Beispiel #1
 void Awake()
     Input.compensateSensors = true;
     Input.gyro.enabled = true;
     _smoothingTime = smoothingTime;
     _headingOffset = headingOffset;
     _pitchOffset = pitchOffset;
     _pitchOffsetMinimum = pitchOffsetMinimum;
     _pitchOffsetMaximum = pitchOffsetMaximum;
     _gyroHeadingAmplifier = gyroHeadingAmplifier;
     _gyroPitchAmplifier = gyroPitchAmplifier;
     _selfUpdate = selfUpdate;
     _autoUpdateList = autoUpdateList;
     _transformName =;
Beispiel #2
		void Update() 
			if (!SystemInfo.supportsGyroscope) 
				forceAccelerometer = true;
				ErrorHandling.LogError("Warning [GyroAccel]: No gyroscope available -> forcing accelerometer");
			if (Application.isEditor && Input.gyro.attitude == Quaternion.identity) 
				MSP_Input.ErrorHandling.LogError("Warning [GyroAccel]: There seems to be a problem reading the gyroscope: did you set up Unity Remote correctly?");
			forceAccelerometer = _forceAccelerometer;
			smoothingTime = _smoothingTime;
			headingOffset = _headingOffset;
			pitchOffset = _pitchOffset;
			pitchOffsetMinimum = _pitchOffsetMinimum;
			pitchOffsetMaximum = _pitchOffsetMaximum;
			gyroHeadingAmplifier = _gyroHeadingAmplifier;
			gyroPitchAmplifier = _gyroPitchAmplifier;
			selfUpdate = _selfUpdate;
			autoUpdateList = _autoUpdateList;
			CheckHeadingAndPitchBoundaries ();
			if (!_forceAccelerometer && SystemInfo.supportsGyroscope) {
				UpdateGyroscopeOrientation ();
			} else {
				UpdateAccelerometerOrientation ();
			_rotation = rotation;
			_heading = heading;
			_pitch = pitch;
			_roll = roll;
			_headingOffset = headingOffset;
			_pitchOffset = pitchOffset;
Beispiel #3
 void Update()
     if (!SystemInfo.supportsGyroscope)
         forceAccelerometer = true;
         ErrorHandling.LogError("Warning [GyroAccel]: No gyroscope available -> forcing accelerometer");
     if (Application.isEditor && Input.gyro.attitude == Quaternion.identity)
         MSP_Input.ErrorHandling.LogError("Warning [GyroAccel]: There seems to be a problem reading the gyroscope: did you set up Unity Remote correctly?");
     forceAccelerometer = _forceAccelerometer;
     smoothingTime = _smoothingTime;
     headingOffset = _headingOffset;
     pitchOffset = _pitchOffset;
     pitchOffsetMinimum = _pitchOffsetMinimum;
     pitchOffsetMaximum = _pitchOffsetMaximum;
     gyroHeadingAmplifier = _gyroHeadingAmplifier;
     gyroPitchAmplifier = _gyroPitchAmplifier;
     selfUpdate = _selfUpdate;
     autoUpdateList = _autoUpdateList;
     CheckHeadingAndPitchBoundaries ();
     if (!_forceAccelerometer && SystemInfo.supportsGyroscope) {
         UpdateGyroscopeOrientation ();
     } else {
         UpdateAccelerometerOrientation ();
     _rotation = rotation;
     _heading = heading;
     _pitch = pitch;
     _roll = roll;
     _headingOffset = headingOffset;
     _pitchOffset = pitchOffset;
Beispiel #4
 void Awake()
     Input.compensateSensors = true;
     Input.gyro.enabled = true;
     _forceAccelerometer = forceAccelerometer;
     _smoothingTime = smoothingTime;
     _headingOffset = headingOffset;
     _pitchOffset = pitchOffset;
     _pitchOffsetMinimum = pitchOffsetMinimum;
     _pitchOffsetMaximum = pitchOffsetMaximum;
     _gyroHeadingAmplifier = gyroHeadingAmplifier;
     _gyroPitchAmplifier = gyroPitchAmplifier;
     _selfUpdate = selfUpdate;
     _autoUpdateList = autoUpdateList;
     _transformName =;