Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts from chart values to chart control size.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="value">value to scale</param>
        /// <param name="source">axis orientation to scale value at</param>
        /// <param name="chart">chart model to scale value at</param>
        /// <param name="axis">axis model instance</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static double ToPlotArea(double value, AxisOrientationNew source, ChartCore chart, AxisCoreNew axis)
            var p1 = new CorePoint();
            var p2 = new CorePoint();

            if (source == AxisOrientationNew.Y)
                p1.X = axis.TopLimit;
                p1.Y = chart.DrawMargin.Top;

                p2.X = axis.BotLimit;
                p2.Y = chart.DrawMargin.Top + chart.DrawMargin.Height;
                p1.X = axis.TopLimit;
                p1.Y = chart.DrawMargin.Width + chart.DrawMargin.Left;

                p2.X = axis.BotLimit;
                p2.Y = chart.DrawMargin.Left;

            var deltaX = p2.X - p1.X;
            // ReSharper disable once CompareOfFloatsByEqualityOperator
            var m = (p2.Y - p1.Y) / (deltaX == 0 ? double.MinValue : deltaX);

            return(m * (value - p1.X) + p1.Y);
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Ases the core element.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="axis">The axis.</param>
        /// <param name="source">The source.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public AxisSectionCoreNew AsCoreElement(AxisCoreNew axis, AxisOrientationNew source)
            var model = new AxisSectionCoreNew(this, axis.Chart);

            model.View.Model = model;
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        internal override CoreMargin PrepareChart(AxisOrientationNew source, ChartCore chart)
            if (!(Math.Abs(TopLimit - BotLimit) > S * .01) || !ShowLabels)
                return(new CoreMargin());

            var currentMargin = new CoreMargin();
            var tolerance     = S / 10;


            // Determine which magnitude and unit to use
            var m = (!double.IsNaN(View.Unit) ? View.Unit : Magnitude);
            var u = (!double.IsNaN(View.Unit) ? View.Unit : 1);

            // Calculate the separator indices
            var indices = CalculateSeparatorIndices(chart, source, u);

            // Draw the separators
            foreach (var index in indices)
                DrawSeparator(index, tolerance, currentMargin, source);

Beispiel #4
        internal double FromPreviousState(double value, AxisOrientationNew source, ChartCore chart)
            if (LastAxisMax == null)

            var p1 = new CorePoint();
            var p2 = new CorePoint();

            if (source == AxisOrientationNew.Y)
                p1.X = LastAxisMax ?? 0;
                p1.Y = LastPlotArea.Top;

                p2.X = LastAxisMin ?? 0;
                p2.Y = LastPlotArea.Top + LastPlotArea.Height;
                p1.X = LastAxisMax ?? 0;
                p1.Y = LastPlotArea.Width + LastPlotArea.Left;

                p2.X = LastAxisMin ?? 0;
                p2.Y = LastPlotArea.Left;

            var deltaX = p2.X - p1.X;
            // ReSharper disable once CompareOfFloatsByEqualityOperator
            var m = (p2.Y - p1.Y) / (deltaX == 0 ? double.MinValue : deltaX);
            var d = m * (value - p1.X) + p1.Y;

Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts from chart values to chart draw margin size.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="value">value to scale</param>
        /// <param name="source">axis orientation</param>
        /// <param name="chart">chart model to scale the value at</param>
        /// <param name="axis">axis instance to scale the value at</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static double ToDrawMargin(double value, AxisOrientationNew source, ChartCore chart, AxisCoreNew axis)
            var o = source == AxisOrientationNew.X
                ? chart.DrawMargin.Left
                : chart.DrawMargin.Top;

            return(ToPlotArea(value, source, chart, axis) - o);
Beispiel #6
        internal override CoreMargin PrepareChart(AxisOrientationNew source, ChartCore chart)
            // Get the current configued values from the view
            _initialDateTime = ((IDateAxisView)View).InitialDateTime;
            _period          = ((IDateAxisView)View).Period;

