Beispiel #1
    void BuildAtlas(string name, TextureFormat format = TextureFormat.RGBA32, Color defaultColor = default(Color), bool linear = false)
        AtlasCreator.Atlas[] atlasList = AtlasCreator.CreateAtlas(name, textureList.ToArray(), null, format, defaultColor, linear);
        if ((atlasList.Length > 1) || (GameSettings.Instance.rendering.debugTextureAtlas))
            for (int i = 0; i < atlasList.Length; i++)
                AtlasCreator.SaveAtlas(atlasList[i], i + name);
        atlas = atlasList[0];

        texIndexToAtlasIndex = new Dictionary <int, int>();
        nameToAtlasIndex     = new Dictionary <string, int>();
        for (int i = 0; i < atlas.uvRects.Length; i++)
            nameToAtlasIndex[atlas.uvRects[i].name] = i;

        foreach (var item in texIndexToName)
            if (nameToAtlasIndex.ContainsKey(item.Value))
                texIndexToAtlasIndex[item.Key] = nameToAtlasIndex[item.Value];
                Debug.LogError("What the f**k");

        //AtlasCreator.SaveAtlas(atlas, name);
Beispiel #2
    public void BuildAtlas(string name, TextureFormat format = TextureFormat.RGBA32, Color defaultColor = default(Color), bool linear = false)
        AtlasCreator.Atlas[] atlasList = AtlasCreator.CreateAtlas(name, textureList.ToArray(), null, format, defaultColor, linear);
        atlas = atlasList[0];

        texIndexToAtlasIndex = new Dictionary <int, int>();
        nameToAtlasIndex     = new Dictionary <string, int>();
        for (int i = 0; i < atlas.uvRects.Length; i++)
            nameToAtlasIndex[atlas.uvRects[i].name] = i;

        foreach (var item in texIndexToName)
            texIndexToAtlasIndex[item.Key] = nameToAtlasIndex[item.Value];

        //AtlasCreator.SaveAtlas(atlas, name);
    public void BuildAtlas(string name, TextureFormat format = TextureFormat.RGBA32, Color defaultColor = default(Color), bool linear = false)
        AtlasCreator.Atlas[] atlasList = AtlasCreator.CreateAtlas(name, textureList.ToArray(), null, format, defaultColor, linear);
        atlas = atlasList[0];

        texIndexToAtlasIndex = new Dictionary<int, int>();
        nameToAtlasIndex = new Dictionary<string, int>();
        for (int i = 0; i < atlas.uvRects.Length; i++)
            nameToAtlasIndex[atlas.uvRects[i].name] = i;

        foreach (var item in texIndexToName)
            texIndexToAtlasIndex[item.Key] = nameToAtlasIndex[item.Value];

        //AtlasCreator.SaveAtlas(atlas, name);
    void BuildAtlas(string name, TextureFormat format = TextureFormat.RGBA32, Color defaultColor = default(Color), bool linear = false)
        AtlasCreator.Atlas[] atlasList = AtlasCreator.CreateAtlas(name, textureList.ToArray(), null, format, defaultColor, linear);
        if((atlasList.Length > 1) || (GameSettings.Instance.rendering.debugTextureAtlas))
            for(int i = 0; i < atlasList.Length; i++)
                AtlasCreator.SaveAtlas(atlasList[i], i+name);
        atlas = atlasList[0];

        texIndexToAtlasIndex = new Dictionary<int, int>();
        nameToAtlasIndex = new Dictionary<string, int>();
        for (int i = 0; i < atlas.uvRects.Length; i++)
            nameToAtlasIndex[atlas.uvRects[i].name] = i;

        foreach (var item in texIndexToName)
                texIndexToAtlasIndex[item.Key] = nameToAtlasIndex[item.Value];
                Debug.LogError("What the f**k");

        //AtlasCreator.SaveAtlas(atlas, name);