Beispiel #1
        public static AttributeValue Parse(AtomicName <EAttributeName> Name, string Input)
            var Def = AttributeDefinition.Lookup(Name);

            Def.Parse(Input, out dynamic outVal);
            return(new AttributeValue(Def.Type, Input, outVal));
Beispiel #2
        internal ICssProperty Get(AtomicName <ECssPropertyID> CssName)
            if (CssName is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(CssName));
            if (CssName.Value < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException($"Invalid CSS property ID (negative value): {CssName}");


            if (CssName.Value >= CssProperties.Count)


             * if (CssPropertyMap.TryGetValue(CssName, out ICssProperty prop))
             *  return prop;
             * throw new KeyNotFoundException($"Unable find style property: {CssName}");
Beispiel #3
        internal void Set(AtomicName <ECssPropertyID> CssName, ICssProperty Value)
            if (CssName is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(CssName));
            if (CssName.Value < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException($"Invalid CSS property ID (negative value): {CssName}");


            if (CssName.Value >= CssProperties.Count)
            {// Make more room
                int diff = CssName.Value - CssProperties.Count;
                for (int i = 0; i < diff; i++)

            CssProperties[CssName.Value] = Value;

             * if (CssPropertyMap.TryGetValue(CssName, out ICssProperty Property))
             * {
             *  Property.Overwrite(Value);
             *  return;
             * }
             * throw new KeyNotFoundException($"Unable find style property: {CssName}");
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new CSS property definition
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Name">CSS property name</param>
        /// <param name="Inherited">Do child elements inherit this value if they are unset?</param>
        /// <param name="Flags">Indicates what aspects of an element this property affects</param>
        /// <param name="Initial">Default value for the property</param>
        /// <param name="Keywords">List of keywords which can be assigned to this property</param>
        /// <param name="IsPrivate">If TRUE then this property cannot be set from style-sheets</param>
        public StyleDefinition(AtomicName <ECssPropertyID> Name, bool Inherited, EPropertyDirtFlags Flags, CssValue Initial, ECssValueTypes AllowedTypes = 0x0, string[] Keywords = null, bool IsPrivate = false, CssPercentageResolver Percentage_Resolver = null, params Tuple <EPropertyStage, PropertyResolverFunc>[] Resolvers)
            this.Name                = Name;
            this.Flags               = Flags;
            this.IsPrivate           = IsPrivate;
            this.Inherited           = Inherited;
            this.Initial             = Initial;
            this.Percentage_Resolver = Percentage_Resolver;

            if (Keywords is null)
                keywordWhitelist = Array.Empty <string>();
                keywordWhitelist = Keywords.ToArray();

            // Append the specified allowed types to our defaults
            this.AllowedTypes |= AllowedTypes;

            // Setup our resolver index
            foreach (var o in Resolvers)
                propertyStageResolver[(int)o.Item1] = o.Item2;
Beispiel #5
 public UrlOrigin(AtomicName <EUrlScheme> scheme, UrlHost host, ushort?port, string domain)
     Type   = EOriginType.Tuple;
     Scheme = scheme;
     Host   = host;
     Port   = port;
     Domain = domain;
Beispiel #6
		private static Name ToAtomicName(char c, IPosition position)
			var an = new AtomicName(c, position, dummyNotion);
			return an;
			//var result = new ElementaryForm<NameInstance>(an);
			//an.Notation = result;
			//return result;
Beispiel #7
        public AttributeSelector(NamespacePrefixToken Namespace, string Attrib, CssToken OperatorToken, string Value) : base(ESimpleSelectorType.AttributeSelector)
            this.Namespace     = Namespace;
            this.AttributeName = Attrib;
            if (Value == null)
                Value = string.Empty;
            this.Value = Value;

            if (OperatorToken == null || OperatorToken.Type == ECssTokenType.Delim && (OperatorToken as DelimToken).Value == '>')
                this.Operator = ECssAttributeOperator.Isset;
                switch (OperatorToken.Type)
                case ECssTokenType.Delim:
                    if ((OperatorToken as DelimToken).Value == '=')
                        this.Operator = ECssAttributeOperator.Equals;

