Beispiel #1
    protected virtual AtlasSettings GetAtlasSetting(BuildTarget target)
        AtlasSettings setting = new AtlasSettings();

        setting.filterMode      = FilterMode.Bilinear;
        setting.colorSpace      = ColorSpace.Linear;
        setting.generateMipMaps = false;
        setting.maxHeight       = 2048;
        setting.maxWidth        = 2048;

        if (target == BuildTarget.StandaloneWindows || target == BuildTarget.StandaloneWindows64)
            setting.format = TextureFormat.RGBA32;
        else if (target == BuildTarget.Android)
            setting.format = TextureFormat.ETC_RGB4;
        else if (target == BuildTarget.iOS)
            setting.format = TextureFormat.PVRTC_RGB4;

Beispiel #2
        private bool Convert()
            var convertingPassed = false;

            Program.Try(() =>
                var minLength     = 110 * (int)Ust.Tempo / 120;
                var atlasSettings = new AtlasSettings()
                    LengthByOto               = true,
                    IsParsed                  = true,
                    MinLengthDefault          = minLength,
                    MinLength                 = minLength,
                    MakeFade                  = true,
                    CompressionRatio          = 1.1,
                    LastChildCompressionRatio = 1.4
                var parser = new Parser(Atlas, Ust);
                convertingPassed = true;
            }, "Ust converting failed");
Beispiel #3
    public void OnGroupAtlases(BuildTarget target, PackerJob job, int[] textureImporterInstanceIDs)
        List <Entry> entries = new List <Entry>();

        foreach (int instanceID in textureImporterInstanceIDs)
            TextureImporter ti = EditorUtility.InstanceIDToObject(instanceID) as TextureImporter;

            TextureFormat textureFormat;
            ColorSpace    colorSpace;
            int           compressionQuality;
            ti.ReadTextureImportInstructions(target, out textureFormat, out colorSpace, out compressionQuality);

            TextureImporterSettings tis = new TextureImporterSettings();

            Sprite[] sprites = AssetDatabase.LoadAllAssetRepresentationsAtPath(ti.assetPath).Select(x => x as Sprite).Where(x => x != null).ToArray();
            foreach (Sprite sprite in sprites)
                Entry entry = new Entry();
                entry.sprite                      = sprite;
                entry.settings.format             = textureFormat;
                entry.settings.colorSpace         = colorSpace;
                entry.settings.compressionQuality = compressionQuality;
                entry.settings.filterMode         = Enum.IsDefined(typeof(FilterMode), ti.filterMode) ? ti.filterMode : FilterMode.Bilinear;
                entry.settings.maxWidth           = 2048;
                entry.settings.maxHeight          = 2048;
                entry.settings.generateMipMaps    = ti.mipmapEnabled;
                if (ti.mipmapEnabled)
                    entry.settings.paddingPower = kDefaultPaddingPower;
                entry.atlasName   = ParseAtlasName(ti.spritePackingTag);
                entry.packingMode = GetPackingMode(ti.spritePackingTag, tis.spriteMeshType);
                entry.anisoLevel  = ti.anisoLevel;

                if (sprite.texture.width > 2048 || sprite.texture.height > 2048)
                    Debug.LogWarningFormat("Unable to pack texture '{0}': size {1}x{2} exceeds maximum 1024x1024",, sprite.texture.width, sprite.texture.height);


        // First split sprites into groups based on atlas name
        var atlasGroups =
            from e in entries
            group e by e.atlasName;

        foreach (var atlasGroup in atlasGroups)
            int page = 0;
            // Then split those groups into smaller groups based on texture settings
            var settingsGroups =
                from t in atlasGroup
                group t by t.settings;
            foreach (var settingsGroup in settingsGroups)
                string atlasName = atlasGroup.Key;
                if (settingsGroups.Count() > 1)
                    atlasName += string.Format(" (Group {0})", page);

