Beispiel #1
        // authorization token
        public AuthTokenAddRequest AuthorizationToken(int id)
            AuthTokenAddRequest emailConfirmationToken = new AuthTokenAddRequest
            {                                      // set data to store in new AuthTokenAddRequest instance
                UserId            = id,            // set UserId
                ConfirmationToken = Guid.NewGuid() // set Guid

        [TestMethod] // AuthTokenAddRequest
        public void CreateAuthToken_Test()
            // Arrange
            AuthTokenAddRequest addRequestModel = new AuthTokenAddRequest
                Email             = "*****@*****.**",
                ConfirmationToken = new Guid("CF0A8C1C-F2D0-41A1-A12C-53D9BE513A1C"),
            // Act
            int result = _userService3.CreateAuthToken(addRequestModel);

            // Assert
            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(result, typeof(int), "Id has to be int");
            Assert.IsTrue(result > 0, "The insert result has to be greater the 0");
Beispiel #3
        // [INSERT] to AuthToken datatable
        public int CreateAuthToken(AuthTokenAddRequest model)
            int id = 0;

                inputParamMapper : delegate(SqlParameterCollection paramCol)
                SqlParameter parm  = new SqlParameter();
                parm.ParameterName = "@Id";
                parm.SqlDbType     = SqlDbType.Int;
                parm.Direction     = ParameterDirection.Output;

                paramCol.AddWithValue("@UserID", model.UserId);
                paramCol.AddWithValue("@ConfirmationToken", model.ConfirmationToken);
            }, returnParameters : delegate(SqlParameterCollection paramCol)
                id = (int)paramCol["@Id"].Value;
        public readonly IUserService _userService5; //GetByEmail

        /// <summary>
        /// Using the constructor of the class
        /// it will be where we run our test setup
        /// 1. Create some fake data that will represent a database
        /// 2. Create - Make the fake insert method that will act on the fake data
        /// 3. Read - Make GetAll and GetById fake methods that will act on the fake data
        /// 4. Update - Make fake Update method that will act on the fake data
        /// 5. Delete - Make fake Delete method that will act on the fake data
        /// </summary>
        public UserServiceTest()
            // This is a date & time we'll use for Created and Modified Dates
            DateTime arrangeNow = DateTime.Now;

            // This will represent the fake database for the purpose of testing
            List <Registration> RegistrationList = new List <Registration> {
                new Registration {
                    Id = 1, Email = "*****@*****.**", Password = "******", Salt = "182h8f443h8", isConfirmed = false, isActive = false, CreatedDate = arrangeNow, ModifiedDate = arrangeNow
                new Registration {
                    Id = 2, Email = "*****@*****.**", Password = "******", Salt = "kdfn383ufie", isConfirmed = true, isActive = true, CreatedDate = arrangeNow, ModifiedDate = arrangeNow
                new Registration {
                    Id = 3, Email = "*****@*****.**", Password = "******", Salt = "dmo2dcpjd2", isConfirmed = true, isActive = false, CreatedDate = arrangeNow, ModifiedDate = arrangeNow

            // AuthToken
            List <AuthTokenViewModel> AuthTokenList = new List <AuthTokenViewModel>
                new AuthTokenViewModel {
                    Id = 1, UserId = 1, Email = "*****@*****.**", ConfirmationAuthToken = "CF0A8C1C-F2D0-41A1-A12C-53D9BE513A1C", isConfirmed = false, isActive = false

            // AuthTokenAddRequest
            List <AuthTokenAddRequest> AuthTokenAddRequestList = new List <AuthTokenAddRequest>
                new AuthTokenAddRequest {
                    UserId = 1, Email = "*****@*****.**", ConfirmationToken = new Guid("CF0A8C1C-F2D0-41A1-A12C-53D9BE513A1C")

            // EmailConfirmationRequest
            List <EmailConfirmationUpdateRequest> EmailConfirmationUpdateRequestList = new List <EmailConfirmationUpdateRequest>
                new EmailConfirmationUpdateRequest {
                    Id = 1, isConfirmed = true

            // GetByEmail
            List <EmailViewModel> emailViewModelList = new List <EmailViewModel>
                new EmailViewModel {
                    Id = 1, Email = "*****@*****.**"

            // Build the mock object that represents your service
            var mock  = new Mock <IUserService>();
            var mock1 = new Mock <IUserService>();
            var mock2 = new Mock <IUserService>(); //AuthToken
            var mock3 = new Mock <IUserService>(); //AuthTokenAddRequest
            var mock4 = new Mock <IUserService>(); //EmailConfirmationUpdateRequest
            var mock5 = new Mock <IUserService>(); //GetByEmail

