Beispiel #1
    public virtual void GetPairExtents( int line, int col, out TextSpan span ) {

      span = new TextSpan();

      // Synchronously return the matching brace location.      
      string text = this.GetTextUpToLine(0); // Might be matching forwards so we have to search the whole file.
      string fname = this.GetFilePath();
      ParseReason reason = ParseReason.MatchBraces;
      AuthoringSink sink = new AuthoringSink(reason, line, col);
      AuthoringScope scope = this.service.ParseSource(text, line, col, fname, sink, reason);

      if (sink.Spans.Count == 0)

      //transform spanList into an array of spans
      TextSpan[] spans = (TextSpan[])sink.Spans.ToArray(typeof(TextSpan));      
      int spanCount = spans.Length;

      //called from ViewFilter::GetPairExtents
      if (spans[0].iStartLine < spans[spanCount-1].iStartLine ||
        (spans[0].iStartLine == spans[spanCount-1].iStartLine && spans[0].iStartIndex <= spans[spanCount-1].iStartIndex )) {
        span.iStartLine  = spans[0].iStartLine;
        span.iStartIndex = spans[0].iStartIndex;
        span.iEndLine    = spans[spanCount-1].iStartLine;
        span.iEndIndex   = spans[spanCount-1].iStartIndex;
      else {
        span.iStartLine  = spans[spanCount-1].iStartLine;
        span.iStartIndex = spans[spanCount-1].iStartIndex;
        span.iEndLine    = spans[0].iStartLine;
        span.iEndIndex   = spans[0].iStartIndex;

      if (span.iStartLine == span.iEndLine && span.iStartIndex == span.iEndIndex)