                case ECssTokenType.Dash_Match:
                    this.Operator = ECssAttributeOperator.PrefixedWith;

                case ECssTokenType.Include_Match:
                    this.Operator = ECssAttributeOperator.Includes;

                case ECssTokenType.Prefix_Match:
                    this.Operator = ECssAttributeOperator.StartsWith;

                case ECssTokenType.Suffix_Match:
                    this.Operator = ECssAttributeOperator.EndsWith;

                case ECssTokenType.Substring_Match:
                    this.Operator = ECssAttributeOperator.Contains;

                    throw new CssSelectorException("Attribute selector: operator token-to-enum translation not implemented for (", OperatorToken, ")!");
Beispiel #8
        public static AttributeDefinition Lookup(AtomicName <EAttributeName> Name)
            if (DomDefinitions.AttributeDefinitions.TryGetValue(Name, out List <AttributeDefinition> definitionList))
                if (definitionList.Count > 1)
                    throw new Exception($"The content attribute \"{Name}\" has multiple definitions, an element type must be specified to determine the correct definition");


Beispiel #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a DOM attribute definition
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Name">DOM attribute name</param>
        /// <param name="Flags">Indicates what aspects of an element this property affects</param>
        /// <param name="MissingValueDefault">Default value for the attribute</param>
        /// <param name="Keywords">List of keywords which can be assigned to this attribute</param>
        public AttributeDefinition(AtomicName <EAttributeName> Name, EAttributeType Type = 0x0, AttributeValue MissingValueDefault = null, AttributeValue InvalidValueDefault = null, EAttributeFlags Flags = 0x0, string[] Keywords = null, Type enumType = null, dynamic lowerRange = null, dynamic upperRange = null, string[] SupportedTokens = null)
            : this(Keywords, SupportedTokens)
            this.ElementType         = typeof(Element);
            this.Name                = Name;
            this.Flags               = Flags;
            this.MissingValueDefault = MissingValueDefault;
            this.InvalidValueDefault = InvalidValueDefault;
            this.enumType            = enumType;
            this.LowerRange          = lowerRange;
            this.UpperRange          = upperRange;

            // Append the specified allowed types to our defaults
            this.Type |= Type;
Beispiel #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Define a new Css Styling property
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Name">CSS property name</param>
        /// <param name="Inherited">Do child elements inherit this value if they are unset?</param>
        /// <param name="Flags">Indicates what aspects of an element this property affects</param>
        /// <param name="Initial">Default value for the property</param>
        /// <param name="DisallowedTypes">Bitmask of all value data types which cannot be assigned to this property</param>
        /// <param name="Keywords">List of keywords which can be assigned to this property</param>
        /// <param name="IsPrivate">If TRUE then this property cannot be set from style-sheets</param>
        public MediaDefinition(AtomicName <EMediaFeatureName> Name, EMediaFeatureType Type, ECssValueTypes AllowedTypes, string[] Keywords = null)
            this.Name = Name;
            this.Type = Type;

            if (Keywords is null)
                keywordWhitelist = Array.Empty <string>();
                keywordWhitelist = Keywords;

            // Append the specified allowed types to our defaults
            this.AllowedTypes |= AllowedTypes;
Beispiel #11
        public static void Enqueue_Reaction(Element element, AtomicName <EReactionName> Reaction, params object[] Args)
        {/* Docs: */
            if (!element.isCustom)
            /* 1) Let definition be element's custom element definition. */
            CustomElementDefinition def = element.ownerDocument.defaultView.customElements.Lookup(element.ownerDocument, element.NamespaceURI, element.tagName, element.is_value);
            if (def == null)

            /* 2) Let callback be the value of the entry in definition's lifecycle callbacks with key callbackName. */
            var callback = def.lifecycleCallbacks[Reaction];
            /* 3) If callback is null, then return */
            if (callback == null)

            /* 4) If callbackName is "attributeChangedCallback", then: */
            if (Reaction == EReactionName.AttributeChanged)
                /* 1) Let attributeName be the first element of args. */
                AtomicName <EAttributeName> attributeName = Args[0] as AtomicName <EAttributeName>;
                /* 2) If definition's observed attributes does not contain attributeName, then return. */
                if (!def.observedAttributes.Contains(attributeName))