            return(base.PrepareChart(source, chart));
Beispiel #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Ases the core element.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="axis">The axis.</param>
 /// <param name="source">The source.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public SeparatorConfigurationCore AsCoreElement(AxisCoreNew axis, AxisOrientationNew source)
     AxisOrientation = source;
     Chart           = axis.Chart;
     Axis            = axis;
     return(new SeparatorConfigurationCore(axis)
         IsEnabled = IsEnabled,
         Step = Step,
         Source = source
Beispiel #8
        internal virtual CoreMargin PrepareChart(AxisOrientationNew source, ChartCore chart)
            if (!(Math.Abs(TopLimit - BotLimit) > S * .01) || !ShowLabels)
                return(new CoreMargin());

            CalculateSeparator(chart, source);

            var f = GetFormatter();

            var currentMargin = new CoreMargin();
            var tolerance     = S / 10;


            var m = !double.IsNaN(View.BarUnit)
                ? View.BarUnit
                : (!double.IsNaN(View.Unit)
                    ? View.Unit
                    : Magnitude);

            var u = !double.IsNaN(View.BarUnit)
                ? View.BarUnit
                : (!double.IsNaN(View.Unit)
                    ? View.Unit
                    : 1);

            if (TopLimit <= 0 && BotLimit < 0)
                var l = TopLimit - (EvaluatesUnitWidth ? u : 0);
                LastSeparator = l;
                for (var i = l; i >= Math.Truncate(BotLimit / m) * m; i -= S)
                    FirstSeparator = i;
                    DrawSeparator(i, tolerance, currentMargin, f, source);
                var l = Math.Truncate(BotLimit / m) * m;
                FirstSeparator = l;
                for (var i = l; i <= TopLimit - (EvaluatesUnitWidth ? u : 0); i += S)
                    LastSeparator = i;
                    DrawSeparator(i, tolerance, currentMargin, f, source);

Beispiel #9
        internal virtual void CalculateSeparator(ChartCore chart, AxisOrientationNew source)
            var range = TopLimit - BotLimit;

            range = range <= 0 ? 1 : range;

            //ToDO: Improve this according to current labels!
            var separations = source == AxisOrientationNew.Y
                ? Math.Round(chart.ControlSize.Height / ((12) * CleanFactor), 0) // at least 3 font 12 labels per separator.
                : Math.Round(chart.ControlSize.Width / (50 * CleanFactor), 0);   // at least 150 pixels per separator.

            separations = separations < 2 ? 2 : separations;

            var minimum = range / separations;

            Magnitude = Math.Pow(10, Math.Floor(Math.Log(minimum) / Math.Log(10)));

            if (!double.IsNaN(Separator.Step))
                S = Separator.Step;

            var    residual = minimum / Magnitude;
            double tick;

            if (residual > 5)
                tick = 10 * Magnitude;
            else if (residual > 2)
                tick = 5 * Magnitude;
            else if (residual > 1)
                tick = 2 * Magnitude;
                tick = Magnitude;

            S = tick;

            if (Labels != null)
                S = S < 1 ? 1 : S;
Beispiel #10
 public override AxisCoreNew AsCoreElement(ChartCore chart, AxisOrientationNew source)
     if (Model == null)
         Model = new WindowAxisCore(this);
     Model.ShowLabels                = ShowLabels;
     Model.Chart                     = chart;
     Model.IsMerged                  = IsMerged;
     Model.Labels                    = Labels;
     Model.LabelFormatter            = LabelFormatter;
     Model.MaxValue                  = MaxValue;
     Model.MinValue                  = MinValue;
     Model.Title                     = Title;
     Model.Position                  = Position;
     Model.Separator                 = Separator.AsCoreElement(Model, source);
     Model.DisableAnimations         = DisableAnimations;
     Model.Sections                  = Sections.Select(x => x.AsCoreElement(Model, source)).ToList();
     ((WindowAxisCore)Model).Windows = Windows.ToList();
Beispiel #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the width of a unit in the chart
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source">axis orientation</param>
        /// <param name="chart">chart model to get the scale at</param>
        /// <param name="axis">axis instance</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static double GetUnitWidth(AxisOrientationNew source, ChartCore chart, AxisCoreNew axis)
            double min;
            double u = !double.IsNaN(axis.View.BarUnit)
                    ? axis.View.BarUnit
                    : (!double.IsNaN(axis.View.Unit)
                        ? axis.View.Unit
                        : 1);

