Beispiel #1
        public static void GetSheetProfileThickness(/*ObjectId aSheetProfilePolyObjectId , Point3d aPickedPoint*/)
            using (var acTrans = _db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction())
                var tLine = (Line)acTrans.GetObject(_tLineId, OpenMode.ForWrite);
                _basePolyLine = (Polyline)acTrans.GetObject(_polylineId, OpenMode.ForWrite);

                //        Ed.Regen();

                #region endmost_thickness_segment_search

                var buf = _num1;
                _num1 = _num2;
                _num2 = buf;

                var p1 = _basePolyLine.GetLineSegmentAt(_num1).EndPoint;
                var p2 = _basePolyLine.GetLineSegmentAt(_num1).StartPoint;
                var p3 = new Point3d((p1.X + p2.X) / 2, (p1.Y + p2.Y) / 2, (p1.Z + p2.Z) / 2);
                var p4 = new Point3d(_ed.CurrentUserCoordinateSystem.CoordinateSystem3d.Zaxis.X + p3.X,
                                     _ed.CurrentUserCoordinateSystem.CoordinateSystem3d.Zaxis.Y + p3.Y,
                                     _ed.CurrentUserCoordinateSystem.CoordinateSystem3d.Zaxis.Z + p3.Z);
                var v3D = p3.GetVectorTo(p4);

                tLine = new Line(p1, p2);
                tLine.TransformBy(Matrix3d.Rotation(Math.PI / 4.0, v3D, p3));
                Draw(tLine, 2, acTrans);
                _tLineId = tLine.ObjectId;
                // thickness = (BasePolyLine.GetLineSegment2dAt(NUM1)).Length;


            //return thickness;
Beispiel #2
        public void Unfold2DSheetProfileStart()
            _ed = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor;
            _db = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Database;

            // Pick a polyline
            var polyOptions = new PromptEntityOptions("Pick a sheet profile :");

                "\nThis is not a generated sheet profile.\nSheet Profile is generated from a polyline with SHP command.\nCreate a sheet profile and try again.");
            polyOptions.AddAllowedClass(typeof(Polyline), true);
            var polyResult = _ed.GetEntity(polyOptions);

            if (polyResult.Status != PromptStatus.OK)

            var pickInsertionPoint = _ed.GetPoint(new PromptPointOptions("Pick insertion point."));

            if (pickInsertionPoint.Status != PromptStatus.OK)

            _polylineId = polyResult.ObjectId;
            double thickness;

            using (var acTrans = _db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction())
                _basePolyLine = (Polyline)acTrans.GetObject(_polylineId, OpenMode.ForWrite);
                if ((CountOfArcs() + 2 != _basePolyLine.NumberOfVertices >> 1) || (CountOfArcs() % 2 > 0))
                    CommandLineHelper.Command("._copy", _basePolyLine.ObjectId, "0,0", "\033", "0,0", "\033");

                    var acPts2D = new Point3dCollection();
                    for (var nCnt = 0; nCnt < _basePolyLine.NumberOfVertices; nCnt++)
                    for (var nCnt = 1; nCnt < acPts2D.Count; nCnt++)
                        var point1 = acPts2D[nCnt];
                        var point2 = acPts2D[nCnt - 1];
                        var dist   = point1.DistanceTo(point2);
                        if (dist < 0.001)

                    for (var nCnt = 0; nCnt < acPts2D.Count; nCnt++)
                        var point1 = acPts2D[nCnt];
                        var point2 = acPts2D[nCnt + 1];
                        var bulge  = _basePolyLine.GetBulgeAt(nCnt);
                        if (bulge != 0)
                            var arc = _basePolyLine.GetArcSegmentAt(nCnt);
                            var ppp = arc.Center;
                            for (var nCnt1 = 1; nCnt1 < acPts2D.Count - 1; nCnt1++)
                                if (acPts2D[nCnt1].DistanceTo(ppp) < 0.01)
                                    var c1 = new Complex(acPts2D[nCnt1].X, acPts2D[nCnt1].Y);
                                    var c2 = new Complex(acPts2D[nCnt1 - 1].X, acPts2D[nCnt1 - 1].Y);
                                    var c3 = new Complex(acPts2D[nCnt1 + 1].X, acPts2D[nCnt1 + 1].Y);

                                    var ml1 = new KLine2D(c1, c2);
                                    var ml2 = new KLine2D(c1, c3);

                                    var c4 = c1 - c2;
                                    c4 /= c4.abs();
                                    c4 *= 0.1;
                                    var c5 = c1 - c3;
                                    c5 /= c5.abs();
                                    c5 *= 0.1;

                                    var c6 = new Complex(point1.X, point1.Y);
                                    var c7 = new Complex(point2.X, point2.Y);

                                    var ml11 = new KLine2D((c1 - c3).real(), (c1 - c3).imag(),
                                                           -(c1 - c3).real() * c6.real() - (c1 - c3).imag() * c6.imag());
                                    var ml22 = new KLine2D((c1 - c2).real(), (c1 - c2).imag(),
                                                           -(c1 - c2).real() * c7.real() - (c1 - c2).imag() * c7.imag());