            /* 5) Add a new callback reaction to element's custom element reaction queue, with callback function callback and arguments args. */
            element.Custom_Element_Reaction_Queue.Enqueue(new ReactionCallback(callback, Args));
            /* 6) Enqueue an element on the appropriate element queue given element. */
Beispiel #12
        public AttributeTokenList(Element ownerElement, AtomicName <EAttributeName> localName, T[] supportedTokens)
            SupportedTokens = new HashSet <T>(supportedTokens);
            /* 1) Let element be associated element. */
            this.ownerElement = ownerElement;
            /* 2) Let localName be associated attribute’s local name. */
            this.localName = localName;

            if (ownerElement.tokenListMap.ContainsKey(localName))
                throw new DOMException($"Cannot link {nameof(DOMTokenList)} to element because it already has one defined for attribute \"{localName}\"");
                ownerElement.tokenListMap.Add(localName, this);
            /* 3) Let value be the result of getting an attribute value given element and localName. */
            this.ownerElement.find_attribute(localName, out Attr attr);
            //var value = attr?.Value.Get_String();
            /* 4) Run the attribute change steps for element, localName, value, value, and null. */
            run_attribute_change_steps(ownerElement, localName, attr.Value, attr.Value, null);
Beispiel #13
        public static AttributeDefinition Lookup(AtomicName <EAttributeName> Name, Type elementType)
            if (elementType == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(elementType));

            if (DomDefinitions.AttributeDefinitions.TryGetValue(Name, out List <AttributeDefinition> definitionList))
                foreach (var def in definitionList)
                    if (elementType.IsAssignableFrom(def.ElementType))

                throw new Exception($"Unable to find the content attribute(\"{Name}\") definition for the element type \"{elementType.Name}\"");

Beispiel #14
 public AttributeTokenList(Element ownerElement, AtomicName <EAttributeName> localName) : this(ownerElement, localName, null)
Beispiel #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Resolves all Css properties to their specified values by cascading
        /// </summary>
        public void Cascade()
            /* XXX: LOTS of room for speed improvement here. We should avoid using LINQ statements in performance critical areas like this. */
            var benchmark_id = Benchmark.Start("style-cascade");

            // Get a list of only the properties with an Assigned value
            AsyncCountdownEvent ctdn = null;

             * HashSet<AtomicName<ECssPropertyID>> targetFields = new HashSet<AtomicName<ECssPropertyID>>();
             * List<HashSet<AtomicName<ECssPropertyID>>> allFields = CssRules.Values.Select(x => { return x.SetProperties; }).ToList();
            var targetFields = new FlagCollection <ECssPropertyID>((int)ECssPropertyID.MAX_VALUE);
            List <FlagCollection <ECssPropertyID> > allFields = CssRules.Values.Select(x => { return(x.SetProperties); }).ToList();

            // Remove duplicates
            //foreach (HashSet<AtomicName<ECssPropertyID>> fields in allFields)
            foreach (FlagCollection <ECssPropertyID> fields in allFields)

            if (targetFields.ActiveFlags > 0)
                // Cascade all those set values
                ctdn = new AsyncCountdownEvent(targetFields.ActiveFlags);

                // Loop over all target properties
                foreach (int flagIndex in targetFields)
                //Parallel.ForEach(targetFields, async (AtomicString propName) =>
                        AtomicName <ECssPropertyID> propName = new AtomicName <ECssPropertyID>(flagIndex);
                        // Extract this property from every CssPropertySet that has a value for it
                        var propertyList = CssRules.Values.Select(x => { return(x.Get(propName)); }).ToList();

                        // Order these properties according to CSS 3.0 specifications

                         * // Because cascading overwrites an existing value with the one from the next propertyset we need to reverse this list.
                         * propertyList.Reverse();*/

                        // Cascade this list and get what CSS calls the 'Specified' value
                        ICssProperty Value = Cascaded.Get(propName);
                        foreach (ICssProperty o in propertyList)
                            //bool b = await Value.CascadeAsync(o);
                            bool b = Value.Cascade(o);
                            if (b)
                                break;   // stop cascading the instant we find a set value

