Beispiel #1
        public TDAttacker(AttackerTypes t, int Level)
            // get attacker template for enum
            TDAttacker a = TDResources.Attackers[((int)t - 1)];

            this.Name      = a.Name;
            this.MainColor = Color.Red;

            if (a.MainImage != null)
                this.MainImage = a.MainImage;

            // adjust stats for level

            // HP  - quickly increase
            this.HPMax     = a.HPMax + (Level * 10);
            this.HPCurrent = this.HPMax;

            // Range - slowly increase
            this.Range = (a.Range * 2) + (Level / 5);

            // Speed - slowly increase
            this.SpeedMax     = Math.Max(1, (a.SpeedMax + Level) / 4);
            this.SpeedCurrent = this.SpeedMax;

            // Damage - increase linearly
            this.BulletDamage = (a.BulletDamage / 10) + (Level);

            // bullet speed
            this.BulletSpeed = a.BulletSpeed;

            // cooldown remains constant
            this.Cooldown = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, (int)(a.Cooldown.TotalMilliseconds * 100));

            // cost (loot)
            this.Cost = 5 + ((Level - 1) * 2);
Beispiel #2
        private double GetModifier()
            var    stablist = AttackerTypes.Where(x => x.Name == move.Value);
            double stab     = 1;

            if (stablist.Any())
                stab = 1.5;
            var    typeEffectiveness = setEffectiveness();
            double critical          = 1;

            if (rng.Next(0, 100) < 10)
                IsCritical = true;
                critical   = 2;
            double other  = /*rng.NextDouble() * 2*/ 1;
            double random = (double)rng.Next(85, 100) / 100;
            double mod    = stab * typeEffectiveness * critical * other * random;

Beispiel #3
        private void GenerateAttackersForLevel(int lvl, List <TDPath> Paths)
            // waves
            this._WaveCount = 9 + (lvl);

            if (testing)
                _WaveCount = 0;

            // wave attacker type
            bool mixed = (TDMath.D(100) > 70); // 30% mixed

            // attackers per wave
            int attPerWave = 5 + TDMath.D(10 * lvl);

            if (testing)
                attPerWave = 0;

            // if 80, then betwen 41 and 80;
            int ThisWaveDelay = (WaveDelay / 2) + TDMath.D(WaveDelay / 2);

            if (testing)
                ThisWaveDelay = WaveDelay;

            int MaxDelay = 0;

            // for each wave
            for (int i = 0; i < this._WaveCount; i++)
                // set the type and path for this wave
                AttackerTypes t = GetWeightedAttackerType(false);
                TDPath        p = Paths[TDMath.D(Paths.Count) - 1];

                // vary the attacker separation for this wave (between 1/2 and full value)
                int AttackerDelayWithinThisWave = (AttackerDelayWithinWave / 2) + TDMath.D((AttackerDelayWithinWave / 2));

                if (testing)
                    AttackerDelayWithinThisWave = AttackerDelayWithinWave;

                for (int j = 0; j < attPerWave; j++)
                    // check for mixed attacker type
                    if (mixed && lvl > 3) // don't mix until lvl 4+
                        // randomized the type for the next attacker
                        t = GetWeightedAttackerType(true);
                        p = Paths[TDMath.D(Paths.Count) - 1];

                    // generate the new attacker
                    TDAttacker a = new TDAttacker(t, lvl);
                    a.WaveIndex = i + 1;

                    int delayMS = Math.Max(1, (i * ThisWaveDelay) + (j * AttackerDelayWithinThisWave)); // slightly stagger each attacker within the wave (j)
                    a.Effects.Add(new TDEffect(TDEffectTypes.WaveDelay, 0, new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, delayMS), false));


                    // remember the MaxDelay for the Boss
                    MaxDelay = Math.Max(MaxDelay, delayMS);

            // and finally, add the level boss
            TDAttacker boss = new TDAttacker(AttackerTypes.Boss, lvl + 10);

            boss.Size     += 4;
            boss.HPMax     = boss.HPMax * 6;
            boss.HPCurrent = boss.HPMax;
            int AdditionalBossDelay = 500;

            if (testing)
                AdditionalBossDelay = 10000;
            boss.Effects.Add(new TDEffect(TDEffectTypes.WaveDelay, 0, new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, MaxDelay + AdditionalBossDelay), false)); // 1/2 second after last attacker
            TDPath pBoss = Paths[TDMath.D(Paths.Count) - 1];

    /// Functions

    public ChooseToDefeatTask(DefenderSandbox defender, AttackerTypes attackerType)
        this.defender     = defender;
        this.attackerType = attackerType;