wid = MyCommFun.RequestInt("wid"); expireMinute = MyCommFun.RequestInt("expireminute"); if (expireMinute == 0) { expireMinute = 30; } else if(expireMinute==-1) { //如果为-1,则有限期间为1年 expireMinute = 60 * 12 * 365; } if (openid == "" || otid == 0 || wid==0) { return; } BLL.orders otBll = new BLL.orders(); Model.orders orderEntity = otBll.GetModel(otid,wid); litout_trade_no.Text = orderEntity.order_no; litMoney.Text = orderEntity.order_amount.ToString(); litDate.Text = orderEntity.add_time.ToString(); WxPayData(orderEntity.order_amount, orderEntity.id.ToString(), orderEntity.order_no); }
//批量删除 protected void btnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ChkAdminLevel("order_list", DTEnums.ActionEnum.Delete.ToString()); //检查权限 int sucCount = 0; int errorCount = 0; BLL.orders bll = new BLL.orders(); for (int i = 0; i < rptList.Items.Count; i++) { int id = Convert.ToInt32(((HiddenField)rptList.Items[i].FindControl("hidId")).Value); CheckBox cb = (CheckBox)rptList.Items[i].FindControl("chkId"); if (cb.Checked) { if (bll.Delete(id)) { sucCount += 1; } else { errorCount += 1; } } } AddAdminLog(DTEnums.ActionEnum.Delete.ToString(), "删除订单成功" + sucCount + "条,失败" + errorCount + "条"); //记录日志 JscriptMsg("删除成功" + sucCount + "条,失败" + errorCount + "条!", Utils.CombUrlTxt("order_list.aspx", "status={0}&payment_status={1}&express_status={2}&keywords={3}", this.status.ToString(), this.payment_status.ToString(), this.express_status.ToString(), this.keywords)); }
/// <summary> /// 重写虚方法,此方法在Init事件执行 /// </summary> protected override void InitPage() { id = DTRequest.GetQueryInt("id"); BLL.orders bll = new BLL.orders(); if (!bll.Exists(id)) { HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect(linkurl("error", "?msg=" + Utils.UrlEncode("出错了,您要浏览的页面不存在或已删除!"))); return; } model = bll.GetModel(id); if (model.user_id != userModel.id) { HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect(linkurl("error", "?msg=" + Utils.UrlEncode("出错了,您所查看的并非自己的订单信息!"))); return; } payModel = new BLL.payment().GetModel(model.payment_id); if (payModel == null) { payModel = new Model.payment(); } //根据订单状态和物流单号跟踪物流信息 if (model.status > 1 && model.status < 4 && model.express_status == 2 && model.express_no.Trim().Length > 0) { Model.express modelt = new BLL.express().GetModel(model.express_id); Model.orderconfig orderConfig = new BLL.orderconfig().loadConfig(); } }
private void RptBind(string _strWhere, string _orderby) { Model.wx_userweixin weixin = GetWeiXinCode(); this.page = MXRequest.GetQueryInt("page", 1); txtKeywords.Text = this.keywords; BLL.orders bll = new BLL.orders(); DataSet ds = bll.GetList(weixin.id,this.pageSize, this.page, _strWhere, _orderby, out this.totalCount); ; if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0 && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { DataRow dr; for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { dr = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]; dr["statusName"] = GetOrderStatus(MyCommFun.Obj2Int(dr["id"]), MyCommFun.Obj2Int(dr["status"]), MyCommFun.Obj2Int(dr["payment_status"]), MyCommFun.Obj2Int(dr["express_status"])); } } this.rptList.DataSource = ds; this.rptList.DataBind(); //绑定页码 txtPageNum.Text = this.pageSize.ToString(); string pageUrl = Utils.CombUrlTxt("order_confirm.aspx", "keywords={0}&page={1}", this.keywords, "__id__"); PageContent.InnerHtml = Utils.OutPageList(this.pageSize, this.page, this.totalCount, pageUrl, 8); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //读取站点配置信息 Model.siteconfig siteConfig = new BLL.siteconfig().loadConfig(DTKeys.FILE_SITE_XML_CONFING); string order_type = DTRequest.GetFormString("pay_order_type"); //订单类型 string order_no = DTRequest.GetFormString("pay_order_no"); decimal order_amount = DTRequest.GetFormDecimal("pay_order_amount", 0); string subject = DTRequest.GetFormString("pay_subject"); if (order_no == "" || order_amount == 0 ) { Response.Redirect(siteConfig.webpath + "error.aspx?msg=" + Utils.UrlEncode("对不起,您提交的参数有误!")); return; } //检查是否已登录 Model.users userModel = new Web.UI.BasePage().GetUserInfo(); if (userModel == null) { Response.Redirect(new Web.UI.BasePage().linkurl("payment", "login")); //尚未登录 return; } if (userModel.amount < order_amount) { Response.Redirect(new Web.UI.BasePage().linkurl("payment", "recharge")); //账户的余额不足 return; } if (order_type.ToLower() == DTEnums.AmountTypeEnum.BuyGoods.ToString().ToLower()) //购买商品 { BLL.orders bll = new BLL.orders(); Model.orders model = bll.GetModel(order_no); if (model == null) { Response.Redirect(siteConfig.webpath + "error.aspx?msg=" + Utils.UrlEncode("对不起,商品订单号不存在!")); return; } //执行扣取账户金额 int result = new BLL.amount_log().Add(userModel.id, userModel.user_name, DTEnums.AmountTypeEnum.BuyGoods.ToString(), order_no, model.payment_id, -1 * order_amount, subject, 1); if (result > 0) { //更改订单状态 bool result1 = bll.UpdateField(order_no, "payment_status=2,payment_time='" + DateTime.Now + "'"); if (!result1) { Response.Redirect(new Web.UI.BasePage().linkurl("payment", "error")); return; } //扣除积分 if (model.point < 0) { new BLL.point_log().Add(model.user_id, model.user_name, model.point, "换购扣除积分,订单号:" + model.order_no); } //支付成功 Response.Redirect(new Web.UI.BasePage().linkurl("payment1", "succeed", order_type, order_no)); return; } } Response.Redirect(siteConfig.webpath + "error.aspx?msg=" + Utils.UrlEncode("对不起,找不到需要支付的订单类型!")); return; }
private void ShowInfo(string _order_no) { BLL.orders bll = new BLL.orders(); model = bll.GetModel(_order_no); adminModel = GetAdminInfo(); this.rptList.DataSource = model.order_goods; this.rptList.DataBind(); }
private void ShowInfo(int _id) { BLL.orders bll = new BLL.orders(); model = bll.GetModel(_id); managerModel = GetAdminInfo(); this.rptList.DataSource = model.order_goods; this.rptList.DataBind(); }
private void RptBind(string _strWhere, string _orderby) { this.page = DTRequest.GetQueryInt("page", 1); txtKeywords.Text = this.keywords; BLL.orders bll = new BLL.orders(); this.rptList.DataSource = bll.GetList(this.pageSize, this.page, _strWhere, _orderby, out this.totalCount); this.rptList.DataBind(); //绑定页码 txtPageNum.Text = this.pageSize.ToString(); string pageUrl = Utils.CombUrlTxt("order_confirm.aspx", "keywords={0}&page={1}", this.keywords, "__id__"); PageContent.InnerHtml = Utils.OutPageList(this.pageSize, this.page, this.totalCount, pageUrl, 8); }
//作废订单 protected void btnInvalid_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ChkAdminLevel("orders", DTEnums.ActionEnum.Invalid.ToString()); //检查权限 BLL.orders bll = new BLL.orders(); Model.orders model = bll.GetModel(this.id); if (model == null && model.status != 3) { JscriptMsg("订单未完成,无法作废!", "", "Error"); return; } bll.UpdateField(this.id, "status=5"); JscriptMsg("订单取消成功啦!", "order_edit.aspx?id=" + this.id, "Success"); }
private void ShowInfo(int _id) { BLL.orders bll = new BLL.orders(); model = bll.GetModel(_id); payModel = new BLL.payment().GetModel(model.payment_id); userModel = new BLL.users().GetModel(model.user_id); if (userModel != null) { groupModel = new BLL.user_groups().GetModel(userModel.group_id); } if (payModel == null) { payModel = new Model.payment(); } this.rptList.DataSource = model.order_goods; this.rptList.DataBind(); //订单状态 if (model.status == 1) { if (payModel != null && payModel.type == 1) { if (model.payment_status > 1) { this.lbtnConfirm.Enabled = true; } } else { this.lbtnConfirm.Enabled = true; } } else if (model.status == 2 && model.distribution_status == 1) { this.lbtnSend.Enabled = true; } else if (model.status == 2 && model.distribution_status == 2) { this.lbtnComplete.Enabled = true; } if (model.status < 3) { this.btnCancel.Visible = true; } //如果订单为已完成时,不能取消订单 if (model.status == 3) { this.btnInvalid.Visible = true; } }
//确认订单 protected void btnConfirm_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ChkAdminLevel("order_list", DTEnums.ActionEnum.Confirm.ToString()); //检查权限 int sucCount = 0; int errorCount = 0; BLL.orders bll = new BLL.orders(); for (int i = 0; i < rptList.Items.Count; i++) { int id = Convert.ToInt32(((HiddenField)rptList.Items[i].FindControl("hidId")).Value); CheckBox cb = (CheckBox)rptList.Items[i].FindControl("chkId"); if (cb.Checked) { Model.orders model = bll.GetModel(id); if (model != null) { //检查订单是否使用在线支付方式 if (model.payment_status > 0) { //在线支付方式 model.payment_status = 2; //标志已付款 model.payment_time = DateTime.Now; //支付时间 model.status = 2; // 订单为确认状态 model.confirm_time = DateTime.Now; //确认时间 } else { //线下支付方式 model.status = 2; // 订单为确认状态 model.confirm_time = DateTime.Now; //确认时间 } if (bll.Update(model)) { sucCount++; } else { errorCount++; } } else { errorCount++; } } } AddAdminLog(DTEnums.ActionEnum.Confirm.ToString(), "确认订单成功" + sucCount + "条,失败" + errorCount + "条"); //记录日志 JscriptMsg("确认成功" + sucCount + "条,失败" + errorCount + "条!", Utils.CombUrlTxt("order_confirm.aspx", "keywords={0}", this.keywords), "Success"); }
/// <summary> /// 重写虚方法,此方法在Init事件执行 /// </summary> protected override void InitPage() { id = MXRequest.GetQueryInt("id"); BLL.orders bll = new BLL.orders(); if (!bll.Exists(id)) { HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect(linkurl("error", "error.aspx?msg=" + Utils.UrlEncode("出错啦,您要浏览的页面不存在或已删除啦!"))); return; } model = bll.GetModel(id); payModel = new BLL.payment().GetModel(model.payment_id); if (payModel == null) { payModel = new Model.payment(); } }
private void ShowInfo(string _order_no) { BLL.orders bll = new BLL.orders(); Model.orders model = bll.GetModel(_order_no); BLL.express bll2 = new BLL.express(); DataTable dt = bll2.GetList("").Tables[0]; ddlExpressId.Items.Clear(); ddlExpressId.Items.Add(new ListItem("请选择配送方式", "")); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { ddlExpressId.Items.Add(new ListItem(dr["title"].ToString(), dr["id"].ToString())); } txtExpressNo.Text = model.express_no; ddlExpressId.SelectedValue = model.express_id.ToString(); }
protected string GetOrderStatus(int _id) { string _title = string.Empty; Model.orders model = new BLL.orders().GetModel(_id); switch (model.status) { case 1: //如果是線下支付,支付狀態為0,如果是線上支付,支付成功後會自動改變訂單狀態為已確認 if (model.payment_status > 0) { _title = "前往付款"; } else { _title = "前往付款"; } break; case 2: //如果訂單為已確認狀態,則進入發貨狀態 if (model.express_status > 1) { _title = "貨已寄出"; } else { _title = "待出貨"; } break; case 3: _title = "交易完成"; break; case 4: _title = "交易取消"; break; case 5: _title = "退貨完成"; break; } return(_title); }