            if (source == AxisOrientationNew.Y)
                min = axis.BotLimit;
                return(ToDrawMargin(min, AxisOrientationNew.Y, chart, axis) -
                       ToDrawMargin(min + u, AxisOrientationNew.Y, chart, axis));

            min = axis.BotLimit;

            return(ToDrawMargin(min + u, AxisOrientationNew.X, chart, axis) -
                   ToDrawMargin(min, AxisOrientationNew.X, chart, axis));
Beispiel #12
        internal IEnumerable <double> CalculateSeparatorIndices(ChartCore chart, AxisOrientationNew source, double unit)
            if (!double.IsNaN(Separator.Step))
                throw new Exception("Step should be NaN for WindowAxis separators");
            if (Windows == null)
                return(Enumerable.Empty <double>());

            // Holder for the calculated separator indices and the proposed window
            var         supportedSeparatorCount = 0;
            var         separatorIndices        = new List <double>();
            IAxisWindow proposedWindow          = AxisWindows.EmptyWindow;

            // Build a range of possible separator indices
            var rangeIndices = Enumerable.Range((int)Math.Floor(BotLimit), (int)Math.Floor(TopLimit - (EvaluatesUnitWidth ? unit : 0) - BotLimit)).Select(i => (double)i).ToList();

            // Make sure we have at least 2 separators to show
            if (Windows != null && rangeIndices.Count > 1)
                foreach (var window in Windows)
                    IEnumerable <double> proposedSeparatorIndices;

                    // Calculate the number of supported separators.
                    supportedSeparatorCount = (int)Math.Floor(chart.ControlSize.Width / (window.MinimumSeparatorWidth * CleanFactor));

                    // Try go get separators. Continue if the window invalidated.
                    if (!window.TryGetSeparatorIndices(rangeIndices, supportedSeparatorCount, out proposedSeparatorIndices))

                    // Double check whether the window exceeded the maximum separator count.
                    // It might be it does not respect the supportedSeparatorCount parameter.
                    separatorIndices = proposedSeparatorIndices.ToList();
                    if (supportedSeparatorCount < separatorIndices.Count)

                    // Pick this window. It is the first who passed both validations and our best candidate
                    proposedWindow = window;

            if (proposedWindow == null)
                // All variables are still set to defaults

            // Force the step of 1, as our prepare chart will filter the X axis for valid separators, and will skip a few
            S = 1;

            Magnitude      = Math.Pow(10, Math.Floor(Math.Log(supportedSeparatorCount) / Math.Log(10)));
            SelectedWindow = proposedWindow;

Beispiel #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws the or move.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source">The source.</param>
        /// <param name="axis">The axis.</param>
        public void DrawOrMove(AxisOrientationNew source, int axis)
            _rectangle.Fill            = Fill;
            _rectangle.Stroke          = Stroke;
            _rectangle.StrokeDashArray = StrokeDashArray;
            _rectangle.StrokeThickness = StrokeThickness;
            Panel.SetZIndex(_rectangle, Panel.GetZIndex(this));
            BindingOperations.SetBinding(_rectangle, VisibilityProperty,
                                         new Binding {
                Path = new PropertyPath(VisibilityProperty), Source = this

            var ax = source == AxisOrientationNew.X ? Model.Chart.AxisX[axis] : Model.Chart.AxisY[axis];
            var uw = ax.EvaluatesUnitWidth ? ChartFunctionsNew.GetUnitWidth(source, Model.Chart, axis) / 2 : 0;

