Beispiel #1
 public void NameToIds(long id, string name)
     Assert.Equal(id, AwsInstanceType.GetId(name).Value);
     Assert.Equal(name, AwsInstanceType.GetName(id));
Beispiel #2
        private async Task <RegisterHostRequest> GetRegistrationAsync(
            Instance instance,
            Cluster cluster,
            IImage image             = null,
            ILocation location       = null,
            IMachineType machineType = null)
            Validate.NotNull(instance, nameof(instance));

            // Ensure the instance is inside a VPC (no classic instances)
            if (instance.VpcId == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Must belong to a VPC", nameof(instance));

            #region Data Binding / Mappings

            if (location == null)
                location = Locations.Get(aws, instance.Placement.AvailabilityZone);

            if (image == null)
                // "imageId": "ami-1647537c",

                image = await imageService.GetAsync(aws, instance.ImageId);;

            if (machineType == null)
                machineType = AwsInstanceType.Get(instance.InstanceType);

            var network = await db.Networks.FindAsync(aws, instance.VpcId);;


            // instance.LaunchTime

            int addressCount = 1;

            if (instance.IpAddress != null)

            var addresses = new string[addressCount];

            addresses[0] = instance.PrivateIpAddress;

            if (instance.IpAddress != null)
                // the instance was assigned a public IP
                addresses[1] = instance.IpAddress;

            var registerRequest = new RegisterHostRequest(
                addresses: addresses,
                cluster: cluster,
                image: image,
                machineType: machineType,
                program: null,
                location: location,
                status: instance.InstanceState.ToStatus(),
                ownerId: 1,
                resource: ManagedResource.Host(location, instance.InstanceId)

            #region Network Interfaces

                var nics = new RegisterNetworkInterfaceRequest[instance.NetworkInterfaces.Length];

                for (var nicIndex = 0; nicIndex < nics.Length; nicIndex++)
                    var ec2Nic = instance.NetworkInterfaces[nicIndex];

                    nics[nicIndex] = new RegisterNetworkInterfaceRequest(
                        mac: MacAddress.Parse(ec2Nic.MacAddress),
                        subnetId: 0,                            // TODO: lookup subnet
                        securityGroupIds: Array.Empty <long>(), // TODO: lookup security groupds
                        resource: ManagedResource.NetworkInterface(location, ec2Nic.NetworkInterfaceId)

                registerRequest.NetworkInterfaces = nics;
            catch { }


            #region Volumes

                var volumes = new RegisterVolumeRequest[instance.BlockDeviceMappings.Length];

                for (var volumeIndex = 0; volumeIndex < volumes.Length; volumeIndex++)
                    var device = instance.BlockDeviceMappings[volumeIndex];

                    if (device.Ebs == null)

                    var volumeSize = device.Ebs.VolumeSize is int ebsSize
                        ? ByteSize.FromGiB(ebsSize)
                        : ByteSize.Zero;

                    volumes[volumeIndex] = new RegisterVolumeRequest(
                        ownerId: 1,
                        size: volumeSize,
                        resource: ManagedResource.Volume(location, device.Ebs.VolumeId)


                registerRequest.Volumes = volumes;
            catch { }


Beispiel #3
 public IOfferAwsBootstrapOptions InstanceType(AwsInstanceType instanceType)
     _values.InstanceRequest.InstanceType = instanceType.ToString();
Beispiel #4
        public async Task <IHost[]> LaunchAsync(LaunchHostRequest launchRequest, ISecurityContext context)
            Validate.NotNull(launchRequest, nameof(launchRequest));
            Validate.NotNull(context, nameof(context));

            var zoneId = LocationId.Create(launchRequest.Location.Id);

            if (zoneId.ZoneNumber == 0)
                throw new Exception("Must launch within in availability zone. Was a region:" + launchRequest.Location.Name);

            var cluster  = launchRequest.Cluster;
            var zone     = launchRequest.Location;
            var template = launchRequest.Template;

            var region = Locations.Get(zoneId.WithZoneNumber(0));

            var image = await imageService.GetAsync(template.ImageId);;

            var machineType = AwsInstanceType.Get(template.MachineTypeId);

            var request = new RunInstancesRequest {
                ClientToken       = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                InstanceType      = machineType.Name,
                ImageId           = image.ResourceId,
                MinCount          = launchRequest.LaunchCount,
                MaxCount          = launchRequest.LaunchCount,
                Placement         = new Placement(availabilityZone: zone.Name),
                TagSpecifications = new[] {
                    new TagSpecification(
                        resourceType: "instance",
                        tags: new[] { new Amazon.Ec2.Tag("envId", cluster.EnvironmentId.ToString()) }

            var startupScript = launchRequest.StartupScript ?? template.StartupScript;

            if (startupScript != null)
                request.UserData = Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(startupScript));

            #region AWS Specific Properties

            foreach (var property in template.Properties)
                switch (property.Key)
                case HostTemplateProperties.IamRole:
                    // NOTE: This requires the PassRole permission

                    request.IamInstanceProfile = new IamInstanceProfileSpecification(property.Value);


                case HostTemplateProperties.KernelId:
                    request.KernelId = property.Value;


                case HostTemplateProperties.SecurityGroupIds:
                    request.SecurityGroupIds = property.Value.ToArrayOf <string>();


                case HostTemplateProperties.EbsOptimized:
                    request.EbsOptimized = (bool)property.Value;


                case HostTemplateProperties.Monitoring:
                    request.Monitoring = new RunInstancesMonitoringEnabled((bool)property.Value);


                case HostTemplateProperties.Volume:
                    var volSpec = property.Value.As <AwsVolumeSpecification>();

                    // TODO: Device Name
                    request.BlockDeviceMappings = new[] {
                        new BlockDeviceMapping(BlockDeviceNames.Root, new EbsBlockDevice(
                                                   volumeType: volSpec.Type,
                                                   volumeSize: (int)volSpec.Size


                case HostTemplateProperties.KeyName:
                    request.KeyName = property.Value;



            var runInstancesResponse = await ec2.RunInstancesAsync(request);;

            var hosts = new IHost[runInstancesResponse.Instances.Length];

            for (var i = 0; i < hosts.Length; i++)
                var registerRequest = await GetRegistrationAsync(
                    instance : runInstancesResponse.Instances[i],
                    cluster : cluster,
                    image : image,
                    machineType : machineType,
                    location : zone

                hosts[i] = await hostService.RegisterAsync(registerRequest);;

            #region Logging

            await eventLog.CreateAsync(new Event(
                                           action   : "launch",
                                           resource : "hosts",
                                           userId   : context.UserId)


 public void A()
     Assert.Equal(4362403853, AwsInstanceTypes.M5Large.Id);
     Assert.Equal("m5.large", AwsInstanceType.Get(4362403853).Name);