Beispiel #1
        public override void Transform(Vector3 scale, Quaternion rotate, Vector3 translate)
            if (!IsUniformScale(scale))
                throw new Exception("Unsupported non-uniform scale on Capsule");
            Matrix4 transform = Matrix4.Identity;

            transform.Scale       = scale;
            transform             = rotate.ToRotationMatrix() * transform;
            transform.Translation = translate;
            bottomcenter          = transform * bottomcenter;
            topcenter             = transform * topcenter;
            capRadius            *= scale.x;
            this.height           = (topcenter - bottomcenter).Length;
             = (topcenter + bottomcenter) * 0.5f;
            this.radius           = height * 0.5f + capRadius;
Beispiel #2
        public override void Transform(Vector3 scale, Quaternion rotate, Vector3 translate)
            if (!IsUniformScale(scale))
                throw new Exception("Unsupported non-uniform scale on OBB");
            Matrix4 transform = Matrix4.Identity;

            transform.Scale       = scale;
            transform             = rotate.ToRotationMatrix() * transform;
            transform.Translation = translate;
             = transform * center;
            for (int i = 0; i < this.axes.Length; ++i)
                this.axes[i] = rotate * axes[i];
            this.extents = scale.x * extents;
            this.radius  = extents.Length;
Beispiel #3
        public override void Transform(Vector3 scale, Quaternion rotate, Vector3 translate)
            if (rotate != Quaternion.Identity)
                throw new Exception("Unsupported non-identity rotation on AABB");
            Matrix4 transform = Matrix4.Identity;

            transform.Scale       = scale;
            transform             = rotate.ToRotationMatrix() * transform;
            transform.Translation = translate;
            float s = 0.0f;

            this.min = transform * min;
            this.max = transform * max;
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
      [i] = (min[i] + max[i]) / 2;
                s += ((max[i] - min[i]) * (max[i] - min[i]));
            this.radius = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)(s / 4));
        public PathGenerator(bool logPathGeneration, string modelName, PathObjectType poType, float terrainLevel, 
                             Matrix4 modelTransform, List<CollisionShape> collisionVolumes)
            this.dumpGrid = logPathGeneration;
            this.modelName = modelName;
            this.poType = poType;
            this.modelWidth = poType.width * oneMeter;
            this.cellWidth = poType.gridResolution * modelWidth;
            this.boxHeight = poType.height * oneMeter;
            this.maxClimbDistance = poType.maxClimbSlope * cellWidth;
            this.maxDisjointDistance = poType.maxDisjointDistance * oneMeter;
            this.minimumFeatureSize = poType.minimumFeatureSize;
            this.terrainLevel = terrainLevel;
            this.modelTransform = modelTransform;
            this.collisionVolumes = collisionVolumes;
            stopwatch = new Stopwatch();

            // Create the collisionAPI object
            collisionAPI = new CollisionAPI(false);

            // Ugly workaround for a modularity problem do to
            // unadvised use of static variables: remember the
            // existing state of rendering collision volumes
            RenderedNode.RenderState oldRenderState = RenderedNode.renderState;
            RenderedNode.renderState = RenderedNode.RenderState.None;

            // Form the union of the collision volumes; we don't care
            // about Y coordinate, only the X and Z coordinates
            Vector3 min = Vector3.Zero;
            Vector3 max = Vector3.Zero;
            for (int i=0; i<collisionVolumes.Count; i++) {
                CollisionShape shape = collisionVolumes[i];
                // Add the shape to the sphere tree
                AxisAlignedBox vol = shape.BoundingBox();
                // If this is the first iteration, set up the min and
                // max
                if (i == 0) {
                    min = vol.Minimum;
                    max = vol.Maximum;
                    min.y = terrainLevel;
                    max.y = terrainLevel;
                // Enlarge the box by the dimensions of the shape
                min.x = Math.Min(min.x, vol.Minimum.x);
                min.z = Math.Min(min.z, vol.Minimum.z);
                max.x = Math.Max(max.x, vol.Maximum.x);
                max.z = Math.Max(max.z, vol.Maximum.z);

            // Restore RenderState
            RenderedNode.renderState = oldRenderState;

            // Round out the max and min by 4 times the grid
            // resolution, so we can just divide to find the
            // horizontal and vertical numbers are cells
            Vector3 margin = Vector3.UnitScale * 4 * cellWidth;
            min -= margin;
            max += margin;

            // Now adjust the max the min coords so that they are
            // exactly a multiple of the grid resolution
            min.x = MultipleOfResolution(min.x);
            min.z = MultipleOfResolution(min.z);
            max.x = MultipleOfResolution(max.x);
            max.z = MultipleOfResolution(max.z);

            // Set the lower left  and upper right corners
            lowerLeftCorner = min;
            upperRightCorner = max;

            // Set the horizontal and vertical counts
            xCount = (int)((max.x - min.x) / cellWidth);
            zCount = (int)((max.z - min.z) / cellWidth);

            // Initial the gridBox
            gridBox = new AxisAlignedBox(min, max);

            // Allocate the grid
            grid = new List<GridCell>[xCount, zCount];
            for (int i=0; i<xCount; i++)
                for (int j=0; j<zCount; j++)
                    grid[i,j] = new List<GridCell>();

            // Initialize the work list, adding the cell at 0,0 and
            // the terrain height as the first member
            workList = new List<CellLocation>();
            workList.Add(new CellLocation(0, 0, terrainLevel, null));

            // Create the moving box at the center of the 0, 0 cell,
            // and the MovingObject object that contains the moving box
            movingBox = new CollisionAABB(
                new Vector3(min.x, terrainLevel, min.z),
                new Vector3(min.x + cellWidth, terrainLevel + boxHeight, min.z + terrainLevel));
            movingObject = new MovingObject(collisionAPI);