protected string GetOrderStatus(int _id) { string _title = string.Empty; Model.orders model = new BLL.orders().GetModel(_id); switch (model.status) { case 1: //如果是线下支付,支付状态为0,如果是线上支付,支付成功后会自动改变订单状态为已确认 if (model.payment_status > 0) { _title = "待付款"; } else { _title = "待确认"; } break; case 2: //如果订单为已确认状态,则进入发货状态 if (model.express_status > 1) { _title = "已发货"; } else { _title = "待发货"; } break; case 3: _title = "交易完成"; break; case 4: _title = "已取消"; break; case 5: _title = "已作废"; break; } return(_title); }
/// <summary> /// 返回订单状态 /// </summary> /// <param name="_id">订单ID</param> /// <returns>String</returns> protected string get_order_status(int _id) { string _title = ""; Model.orders model = new BLL.orders().GetModel(_id); switch (model.status) { case 1: _title = "等待确认"; Model.payment payModel = new BLL.payment().GetModel(model.payment_id); if (payModel != null && payModel.type == 1) { if (model.payment_status > 1) { _title = "付款成功"; } else { _title = "等待付款"; } } break; case 2: if (model.distribution_status > 1) { _title = "已发货"; } else { _title = "待发货"; } break; case 3: _title = "交易完成"; break; case 4: _title = "订单取消"; break; case 5: _title = "订单作废"; break; } return _title; }
private void RptBind(string _strWhere, string _orderby) { this.page = Vincent._DTcms.DTRequest.GetQueryInt("page", 1); txtKeywords.Text = this.keywords; BLL.orders bll = new BLL.orders(); BuysingooShop.Model.manager manModel = Session[Vincent._DTcms.DTKeys.SESSION_ADMIN_INFO] as Model.manager; if (manModel.brand_id != 0) { _strWhere += " and brand_id=" + manModel.brand_id; } this.rptList.DataSource = bll.GetList(this.pageSize, this.page, _strWhere, _orderby, out this.totalCount); this.rptList.DataBind(); //绑定页码 txtPageNum.Text = this.pageSize.ToString(); string pageUrl = Vincent._DTcms.Utils.CombUrlTxt("order_confirm.aspx", "keywords={0}&page={1}", this.keywords, "__id__"); PageContent.InnerHtml = Vincent._DTcms.Utils.OutPageList(this.pageSize, this.page, this.totalCount, pageUrl, 8); }
private void ShowInfo(string _order_no) { BLL.orders bll = new BLL.orders(); Model.orders model = bll.GetModel(_order_no); BLL.express bll2 = new BLL.express(); DataTable dt = bll2.GetList("").Tables[0]; ddlExpressId.Items.Clear(); hiddOrderNo.Value = _order_no; ddlExpressId.Items.Add(new ListItem("请选择配送方式", "")); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { ddlExpressId.Items.Add(new ListItem(dr["title"].ToString(), dr["id"].ToString())); } txtExpressNo.Text = model.express_no; ddlExpressId.SelectedValue = model.express_id.ToString(); }
private void RptBind(string _strWhere, string _orderby) { this.page = Vincent._DTcms.DTRequest.GetQueryInt("page", 1); if (date != null && date != "") { ipt_Time.Value = date; } BLL.orders bll = new BLL.orders(); this.rptList.DataSource = bll.GetList1(this.pageSize, this.page, _strWhere, _orderby, out this.totalCount); this.rptList.DataBind(); //绑定页码 txtPageNum.Text = this.pageSize.ToString(); string pageUrl = Vincent._DTcms.Utils.CombUrlTxt("goodsreport.aspx", "date={0}&keywords={1}&page={2}", this.date, this.keywords, "__id__"); PageContent.InnerHtml = Vincent._DTcms.Utils.OutPageList(this.pageSize, this.page, this.totalCount, pageUrl, 15); }
protected string GetOrderServer(int _id) { string _bill_type = string.Empty; //Model.orders model = new BLL.orders().GetModel(_id); DataTable dt = new BLL.orders().GetOrderList(0, " t1.id=" + _id, " id desc").Tables[0]; //var servertype = ""; // if (json._bill_type == 0) { // servertype = "更换轮胎" // } else if (json._bill_type == 1) { // servertype = "更换机油" // } else if (json._bill_type == 2) { // servertype = "镀晶一档" // } else if (json._bill_type == 3) { // servertype = "镀晶二档" // } else if (json._bill_type == 4) { // servertype = "镀晶三档" // } switch (int.Parse(dt.Rows[0]["bill_type"].ToString())) { case 0: _bill_type = "更换轮胎"; break; case 1: _bill_type = "更换机油"; break; case 2: _bill_type = "镀晶一档"; break; case 3: _bill_type = "镀晶二档"; break; case 4: _bill_type = "镀晶三档"; break; } return(_bill_type); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //读取站点配置信息 Model.sysconfig sysConfig = new BLL.sysconfig().loadConfig(); int site_payment_id = 0; //站点支付方式ID Dictionary <string, string> sPara = GetRequestGet(); if (sPara.Count > 0) //判断是否有带返回参数 { string order_no = DTRequest.GetString("out_trade_no").ToUpper(); //获取订单号 string trade_no = DTRequest.GetString("trade_no"); //支付宝交易号 string result = DTRequest.GetString("result"); //交易状态 if (order_no.StartsWith("R")) //充值订单 { site_payment_id = new BLL.user_recharge().GetPaymentId(order_no); } else if (order_no.StartsWith("B")) //商品订单 { site_payment_id = new BLL.orders().GetPaymentId(order_no); } //找到站点支付方式ID开始验证 if (site_payment_id > 0) { Notify aliNotify = new Notify(site_payment_id); bool verifyResult = aliNotify.VerifyReturn(sPara, Request.QueryString["sign"]); if (verifyResult)//验证成功 { if (result == "success") { //成功状态 Response.Redirect(new Web.UI.BasePage().linkurl("payment", "?action=succeed&order_no=" + order_no)); return; } } } } //失败状态 Response.Redirect(new Web.UI.BasePage().linkurl("payment", "?action=error")); return; }
//批次刪除 protected void btnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ChkAdminLevel("orders", DTEnums.ActionEnum.Delete.ToString()); //檢查許可權 BLL.orders bll = new BLL.orders(); for (int i = 0; i < rptList.Items.Count; i++) { int id = Convert.ToInt32(((HiddenField)rptList.Items[i].FindControl("hidId")).Value); CheckBox cb = (CheckBox)rptList.Items[i].FindControl("chkId"); if (cb.Checked) { Model.orders model = bll.GetModel(id); if (model != null && model.status == 4) { bll.Delete(id); } } } JscriptMsg("符合的訂單已刪除!", Utils.CombUrlTxt("order_list.aspx", "status={0}&payment_status={1}&distribution_status={2}&keywords={3}", this.status.ToString(), this.payment_status.ToString(), this.distribution_status.ToString(), this.keywords), "Success"); }
//作废订单 protected void btnInvalid_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ChkAdminLevel("orders", DTEnums.ActionEnum.Invalid.ToString()); //检查权限 BLL.orders bll = new BLL.orders(); for (int i = 0; i < rptList.Items.Count; i++) { int id = Convert.ToInt32(((HiddenField)rptList.Items[i].FindControl("hidId")).Value); CheckBox cb = (CheckBox)rptList.Items[i].FindControl("chkId"); if (cb.Checked) { Model.orders model = bll.GetModel(id); if (model != null && model.status == 3) { bll.UpdateField(id, "status=5"); } } } JscriptMsg("符合的订单已作废!", Utils.CombUrlTxt("order_list.aspx", "status={0}&payment_status={1}&distribution_status={2}&keywords={3}", this.status.ToString(), this.payment_status.ToString(), this.distribution_status.ToString(), this.keywords), "Success"); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { openid = MyCommFun.RequestOpenid(); otid = MyCommFun.RequestInt("otid"); int wid = MyCommFun.RequestWid(); if (openid == "" || otid == 0 || wid == 0) { return; } WeiXinCRMComm wxComm = new WeiXinCRMComm(); string err = ""; token = wxComm.getAccessToken(wid, out err); BLL.orders otBll = new BLL.orders(); ordertmp = otBll.GetModel(otid, wid); } }
/// <summary> /// 返回订单商品列表 /// </summary> /// <param name="order_id">订单</param> /// <returns>List</returns> protected List<Model.article> get_order_goods_list(int order_id) { Model.orders model = new BLL.orders().GetModel(order_id); if (model == null) { return null; } List<Model.article> ls = new List<Model.article>(); if (model.order_goods != null) { foreach (Model.order_goods modelt in model.order_goods) { Model.article goodsModel = new BLL.article().GetModel(modelt.goods_id); if (goodsModel != null) { ls.Add(goodsModel); } } } return ls; }
/// <summary> /// 返回订单商品列表 /// </summary> /// <param name="order_id">订单</param> /// <returns>List</returns> protected List<Model.article> get_order_goods_list(int order_id) { Model.orders model = new BLL.orders().GetModel(order_id); if (model == null) { return null; } List<Model.article> ls = new List<Model.article>(); if (model.order_goods != null) { foreach (Model.order_goods modelt in model.order_goods) { Model.article goodsModel = new BLL.article().GetModel(modelt.article_id); if (goodsModel != null) { ls.Add(goodsModel); } } } return ls; }
/// <summary> /// 重写虚方法,此方法在Init事件执行 /// </summary> protected override void InitPage() { id = DTRequest.GetQueryInt("id"); BLL.orders bll = new BLL.orders(); if (!bll.Exists(id)) { HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect(linkurl("error", "?msg=" + Utils.UrlEncode("出错了,您要浏览的页面不存在或已删除!"))); return; } model = bll.GetModel(id); if (model.user_id != userModel.id) { HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect(linkurl("error", "?msg=" + Utils.UrlEncode("出错了,您所查看的并非自己的订单信息!"))); return; } payModel = new BLL.site_payment().GetPaymentModel(model.payment_id); if (payModel == null) { payModel = new Model.payment(); } }
private void ShowInfo(int _id) { BLL.orders bll = new BLL.orders(); model = bll.GetModel(_id); payModel = new BLL.payment().GetModel(model.payment_id); userModel = new BLL.users().GetModel(model.user_id); if (userModel != null) { groupModel = new BLL.user_groups().GetModel(userModel.group_id); } if (payModel == null) { payModel = new Model.payment(); } this.rptList.DataSource = model.order_goods; this.rptList.DataBind(); //訂單狀態 if (model.status == 1) { if (payModel != null && payModel.type == 1) { if (model.payment_status > 1) { this.lbtnConfirm.Enabled = true; } } else { this.lbtnConfirm.Enabled = true; } } else if (model.status == 2 && model.distribution_status == 1) { this.lbtnSend.Enabled = true; } else if (model.status == 2 && model.distribution_status == 2) { this.lbtnComplete.Enabled = true; } }
