void GainTweenDone()
        //Pass in the is animationg bool to mark if this is the first time we are calculating animation.
        //if this is the first time then the animation should be set to false. and the fals value shoudl pass in to calculate accordingly.

        isAnimating = true;


        //Now lets start the pie chart animation after the icon slams in.


    void CalculatePieAnimation()
        //If we have more levels to count, start from 0 and end at 1.
        if (currentLevel == _levelCouter)
            //Set the two and from positions of the alpha to the percentages.
            BGTween.from = previousPercent;
            BGTween.to   = currentPercent;

            //Calculate the delta in remaining xp
            //The delta will be added along with the animations
            deltaRemain = remainingXP;

            //Set some labels.
            LevelCount.text   = currentLevel.ToString();
            XPFalta.text      = string.Format("{0:#,#,#}", previousRemain);
            XPCompletion.text = string.Format("{0:#,#,#}", currentCompletionXP);

            //Set the labels.
        if (currentLevel > _levelCouter)
            //Set the two and from positions of the alpha to the percentages.
            BGTween.from = previousPercent;
            BGTween.to   = 1.0f;

            deltaRemain = currentCompletionXP;

            LevelCount.text   = _levelCouter.ToString();
            XPCompletion.text = string.Format("{0:#,#,#}", currentCompletionXP);
            XPFalta.text      = " - ";

            //Since we are upping a whole level here, set previous percent to 0.
            previousPercent = 0.0f;

        //The pie BG animation

        //The alpha animation for the pie chart