Beispiel #1
        [RequestHeaderMatchesMediaType("Content-type", new[] { "application/" })]  //with versioning media types
        public IActionResult CreateAuthor([FromBody] AuthorForCreationDto author)
            if (author == null)

            var authorEntity = author.ConvertToAuthorEntity();

            if (!_libraryRepository.Save())
                throw new Exception();  //with global exception handling, we can throw exception
                //return StatusCode(500, "problem");
            var authorToReturn = authorEntity.ConvertToAuthorDto();
            var links          = CreateLinksForAuthor(authorToReturn.Id, null);

            //add links to post author, convert authordto to expandoobject
            var linkedResourceToReturn = authorToReturn.ShapeData() as IDictionary <string, object>;

            linkedResourceToReturn.Add("links", links);

            //need a name on the get method call to use it here
            //return CreatedAtRoute("GetAuthor", new { id = authorToReturn.Id }, authorToReturn);
            //with links
            return(CreatedAtRoute("GetAuthor", new { id = linkedResourceToReturn["Id"] }, linkedResourceToReturn));