Beispiel #2
 public virtual string OnSyncQuickInfo(IVsTextView textView, int line, int col) {
   // synchronous parse and return data tip text.
   string text = this.GetTextUpToLine(line+1);
   string fname = this.GetFilePath();
   ParseReason reason = ParseReason.Autos;
   AuthoringSink sink = new AuthoringSink(reason, line, col);
   AuthoringScope scope = this.service.ParseSource(text, line, col, fname, sink, reason);
   if (scope != null) {
     TextSpan span;
     return scope.GetDataTipText(line, col, out span);
   return null;
Beispiel #3
 public virtual string OnSyncGoto(VsCommands cmd, IVsTextView textView, int line, int col, out TextSpan span) {
   // synchronous parse and return definition location.
   string text = this.GetTextUpToLine(line+1);
   string fname = this.GetFilePath();
   ParseReason reason = ParseReason.Autos;
   AuthoringSink sink = new AuthoringSink(reason, line, col);
   AuthoringScope scope = this.service.ParseSource(text, line, col, fname, sink, reason);
   if (scope != null) {
     return scope.Goto(cmd, textView, line, col, out span);
   } else {
     span = new TextSpan();
   return null;
Beispiel #4
 public abstract void ParseAndAnalyzeCompilationUnit(string fname, string source, int line, int col, ErrorNodeList errors, Compilation compilation, AuthoringSink sink);
Beispiel #5
 public abstract CompilationUnit ParseCompilationUnit(string fname, string source, ErrorNodeList errors, Compilation compilation, AuthoringSink sink);
Beispiel #6
 public virtual AuthoringScope ParsePartialCompilationUnit(string fname, string text, int line, int col, AuthoringSink asink, ParseReason reason){
   Compilation compilation = this.GetCompilationFor(fname);
   if (line >= 0 && (reason == ParseReason.MemberSelect || reason == ParseReason.MemberSelectExplicit || reason == ParseReason.CompleteWord))
     text = this.Truncate(text, line, col);
   Module savedSymbolTable = this.currentSymbolTable;
   compilation.TargetModule = this.currentSymbolTable = new Module();
   this.currentSymbolTable.AssemblyReferences = savedSymbolTable.AssemblyReferences;
   CompilationUnit partialCompilationUnit = this.ParseCompilationUnit(fname, text, new ErrorNodeList(), compilation, asink);
   compilation.TargetModule = this.currentSymbolTable = savedSymbolTable;
   if (reason != ParseReason.HighlightBraces && reason != ParseReason.MatchBraces){
     MemberFinder memberFinder = this.GetMemberFinder(line+1, col+1);
     Member unresolvedMember = memberFinder.Member;
     memberFinder.Member = null;
     CompilationUnit cu = this.GetCompilationUnitSnippet(compilation, fname);
     if (cu != null){
       if (unresolvedMember == null){
         //Dealing with a construct that is not part of a type definition, such as a using statement
         if (memberFinder.Member != null)
           this.Resolve(unresolvedMember, memberFinder.Member);
           this.Resolve(partialCompilationUnit); //Symbol table is out of date
   return this.GetAuthoringScope();
Beispiel #7
 public virtual void ReportErrors(string fileName, ErrorNodeList errors, AuthoringSink sink){
   if (sink == null) return;
   for (int n = errors.Count, i = n-1; i >= 0; i--){ //Scan backwards so that early errors trump later errors
     ErrorNode enode = errors[i];
     if (enode == null || enode.Severity < 0) continue;
     //TODO: suppress warnings of level > set in options
     SourceContext context = enode.SourceContext;
     if (context.Document == null) continue;
     if (context.Document.Name != fileName) continue;
Beispiel #8
 public AuthoringScope ParseSource(string text, int line, int col, string fname, AuthoringSink asink, ParseReason reason){
   this.currentAst = null;
   Compilation compilation = this.GetCompilationFor(fname); 
   Debug.Assert(compilation != null, "no compilation for: "+fname);
   this.currentSymbolTable = compilation.TargetModule;
   switch (reason){
     case ParseReason.CollapsibleRegions:
     case ParseReason.CompleteWord:
     case ParseReason.MatchBraces:
     case ParseReason.HighlightBraces:
     case ParseReason.MemberSelect:
     case ParseReason.MemberSelectExplicit:
     case ParseReason.MethodTip: 
     case ParseReason.QuickInfo:
     case ParseReason.Autos:{
       return this.ParsePartialCompilationUnit(fname, text, line, col, asink, reason);
     case ParseReason.Check:{
       ErrorNodeList errors = new ErrorNodeList();
       this.ParseAndAnalyzeCompilationUnit(fname, text, line, col, errors, compilation, asink);
       this.ReportErrors(fname, errors, asink);
       return this.GetAuthoringScope();
   return null;
Beispiel #9
 public virtual AuthoringScope GetAuthoringScopeForMethodBody(string text, Compilation/*!*/ compilation, Method/*!*/ method, AuthoringSink asink) {
   return null;
Beispiel #10
 public abstract int ParseStatements(StatementList statements, int startColumn, string terminator, AuthoringSink sink);
Beispiel #11
 public abstract int ParseTypeMembers(TypeNode type, int startColumn, string terminator, AuthoringSink sink);
Beispiel #12
 public abstract Expression ParseExpression(int startColumn, string terminator, AuthoringSink sink);
Beispiel #13
 public abstract CompilationUnit ParseCompilationUnit(String source, string fname, CompilerParameters parameters, ErrorNodeList errors, AuthoringSink sink);
Beispiel #14
//    public void HandleReferencedCompilationUpdate(System.Compiler.UpdateSpecification updateSpecification, System.Compiler.MemberList changedMembers){
//    }
//    public virtual bool CompileIfNeeded(AuthoringSink sink){
//      if (sink == null) return true;
//      System.Compiler.ErrorNodeList errors = new System.Compiler.ErrorNodeList();
//      XmlElement config = this.GetActiveConfiguration();
//      Project project = this.GetCompilerProject(config, errors);
//      if (this.ProcessErrors(sink, errors)) return true;
//      if (project == null) return false;
//      if (project.Compilation == null || project.Compilation.TargetModule.IsNormalized) return false;
//      System.Compiler.CompilationList referencedCompilations = this.GetReferencedCompilations(config, errors);
//      if (this.ProcessErrors(sink, errors)) return true;
//      for (int i = 0, n = referencedCompilations == null ? 0 : referencedCompilations.Length; i < n; i++){
//        System.Compiler.Compilation rcomp = referencedCompilations[i];
//        if (rcomp == null) continue;
//        if (rcomp.TargetModule == null || rcomp.TargetModule.IsNormalized) continue;
//        return false; //Caller will eventually compile the referenced compilation
//      }
//      //At this point all the compilations referenced by this one have been compiled already
//      this.CompileProject(project, errors);
//      this.ProcessErrors(sink, errors);
//      return true;
//    }
    public virtual bool ProcessErrors(AuthoringSink sink, System.Compiler.ErrorNodeList errors) {
      if (sink == null) { Debug.Assert(false); return true; }
      if (errors == null || errors.Length <= 0) return false;
      for (int i = 0, n = errors.Length; i < n; i++) sink.AddError(errors[i]);
      return true;
Beispiel #15
 public virtual Microsoft.VisualStudio.Package.AuthoringScope ParseSource(string text, int line, int col, string fname, 
   Microsoft.VisualStudio.Package.AuthoringSink aSink, Microsoft.VisualStudio.Package.ParseReason reason){
   System.Compiler.AuthoringSink scAsink = new AuthoringSink(aSink);
   System.Compiler.AuthoringScope scAuthScope = 
     this.scLanguageService.ParseSource(text, line, col, fname, scAsink, (System.Compiler.ParseReason)reason);
   return new AuthoringScope(scAuthScope, this.glyphProvider);
 public PythonSink(AuthoringSink authoringSink)
     this.authoringSink = authoringSink;