            if (Parent == null)
                _label         = ((AxisNew)ax.View).BindATextBlock();
                _label.Padding = new Thickness(5, 2, 5, 2);
                _rectangle.Height = 0;
                _rectangle.Width  = 0;
                Canvas.SetLeft(_rectangle, 0d);
                Canvas.SetTop(_rectangle, Model.Chart.DrawMargin.Height);
                #region Obsolete
                Canvas.SetTop(_label, Model.Chart.DrawMargin.Height);
                Canvas.SetLeft(_label, 0d);

            #pragma warning disable 618
            var from = ChartFunctionsNew.ToDrawMargin(double.IsNaN(FromValue) ? Value + SectionOffset : FromValue, source, Model.Chart, axis) + uw;
#pragma warning restore 618
#pragma warning disable 618
            var to = ChartFunctionsNew.ToDrawMargin(double.IsNaN(ToValue) ? Value + SectionOffset + SectionWidth : ToValue, source, Model.Chart, axis) + uw;
#pragma warning restore 618

            if (from > to)
                var temp = to;
                to   = from;
                from = temp;

            var anSpeed = Model.Chart.View.AnimationsSpeed;

            if (DataLabel)
                if (DataLabelForeground != null)
                    _label.Foreground = DataLabelForeground;
                _label.Background = Stroke ?? Fill;
                PlaceLabel(ax.GetFormatter()(Value), ax, source);

            if (source == AxisOrientationNew.X)
                var w = to - from;
                w = StrokeThickness > w ? StrokeThickness : w;

                Canvas.SetTop(_rectangle, 0);
                _rectangle.Height = Model.Chart.DrawMargin.Height;

                if (Model.Chart.View.DisableAnimations || DisableAnimations)
                    _rectangle.Width = w > 0 ? w : 0;
                    Canvas.SetLeft(_rectangle, from - StrokeThickness / 2);
                    _rectangle.BeginAnimation(WidthProperty, new DoubleAnimation(w > 0 ? w : 0, anSpeed));
                                              new DoubleAnimation(from - StrokeThickness / 2, anSpeed));

            var h = to - from;
            h = StrokeThickness > h ? StrokeThickness : h;

            Canvas.SetLeft(_rectangle, 0d);
            _rectangle.Width = Model.Chart.DrawMargin.Width;

            if (Model.Chart.View.DisableAnimations || DisableAnimations)
                Canvas.SetTop(_rectangle, from - StrokeThickness / 2);
                _rectangle.Height = h > 0 ? h : 0;
                _rectangle.BeginAnimation(Canvas.TopProperty, new DoubleAnimation(from, anSpeed));
                _rectangle.BeginAnimation(HeightProperty, new DoubleAnimation(h, anSpeed));
Beispiel #14
        private void DrawSeparator(double x, double tolerance, CoreMargin currentMargin, AxisOrientationNew source)
            SeparatorElementCore elementCore;

            var key = Math.Round(x / tolerance) * tolerance;

            if (!Cache.TryGetValue(key, out elementCore))
                elementCore = new DateSeparatorElementCore {
                    IsNew = true
                Cache[key] = elementCore;
                elementCore.IsNew = false;

            // Determine whether this separator is a header now
            ((DateSeparatorElementCore)elementCore).IsHeader = SelectedWindow.IsHeader(x);