                                    var c55 = ml11.IntersectWitch(ml2);
                                    var c44 = ml22.IntersectWitch(ml1);

                                    //c6 -= c5; c7 -= c4;
                                    c6 -= c5 - c1 + c55;
                                    c7 -= c4 - c1 + c44;
                                    c4  = c1 - c4;
                                    c5  = c1 - c5;

                                    _basePolyLine.AddVertexAt(nCnt, new Point2d(c6.real(), c6.imag()), bulge, 0, 0);
                                    _basePolyLine.RemoveVertexAt(nCnt + 1);
                                    _basePolyLine.AddVertexAt(nCnt + 1, new Point2d(c7.real(), c7.imag()), 0, 0, 0);

                                    _basePolyLine.AddVertexAt(nCnt1, new Point2d(c5.real(), c5.imag()), 0, 0, 0);
                                    _basePolyLine.AddVertexAt(nCnt1, new Point2d(c4.real(), c4.imag()), -bulge, 0, 0);

                                    for (var nCnt2 = 0; nCnt2 < _basePolyLine.NumberOfVertices; nCnt2++)
                    CommandLineHelper.Command("._u2d", _basePolyLine.ObjectId, pickInsertionPoint.Value);
                    CommandLineHelper.Command("._erase", _basePolyLine.ObjectId, "\033");
                    // MessageBox.Show("Must have an even number of ARC segments !" , "ERROR:");
                    // return;
                thickness = GetThickness();
                if (thickness <= 0)
                    MessageBox.Show("PolyLine has only one segment or no ARC segment !", "ERROR:");
                if (_basePolyLine.Closed == false)
                    MessageBox.Show("The PolyLline is not closed !", "ERROR:");
                if (_basePolyLine.NumberOfVertices % 2 != 0)
                    MessageBox.Show("Must have an even number of segments !", "ERROR:");
                _pickPoint  = pickInsertionPoint.Value;
                _cPickPoint = new Complex(_pickPoint.X, _pickPoint.Y);

                #region endmost_thickness_segment_search

                _num1 = -1;
                _num2 = -1;
                for (var i = 0; i < _basePolyLine.NumberOfVertices; i++)
                    var next = i < _basePolyLine.NumberOfVertices - 1 ? i + 1 : 0;
                    var pre  = i > 0 ? i - 1 : _basePolyLine.NumberOfVertices - 1;

                    var seg = _basePolyLine.GetLineSegment2dAt(i);
                    if (seg.Length - thickness < 0.000001)
                        var segPre  = _basePolyLine.GetLineSegment2dAt(pre);
                        var segNext = _basePolyLine.GetLineSegment2dAt(next);

                        for (var j = next; j < _basePolyLine.NumberOfVertices; j++)
                            var seg1 = _basePolyLine.GetLineSegment2dAt(j);
                            if (seg1.Length - thickness < 0.000001)
                                if (Math.Abs(seg.Length - seg1.Length) < 0.000001)
                                    var cPre = new Complex(segPre.EndPoint.X, segPre.EndPoint.Y) -
                                               new Complex(segPre.StartPoint.X, segPre.StartPoint.Y);
                                    var cNext = new Complex(segNext.EndPoint.X, segNext.EndPoint.Y) -
                                                new Complex(segNext.StartPoint.X, segNext.StartPoint.Y);
                                    var ang = (cNext / cPre).arg();
                                    if (Math.Abs(ang * 180 / Math.PI - 180) < 0.001)
                                        if (_num1 == -1)
                                            _num1 = i;
                                            _num2 = j;
                                            if (Math.Abs(j - i) == _basePolyLine.NumberOfVertices / 2)
                                                _num1 = i;
                                                _num2 = j;

                var p1 = _basePolyLine.GetLineSegmentAt(_num1).EndPoint;
                var p2 = _basePolyLine.GetLineSegmentAt(_num1).StartPoint;
                var p3 = new Point3d((p1.X + p2.X) / 2, (p1.Y + p2.Y) / 2, (p1.Z + p2.Z) / 2);
                var p4 = new Point3d(_ed.CurrentUserCoordinateSystem.CoordinateSystem3d.Zaxis.X + p3.X,
                                     _ed.CurrentUserCoordinateSystem.CoordinateSystem3d.Zaxis.Y + p3.Y,
                                     _ed.CurrentUserCoordinateSystem.CoordinateSystem3d.Zaxis.Z + p3.Z);
                var v3D   = p3.GetVectorTo(p4);
                var tLine = new Line(p1, p2);
                tLine.TransformBy(Matrix3d.Rotation(Math.PI / 4.0, v3D, p3));
                Draw(tLine, 4, acTrans);
                _tLineId = tLine.ObjectId;
                //thickness = (BasePolyLine.GetLineSegment2dAt(NUM1)).Length;



            _unfoldPoints = new ArrayList();
            _entityTemp   = new List <ObjectId>();

            Unfold2DForm = new Unfold2dForm(thickness);
            Unfold2DForm.U2D_PREPARE_REDRAW += PrepareRedraw;