private void RptBind(string _strWhere, string _orderby) { Model.wx_userweixin weixin = GetWeiXinCode(); this.page = MXRequest.GetQueryInt("page", 1); if (this.status > 0) { this.ddlStatus.SelectedValue = this.status.ToString(); } if (this.payment_status > 0) { this.ddlPaymentStatus.SelectedValue = this.payment_status.ToString(); } if (this.express_status > 0) { this.ddlExpressStatus.SelectedValue = this.express_status.ToString(); } txtKeywords.Text = this.keywords; BLL.orders bll = new BLL.orders(); DataSet ds = bll.GetList(weixin.id, this.pageSize, this.page, _strWhere, _orderby, out this.totalCount);; if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0 && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { DataRow dr; for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { dr = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]; dr["statusName"] = GetOrderStatus(MyCommFun.Obj2Int(dr["id"]), MyCommFun.Obj2Int(dr["status"]), MyCommFun.Obj2Int(dr["payment_status"]), MyCommFun.Obj2Int(dr["express_status"])); } } this.rptList.DataSource = ds; this.rptList.DataBind(); //绑定页码 txtPageNum.Text = this.pageSize.ToString(); string pageUrl = Utils.CombUrlTxt("order_list.aspx", "status={0}&payment_status={1}&express_status={2}&keywords={3}&page={4}", this.status.ToString(), this.payment_status.ToString(), this.express_status.ToString(), this.keywords, "__id__"); PageContent.InnerHtml = Utils.OutPageList(this.pageSize, this.page, this.totalCount, pageUrl, 8); }
protected string GetOrderStatus(int _id) { string _title = string.Empty; Model.orders model = new BLL.orders().GetModel(_id); switch (model.status) { case 1: //如果是线下支付,支付状态为0,如果是线上支付,支付成功后会自动改变订单状态为已确认 if (model.payment_status > 0) { _title = "待付款"; } else { _title = "待确认"; } break; case 2: //如果订单为已确认状态,则进入发货状态 if (model.express_status > 1) { _title = "已发货"; } else { _title = "待发货"; } break; case 3: _title = "交易完成"; break; case 4: _title = "已取消"; break; case 5: _title = "已作废"; break; } return _title; }
/// <summary> /// 返回订单是否需要在线支付 /// </summary> /// <param name="order_id">订单ID</param> /// <returns>bool</returns> public bool get_order_payment_status(int order_id) { Model.orders model = new BLL.orders().Get(order_id); if (model == null) { return(false); } if (model.status != 1) { return(false); } Model.payment payModel = new BLL.payment().Get(model.payment_id); if (payModel == null) { return(false); } if (payModel.type == 1 && model.payment_status == 1) { return(true); } return(false); }
/// <summary> /// 返回订单是否需要在线支付 /// </summary> /// <param name="order_id">订单ID</param> /// <returns>bool</returns> protected bool get_order_payment_status(int order_id) { Model.orders model = new BLL.orders().GetModel(order_id); if (model == null) { return false; } if (model.status == 0 || model.status == 2) { return false; } Model.payment payModel = new BLL.payment().GetModel(model.payment_id); if (payModel == null) { return false; } if (payModel.type == 1 && model.payment_status == 1) { return true; } return false; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { int site_payment_id = 0; //站点支付方式ID ResponseHandler resHandler = new ResponseHandler(Context); //创建ResponseHandler实例 string notify_id = resHandler.getParameter("notify_id"); //通知id string out_trade_no = resHandler.getParameter("out_trade_no").ToUpper(); //商户订单号 string transaction_id = resHandler.getParameter("transaction_id"); //财付通订单号 string total_fee = resHandler.getParameter("total_fee"); //金额,以分为单位 string discount = resHandler.getParameter("discount"); //如果有使用折扣券,discount有值,total_fee+discount=原请求的total_fee string trade_state = resHandler.getParameter("trade_state"); //支付结果 if (out_trade_no.StartsWith("R")) //充值订单 { site_payment_id = new BLL.user_recharge().GetPaymentId(out_trade_no); } else if (out_trade_no.StartsWith("B")) //商品订单 { site_payment_id = new BLL.orders().GetPaymentId(out_trade_no); } //找到站点支付方式ID开始验证 if (site_payment_id > 0) { TenpayUtil config = new TenpayUtil(site_payment_id); resHandler.setKey(config.key); //判断签名 if (resHandler.isTenpaySign()) { if ("0".Equals(trade_state)) { //给财付通系统发送成功信息,财付通系统收到此结果后不再进行后续通知 Response.Redirect(new Web.UI.BasePage().linkurl("payment", "?action=succeed&order_no=" + out_trade_no)); return; } } } //认证签名失败 Response.Redirect(new Web.UI.BasePage().linkurl("payment", "?action=error")); return; }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { context.Response.ContentType = "text/json"; string action = MyCommFun.QueryString("act"); Dictionary<string, string> jsonDict = new Dictionary<string, string>(); if (action == "orderRet") { #region //跳转到结果页面,查询订单的最终结果信息 string openid = MyCommFun.RequestOpenid(); int otid = MyCommFun.RequestInt("otid"); jsonDict = new Dictionary<string, string>(); if (openid == "" || otid == 0) { jsonDict.Add("ret", "err"); jsonDict.Add("content", "抱歉,参数不正确!"); context.Response.Write(MyCommFun.getJsonStr(jsonDict)); return; } BLL.orders otBll = new BLL.orders(); Model.orders ordertmp = otBll.GetModel(otid); if (ordertmp.payment_status == 2) { jsonDict.Add("ret", "ok"); jsonDict.Add("content", "下单已经成功!"); context.Response.Write(MyCommFun.getJsonStr(jsonDict)); } else { jsonDict.Add("ret", "err"); jsonDict.Add("content", "下单失败!"); context.Response.Write(MyCommFun.getJsonStr(jsonDict)); } #endregion } }
/// <summary> /// 返回订单商品列表 /// </summary> /// <param name="order_id">订单</param> /// <returns>List</returns> public List <Model.article> get_order_goods_list(int order_id) { Model.orders model = new BLL.orders().GetModel(order_id); if (model == null) { return(null); } List <Model.article> ls = new List <Model.article>(); if (model.order_goods != null) { foreach (Model.order_goods modelt in model.order_goods) { Model.article goodsModel = new BLL.article().GetModel(modelt.channel_id, modelt.article_id); if (goodsModel != null) { ls.Add(goodsModel); } } } return(ls); }
/// <summary> /// 返回订单是否需要在线支付 /// </summary> /// <param name="order_id">订单ID</param> /// <returns>bool</returns> protected bool get_order_payment_status(int order_id) { Model.orders model = new BLL.orders().GetModel(order_id); if (model == null) { return(false); } if (model.status == 0 || model.status == 2) { return(false); } Model.payment payModel = new BLL.payment().GetModel(model.payment_id); if (payModel == null) { return(false); } if (payModel.type == 1 && model.payment_status == 1) { return(true); } return(false); }
private void RptBind(string _strWhere, string _orderby) { this.page = Vincent._DTcms.DTRequest.GetQueryInt("page", 1); //if (this.status > 0) //{ // this.ddlStatus.SelectedValue = this.status.ToString(); //} //if (this.payment_status > 0) //{ // this.ddlPaymentStatus.SelectedValue = this.payment_status.ToString(); //} //if (this.express_status > 0) //{ // this.ddlExpressStatus.SelectedValue = this.express_status.ToString(); //} txtKeywords.Text = this.keywords; txtDate.Value = this.keyDate; BLL.orders bll = new BLL.orders(); BuysingooShop.Model.manager manModel = Session[Vincent._DTcms.DTKeys.SESSION_ADMIN_INFO] as Model.manager; //if (manModel.brand_id != 0) //{ // //_strWhere += " and brand_id=" + manModel.brand_id + " and preID=" + uid; // _strWhere += brend_id;//查询店长下线订单 //} this.rptList.DataSource = bll.Getoutlet_fuwuzhanbystoreid(this.pageSize, this.page, _strWhere, _orderby, out this.totalCount); this.rptList.DataBind(); //绑定页码 txtPageNum.Text = this.pageSize.ToString(); string pageUrl = Vincent._DTcms.Utils.CombUrlTxt("outlet_fuwuzhan.aspx", "status={0}&payment_status={1}&express_status={2}&keywords={3}&keyDate={4}&page={5}", this.status.ToString(), this.payment_status.ToString(), this.express_status.ToString(), this.keywords, this.keyDate, "__id__"); PageContent.InnerHtml = Vincent._DTcms.Utils.OutPageList(this.pageSize, this.page, this.totalCount, pageUrl, 8); }
private void RptBind(string _strWhere, string _orderby) { this.page = Vincent._DTcms.DTRequest.GetQueryInt("page", 1); if (this.outlet_id > 0) { this.ddlGroupId.SelectedValue = this.outlet_id.ToString(); } if (this.city_id > 0) { this.DropDownList1.SelectedValue = this.city_id.ToString(); } BLL.orders bll = new BLL.orders(); this.rptList.DataSource = bll.GetList1(this.pageSize, this.page, _strWhere, _orderby, out this.totalCount); this.rptList.DataBind(); //绑定页码 txtPageNum.Text = this.pageSize.ToString(); string pageUrl = Vincent._DTcms.Utils.CombUrlTxt("areareport.aspx", "keywords={0}&page={1}", "", "__id__"); PageContent.InnerHtml = Vincent._DTcms.Utils.OutPageList(this.pageSize, this.page, this.totalCount, pageUrl, 15); }
/// <summary> /// 订单详情页面 /// </summary> public void orderDetail() { int wid = MyCommFun.RequestInt("wid"); int orderId = MyCommFun.RequestInt("orderid"); BLL.orders oBll = new BLL.orders(); //Model.orders order = oBll.GetModel(orderId); IList <Model.orders> orderlist_detail = oBll.GetModelList(" id=" + orderId); if (orderlist_detail != null) { Model.orders order = orderlist_detail[0]; this.Document.SetValue("order", order); string statusName = GetOrderStatus(order.status, order.payment_status, order.express_status); this.Document.SetValue("statusName", statusName); string paymentName = new MxWeiXinPF.BLL.payment().GetTitle(wid, order.payment_id); this.Document.SetValue("paymentName", paymentName); string expressName = new MxWeiXinPF.BLL.express().GetTitle(order.express_id); this.Document.SetValue("expressName", expressName); } }
/// <summary> /// 重写虚方法,此方法在Init事件执行 /// </summary> protected override void InitPage() { id = DTRequest.GetQueryInt("id"); BLL.orders bll = new BLL.orders(); if (!bll.Exists(id)) { HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect(linkurl("error", "?msg=" + Utils.UrlEncode("出错了,您要浏览的页面不存在或已删除!"))); return; } model = bll.GetModel(id); if (model.user_id != userModel.id) { HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect(linkurl("error", "?msg=" + Utils.UrlEncode("出错了,您所查看的并非自己的订单信息!"))); return; } payModel = new BLL.payment().GetModel(model.payment_id); if (payModel == null) { payModel = new Model.payment(); } //根据订单状态和物流单号跟踪物流信息 if (model.status > 1 && model.status < 4 && model.express_status == 2 && model.express_no.Trim().Length > 0) { Model.express modelt = new BLL.express().GetModel(model.express_id); Model.orderconfig orderConfig = new BLL.orderconfig().loadConfig(); if (modelt != null && modelt.express_code.Trim().Length > 0 && orderConfig.kuaidiapi != "") { string apiurl = orderConfig.kuaidiapi + "?id=" + orderConfig.kuaidikey + "&com=" + modelt.express_code + "&nu=" + model.express_no + "&show=" + orderConfig.kuaidishow + "&muti=" + orderConfig.kuaidimuti + "&order=" + orderConfig.kuaidiorder; string detail = Utils.HttpGet(@apiurl); if (detail != null) { expressdetail = Utils.ToHtml(detail); } } } }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { context.Response.ContentType = "text/json"; string action = MyCommFun.QueryString("act"); Dictionary <string, string> jsonDict = new Dictionary <string, string>(); if (action == "orderRet") { #region //跳转到结果页面,查询订单的最终结果信息 string openid = MyCommFun.RequestOpenid(); int otid = MyCommFun.RequestInt("otid"); jsonDict = new Dictionary <string, string>(); if (openid == "" || otid == 0) { jsonDict.Add("ret", "err"); jsonDict.Add("content", "抱歉,参数不正确!"); context.Response.Write(MyCommFun.getJsonStr(jsonDict)); return; } BLL.orders otBll = new BLL.orders(); Model.orders ordertmp = otBll.GetModel(otid); if (ordertmp.payment_status == 2) { jsonDict.Add("ret", "ok"); jsonDict.Add("content", "下单已经成功!"); context.Response.Write(MyCommFun.getJsonStr(jsonDict)); } else { jsonDict.Add("ret", "err"); jsonDict.Add("content", "下单失败!"); context.Response.Write(MyCommFun.getJsonStr(jsonDict)); } #endregion } }
