        public void GridView2DataBind(int pageSize, int pageindex)
            string sort  = "ga_zffs_id";
            string order = "DESC";

            int currentPage = Pager.CurrentPageIndex;
            IList <Model.goods_account> listga = gaBll.GetMethPayMoneyPage(sort, order, currentPage, pageSize, strWheres + " and ga_zffs_id!=10");

            foreach (Model.goods_account item in listga)
                if (item.ga_roomNumber == null || item.ga_roomNumber == "")
                    if (item.Ga_Account != null && item.Ga_Account != "")
                        BLL.customer bllcus = new BLL.customer();
                        item.ga_roomNumber = bllcus.GetAccounts(item.Ga_Account).cName;
            GridView2.DataSource = listga;

            Pager.RecordCount           = gaBll.GetRecordCount(strWheres + " and ga_price!='0' and ga_isjz=0 and ga_Type!=111 and ga_zffs_id!=11  and ga_zffs_id!=10");
            Pager.ShowCustomInfoSection = Wuqi.Webdiyer.ShowCustomInfoSection.Right;
            Pager.PageSize         = pageSize;
            Pager.CurrentPageIndex = pageindex;
            if (Pager != null)
                if (Pager.RecordCount != 0)
                    Pager.ShowPageIndex          = true;
                    Pager.ShowDisabledButtons    = true;
                    Pager.CustomInfoSectionWidth = new System.Web.UI.WebControls.Unit("40%");
                    Pager.ShowPageIndexBox       = Wuqi.Webdiyer.ShowPageIndexBox.Always;
                    Pager.CustomInfoHTML         = "&nbsp;记录总数:<b>" + Pager.RecordCount.ToString() + "</b>";
                    Pager.CustomInfoHTML        += " 总页数:<b>" + Pager.PageCount.ToString() + "</b>";
                    Pager.CustomInfoHTML        += " 当前页:<font color=\"red\"><b>" + Pager.CurrentPageIndex.ToString() + "</b></font>";
                    Pager.ShowPageIndex          = false;
                    Pager.ShowDisabledButtons    = false;
                    Pager.ShowPageIndexBox       = Wuqi.Webdiyer.ShowPageIndexBox.Never;
                    Pager.CustomInfoSectionWidth = new System.Web.UI.WebControls.Unit("100%");