                AtlasSettings settings = settingsGroup.Key;
                settings.anisoLevel = 1;
                // Use the highest aniso level from all entries in this atlas
                if (settings.generateMipMaps)
                    foreach (Entry entry in settingsGroup)
                        if (entry.anisoLevel > settings.anisoLevel)
                            settings.anisoLevel = entry.anisoLevel;

                job.AddAtlas(atlasName, settings);
                foreach (Entry entry in settingsGroup)
                    job.AssignToAtlas(atlasName, entry.sprite, entry.packingMode, SpritePackingRotation.None);

        } // end IsCompressedFormat

        public void OnGroupAtlases(BuildTarget target, PackerJob job, int[] textureImporterInstanceIDs)
            List <Entry> entries = new List <Entry>();

            foreach (int instanceID in textureImporterInstanceIDs)
                TextureImporter ti = EditorUtility.InstanceIDToObject(instanceID) as TextureImporter;
                TextureFormat   desiredFormat;
                ColorSpace      colorSpace;
                int             compressionQuality;
                ti.ReadTextureImportInstructions(target, out desiredFormat, out colorSpace, out compressionQuality);
                TextureImporterSettings tis = new TextureImporterSettings();
                Sprite[] sprites =
                    .Select(x => x as Sprite)
                    .Where(x => x != null)
                foreach (Sprite sprite in sprites)
                    Entry entry = new Entry();
                    entry.sprite              = sprite;
                    entry.settings.format     = desiredFormat;
                    entry.settings.colorSpace = colorSpace;
                    // Use Compression Quality for Grouping later only for Compressed Formats. Otherwise leave it Empty.
                    entry.settings.compressionQuality = IsCompressedFormat(desiredFormat) ? compressionQuality : 0;
                    entry.settings.filterMode         = Enum.IsDefined(typeof(FilterMode), ti.filterMode)
                        ? ti.filterMode
                        : FilterMode.Bilinear;
                    entry.settings.maxWidth        = 1024;
                    entry.settings.maxHeight       = 1024;
                    entry.settings.generateMipMaps = ti.mipmapEnabled;
                    entry.settings.enableRotation  = AllowRotationFlipping;
                    if (ti.mipmapEnabled)
                        entry.settings.paddingPower = kDefaultPaddingPower;
                        entry.settings.paddingPower = (uint)EditorSettings.spritePackerPaddingPower;
                    } // end if
                    entry.settings.allowsAlphaSplitting = ti.GetAllowsAlphaSplitting();

                    entry.atlasName   = ParseAtlasName(ti.spritePackingTag);
                    entry.packingMode = GetPackingMode(ti.spritePackingTag, tis.spriteMeshType);
                    entry.anisoLevel  = ti.anisoLevel;

                } // end foreach
            }     // end foreach

            // First split sprites into groups based on atlas name
            var atlasGroups =
                from e in entries
                group e by e.atlasName;
            foreach (var atlasGroup in atlasGroups)
                int page = 0;
                // Then split those groups into smaller groups based on texture settings
                var settingsGroups =
                    from t in atlasGroup
                    group t by t.settings;
                foreach (var settingsGroup in settingsGroups)
                    string atlasName = atlasGroup.Key;
                    if (settingsGroups.Count() > 1)
                        atlasName += string.Format(" (Group {0})", page);
                    } // end if
                    AtlasSettings settings = settingsGroup.Key;
                    settings.anisoLevel = 1;
                    // Use the highest aniso level from all entries in this atlas
                    if (settings.generateMipMaps)
                        foreach (Entry entry in settingsGroup)
                            if (entry.anisoLevel > settings.anisoLevel)
                                settings.anisoLevel = entry.anisoLevel;
                            } // end if
                        }     // end foreach
                    }         // end if
                    job.AddAtlas(atlasName, settings);
                    foreach (Entry entry in settingsGroup)
                        job.AssignToAtlas(atlasName, entry.sprite, entry.packingMode, SpritePackingRotation.None);
                    } // end foreach
                }     // end foreach
            }         // end foreach
        }             // end OnGroupAtlases
Beispiel #5
        public void OnGroupAtlases(BuildTarget target, PackerJob job, int[] textureImporterInstanceIDs) {
        List<Entry> entries = new List<Entry>();

        foreach (int instanceID in textureImporterInstanceIDs) {
            TextureImporter ti = EditorUtility.InstanceIDToObject(instanceID) as TextureImporter;
            var texture = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(ti.assetPath, typeof(Texture2D)) as Texture2D;
            int paddingPower = ComputePaddingPower(texture);