            // Setup the calls to duplicate the service's behavior
            // Create
            mock.Setup(m => m.Create(It.IsAny <RegistrationAddRequest>())).Returns(
                (RegistrationAddRequest addRequestModel) =>
                // Immulate the ModelState.IsValid code in ASP.NET
                List <ValidationResult> validationResult = ValidateModel <RegistrationAddRequest>(addRequestModel);
                if (validationResult.Count > 0)
                    throw new ValidationException(validationResult[0], null, addRequestModel);

                // Create the Domain Model to add to the fake database
                Registration newModel = new Registration
                    Id       = RegistrationList.Count + 1,
                    Email    = addRequestModel.Email,
                    Password = addRequestModel.Password,

                // add the new model to the fake database
                // return the new Id

            mock1.Setup(m => m.LogIn(It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <string>())).Returns(
                (string email, string pass) =>
                Registration model = RegistrationList.Where(m => m.Email == email).FirstOrDefault();
                if (model == null)
                else if (model.Password == pass)
                    string[] roles         = null;
                    IUserAuthData response = new UserBase
                        Id    = model.Id,
                        Name  = "FakeUser" + model.Id.ToString(),
                        Roles = roles ?? new[] { "User", "Super", "Content Manager" }

            mock2.Setup(m => m.GetByAuthTokenID(It.IsAny <string>())).Returns(
                (string confirmationAuthToken) =>
                //Get the model from the fake database
                AuthTokenViewModel model = AuthTokenList.Where(m => m.ConfirmationAuthToken == confirmationAuthToken).FirstOrDefault();

                //This will be the return from the method
                AuthTokenViewModel newModel = null;

                //Make sure we found the id in our fake database
                if (model != null)
                    //Make a cope
                    //Since C# doesn't have a spread operator we have to do this manually
                    newModel = new AuthTokenViewModel
                        Id     = model.Id,
                        UserId = model.UserId,
                        Email  = model.Email,
                        ConfirmationAuthToken = model.ConfirmationAuthToken,
                        isConfirmed           = model.isConfirmed,
                        isActive = model.isActive,

            mock3.Setup(m => m.CreateAuthToken(It.IsAny <AuthTokenAddRequest>())).Returns(
                (AuthTokenAddRequest addRequestModel) =>
                // Immulate the ModelState.IsValid code in ASP.NET
                List <ValidationResult> validationResult = ValidateModel <AuthTokenAddRequest>(addRequestModel);
                if (validationResult.Count > 0)
                    throw new ValidationException(validationResult[0], null, addRequestModel);

                // Create the Domain Model to add to the fake database
                AuthTokenAddRequest newModel = new AuthTokenAddRequest
                    UserId            = AuthTokenAddRequestList.Count + 1,
                    Email             = addRequestModel.Email,
                    ConfirmationToken = addRequestModel.ConfirmationToken,

                // add the new model to the fake database
                // return the new Id

            //Update isConfirmed
            mock4.Setup(m => m.UpdateIsConfirmed(It.IsAny <EmailConfirmationUpdateRequest>())).Callback(
                (EmailConfirmationUpdateRequest updateRequestModel) =>
                //Immulate the ModelState.IsValid code in ASP.NET
                List <ValidationResult> validationResult = ValidateModel <EmailConfirmationUpdateRequest>(updateRequestModel);
                if (validationResult.Count > 0)
                    throw new ValidationException(validationResult[0], null, updateRequestModel);

                //Get the model from the fake database
                AuthTokenViewModel updateModel = AuthTokenList.Where(m => m.Id == updateRequestModel.Id).Single();

                //Transfer the values from the updateRequestModel to the updateModel inside the fake database
                updateModel.isConfirmed = updateRequestModel.isConfirmed;

            //Read - Get By Email
            mock5.Setup(m => m.GetByEmail(It.IsAny <string>())).Returns(
                (string email) =>
                //Get the model from the fake database
                EmailViewModel model = emailViewModelList.Where(m => m.Email == email).FirstOrDefault();

                //This will be the return from the method
                EmailViewModel newModel = null;

                //Make sure we found the id in our fake database
                if (model != null)
                    //Make a copy
                    //Since C# doesn't have a spread operator we have to do this manually
                    newModel = new EmailViewModel
                        Id    = model.Id,
                        Email = model.Email,
            // Once all the setup it completed
            // Assign the mock object to the
            // private member
            _userService  = mock.Object;
            _userService1 = mock1.Object;
            _userService2 = mock2.Object; //AuthToken
            _userService3 = mock3.Object; //AuthTokenAddRequest
            _userService4 = mock4.Object; //EmailConfirmationUpdateRequest
            _userService5 = mock5.Object; //EmailConfirmationUpdateRequest