            View.RenderSeparator(elementCore, Chart);

            elementCore.Key   = key;
            elementCore.Value = x;
            elementCore.GarbageCollectorIndex = GarbageCollectorIndex;

            var labelsMargin = elementCore.View.UpdateLabel(SelectedWindow.FormatAxisLabel(x), this, source);

            currentMargin.Width = labelsMargin.TakenWidth > currentMargin.Width
                ? labelsMargin.TakenWidth
                : currentMargin.Width;
            currentMargin.Height = labelsMargin.TakenHeight > currentMargin.Height
                ? labelsMargin.TakenHeight
                : currentMargin.Height;

            currentMargin.Left = labelsMargin.Left > currentMargin.Left
                ? labelsMargin.Left
                : currentMargin.Left;
            currentMargin.Right = labelsMargin.Right > currentMargin.Right
                ? labelsMargin.Right
                : currentMargin.Right;

            currentMargin.Top = labelsMargin.Top > currentMargin.Top
                ? labelsMargin.Top
                : currentMargin.Top;
            currentMargin.Bottom = labelsMargin.Bottom > currentMargin.Bottom
                ? labelsMargin.Bottom
                : currentMargin.Bottom;

            if (LastAxisMax == null)
                elementCore.State = SeparationState.InitialAdd;

            elementCore.State = SeparationState.Keep;
Beispiel #15
        internal override CoreMargin PrepareChart(AxisOrientationNew source, ChartCore chart)
            if (!(Math.Abs(TopLimit - BotLimit) > S * .01) || !ShowLabels)
                return(new CoreMargin());

            CalculateSeparator(chart, source);

            var f = GetFormatter();

            var currentMargin = new CoreMargin();

            if (S < 1)
                S = 1;
            var tolerance = S / 10;


            var bl    = Math.Ceiling(BotLimit / Magnitude) * Magnitude;
            var @base = ((ILogarithmicAxisView)View).Base;

            for (var i = bl; i <= TopLimit - (EvaluatesUnitWidth ? 1 : 0); i += S)
                var minTolerance = tolerance / 10;
                if (Math.Abs(i - bl) > tolerance)
                    var step = Math.Pow(@base, i - 1);
                    for (var j = Math.Pow(@base, i - 1) + step;
                         j < Math.Pow(@base, i);
                         j += step)
                        SeparatorElementCore minorAsc;
                        var scaledJ = Math.Log(j, @base);

                        var minorKey = Math.Round(scaledJ / minTolerance) * minTolerance;
                        if (!Cache.TryGetValue(minorKey, out minorAsc))
                            minorAsc = new SeparatorElementCore {
                                IsNew = true
                            Cache[minorKey] = minorAsc;
                            minorAsc.IsNew = false;

                        View.RenderSeparator(minorAsc, Chart);

                        minorAsc.Key   = minorKey;
                        minorAsc.Value = scaledJ;
                        minorAsc.GarbageCollectorIndex = GarbageCollectorIndex;

                        minorAsc.View.UpdateLabel(string.Empty, this, source);

                        if (LastAxisMax == null)
                            minorAsc.State = SeparationState.InitialAdd;

                        minorAsc.State = SeparationState.Keep;

                SeparatorElementCore asc;

                var key = Math.Round(i / tolerance) * tolerance;
                if (!Cache.TryGetValue(key, out asc))
                    asc = new SeparatorElementCore {
                        IsNew = true
                    Cache[key] = asc;
                    asc.IsNew = false;

                View.RenderSeparator(asc, Chart);

                asc.Key   = key;
                asc.Value = i;
                asc.GarbageCollectorIndex = GarbageCollectorIndex;

                var labelsMargin = asc.View.UpdateLabel(f(i), this, source);

                currentMargin.Width = labelsMargin.TakenWidth > currentMargin.Width
                    ? labelsMargin.TakenWidth
                    : currentMargin.Width;
                currentMargin.Height = labelsMargin.TakenHeight > currentMargin.Height
                    ? labelsMargin.TakenHeight
                    : currentMargin.Height;

                currentMargin.Left = labelsMargin.Left > currentMargin.Left
                    ? labelsMargin.Left
                    : currentMargin.Left;
                currentMargin.Right = labelsMargin.Right > currentMargin.Right
                    ? labelsMargin.Right
                    : currentMargin.Right;

