Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a storage context usign cloud storage account
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="account">cloud storage account</param>
        public AzureStorageContext(CloudStorageAccount account, string accountName = null, IAzureContext DefaultContext = null, DebugLogWriter logWriter = null)
            StorageAccount      = account;
            TableStorageAccount = XTable.CloudStorageAccount.Parse(StorageAccount.ToString(true));

            if (account.BlobEndpoint != null)
                BlobEndPoint = account.BlobEndpoint.ToString();

            if (account.TableEndpoint != null)
                TableEndPoint = account.TableEndpoint.ToString();

            if (account.QueueEndpoint != null)
                QueueEndPoint = account.QueueEndpoint.ToString();

            if (account.FileEndpoint != null)
                FileEndPoint = account.FileEndpoint.ToString();

            StorageAccountName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(accountName) ?
                                 (account.Credentials is null ? null : account.Credentials.AccountName)
                : accountName;
            Context = this;
            Name    = String.Empty;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(StorageAccountName))
                if (account.Credentials != null && account.Credentials.IsSAS)
                    StorageAccountName = "[SasToken]";
                else if (account.Credentials != null && account.Credentials.IsToken)
                    StorageAccountName = "[AccessToken]";
                    StorageAccountName = "[Anonymous]";
            if (account.Credentials != null && account.Credentials.IsToken)
                Track2OauthToken = new AzureSessionCredential(DefaultContext, logWriter);
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Download blob with blob Uri
        /// If blob is on a managed disk account, and server return 401 and requires a bearer token besides Sas Uri to download,
        /// will try to generate a bearer token and download again with both Sas Uri and bearer token.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="blobUri"></param>
        /// <param name="fileName"></param>
        internal void GetBlobContent(string blobUri, string fileName)
            BlobClientOptions blobClientOptions = this.ClientOptions;
            BlobBaseClient    blobclient        = new BlobBaseClient(new Uri(blobUri), blobClientOptions);

            Track2Models.BlobProperties blobproperties;
            if (blobclient.AccountName.ToLower().StartsWith("md-")) // managed disk account, must be page blob
                blobclient = new PageBlobClient(new Uri(blobUri), blobClientOptions);

                    blobproperties = blobclient.GetProperties(null, this.CmdletCancellationToken).Value;
                catch (global::Azure.RequestFailedException e) when(e.Status == 401)  // need diskRP bearer token
                    string audience = Util.GetAudienceFrom401ExceptionMessage(e.Message);

                    if (audience != null)
                        WriteDebugLog(string.Format("Need bearer token with audience {0} to access the blob, so will generate bearer token and resend the request.", audience));
                        AzureSessionCredential customerToken = new AzureSessionCredential(DefaultContext, customAudience: audience);
                        blobclient = new PageBlobClient(new Uri(blobUri), customerToken, this.ClientOptions);
                        throw e;
            else // need check blob type for none md account
                blobproperties = blobclient.GetProperties(null, this.CmdletCancellationToken).Value;

                blobclient = Util.GetTrack2BlobClient(new Uri(blobUri), null, blobClientOptions, blobproperties.BlobType);
            GetBlobContent(blobclient, fileName);