/// <summary> /// 重写虚方法,此方法在Init事件执行 /// </summary> protected override void InitPage() { id = DTRequest.GetQueryInt("id"); BLL.orders bll = new BLL.orders(); if (!bll.Exists(id)) { HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect(linkurl("error", "?msg=" + Utils.UrlEncode("出错了,您要浏览的页面不存在或已删除!"))); return; } model = bll.GetModel(id); if (model.user_id != userModel.id) { HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect(linkurl("error", "?msg=" + Utils.UrlEncode("出错了,您所查看的并非自己的订单信息!"))); return; } payModel = new BLL.site_payment().GetPaymentModel(model.payment_id); if (payModel == null) { payModel = new Model.payment(); } //根据订单状态和物流单号跟踪物流信息 if (model.status > 1 && model.status < 4 && model.express_status == 2 && model.express_no.Trim().Length > 0) { Model.express modelt = new BLL.express().GetModel(model.express_id); Model.orderconfig orderConfig = new BLL.orderconfig().loadConfig(); if (modelt != null && modelt.express_code.Trim().Length > 0 && orderConfig.kuaidiapi != "") { string apiurl = orderConfig.kuaidiapi + "?id=" + orderConfig.kuaidikey + "&com=" + modelt.express_code + "&nu=" + model.express_no + "&show=" + orderConfig.kuaidishow + "&muti=" + orderConfig.kuaidimuti + "&order=" + orderConfig.kuaidiorder; string detail = Utils.HttpGet(@apiurl); if (detail != null) { expressdetail = Utils.ToHtml(detail); } } } }
private void ShowInfo(int _id) { BLL.orders bll = new BLL.orders(); model = bll.GetModel(_id); //绑定商品列表 this.rptList.DataSource = model.order_goods; this.rptList.DataBind(); //获得会员信息 if (model.user_id > 0) { Model.users user_info = new BLL.users().GetModel(model.user_id); if (user_info != null) { Model.user_groups group_info = new BLL.user_groups().GetModel(user_info.group_id); if (group_info != null) { dlUserInfo.Visible = true; lbUserName.Text = user_info.user_name; lbUserGroup.Text = group_info.title; lbUserDiscount.Text = group_info.discount.ToString() + " %"; lbUserAmount.Text = user_info.amount.ToString(); lbUserPoint.Text = user_info.point.ToString(); } } } //根据订单状态,显示各类操作按钮 switch (model.status) { case 1: //如果是线下支付,支付状态为0,如果是线上支付,支付成功后会自动改变订单状态为已确认 if (model.payment_status > 0) { //确认付款、取消订单、修改收货按钮显示 btnPayment.Visible = btnCancel.Visible = btnEditAcceptInfo.Visible = true; } else { //确认订单、取消订单、修改收货按钮显示 btnConfirm.Visible = btnCancel.Visible = btnEditAcceptInfo.Visible = true; } //修改订单备注、修改商品总金额、修改配送费用、修改支付手续费、修改发票税金按钮显示 btnEditRemark.Visible = btnEditRealAmount.Visible = btnEditExpressFee.Visible = btnEditPaymentFee.Visible = btnEditInvoiceTaxes.Visible = true; break; case 2: //如果订单为已确认状态,则进入发货状态 if (model.express_status == 1) { //确认发货、取消订单、修改收货信息按钮显示 btnExpress.Visible = btnCancel.Visible = btnEditAcceptInfo.Visible = true; } else if (model.express_status == 2) { //完成订单、取消订单按钮可见 btnComplete.Visible = btnCancel.Visible = true; } //修改订单备注按钮可见 btnEditRemark.Visible = true; break; case 3: //作废订单、修改订单备注按钮可见 btnInvalid.Visible = btnEditRemark.Visible = true; break; } //根据订单状态和物流单号跟踪物流信息 if (model.express_status == 2 && model.express_no.Trim().Length > 0) { Model.express modelt = new BLL.express().GetModel(model.express_id); Model.orderconfig orderConfig = new BLL.orderconfig().loadConfig(); if (modelt != null && modelt.express_code.Trim().Length > 0 && orderConfig.kuaidiapi != "") { string apiurl = orderConfig.kuaidiapi + "?id=" + orderConfig.kuaidikey + "&com=" + modelt.express_code + "&nu=" + model.express_no + "&show=" + orderConfig.kuaidishow + "&muti=" + orderConfig.kuaidimuti + "&order=" + orderConfig.kuaidiorder; string detail = Utils.HttpGet(@apiurl); if (detail != null) { litExpressDetail.Text = Utils.ToHtml(detail); } } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //读取站点配置信息 Model.siteconfig siteConfig = new BLL.siteconfig().loadConfig(); //=============================获得订单信息================================ string order_no = MXRequest.GetFormString("pay_order_no").ToUpper(); //订单号 decimal order_amount = MXRequest.GetFormDecimal("pay_order_amount", 0); //订单金额 string user_name = MXRequest.GetFormString("pay_user_name"); //支付用户名 string subject = MXRequest.GetFormString("pay_subject"); //备注说明 string trans_type = string.Empty; //交易类型1实物2虚拟 if (order_no == "" || order_amount == 0) { Response.Redirect(new Web.UI.BasePage().linkurl("error", "?msg=" + Utils.UrlEncode("对不起,您提交的参数有误!"))); return; } if (order_no.StartsWith("R")) //R开头为在线充值订单 { Model.user_amount_log model = new BLL.user_amount_log().GetModel(order_no); if (model == null) { Response.Redirect(new Web.UI.BasePage().linkurl("error", "?msg=" + Utils.UrlEncode("对不起,您充值的订单号不存在或已删除!"))); return; } if (model.value != order_amount) { Response.Redirect(new Web.UI.BasePage().linkurl("error", "?msg=" + Utils.UrlEncode("对不起,您充值的订单金额与实际金额不一致!"))); return; } trans_type = "2"; } else //B开头为商品订单 { Model.orders model = new BLL.orders().GetModel(order_no); if (model == null) { Response.Redirect(new Web.UI.BasePage().linkurl("error", "?msg=" + Utils.UrlEncode("对不起,您支付的订单号不存在或已删除!"))); return; } if (model.order_amount != order_amount) { Response.Redirect(new Web.UI.BasePage().linkurl("error", "?msg=" + Utils.UrlEncode("对不起,您支付的订单金额与实际金额不一致!"))); return; } trans_type = "1"; } //检查会员还是匿名 if (user_name != "") { user_name = "支付会员:" + user_name; } else { user_name = "匿名用户"; } //===============================请求参数================================== //创建RequestHandler实例 RequestHandler reqHandler = new RequestHandler(Context); //初始化 reqHandler.init(); //设置密钥 reqHandler.setKey(TenpayUtil.key); reqHandler.setGateUrl("https://gw.tenpay.com/gateway/pay.htm"); //----------------------------- //设置支付参数 //----------------------------- reqHandler.setParameter("partner", TenpayUtil.partner); //商户号 reqHandler.setParameter("out_trade_no", order_no); //商家订单号 reqHandler.setParameter("total_fee", (Convert.ToDouble(order_amount) * 100).ToString()); //商品金额,以分为单位 reqHandler.setParameter("return_url", TenpayUtil.return_url); //交易完成后跳转的URL reqHandler.setParameter("notify_url", TenpayUtil.notify_url); //接收财付通通知的URL reqHandler.setParameter("body", user_name); //商品描述 reqHandler.setParameter("bank_type", "DEFAULT"); //银行类型(中介担保时此参数无效) reqHandler.setParameter("spbill_create_ip", Page.Request.UserHostAddress); //用户的公网ip,不是商户服务器IP reqHandler.setParameter("fee_type", "1"); //币种,1人民币 reqHandler.setParameter("subject", siteConfig.webname + "-" + subject); //商品名称(中介交易时必填) //系统可选参数 reqHandler.setParameter("sign_type", "MD5"); reqHandler.setParameter("service_version", "1.0"); reqHandler.setParameter("input_charset", "UTF-8"); reqHandler.setParameter("sign_key_index", "1"); //业务可选参数 reqHandler.setParameter("product_fee", "0"); //商品费用,必须保证transport_fee + product_fee=total_fee reqHandler.setParameter("transport_fee", "0"); //物流费用,必须保证transport_fee + product_fee=total_fee reqHandler.setParameter("time_start", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss")); //订单生成时间,格式为yyyymmddhhmmss reqHandler.setParameter("time_expire", ""); //订单失效时间,格式为yyyymmddhhmmss reqHandler.setParameter("buyer_id", ""); //买方财付通账号 reqHandler.setParameter("goods_tag", ""); //商品标记 reqHandler.setParameter("trade_mode", TenpayUtil.type); //交易模式,1即时到账(默认),2中介担保,3后台选择(买家进支付中心列表选择) reqHandler.setParameter("transport_desc", ""); //物流说明 reqHandler.setParameter("trans_type", "1"); //交易类型,1实物交易,2虚拟交易 reqHandler.setParameter("agentid", ""); //平台ID reqHandler.setParameter("agent_type", ""); //代理模式,0无代理(默认),1表示卡易售模式,2表示网店模式 reqHandler.setParameter("seller_id", ""); //卖家商户号,为空则等同于partner //获取请求带参数的url string requestUrl = reqHandler.getRequestURL(); //实现自动跳转=============================== StringBuilder sbHtml = new StringBuilder(); sbHtml.Append("<form id='tenpaysubmit' name='tenpaysubmit' action='" + reqHandler.getGateUrl() + "' method='get'>"); Hashtable ht = reqHandler.getAllParameters(); foreach (DictionaryEntry de in ht) { sbHtml.Append("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" + de.Key + "\" value=\"" + de.Value + "\" >\n"); } //submit按钮控件请不要含有name属性 sbHtml.Append("<input type='submit' value='确认' style='display:none;'></form>"); sbHtml.Append("<script>document.forms['tenpaysubmit'].submit();</script>"); Response.Write(sbHtml.ToString()); }
private void order_save(HttpContext context) { int payment_id = DTRequest.GetFormInt("payment_id"); int distribution_id = DTRequest.GetFormInt("distribution_id"); string accept_name = DTRequest.GetFormString("accept_name"); string post_code = DTRequest.GetFormString("post_code"); string telphone = DTRequest.GetFormString("telphone"); string mobile = DTRequest.GetFormString("mobile"); string address = DTRequest.GetFormString("address"); string message = DTRequest.GetFormString("message"); //检查配送方式 if (distribution_id == 0) { context.Response.Write("{\"msg\":0, \"msgbox\":\"对不起,请选择配送方式!\"}"); return; } Model.distribution disModel = new BLL.distribution().GetModel(distribution_id); if (disModel == null) { context.Response.Write("{\"msg\":0, \"msgbox\":\"对不起,您选择的配送方式不存在或已删除!\"}"); return; } //检查支付方式 if (payment_id == 0) { context.Response.Write("{\"msg\":0, \"msgbox\":\"对不起,请选择支付方式!\"}"); return; } Model.payment payModel = new BLL.payment().GetModel(payment_id); if (payModel == null) { context.Response.Write("{\"msg\":0, \"msgbox\":\"对不起,您选择的支付方式不存在或已删除!\"}"); return; } //检查收货人 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(accept_name)) { context.Response.Write("{\"msg\":0, \"msgbox\":\"对不起,请输入收货人姓名!\"}"); return; } //检查手机和电话 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(telphone) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(mobile)) { context.Response.Write("{\"msg\":0, \"msgbox\":\"对不起,请输入收货人联系电话或手机!\"}"); return; } //检查地址 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(address)) { context.Response.Write("{\"msg\":0, \"msgbox\":\"对不起,请输入详细的收货地址!