Beispiel #1
 private static void OnMessageReceived(object server, MessageEventArgs args)
     if (args.Session.Data == null)
         var handlers = new object[] { new Handlers() };
         args.Session.Data = Autowire.CreateHandler(handlers);
     ((EventHandler <MessageEventArgs>)args.Session.Data)(server, args);
Beispiel #2
        public object GetBeanById(string BeanId)
            if (!BeansWithId.ContainsKey(BeanId))
                throw new BeanException($"bean with ID {BeanId} not found  - aborting");
            if (Singletons.ContainsKey(BeanId))

            Type   t = Type.GetType(BeansWithId[BeanId]);
            object o = null;

                o = Activator.CreateInstance(t);
            catch (MissingMethodException e)
                Console.WriteLine($"Error creating the bean ID {BeanId} - empty constructor missing in class!");
                throw new BeanCreationException($"Error creating the bean ID  {BeanId} - empty constructor missing in class!   original exception: {e.Message}");

            foreach (var f in t.GetFields())
                foreach (var a in f.GetCustomAttributes())
                    if (a.GetType() == typeof(Autowire))
                        //Console.WriteLine($"'GetBean() name: {name}, fullname {t.FullName},   found fields with Attr 'Autowire'");
                        // Console.WriteLine($"'GetBean() name: {name}, fullname {t.FullName},   fieldname: '{f.Name}',   fieldtype: {f.FieldType.ToString()}");
                        var           interfaceType            = f.FieldType.ToString();
                        List <string> interfaceImplementations = injectables[interfaceType];

                        if (interfaceImplementations == null)
                            throw new BeanNoImplementationFound($"could not fina an implemention of interface {interfaceType} while constructing bean ID {BeanId} for field {f.Name}");

                        string classFullName = null;
                        if (interfaceImplementations.Count > 1)
                            Autowire aw = a as Autowire;
                            if (aw == null)
                                throw new BeanException($"could not typecast attribute to 'Autowire': ");
                            if (aw.Name == null)
                                string s = string.Join(",", interfaceImplementations);
                                throw new BeanMultipleImplementationsFoundException($"for field {f.Name}. multiple implementation for interface {interfaceType} found: '{s}', but no implementation specified with 'Name' selector  ");
                            if (!beans.ContainsKey(aw.Name))
                                throw new BeanNoImplementationFound($"for field {f.Name}. implementation of interface {interfaceType} specified in 'Name' not found. classname {aw.Name}");
                            classFullName = beans[aw.Name];
                            classFullName = interfaceImplementations[0];

                        Type   ft = Type.GetType(classFullName);
                        object b  = null;
                        if (Singletons.ContainsKey(classFullName))
                            b = Singletons[classFullName];
                                b = Activator.CreateInstance(ft);
                            catch (Exception e)
                                Console.WriteLine($"error creating object classname  fullname: {classFullName}");
                                throw new BeanCreationException($"error creating object  , fullname: {classFullName}, {e.Message}");

                        f.SetValue(o, b);

Beispiel #3
 protected void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
     Autowire.ConfigureWith(new ActivatorContainer());