Beispiel #1
 void OnDrawGizmos()
     if (target && head)
         Gizmos.color =;
         Gizmos.DrawWireSphere(target.position, gizmoSize);
         Gizmos.DrawLine(AvatarSceneScript.CalculateCentroid(head.transform), target.position);
Beispiel #2
    void LateUpdate()
        float blend;

        if (!target)
            transform.position = new Vector3(0, 7.5f, 0);
            transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(10, 180, 0));

        // calculate centroid
        Vector3 targetCentroid = AvatarSceneScript.CalculateCentroid(target);
        Vector3 targetHead     = AvatarSceneScript.CalculateCentroid(target.Find("Avatar"));

        // calculate angle
        float wantedAngle = angle;
        //float currentAngle = Quaternion.FromToRotation(target.forward, transform.position - target.position).eulerAngles.y - 180f;
        //blend = 1f - Mathf.Pow(1f - angleSharpness, Time.deltaTime * angleDamping);
        //float lerpedAngle = Mathf.LerpAngle(currentAngle, wantedAngle, blend);

        // TODO: Lerped angle change, con questo codice currentAngle è calcolato
        // correttamente ma la vibrazione in caso di corsa porta la telecamera
        // a non avanzare correttamente e bloccarsi ad angolazioni sbagliate.
        // Possibile soluzione: Lerp pesato in base alla distanza del valore wanted e current!

        // calculate position
        Vector3 currentPosition = transform.position;
        Vector3 wantedPosition  = target.position - (Quaternion.Euler(0, target.rotation.y + wantedAngle, 0) * target.forward * distance);

        blend = 1f - Mathf.Pow(1f - positionSharpness, Time.deltaTime * positionDamping);
        Vector3 lerpedPosition = Vector3.Lerp(currentPosition, wantedPosition, blend);

        // calculate height
        float currentHeight = transform.position.y;
        float wantedHeight  = targetCentroid.y + height;

        blend = 1f - Mathf.Pow(1f - heightSharpness, Time.deltaTime * heightDamping);
        float lerpedHeight = Mathf.Lerp(currentHeight, wantedHeight, blend);

        // move camera to new position
        Vector3 newPosition;

        newPosition        = lerpedPosition;
        newPosition.y      = lerpedHeight;
        transform.position = newPosition;

        // calculate rotation
        Quaternion currentRotation = transform.rotation;
        Quaternion wantedRotation;

        switch (rotationTarget)
        case RotationTarget.HEAD:
            wantedRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(targetHead - transform.position);

        case RotationTarget.UPPER_BODY:
            wantedRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation((targetHead + targetCentroid) / 2 - transform.position);

        case RotationTarget.HALF_BODY:
            wantedRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(targetCentroid - transform.position);

        float      horizontalBlend = 1f - Mathf.Pow(1f - rotationHorizontalSharpness, Time.deltaTime * rotationHorizontalDamping);
        float      verticalBlend   = 1f - Mathf.Pow(1f - rotationVerticalSharpness, Time.deltaTime * rotationVerticalDamping);
        Quaternion lerpedRotation  = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(Mathf.LerpAngle(currentRotation.eulerAngles.x, wantedRotation.eulerAngles.x, verticalBlend), Mathf.LerpAngle(currentRotation.eulerAngles.y, wantedRotation.eulerAngles.y, horizontalBlend), Mathf.LerpAngle(currentRotation.eulerAngles.z, wantedRotation.eulerAngles.z, verticalBlend)));

        // rotate camera to lerped rotation
        Quaternion newRotation;

        newRotation        = lerpedRotation;
        transform.rotation = newRotation;
Beispiel #3
    void Update()
        SkinnedMeshRenderer blendshapeEyeMesh = null;

        if (head != null)
            blendshapeEyeMesh = head.GetComponent <SkinnedMeshRenderer>();

        if (blendshapeEyeMesh)
            if (target)
                Transform headTransform = head.transform;
                headTransform.position = AvatarSceneScript.CalculateCentroid(head.transform);

                Vector3 newTgt = headTransform.InverseTransformPoint(target.transform.position);

                float x = newTgt.x * targetMultiplierX;
                float y = newTgt.y * targetMultiplierY;

                blendshapeEyeMesh.SetBlendShapeWeight(positiveXAxis, x > 0 ? x * 100f : 0);  // +X
                blendshapeEyeMesh.SetBlendShapeWeight(negativeXAxis, x < 0 ? -x * 100f : 0); // -X
                blendshapeEyeMesh.SetBlendShapeWeight(positiveYAxis, y > 0 ? y * 100f : 0);  // +Y
                blendshapeEyeMesh.SetBlendShapeWeight(negativeYAxis, y < 0 ? -y * 100f : 0); // -Y
                blendshapeEyeMesh.SetBlendShapeWeight(positiveXAxis, target2dX > 0 ? target2dX * 100f : 0);  // +X
                blendshapeEyeMesh.SetBlendShapeWeight(negativeXAxis, target2dX < 0 ? -target2dX * 100f : 0); // -X
                blendshapeEyeMesh.SetBlendShapeWeight(positiveYAxis, target2dY > 0 ? target2dY * 100f : 0);  // +Y
                blendshapeEyeMesh.SetBlendShapeWeight(negativeYAxis, target2dY < 0 ? -target2dY * 100f : 0); // -Y

            if (randomEyes)
                if (!randomizerTarget)
                    randomizerTarget = new GameObject("RNDTRG");
                    randomizerTarget.transform.position = blendshapeEyeMesh.transform.position;
                    target = randomizerTarget.transform;
                    target.position += Random.onUnitSphere * Time.fixedDeltaTime / randomCompressor;

            if (blinkable)
                float blinkVal = blendshapeEyeMesh.GetBlendShapeWeight(blinkL);

                if (Time.time - blinkInterval > minz && !isBlinking && !isBlinkedFull && !isBlinkinged)
                    minz       = Time.time - Time.deltaTime;
                    isBlinking = true;

                if (isBlinking)
                    if (!isBlinkinged)
                        if (blinkVal < 99 && !isBlinkedFull)
                            blinkVal = Mathf.Lerp(blinkVal, 100, blinkSpeed);
                            if (blinkVal >= 99)
                                isBlinkedFull = true;

                        if (isBlinkedFull)
                            blinkVal = Mathf.Lerp(blinkVal, 0.0f, blinkSpeed);
                            if (blinkVal <= 2.0f)
                                isBlinkinged = true;

                    blendshapeEyeMesh.SetBlendShapeWeight(blinkL, blinkVal);
                    blendshapeEyeMesh.SetBlendShapeWeight(blinkR, blinkVal);

                    if (isBlinkinged)
                        blendshapeEyeMesh.SetBlendShapeWeight(blinkL, 0);
                        blendshapeEyeMesh.SetBlendShapeWeight(blinkR, 0);
                        isBlinkinged  = false;
                        isBlinking    = false;
                        isBlinkedFull = false;