\"}"); return; } //检查用户是否登录 Model.users userModel = new BasePage().GetUserInfo(); if (userModel == null) { context.Response.Write("{\"msg\":0, \"msgbox\":\"对不起,用户没有登录或登录超时啦!\"}"); return; } //检查购物车商品 IList<Model.cart_items> iList = DTcms.Web.UI.ShopCart.GetList(userModel.group_id); if (iList == null) { context.Response.Write("{\"msg\":0, \"msgbox\":\"对不起,购物车为空,无法结算!\"}"); return; } //统计购物车 Model.cart_total cartModel = DTcms.Web.UI.ShopCart.GetTotal(userModel.group_id); //保存订单======================================================================= Model.orders model = new Model.orders(); model.order_no = Utils.GetOrderNumber(); //订单号 model.user_id = userModel.id; model.user_name = userModel.user_name; model.payment_id = payment_id; model.distribution_id = distribution_id; model.accept_name = accept_name; model.post_code = post_code; model.telphone = telphone; model.mobile = mobile; model.address = address; model.message = message; model.payable_amount = cartModel.payable_amount; model.real_amount = cartModel.real_amount; model.payable_freight = disModel.amount; //应付运费 model.real_freight = disModel.amount; //实付运费 //如果是先款后货的话 if (payModel.type == 1) { if (payModel.poundage_type == 1) //百分比 { model.payment_fee = model.real_amount * payModel.poundage_amount / 100; } else //固定金额 { model.payment_fee = payModel.poundage_amount; } } //订单总金额=实付商品金额+运费+支付手续费 model.order_amount = model.real_amount + model.real_freight + model.payment_fee; //购物积分,可为负数 model.point = cartModel.total_point; model.add_time = DateTime.Now; //商品详细列表 List<Model.order_goods> gls = new List<Model.order_goods>(); foreach (Model.cart_items item in iList) { gls.Add(new Model.order_goods { goods_id = item.id, goods_name = item.title, goods_price = item.price, real_price = item.user_price, quantity = item.quantity, point = item.point }); } model.order_goods = gls; int result = new BLL.orders().Add(model); if (result < 1) { context.Response.Write("{\"msg\":0, \"msgbox\":\"订单保存过程中发生错误,请重新提交!\"}"); return; } //扣除积分 if (model.point < 0) { new BLL.point_log().Add(model.user_id, model.user_name, model.point, "积分换购,订单号:" + model.order_no); } //清空购物车 DTcms.Web.UI.ShopCart.Clear("0"); //提交成功,返回URL context.Response.Write("{\"msg\":1, \"url\":\"" + new Web.UI.BasePage().linkurl("payment1", "confirm", DTEnums.AmountTypeEnum.BuyGoods.ToString(), model.order_no) + "\", \"msgbox\":\"恭喜您,订单已成功提交!\"}"); return; }
private void order_cancel(HttpContext context) { //检查用户是否登录 Model.users userModel = new BasePage().GetUserInfo(); if (userModel == null) { context.Response.Write("{\"msg\":0, \"msgbox\":\"对不起,用户没有登录或登录超时啦!\"}"); return; } //检查订单是否存在 string order_no = DTRequest.GetQueryString("order_no"); Model.orders orderModel = new BLL.orders().GetModel(order_no); if (order_no == "" || orderModel == null) { context.Response.Write("{\"msg\":0, \"msgbox\":\"对不起,该订单号不存在啦!\"}"); return; } //检查是否自己的订单 if (userModel.id != orderModel.user_id) { context.Response.Write("{\"msg\":0, \"msgbox\":\"对不起,不能取消别人的订单状态!\"}"); return; } //检查订单状态 if (orderModel.status > 1) { context.Response.Write("{\"msg\":0, \"msgbox\":\"对不起,该订单不是生成状态,不能取消!\"}"); return; } bool result = new BLL.orders().UpdateField(order_no, "status=4"); if (!result) { context.Response.Write("{\"msg\":0, \"msgbox\":\"对不起,操作过程中发生不可遇知的错误!\"}"); return; } //如果是积分换购则返还积分 if (orderModel.point < 0) { new BLL.point_log().Add(orderModel.user_id, orderModel.user_name, -1 * orderModel.point, "取消订单,返还换购积分,订单号:" + orderModel.order_no); } context.Response.Write("{\"msg\":1, \"msgbox\":\"取消订单成功啦!\"}"); return; }
/// <summary> /// 将在Init事件执行 /// </summary> protected void payment_Init(object sender, EventArgs e) { //取得处事类型 action = DTRequest.GetString("action"); order_type = DTRequest.GetString("order_type"); order_no = DTRequest.GetString("order_no"); switch (action) { case "confirm": if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(action) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(order_type) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(order_no)) { HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect(config.webpath + "error.aspx?msg=" + Utils.UrlEncode("出错啦,URL传输参数有误!")); return; } //检查用户是否登录 userModel = new Web.UI.BasePage().GetUserInfo(); if (userModel == null) { //用户未登录 HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect(linkurl("payment", "login")); return; } //检查订单的类型(充值或购物) if (order_type == DTEnums.AmountTypeEnum.Recharge.ToString()) //充值 { amountModel = new BLL.amount_log().GetModel(order_no); if (amountModel == null) { HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect(config.webpath + "error.aspx?msg=" + Utils.UrlEncode("出错啦,订单号不存在或已删除!")); return; } //检查订单号是否已支付 if (amountModel.status == 1) { HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect(linkurl("payment1", "succeed", order_type, amountModel.order_no)); return; } //检查支付方式 payModel = new BLL.payment().GetModel(amountModel.payment_id); if (payModel == null) { HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect(config.webpath + "error.aspx?msg=" + Utils.UrlEncode("出错啦,支付方式不存在或已删除!")); return; } //检查是否线上支付 if (payModel.type == 2) { HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect(config.webpath + "error.aspx?msg=" + Utils.UrlEncode("出错啦,账户充值不允许线下支付!")); return; } order_amount = amountModel.value; //订单金额 } else if (order_type == DTEnums.AmountTypeEnum.BuyGoods.ToString()) //购物 { //检查订单是否存在 orderModel = new BLL.orders().GetModel(order_no); if (orderModel == null) { HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect(config.webpath + "error.aspx?msg=" + Utils.UrlEncode("出错啦,订单号不存在或已删除!")); return; } //检查是否已支付过 if (orderModel.payment_status == 2) { HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect(linkurl("payment1", "succeed", order_type, orderModel.order_no)); return; } //检查支付方式 payModel = new BLL.payment().GetModel(orderModel.payment_id); if (payModel == null) { HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect(config.webpath + "error.aspx?msg=" + Utils.UrlEncode("出错啦,支付方式不存在或已删除!")); return; } //检查是否线下付款 if (payModel.type == 2) { HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect(linkurl("payment1", "succeed", order_type, orderModel.order_no)); return; } //检查是否积分换购,直接跳转成功页面 if (orderModel.order_amount == 0) { //修改订单状态 bool result = new BLL.orders().UpdateField(orderModel.order_no, "payment_status=2,payment_time='" + DateTime.Now + "'"); if (!result) { HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect(linkurl("payment", "error")); return; } HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect(linkurl("payment1", "succeed", order_type, orderModel.order_no)); return; } order_amount = orderModel.order_amount; //订单金额 } else { HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect(config.webpath + "error.aspx?msg=" + Utils.UrlEncode("出错啦,找不到您要提交的订单类型!")); return; } break; case "succeed": //检查订单的类型(充值或购物) if (order_type == DTEnums.AmountTypeEnum.Recharge.ToString()) //充值 { amountModel = new BLL.amount_log().GetModel(order_no); if (amountModel == null) { HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect(config.webpath + "error.aspx?msg=" + Utils.UrlEncode("出错啦,订单号不存在或已删除!")); return; } } else if (order_type == DTEnums.AmountTypeEnum.BuyGoods.ToString()) //购物 { orderModel = new BLL.orders().GetModel(order_no); if (orderModel == null) { HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect(config.webpath + "error.aspx?msg=" + Utils.UrlEncode("出错啦,订单号不存在或已删除!")); return; } } else { HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect(config.webpath + "error.aspx?msg=" + Utils.UrlEncode("出错啦,找不到您要提交的订单类型!")); return; } break; } }
protected DataTable dt_other_goods = new DataTable(); //其他商品表 /// <summary> /// 重写虚方法,此方法将在Init事件前执行 /// </summary> protected override void ShowPage() { id = DTRequest.GetQueryInt("id"); page = DTRequest.GetQueryString("page"); BLL.article bll = new BLL.article(); if (id > 0) //如果ID获取到,将使用ID { if (!bll.Exists(id)) { HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect(linkurl("error", "?msg=" + Utils.UrlEncode("出错啦,您要浏览的页面不存在或已删除啦!"))); return; } model = bll.GetModel(id); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(page)) //否则检查设置的别名 { if (!bll.Exists(page)) { HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect(linkurl("error", "?msg=" + Utils.UrlEncode("出错啦,您要浏览的页面不存在或已删除啦!"))); return; } model = bll.GetModel(page); } else { return; } //跳转URL if (model.link_url != null) { model.link_url = model.link_url.Trim(); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.link_url)) { HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect(model.link_url); } //销量 DataTable dt_order_good_count = new BLL.orders().get_order_good_count(id).Tables[0]; if (dt_order_good_count != null && dt_order_good_count.Rows.Count > 0) { order_sum = Convert.ToDecimal(dt_order_good_count.Rows[0]["quantity"]); } Model.article_category model_category = new BLL.article_category().GetModel(model.category_id); #region //规格表 BLL.standard_price bll_standard_price = new BLL.standard_price(); DataTable dt_standard_price = bll_standard_price.GetList("good_id=" + id).Tables[0]; if (dt_standard_price != null && dt_standard_price.Rows.Count > 0) { BLL.standard bll_standard = new BLL.standard(); if (model_category != null) { DataTable dt_old_standard = bll_standard.GetList("'" + model_category.class_list + "' like '%,'+convert(nvarchar(10),category_id)+',%'").Tables[0]; dt_standard.Columns.Add("id", typeof(int)); dt_standard.Columns.Add("title", typeof(string)); dt_standard.Columns.Add("value", typeof(string)); dt_standard.