                        string SourceState = Value.Source.ToString();
                        //await Cascaded.Set(propName, Value);
                        Cascaded.Set(propName, Value);



            // Recalculate ALL properties
            var PropList = Cascaded.GetAll().ToList();

            /*ctdn = new AsyncCountdownEvent(PropList.Count);
             * Parallel.For(0, PropList.Count, (int i) =>
             * {
             *  ICssProperty prop = PropList[i];
             *  // We always want to compute these now to get their values resolved. otherwise any with just assigned values will not interpret and output computed values.
             *  prop.Update(ComputeNow: true);
             *  ctdn.Signal();
             * });
             * ctdn.WaitAsync().Wait();*/

            for (int i = 0; i < PropList.Count; i++)
                ICssProperty prop = PropList[i];
                // We always want to compute these now to get their values resolved. otherwise any with just assigned values will not interpret and output computed values.
                prop.Update(ComputeNow: true);

            // Any values that changed due to this cascade should have thrown a property change event to let the style system know what it needs to update

            // Remove cascade flag
Beispiel #16
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new attribute filter that matches a BOOLEAN attribute
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Name">Athe attribute to check</param>
 public FilterAttribute(AtomicName <EAttributeName> Name, AttributeValue Value)
     this.Name  = Name;
     this.Value = Value;
Beispiel #17
 public DOMEnumList(Element ownerElement, AtomicName <EAttributeName> localName, EnumType[] supportedTokens) : base(ownerElement, localName, supportedTokens)
Beispiel #18
 public DOMTokenList(Element ownerElement, AtomicName <EAttributeName> localName, string[] supportedTokens) : base(ownerElement, localName, null)
Beispiel #19
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new attribute filter that matches a BOOLEAN attribute
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Name">Athe attribute to check</param>
 public FilterAttribute(AtomicName <EAttributeName> Name)
     this.Name = Name;
     IsBoolean = true;
Beispiel #20
		/// <summary> Creates a test notion, namely a binary operator |: bool×bool→bool. </summary>
		/// <param name="orName"> Will contain the name for the or operator. </param>
		private static Notion CreateOrNotion(out Name orName)
			char orOpChar = '|';
			var x = DefaultNotions.Subset;

			Notion orNotion = new Notion(Signature.From(Booleans, Booleans, Booleans), orOpChar.ToString(), true);
			LinearNotions.Add(orNotion, DomainKind.Binary, Associativity.Left, 0);//TODO: do this via workspace rather than static method
			Contract.Assert(orNotion.Domain is LinearSet);
			orName = new AtomicName(new AtomicNameInstance(orOpChar, new LinearPosition(0)), orNotion).Finalize();
			return orNotion;
Beispiel #21
 public NullableLengthProperty(AtomicName <ECssPropertyID> CssName, ICssElement Owner, WeakReference <CssComputedStyle> Source, bool Locked)
     : base(CssName, Owner, Source, Locked)
Beispiel #22
 public CSSPseudoElement(AtomicName <EPseudoElement> type, Element element)
     this.type    = type;
     this.element = element;
Beispiel #23
 {/* Docs: */
     #region Constructor
     public DOMTokenList(Element ownerElement, AtomicName <EAttributeName> localName) : base(ownerElement, localName)
Beispiel #24
 public ICssProperty this[AtomicName <ECssPropertyID> CssName] => Get(CssName);
Beispiel #25
 public MultiStringProperty(AtomicName <ECssPropertyID> CssName, ICssElement Owner, WeakReference <CssComputedStyle> Source, bool Locked)
     : base(CssName, Locked, Source, Owner)
Beispiel #26
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Attrib">The attribute name for this selector</param>
 /// <param name="Operator">String token that defines the method of comparison</param>
 /// <param name="Value"></param>
 public AttributeSelector(NamespacePrefixToken Namespace, string Attrib) : base(ESimpleSelectorType.AttributeSelector)
     this.Namespace     = Namespace;
     this.AttributeName = Attrib;
     this.Operator      = ECssAttributeOperator.Isset;