                currentMargin.Top = labelsMargin.Top > currentMargin.Top
                    ? labelsMargin.Top
                    : currentMargin.Top;
                currentMargin.Bottom = labelsMargin.Bottom > currentMargin.Bottom
                    ? labelsMargin.Bottom
                    : currentMargin.Bottom;

                if (LastAxisMax == null)
                    asc.State = SeparationState.InitialAdd;

                asc.State = SeparationState.Keep;
Beispiel #16
        private void PlaceLabel(string text, AxisCoreNew axis, AxisOrientationNew source)
            _label.Text = text;

            var formattedText = new FormattedText(
                new Typeface(_label.FontFamily, _label.FontStyle, _label.FontWeight, _label.FontStretch),
                _label.FontSize, Brushes.Black);

            var transform = new LabelEvaluation(axis.View.LabelsRotation,
                                                formattedText.Width + 10, formattedText.Height, axis, source);

            _label.RenderTransform = Math.Abs(transform.LabelAngle) > 1
                ? new RotateTransform(transform.LabelAngle)
                : null;

            var toLine = ChartFunctionsNew.ToPlotArea(Value + SectionOffset + SectionWidth * .5, source, Model.Chart,

            var direction = source == AxisOrientationNew.X ? 1 : -1;

            toLine += axis.EvaluatesUnitWidth ? direction * ChartFunctionsNew.GetUnitWidth(source, Model.Chart, axis) / 2 : 0;
            var toLabel = toLine + transform.GetOffsetBySource(source);

            var chart = Model.Chart;

            if (axis.IsMerged)
                const double padding = 4;

                if (source == AxisOrientationNew.Y)
                    if (toLabel + transform.ActualHeight >
                        chart.DrawMargin.Top + chart.DrawMargin.Height)
                        toLabel -= transform.ActualHeight + padding;
                    if (toLabel + transform.ActualWidth >
                        chart.DrawMargin.Left + chart.DrawMargin.Width)
                        toLabel -= transform.ActualWidth + padding;

            var labelTab = axis.Tab;

            labelTab += transform.GetOffsetBySource(source.Invert());

            if (source == AxisOrientationNew.Y)
                labelTab += 8 * (axis.Position == AxisPositionNew.LeftBottom ? 1 : -1);

                if (Model.View.DisableAnimations || DisableAnimations)
                    Canvas.SetLeft(_label, labelTab);
                    Canvas.SetTop(_label, toLabel);

                                      new DoubleAnimation(toLabel, chart.View.AnimationsSpeed));
                                      new DoubleAnimation(labelTab, chart.View.AnimationsSpeed));
                if (Model.View.DisableAnimations || DisableAnimations)
                    Canvas.SetLeft(_label, toLabel);
                    Canvas.SetTop(_label, labelTab);

                                      new DoubleAnimation(toLabel, chart.View.AnimationsSpeed));
                                      new DoubleAnimation(labelTab, chart.View.AnimationsSpeed));
Beispiel #17
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the width of a unit in the chart
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="source">axis orientation</param>
 /// <param name="chart">chart model to get the scale at</param>
 /// <param name="axis">axis index in the axes collection</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static double GetUnitWidth(AxisOrientationNew source, ChartCore chart, int axis = 0)
     return(GetUnitWidth(source, chart,
                         (source == AxisOrientationNew.X ? chart.AxisX : chart.AxisY)[axis]));
Beispiel #18
        internal void UpdateSeparators(AxisOrientationNew source, ChartCore chart, int axisIndex)
            foreach (var element in Cache.Values.ToArray())
                if (element.GarbageCollectorIndex < GarbageCollectorIndex)
                    element.State = SeparationState.Remove;

                var toLine = ChartFunctionsNew.ToPlotArea(element.Value, source, chart, axisIndex);

                var direction = source == AxisOrientationNew.X ? 1 : -1;

                toLine += EvaluatesUnitWidth ? direction * ChartFunctionsNew.GetUnitWidth(source, chart, this) / 2 : 0;
                var toLabel = toLine + element.View.LabelModel.GetOffsetBySource(source);