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { dt_standard.Columns["id"] }; foreach (DataRow dr in dt_old_standard.Rows) { //if(Convert.ToInt32(dr[""])) DataRow new_dr = dt_standard.NewRow(); new_dr["id"] = dr["id"]; new_dr["title"] = dr["title"]; DataTable dt_standard_value = new BLL.standard_value().GetList("standard_id=" + dr["id"].ToString()).Tables[0]; if (dt_standard_value != null || dt_standard_value.Rows.Count > 0) { string str_value = ""; foreach (DataRow dr_value in dt_standard_value.Rows) { str_value += dr_value["id"].ToString() + "|" + dr_value["value"].ToString() + ","; } new_dr["value"] = str_value.TrimEnd(','); dt_standard.Rows.Add(new_dr); } } } } #endregion //单位表 BLL.unit bll_unit = new BLL.unit(); dt_unit = bll_unit.GetList("good_id=" + id).Tables[0]; //套餐() BLL.meal_good bll_meal_good = new BLL.meal_good(); BLL.meal bll_meal = new BLL.meal(); dt_meal = bll_meal.GetMealByGood(id, "jiejuefangan").Tables[0]; dt_meal.TableName = "dt_meal"; if (dt_meal != null && dt_meal.Rows.Count > 0) { //套餐商品 DataTable old_dt_meal_good = bll_meal_good.GetList("meal_id=" + dt_meal.Rows[0]["id"].ToString()).Tables[0]; dt_meal_good = new DataTable(); dt_meal_good.Columns.Add("meal_id"); dt_meal_good.Columns.Add("good_standard_price"); dt_meal_good.Columns.Add("title"); dt_meal_good.Columns.Add("all_title"); dt_meal_good.Columns.Add("img_url"); dt_meal_good.Columns.Add("good_id"); dt_meal_good.Columns.Add("price"); string str_meal_good_ids = ","; if (old_dt_meal_good != null && old_dt_meal_good.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow dr in old_dt_meal_good.Rows) { if (str_meal_good_ids.IndexOf("," + dr["good_id"].ToString() + "_" + dr["standard_price_id"].ToString() + ",") > -1) { continue; } str_meal_good_ids += dr["good_id"].ToString() + "_" + dr["standard_price_id"].ToString() + ","; Model.article modelt = bll.GetModel(Convert.ToInt32(dr["good_id"])); if (modelt != null) { Model.standard_price model_standard_price = bll_standard_price.GetModel(Convert.ToDecimal(dr["standard_price_id"])); string str_standard_price = ""; string str_unit = ""; if (model_standard_price != null) { for (int i = 0; i < model_standard_price.standards.Split(',').Length; i++) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model_standard_price.standards.Split(',')[i])) { str_standard_price += model_standard_price.standards.Split(',')[i]; if (i < model_standard_price.standard_values.Split(',').Length) { str_standard_price += ":" + model_standard_price.standard_values.Split(',')[i]; } } } } Model.unit model_unit = bll_unit.GetModel(Convert.ToDecimal(dr["unit_id"])); if (model_unit != null) { str_unit += "单位:" + model_unit.title + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model_unit.content) ? "" : model_unit.content); } DataRow new_dr = dt_meal_good.NewRow(); new_dr["meal_id"] = dr["meal_id"]; new_dr["title"] = Utils.CutString(modelt.title, 10); new_dr["good_standard_price"] = dr["good_id"].ToString() + dr["standard_price_id"].ToString(); new_dr["all_title"] = modelt.title + " " + str_standard_price + str_unit; new_dr["img_url"] = modelt.img_url; new_dr["price"] = dr["sell_price"]; new_dr["good_id"] = dr["good_id"]; dt_meal_good.Rows.Add(new_dr); } } dt_meal_good.TableName = "dt_meal_good"; } } //属性表 BLL.property_good bll_property_good = new BLL.property_good(); BLL.property bll_property = new BLL.property(); BLL.property_value bll_property_value = new BLL.property_value(); DataTable dt_old_property = bll_property_good.GetList("good_id=" + id).Tables[0]; dt_property.Columns.Add("id"); dt_property.Columns.Add("title"); dt_property.Columns.Add("value"); dt_property.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { dt_property.Columns["id"] }; foreach (DataRow dr in dt_old_property.Rows) { Model.property model_property = bll_property.GetModel(Convert.ToInt32(dr["property_id"])); Model.property_value model_property_value = bll_property_value.GetModel(Convert.ToDecimal(dr["property_value_id"])); if (model != null && model_property_value != null) { if (dt_property.Rows.Find(dr["property_id"]) != null) { dt_property.Rows.Find(dr["property_id"])["value"] = dt_property.Rows.Find(dr["property_id"])["value"].ToString() + "," + model_property_value.value; } else { DataRow new_dr = dt_property.NewRow(); new_dr["id"] = dr["property_id"]; new_dr["title"] = model_property.title; new_dr["value"] = model_property_value.value; dt_property.Rows.Add(new_dr); } } } //标签 BLL.tag_good bll_tag_good = new BLL.tag_good(); DataTable dt_tag_good = bll_tag_good.GetList("good_id=" + id).Tables[0]; dt_tag.Columns.Add("title"); foreach (DataRow dr in dt_tag_good.Rows) { Model.tag model_tag = new BLL.tag().GetModel(Convert.ToInt32(dr["tag_id"])); if (model_tag != null) { DataRow new_dr = dt_tag.NewRow(); new_dr["title"] = model_tag.title; dt_tag.Rows.Add(new_dr); } } //推荐搭配 dt_red = bll_meal.GetMealByGood(id, "tuijiandapei").Tables[0]; dt_red.TableName = "dt_red"; if (dt_red != null && dt_red.Rows.Count > 0) { DataTable old_dt_red_good = bll_meal_good.GetList("meal_id=" + dt_red.Rows[0]["id"].ToString()).Tables[0]; dt_red_good = new DataTable(); dt_red_good.Columns.Add("meal_id"); dt_red_good.Columns.Add("good_standard_price"); dt_red_good.Columns.Add("title"); dt_red_good.Columns.Add("all_title"); dt_red_good.Columns.Add("good_id"); dt_red_good.Columns.Add("img_url"); dt_red_good.Columns.Add("price"); string str_red_good_ids = ","; if (old_dt_red_good != null && old_dt_red_good.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow dr in old_dt_red_good.Rows) { if (str_red_good_ids.IndexOf("," + dr["good_id"].ToString() + "_" + dr["standard_price_id"].ToString() + ",") > -1) { continue; } str_red_good_ids += dr["good_id"].ToString() + "_" + dr["standard_price_id"].ToString() + ","; Model.article modelt = bll.GetModel(Convert.ToInt32(dr["good_id"])); if (modelt != null) { Model.standard_price model_standard_price = bll_standard_price.GetModel(Convert.ToDecimal(dr["standard_price_id"])); string str_standard_price = ""; string str_unit = ""; if (model_standard_price != null) { for (int i = 0; i < model_standard_price.standards.Split(',').Length; i++) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model_standard_price.standards.Split(',')[i])) { str_standard_price += model_standard_price.standards.Split(',')[i]; if (i < model_standard_price.standard_values.Split(',').Length) { str_standard_price += ":" + model_standard_price.standard_values.Split(',')[i]; } } } } Model.unit model_unit = bll_unit.GetModel(Convert.ToDecimal(dr["unit_id"])); if (model_unit != null) { str_unit += "单位:" + model_unit.title + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model_unit.content) ? "" : model_unit.content); } DataRow new_dr = dt_red_good.NewRow(); new_dr["meal_id"] = dr["meal_id"]; new_dr["title"] = Utils.CutString(modelt.title, 10); new_dr["good_standard_price"] = dr["good_id"].ToString() + dr["standard_price_id"].ToString(); new_dr["all_title"] = modelt.title + " " + str_standard_price + str_unit; new_dr["img_url"] = modelt.img_url; new_dr["price"] = dr["sell_price"]; new_dr["good_id"] = dr["good_id"]; dt_red_good.Rows.Add(new_dr); } } dt_red_good.TableName = "dt_red_good"; } } //类别相关 if (model_category != null) { if (new BLL.article_category().GetModel(model_category.parent_id) != null) { parent_category_title = new BLL.article_category().GetModel(model_category.parent_id).title; dt_category = new BLL.article_category().GetList(model_category.parent_id, "goods"); } dt_other_goods = bll.get_order_buy_good(5, model_category.id).Tables[0]; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //读取站点配置信息 Model.siteconfig siteConfig = new BLL.siteconfig().loadConfig(); string order_no = MXRequest.GetFormString("pay_order_no").ToUpper(); BLL.orders objorders = new BLL.orders(); Model.orders modelorders = objorders.GetModel(order_no); if (modelorders == null) { Response.Redirect(new Web.UI.BasePage().linkurl("error", "?msg=" + Utils.UrlEncode("对不起,订单详情获取出错,请重试!"))); return; } decimal order_amount = modelorders.payable_amount; string subject = MXRequest.GetFormString("pay_subject"); if (order_no == "" || order_amount == 0) { Response.Redirect(new Web.UI.BasePage().linkurl("error", "?msg=" + Utils.UrlEncode("对不起,您提交的参数有误!"))); return; } //检查是否已登录 Model.users userModel = new Web.UI.BasePage().GetUserInfo(); if (userModel == null) { Response.Redirect(new Web.UI.BasePage().linkurl("payment", "login")); //尚未登录 return; } if (userModel.amount < order_amount) { Response.Redirect(new Web.UI.BasePage().linkurl("payment", "recharge")); //账户的余额不足 return; } if (order_no.StartsWith("B")) //B开头为商品订单 { BLL.orders bll = new BLL.orders(); Model.orders model = bll.GetModel(order_no); if (model == null) { Response.Redirect(new Web.UI.BasePage().linkurl("error", "?msg=" + Utils.UrlEncode("对不起,商品订单号不存在!"))); return; } if (model.payment_status == 1) { //执行扣取账户金额 int result = new BLL.user_amount_log().Add(userModel.id, userModel.user_name, MXEnums.AmountTypeEnum.BuyGoods.ToString(), order_no, model.payment_id, -1 * order_amount, subject, 1); if (result > 0) { //更改订单状态 bool result1 = bll.UpdateField(order_no, "status=2,payment_status=2,payment_time='" + DateTime.Now + "'"); if (!result1) { Response.Redirect(new Web.UI.BasePage().linkurl("payment", "error")); return; } //扣除积分 if (model.point < 0) { new BLL.user_point_log().Add(model.user_id, model.user_name, model.point, "换购扣除积分,订单号:" + model.order_no, false); } } else { Response.Redirect(new Web.UI.BasePage().linkurl("payment", "error")); return; } } //支付成功 Response.Redirect(new Web.UI.BasePage().linkurl("payment", "succeed", order_no)); return; } Response.Redirect(new Web.UI.BasePage().linkurl("error", "?msg=" + Utils.UrlEncode("对不起,找不到需要支付的订单类型!"))); return; }