#if UNITY_4_6 || UNITY_4_7
            TextureImportInstructions ins = new TextureImportInstructions();
            ti.ReadTextureImportInstructions(ins, target);
#else // Unity 5
            ColorSpace colorSpace;
            int compression;
            TextureFormat format;
            ti.ReadTextureImportInstructions(target, out format, out colorSpace, out compression);
            TextureImporterSettings tis = new TextureImporterSettings();

            Sprite[] sprites = AssetDatabase.LoadAllAssetRepresentationsAtPath(ti.assetPath).Select(x => x as Sprite).Where(x => x != null).ToArray();
            foreach (Sprite sprite in sprites) {
                Entry entry = new Entry();
                entry.sprite = sprite;

#if UNITY_4_6 || UNITY_4_7
                entry.settings.format = ins.desiredFormat;
                entry.settings.usageMode = TextureUsageMode.Default;
                entry.settings.colorSpace = ins.colorSpace;
                entry.settings.compressionQuality = ins.compressionQuality;
#else // Unity 5
                entry.settings.format = format;
                entry.settings.colorSpace = colorSpace;
                entry.settings.compressionQuality = compression;

                entry.settings.filterMode = Enum.IsDefined(typeof(FilterMode), ti.filterMode) ? ti.filterMode : FilterMode.Bilinear;
                entry.settings.maxWidth = 2048;
                entry.settings.maxHeight = 2048;
                entry.settings.generateMipMaps = ti.mipmapEnabled;
                //if (ti.mipmapEnabled)
                entry.paddingPower = (uint)paddingPower;

                // using padding power group as a hack to group sprites with similar padding power
                entry.settings.paddingPower = PaddingPowerGroup(paddingPower);
                Debug.Log("Groupping " + paddingPower + " to " + entry.settings.paddingPower);

                entry.atlasName = ParseAtlasName(ti.spritePackingTag);
                entry.packingMode = SpritePackingMode.Rectangle;
                entry.anisoLevel = ti.anisoLevel;



        // First split sprites into groups based on atlas name
        var atlasGroups =
        from e in entries
        group e by e.atlasName;
        foreach (var atlasGroup in atlasGroups) {
            int page = 0;
            // Then split those groups into smaller groups based on texture settings
            var settingsGroup =
            from t in atlasGroup
            group t by t.settings;

            foreach (var settingGroup in settingsGroup) {
                string atlasName = atlasGroup.Key;
                if (page > 0)
                    atlasName += string.Format(" (Group {0})", page);

                AtlasSettings settings = settingGroup.Key;

                settings.anisoLevel = 1;
                // Use the highest aniso level from all entries in this atlas
                if (settings.generateMipMaps)
                    foreach (Entry entry in settingGroup)
                        if (entry.anisoLevel > settings.anisoLevel)
                            settings.anisoLevel = entry.anisoLevel;

                // apply now the padding power because grouping would fail earlier
                uint biggest = BiggestPadding(settingGroup);
                settings.paddingPower = biggest;

                job.AddAtlas(atlasName, settings);

                foreach (Entry entry in settingGroup) {
                    job.AssignToAtlas(atlasName, entry.sprite, SpritePackingMode.Rectangle, SpritePackingRotation.None);

Beispiel #6
 public ServiceDiscovery(AtlasSettings settings)
     endpoint = settings.Discovery.DiscoveryEndpoint;