                if (IsMerged)
                    const double padding = 4;

                    if (source == AxisOrientationNew.Y)
                        if (toLabel + element.View.LabelModel.ActualHeight >
                            chart.DrawMargin.Top + chart.DrawMargin.Height)
                            toLabel -= element.View.LabelModel.ActualHeight + padding;
                        if (toLabel + element.View.LabelModel.ActualWidth >
                            chart.DrawMargin.Left + chart.DrawMargin.Width)
                            toLabel -= element.View.LabelModel.ActualWidth + padding;

                var labelTab = Tab;
                labelTab += element.View.LabelModel.GetOffsetBySource(source.Invert());

                switch (element.State)
                case SeparationState.Remove:
                    if (!chart.View.DisableAnimations && !View.DisableAnimations)
                        element.View.Move(chart, this, source, axisIndex, toLabel, toLine, labelTab);

                case SeparationState.Keep:
                    if (!chart.View.DisableAnimations && !View.DisableAnimations)
                        if (element.IsNew)
                            var toLinePrevious = FromPreviousState(element.Value, source, chart);
                            toLinePrevious += EvaluatesUnitWidth ? ChartFunctionsNew.GetUnitWidth(source, chart, this) / 2 : 0;
                            var toLabelPrevious = toLinePrevious + element.View.LabelModel.GetOffsetBySource(source);
                            element.View.Place(chart, this, source, axisIndex, toLabelPrevious,
                                               toLinePrevious, labelTab);
                            element.View.FadeIn(this, chart);
                        element.View.Move(chart, this, source, axisIndex, toLabel, toLine, labelTab);
                        element.View.Place(chart, this, source, axisIndex, toLabel, toLine, labelTab);

                case SeparationState.InitialAdd:
                    element.View.Place(chart, this, source, axisIndex, toLabel, toLine, labelTab);

                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();

            LastAxisMax  = TopLimit;
            LastAxisMin  = BotLimit;
            LastPlotArea = new CoreRectangle(chart.DrawMargin.Left, chart.DrawMargin.Top,
                                             chart.DrawMargin.Width, chart.DrawMargin.Height);
Beispiel #19
        private void DrawSeparator(double i, double tolerance, CoreMargin currentMargin, Func <double, string> f, AxisOrientationNew source)
            if (i < BotLimit)

            SeparatorElementCore asc;

            var key = Math.Round(i / tolerance) * tolerance;

            if (!Cache.TryGetValue(key, out asc))
                asc = new SeparatorElementCore {
                    IsNew = true
                Cache[key] = asc;
                asc.IsNew = false;

            View.RenderSeparator(asc, Chart);

            asc.Key   = key;
            asc.Value = i;
            asc.GarbageCollectorIndex = GarbageCollectorIndex;

            var labelsMargin = asc.View.UpdateLabel(f(i), this, source);

            currentMargin.Width = labelsMargin.TakenWidth > currentMargin.Width
                ? labelsMargin.TakenWidth
                : currentMargin.Width;
            currentMargin.Height = labelsMargin.TakenHeight > currentMargin.Height
                ? labelsMargin.TakenHeight
                : currentMargin.Height;

            currentMargin.Left = labelsMargin.Left > currentMargin.Left
                ? labelsMargin.Left
                : currentMargin.Left;
            currentMargin.Right = labelsMargin.Right > currentMargin.Right
                ? labelsMargin.Right
                : currentMargin.Right;

            currentMargin.Top = labelsMargin.Top > currentMargin.Top
                ? labelsMargin.Top
                : currentMargin.Top;
            currentMargin.Bottom = labelsMargin.Bottom > currentMargin.Bottom
                ? labelsMargin.Bottom
                : currentMargin.Bottom;

            if (LastAxisMax == null)
                asc.State = SeparationState.InitialAdd;

            asc.State = SeparationState.Keep;