/// <summary> /// 将在Init事件执行 /// </summary> protected void payment_Init(object sender, EventArgs e) { //取得处事类型 action = DTRequest.GetString("action"); order_no = DTRequest.GetString("order_no"); if (order_no.ToUpper().StartsWith("R")) //充值订单 { order_type = DTEnums.AmountTypeEnum.Recharge.ToString().ToLower(); } else if (order_no.ToUpper().StartsWith("B")) //商品订单 { order_type = DTEnums.AmountTypeEnum.BuyGoods.ToString().ToLower(); } switch (action) { case "confirm": if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(action) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(order_no)) { HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect(linkurl("error", "?msg=" + Utils.UrlEncode("出错啦,URL传输参数有误!"))); return; } //是否需要支持匿名购物 userModel = new Web.UI.BasePage().GetUserInfo(); //取得用户登录信息 if (orderConfig.anonymous == 0 || order_no.ToUpper().StartsWith("R")) { if (userModel == null) { //用户未登录 HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect(linkurl("payment", "?action=login")); return; } } else if (userModel == null) { userModel = new Model.users(); } //检查订单的类型(充值或购物) if (order_no.ToUpper().StartsWith("R")) //充值订单 { rechargeModel = new BLL.user_recharge().GetModel(order_no); if (rechargeModel == null) { HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect(linkurl("error", "?msg=" + Utils.UrlEncode("出错啦,订单号不存在或已删除!"))); return; } //检查订单号是否已支付 if (rechargeModel.status == 1) { HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect(linkurl("payment", "?action=succeed&order_no=" + rechargeModel.recharge_no)); return; } //检查支付方式 payModel = new BLL.payment().GetModel(rechargeModel.payment_id); if (payModel == null) { HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect(linkurl("error", "?msg=" + Utils.UrlEncode("出错啦,支付方式不存在或已删除!"))); return; } //检查是否线上支付 if (payModel.type == 2) { HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect(linkurl("error", "?msg=" + Utils.UrlEncode("出错啦,账户充值不允许线下支付!"))); return; } order_amount = rechargeModel.amount; //订单金额 } else if (order_no.ToUpper().StartsWith("B")) //商品订单 { //检查订单是否存在 orderModel = new BLL.orders().GetModel(order_no); if (orderModel == null) { HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect(linkurl("error", "?msg=" + Utils.UrlEncode("出错啦,订单号不存在或已删除!"))); return; } //检查是否已支付过 if (orderModel.payment_status == 2) { HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect(linkurl("payment", "?action=succeed&order_no=" + orderModel.order_no)); return; } //检查支付方式 payModel = new BLL.payment().GetModel(orderModel.payment_id); if (payModel == null) { HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect(linkurl("error", "?msg=" + Utils.UrlEncode("出错啦,支付方式不存在或已删除!"))); return; } //检查是否线下付款 if (orderModel.payment_status == 0) { HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect(linkurl("payment", "?action=succeed&order_no=" + orderModel.order_no)); return; } //检查是否积分换购,直接跳转成功页面 if (orderModel.order_amount == 0) { //修改订单状态 bool result = new BLL.orders().UpdateField(orderModel.order_no, "status=2,payment_status=2,payment_time='" + DateTime.Now + "'"); if (!result) { HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect(linkurl("payment", "?action=error")); return; } HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect(linkurl("payment", "?action=succeed&order_no=" + orderModel.order_no)); return; } order_amount = orderModel.order_amount; //订单金额 } else { HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect(linkurl("error", "?msg=" + Utils.UrlEncode("出错啦,找不到您要提交的订单类型!"))); return; } break; case "succeed": //检查订单的类型(充值或购物) if (order_no.ToUpper().StartsWith("R")) //充值订单 { rechargeModel = new BLL.user_recharge().GetModel(order_no); if (rechargeModel == null) { HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect(linkurl("error", "?msg=" + Utils.UrlEncode("出错啦,订单号不存在或已删除!"))); return; } } else if (order_no.ToUpper().StartsWith("B")) //商品订单 { orderModel = new BLL.orders().GetModel(order_no); if (orderModel == null) { HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect(linkurl("error", "?msg=" + Utils.UrlEncode("出错啦,订单号不存在或已删除!"))); return; } } else { HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect(linkurl("error", "?msg=" + Utils.UrlEncode("出错啦,找不到您要提交的订单类型!"))); return; } break; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //读取站点配置信息 Model.siteconfig siteConfig = new BLL.siteconfig().loadConfig(); //=============================获得订单信息================================ string order_no = DTRequest.GetFormString("pay_order_no").ToUpper(); decimal order_amount = DTRequest.GetFormDecimal("pay_order_amount", 0); string user_name = DTRequest.GetFormString("pay_user_name"); string subject = DTRequest.GetFormString("pay_subject"); //以下收货人信息 string receive_name = string.Empty; //收货人姓名 string receive_address = string.Empty; //收货人地址 string receive_zip = string.Empty; //收货人邮编 string receive_phone = string.Empty; //收货人电话 string receive_mobile = string.Empty; //收货人手机 //检查参数是否正确 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(order_no) || order_amount == 0) { Response.Redirect(new Web.UI.BasePage().linkurl("error", "?msg=" + Utils.UrlEncode("对不起,您提交的参数有误!"))); return; } if (order_no.StartsWith("R")) //R开头为在线充值订单 { Model.user_recharge model = new BLL.user_recharge().GetModel(order_no); if (model == null) { Response.Redirect(new Web.UI.BasePage().linkurl("error", "?msg=" + Utils.UrlEncode("对不起,您充值的订单号不存在或已删除!"))); return; } if (model.amount != order_amount) { Response.Redirect(new Web.UI.BasePage().linkurl("error", "?msg=" + Utils.UrlEncode("对不起,您充值的订单金额与实际金额不一致!"))); return; } //取得用户信息 Model.users userModel = new BLL.users().GetModel(model.user_id); if (userModel == null) { Response.Redirect(new Web.UI.BasePage().linkurl("error", "?msg=" + Utils.UrlEncode("对不起,用户账户不存在或已删除!"))); return; } receive_name = userModel.nick_name; receive_address = userModel.address; receive_phone = userModel.telphone; receive_mobile = userModel.mobile; } else //B开头为商品订单 { Model.orders model = new BLL.orders().GetModel(order_no); if (model == null) { Response.Redirect(new Web.UI.BasePage().linkurl("error", "?msg=" + Utils.UrlEncode("对不起,您支付的订单号不存在或已删除!"))); return; } if (model.order_amount != order_amount) { Response.Redirect(new Web.UI.BasePage().linkurl("error", "?msg=" + Utils.UrlEncode("对不起,您支付的订单金额与实际金额不一致!"))); return; } receive_name = model.accept_name; receive_address = model.address; receive_zip = model.post_code; receive_phone = model.telphone; receive_mobile = model.mobile; } if (user_name != "") { user_name = "支付会员:" + user_name; } else { user_name = "匿名用户"; } //===============================请求参数================================== //判断担保或是即时到帐接口 if (Config.Type == "1") //即时到帐 { //把请求参数打包成数组 SortedDictionary<string, string> sParaTemp = new SortedDictionary<string, string>(); sParaTemp.Add("payment_type", "1"); //收款类型1商品购买 sParaTemp.Add("show_url", siteConfig.weburl); //商品展示地址 sParaTemp.Add("out_trade_no", order_no); //网站订单号 sParaTemp.Add("subject", siteConfig.webname + "-" + subject); //订单名称 sParaTemp.Add("body", user_name); //订单描述 sParaTemp.Add("total_fee", order_amount.ToString()); //订单总金额 sParaTemp.Add("paymethod", ""); //默认支付方式 sParaTemp.Add("defaultbank", ""); //默认网银代号 sParaTemp.Add("anti_phishing_key", ""); //防钓鱼时间戳 sParaTemp.Add("exter_invoke_ip", DTRequest.GetIP()); ////获取客户端的IP地址 sParaTemp.Add("buyer_email", ""); //默认买家支付宝账号 sParaTemp.Add("royalty_type", ""); sParaTemp.Add("royalty_parameters", ""); //构造即时到帐接口表单提交HTML数据,无需修改 Service ali = new Service(); string sHtmlText = ali.Create_direct_pay_by_user(sParaTemp); Response.Write(sHtmlText); } else //担保交易 { //把请求参数打包成数组 SortedDictionary<string, string> sParaTemp = new SortedDictionary<string, string>(); sParaTemp.Add("payment_type", "1"); //收款类型1商品购买 sParaTemp.Add("out_trade_no", order_no); //网站订单号 sParaTemp.Add("subject", siteConfig.webname + "-" + subject); //订单名称 sParaTemp.Add("price", order_amount.ToString()); //付款金额 sParaTemp.Add("quantity", "1"); //建议默认为1,不改变值,把一次交易看成是一次下订单而非购买一件商品 sParaTemp.Add("logistics_fee", "0.00"); //物流费用 sParaTemp.Add("logistics_type", "EXPRESS"); //物流类型,EXPRESS(快递)、POST(平邮)、EMS(EMS) sParaTemp.Add("logistics_payment", "SELLER_PAY"); //物流支付方式,SELLER_PAY(卖家承担运费)、BUYER_PAY(买家承担运费) sParaTemp.Add("body", user_name); //订单描述 sParaTemp.Add("show_url", siteConfig.weburl); //商品展示地址 sParaTemp.Add("receive_name", receive_name); //收货人姓名 sParaTemp.Add("receive_address", receive_address); //收货人地址 sParaTemp.Add("receive_zip", receive_zip); //收货人邮编 sParaTemp.Add("receive_phone", receive_phone); //收货人电话号码 sParaTemp.Add("receive_mobile", receive_mobile); //收货人手机号码 //构造即时到帐接口表单提交HTML数据,无需修改 Service ali = new Service(); string sHtmlText = ali.Create_partner_trade_by_buyer(sParaTemp); Response.Write(sHtmlText); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { int site_payment_id = 0; //站点支付方式ID SortedDictionary <string, string> sPara = GetRequestPost(); if (sPara.Count > 0) //判断是否有带返回参数 { string trade_no = DTRequest.GetString("trade_no"); //支付宝交易号 string order_no = DTRequest.GetString("out_trade_no").ToUpper(); //获取订单号 string total_fee = DTRequest.GetString("total_fee"); //获取总金额 string trade_status = DTRequest.GetString("trade_status"); //交易状态 if (order_no.StartsWith("R")) //充值订单 { site_payment_id = new BLL.user_recharge().GetPaymentId(order_no); } else if (order_no.StartsWith("B")) //商品订单 { site_payment_id = new BLL.orders().GetPaymentId(order_no); } if (site_payment_id == 0) { Response.Write("该订单号不存在"); return; } //找到站点支付方式ID开始验证 Notify aliNotify = new Notify(site_payment_id); bool verifyResult = aliNotify.Verify(sPara, DTRequest.GetString("notify_id"), DTRequest.GetString("sign")); if (verifyResult)//验证成功 { if (trade_status == "TRADE_FINISHED" || trade_status == "TRADE_SUCCESS") { if (order_no.StartsWith("R")) //充值订单 { BLL.user_recharge bll = new BLL.user_recharge(); Model.user_recharge model = bll.GetModel(order_no); if (model == null) { Response.Write("该订单号不存在"); return; } if (model.status == 1) //已成功 { Response.Write("success"); return; } if (model.amount != decimal.Parse(total_fee)) { Response.Write("订单金额和支付金额不相符"); return; } bool result = bll.Confirm(order_no); if (!result) { Response.Write("修改订单状态失败"); return; } } else if (order_no.StartsWith("B")) //商品订单 { BLL.orders bll = new BLL.orders(); Model.orders model = bll.GetModel(order_no); if (model == null) { Response.Write("该订单号不存在"); return; } if (model.payment_status == 2) //已付款 { Response.Write("success"); return; } if (model.order_amount != decimal.Parse(total_fee)) { Response.Write("订单金额和支付金额不相符"); return; } bool result = bll.UpdateField(order_no, "trade_no='" + trade_no + "',status=2,payment_status=2,payment_time='" + DateTime.Now + "'"); if (!result) { Response.Write("修改订单状态失败"); return; } //扣除积分 if (model.point < 0) { new BLL.user_point_log().Add(model.user_id, model.user_name, model.point, "换购扣除积分,订单号:" + model.order_no, false); } } } Response.Write("success"); //请不要修改或删除 } else//验证失败 { Response.Write("fail"); } } else { Response.Write("无通知参数"); } }
