public ActionResult <string> Get()
            // look for an Auth Header
            // we expect it to look like:
            string authHeader = Request.Headers["Authorization"];

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(authHeader))
                // parse the header
                var    parts          = authHeader.Split(" ");
                string jwtTokenString = parts[1];

                (bool isJwtTokenValid, string username, JwtSecurityToken jwtToken) = JwtController.ValidateJWTToken(jwtTokenString, JwtController.AUDIENCE);

                if (!isJwtTokenValid)
                    // at this point this controller would add the identity of the authenticated caller as a new HTTP header and call a downstream webapi

                    // in this POC just return the identity that we derived from the JWT
                    var authCResult = new AuthCResultBE()
                        IsValid = isJwtTokenValid, User = username, JwtToken = jwtTokenString
                    //return Ok(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(authCResult, Formatting.Indented));
        //public ActionResult<string> Post([FromBody] string rawRequest)
        public async Task <ActionResult <string> > Post()
            // note: I specficially choose NOT to use the [FromBody] approach to make debugging easier
            //          if we use the [FromBody] approach this method never get control if the body cannot be correctly deserialized
            //          this approach lets us capture the raw body content passed
            string httpBody = Request.GetRawBodyString();

            AuthCRequestBE authRequest = null;

                authRequest = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <AuthCRequestBE>(httpBody);
            catch (Exception ex)
                // you could do addl logging here to support debugging

            // look for an Auth Header
            // we expect it to look like:
            // Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IjFERTJERjQ2NkQyMTg4RDMyRjc0ODdCMjlCQzc2OTExNURDNTM0NzIiLCJ0eXAiOiJKV1QifQ.eyJzdWIiOiJodHRwczovL3d3dy5kYXRhY2Fwc3lzdGVtcy5jb20vIiwiYXVkIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cud29ybGRwYXkuY29tLyIsImV4cCI6MTU2NDk0MjEwN30.mwwaFczSPP1_EMDcgAdXIbf3hwHw26nTv-kG4b1_EH9q8TFrNMmPMjayyWzHDizbwF-As-6AppaNlMbEQFp-ilXLCx_MAgvff1vNA_qA_wh_t0rcsUO_Evbn5lapoDOCom97cddSIywUnb4zA14TRlrttfuOnpkj08WaR2WM38unpKjBpIHYZJYrrG5Gzyyjs2uzPfCydOCcXVuv3xcVTbmgDGVraDswDMF0xVKHwrFNG9HLfCsJhgA14_puVELPRceuXa_o-u9o05U8-BRrzvyEOxobpXc_z6c0FlnA5OcTGbVDChCASal-8kXjaZYzk1dF-FBQxK3Sj75wCi3IYg
            string authHeader = Request.Headers["Authorization"];

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(authHeader))
                // parse the header
                var    parts          = authHeader.Split(" ");
                string jwtTokenString = parts[1];

                (bool isJwtTokenValid, string username, JwtSecurityToken jwtToken) = JwtController.ValidateJWTToken(jwtTokenString, JwtController.AUDIENCE);

                if (!isJwtTokenValid)
                    // at this point this controller would add the identity of the authenticated caller as a new HTTP header and call a downstream webapi
                    // this part would typically be in the downstream client and called using await

                    // validate that the body has not body modified
                    string hash = httpBody.SHA256Hash();
                    (string hashType, string bodyHash) = JwtController.GetBodyHashInfo(jwtToken.Payload);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hashType))
                        if (hashType.ToLower() != @"sha256")
                            return(BadRequest($"hash type: [{hashType}] is NOT supported, use sha256 instead!"));

                        if (httpBody.SHA256Hash() != bodyHash)
                            return(BadRequest($"Post Body has been modified"));

                    // in this POC just return the identity that we derived from the JWT
                    var authCResult = new AuthCResultBE()
                        IsValid = isJwtTokenValid, User = username, JwtToken = jwtTokenString
                    //return Ok(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(authCResult, Formatting.Indented));