private void ShowInfo(int _id) { BLL.orders bll = new BLL.orders(); model = bll.GetModelGoods(_id); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { SortedDictionary<string, string> sPara = GetRequestPost(); if (sPara.Count > 0)//判断是否有带返回参数 { Notify aliNotify = new Notify(); bool verifyResult = aliNotify.Verify(sPara, DTRequest.GetString("notify_id"), DTRequest.GetString("sign")); if (verifyResult)//验证成功 { string trade_no = DTRequest.GetString("trade_no"); //支付宝交易号 string order_no = DTRequest.GetString("out_trade_no"); //获取订单号 string total_fee = DTRequest.GetString("total_fee"); //获取总金额 string subject = DTRequest.GetString("subject"); //商品名称、订单名称 string body = DTRequest.GetString("body"); //商品描述、订单备注、描述 string buyer_email = DTRequest.GetString("buyer_email"); //买家支付宝账号 string trade_status = DTRequest.GetString("trade_status"); //交易状态 string order_type = DTRequest.GetString("extra_common_param"); //订单交易类别 if (DTRequest.GetString("trade_status") == "TRADE_FINISHED" || DTRequest.GetString("trade_status") == "TRADE_SUCCESS") { //修改支付状态、时间 if (order_type.ToLower() == DTEnums.AmountTypeEnum.Recharge.ToString().ToLower()) //在线充值 { BLL.amount_log bll = new BLL.amount_log(); Model.amount_log model = bll.GetModel(order_no); if (model == null) { Response.Write("该订单号不存在"); return; } if (model.value != decimal.Parse(total_fee)) { Response.Write("订单金额和支付金额不相符"); return; } model.status = 1; model.complete_time = DateTime.Now; bool result = bll.Update(model); if (!result) { Response.Write("修改订单状态失败"); return; } } else if (order_type.ToLower() == DTEnums.AmountTypeEnum.BuyGoods.ToString().ToLower()) //购买商品 { BLL.orders bll = new BLL.orders(); Model.orders model = bll.GetModel(order_no); if (model == null) { Response.Write("该订单号不存在"); return; } if (model.order_amount != decimal.Parse(total_fee)) { Response.Write("订单金额和支付金额不相符"); return; } bool result = bll.UpdateField(order_no, "payment_status=2,payment_time='" + DateTime.Now + "'"); if (!result) { Response.Write("修改订单状态失败"); return; } //扣除积分 if (model.point < 0) { new BLL.point_log().Add(model.user_id, model.user_name, model.point, "换购扣除积分,订单号:" + model.order_no); } } } Response.Write("success"); //请不要修改或删除 } else//验证失败 { Response.Write("fail"); } } else { Response.Write("无通知参数"); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //读取站点配置信息 Model.siteconfig siteConfig = new BLL.siteconfig().loadConfig(); //=============================获得订单信息================================ string order_no = DTRequest.GetFormString("pay_order_no").ToUpper(); decimal order_amount = DTRequest.GetFormDecimal("pay_order_amount", 0); string user_name = DTRequest.GetFormString("pay_user_name"); string subject = DTRequest.GetFormString("pay_subject"); //以下收货人信息 string receive_name = string.Empty; //收货人姓名 string receive_address = string.Empty; //收货人地址 string receive_zip = string.Empty; //收货人邮编 string receive_phone = string.Empty; //收货人电话 string receive_mobile = string.Empty; //收货人手机 //检查参数是否正确 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(order_no) || order_amount == 0) { Response.Redirect(new Web.UI.BasePage().linkurl("error", "?msg=" + Utils.UrlEncode("对不起,您提交的参数有误!"))); return; } if (order_no.StartsWith("R")) //R开头为在线充值订单 { Model.user_recharge model = new BLL.user_recharge().GetModel(order_no); if (model == null) { Response.Redirect(new Web.UI.BasePage().linkurl("error", "?msg=" + Utils.UrlEncode("对不起,您充值的订单号不存在或已删除!"))); return; } if (model.amount != order_amount) { Response.Redirect(new Web.UI.BasePage().linkurl("error", "?msg=" + Utils.UrlEncode("对不起,您充值的订单金额与实际金额不一致!"))); return; } //取得用户信息 Model.users userModel = new BLL.users().GetModel(model.user_id); if (userModel == null) { Response.Redirect(new Web.UI.BasePage().linkurl("error", "?msg=" + Utils.UrlEncode("对不起,用户账户不存在或已删除!"))); return; } receive_name = userModel.nick_name; receive_address = userModel.address; receive_phone = userModel.telphone; receive_mobile = userModel.mobile; } else //B开头为商品订单 { Model.orders model = new BLL.orders().GetModel(order_no); if (model == null) { Response.Redirect(new Web.UI.BasePage().linkurl("error", "?msg=" + Utils.UrlEncode("对不起,您支付的订单号不存在或已删除!"))); return; } if (model.order_amount != order_amount) { Response.Redirect(new Web.UI.BasePage().linkurl("error", "?msg=" + Utils.UrlEncode("对不起,您支付的订单金额与实际金额不一致!"))); return; } receive_name = model.accept_name; receive_address = model.address; receive_zip = model.post_code; receive_phone = model.telphone; receive_mobile = model.mobile; } if (user_name != "") { user_name = "支付会员:" + user_name; } else { user_name = "匿名用户"; } //===============================请求参数================================== //判断担保或是即时到帐接口 if (Config.Type == "1") //即时到帐 { //把请求参数打包成数组 SortedDictionary <string, string> sParaTemp = new SortedDictionary <string, string>(); sParaTemp.Add("payment_type", "1"); //收款类型1商品购买 sParaTemp.Add("show_url", siteConfig.weburl); //商品展示地址 sParaTemp.Add("out_trade_no", order_no); //网站订单号 sParaTemp.Add("subject", siteConfig.webname + "-" + subject); //订单名称 sParaTemp.Add("body", user_name); //订单描述 sParaTemp.Add("total_fee", order_amount.ToString()); //订单总金额 sParaTemp.Add("paymethod", ""); //默认支付方式 sParaTemp.Add("defaultbank", ""); //默认网银代号 sParaTemp.Add("anti_phishing_key", ""); //防钓鱼时间戳 sParaTemp.Add("exter_invoke_ip", DTRequest.GetIP()); ////获取客户端的IP地址 sParaTemp.Add("buyer_email", ""); //默认买家支付宝账号 sParaTemp.Add("royalty_type", ""); sParaTemp.Add("royalty_parameters", ""); //构造即时到帐接口表单提交HTML数据,无需修改 Service ali = new Service(); string sHtmlText = ali.Create_direct_pay_by_user(sParaTemp); Response.Write(sHtmlText); } else //担保交易 { //把请求参数打包成数组 SortedDictionary <string, string> sParaTemp = new SortedDictionary <string, string>(); sParaTemp.Add("payment_type", "1"); //收款类型1商品购买 sParaTemp.Add("out_trade_no", order_no); //网站订单号 sParaTemp.Add("subject", siteConfig.webname + "-" + subject); //订单名称 sParaTemp.Add("price", order_amount.ToString()); //付款金额 sParaTemp.Add("quantity", "1"); //建议默认为1,不改变值,把一次交易看成是一次下订单而非购买一件商品 sParaTemp.Add("logistics_fee", "0.00"); //物流费用 sParaTemp.Add("logistics_type", "EXPRESS"); //物流类型,EXPRESS(快递)、POST(平邮)、EMS(EMS) sParaTemp.Add("logistics_payment", "SELLER_PAY"); //物流支付方式,SELLER_PAY(卖家承担运费)、BUYER_PAY(买家承担运费) sParaTemp.Add("body", user_name); //订单描述 sParaTemp.Add("show_url", siteConfig.weburl); //商品展示地址 sParaTemp.Add("receive_name", receive_name); //收货人姓名 sParaTemp.Add("receive_address", receive_address); //收货人地址 sParaTemp.Add("receive_zip", receive_zip); //收货人邮编 sParaTemp.Add("receive_phone", receive_phone); //收货人电话号码 sParaTemp.Add("receive_mobile", receive_mobile); //收货人手机号码 //构造即时到帐接口表单提交HTML数据,无需修改 Service ali = new Service(); string sHtmlText = ali.Create_partner_trade_by_buyer(sParaTemp); Response.Write(sHtmlText); } }
/// <summary> /// 将在Init事件执行 /// </summary> protected void payment_Init(object sender, EventArgs e) { //取得处事类型 action = DTRequest.GetString("action"); order_no = DTRequest.GetString("order_no"); if (order_no.ToUpper().StartsWith("R")) //充值订单 { order_type = DTEnums.AmountTypeEnum.Recharge.ToString().ToLower(); } else if (order_no.ToUpper().StartsWith("B")) //商品订单 { order_type = DTEnums.AmountTypeEnum.BuyGoods.ToString().ToLower(); } switch (action) { case "confirm": if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(action) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(order_no)) { HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect(linkurl("error", "?msg=" + Utils.UrlEncode("出错啦,URL传输参数有误!"))); return; } //是否需要支持匿名购物 userModel = new Web.UI.BasePage().GetUserInfo(); //取得用户登录信息 if (orderConfig.anonymous == 0 || order_no.ToUpper().StartsWith("R")) { if (userModel == null) { //用户未登录 HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect(linkurl("payment", "?action=login")); return; } } else if (userModel == null) { userModel = new Model.users(); } //检查订单的类型(充值或购物) if (order_no.ToUpper().StartsWith("R")) //充值订单 { rechargeModel = new BLL.user_recharge().GetModel(order_no); if (rechargeModel == null) { HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect(linkurl("error", "?msg=" + Utils.UrlEncode("出错啦,订单号不存在或已删除!"))); return; } //检查订单号是否已支付 if (rechargeModel.status == 1) { HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect(linkurl("payment", "?action=succeed&order_no=" + rechargeModel.recharge_no)); return; } //检查支付方式 payModel = new BLL.site_payment().GetPaymentModel(rechargeModel.payment_id); if (payModel == null) { HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect(linkurl("error", "?msg=" + Utils.UrlEncode("出错啦,支付方式不存在或已删除!"))); return; } //检查是否线上支付 if (payModel.type == 2) { HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect(linkurl("error", "?msg=" + Utils.UrlEncode("出错啦,账户充值不允许线下支付!"))); return; } order_amount = rechargeModel.amount; //订单金额 } else if (order_no.ToUpper().StartsWith("B")) //商品订单 { //检查订单是否存在 orderModel = new BLL.orders().GetModel(order_no); if (orderModel == null) { HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect(linkurl("error", "?msg=" + Utils.UrlEncode("出错啦,订单号不存在或已删除!"))); return; } //检查是否已支付过 if (orderModel.payment_status == 2) { HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect(linkurl("payment", "?action=succeed&order_no=" + orderModel.order_no)); return; } //检查支付方式 payModel = new BLL.site_payment().GetPaymentModel(orderModel.payment_id); if (payModel == null) { HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect(linkurl("error", "?msg=" + Utils.UrlEncode("出错啦,支付方式不存在或已删除!"))); return; } //检查是否线下付款 if (orderModel.payment_status == 0) { HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect(linkurl("payment", "?action=succeed&order_no=" + orderModel.order_no)); return; } //检查是否积分换购,直接跳转成功页面 if (orderModel.order_amount == 0) { //修改订单状态 bool result = new BLL.orders().UpdateField(orderModel.order_no, "status=2,payment_status=2,payment_time='" + DateTime.Now + "'"); if (!result) { HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect(linkurl("payment", "?action=error")); return; } HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect(linkurl("payment", "?action=succeed&order_no=" + orderModel.order_no)); return; } order_amount = orderModel.order_amount; //订单金额 } else { HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect(linkurl("error", "?msg=" + Utils.UrlEncode("出错啦,找不到您要提交的订单类型!"))); return; } break; case "succeed": //检查订单的类型(充值或购物) if (order_no.ToUpper().StartsWith("R")) //充值订单 { rechargeModel = new BLL.user_recharge().GetModel(order_no); if (rechargeModel == null) { HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect(linkurl("error", "?msg=" + Utils.UrlEncode("出错啦,订单号不存在或已删除!"))); return; } } else if (order_no.ToUpper().StartsWith("B")) //商品订单 { orderModel = new BLL.orders().GetModel(order_no); if (orderModel == null) { HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect(linkurl("error", "?msg=" + Utils.UrlEncode("出错啦,订单号不存在或已删除!"))); return; } } else { HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect(linkurl("error", "?msg=" + Utils.UrlEncode("出错啦,找不到您要提交的订单类型!"))); return; } break; } }