Beispiel #1
 public Atk.Object RefAccessibleAtPoint(int x, int y, Atk.CoordType coord_type)
     Console.WriteLine("RefAccessibleAtPoint({0},{1})", x, y);
     //this is still not implemented, but better to return null to prevent crash
     //throw new System.NotImplementedException();
        public override Atk.Object RefAccessibleAtPoint(int x, int y, Atk.CoordType coordType)
            int row, col;

            list_view.GetCellAtPoint(x, y, coordType, out row, out col);
            return(RefAt(row, col));
        public bool Contains(int x, int y, Atk.CoordType coord_type)
            bool raw_ret = atk_component_contains(Handle, x, y, (int)coord_type);
            bool ret     = raw_ret;

        public int GetOffsetAtPoint(int x, int y, Atk.CoordType coords)
            int raw_ret = atk_text_get_offset_at_point(Handle, x, y, (int)coords);
            int ret     = raw_ret;

Beispiel #5
        public Gdk.Rectangle GetColumnCellExtents(int row, int column, bool clip, Atk.CoordType coord_type)
            int width  = GetColumnWidth(column);
            int height = ChildSize.Height;

            int y = (int)GetViewPointForModelRow(row).Y - VadjustmentValue + ListAllocation.Y;

            int x = ListAllocation.X - HadjustmentValue;

            for (int index = 0; index < column; index++)
                x += GetColumnWidth(index);

            var rectangle = new Gdk.Rectangle(x, y, width, height);

            if (clip && !ListAllocation.Contains(rectangle))
                return(new Gdk.Rectangle(int.MinValue, int.MinValue, int.MinValue, int.MinValue));

            if (coord_type == Atk.CoordType.Window)

            int origin_x, origin_y;

            GdkWindow.GetPosition(out origin_x, out origin_y);

            rectangle.X += origin_x;
            rectangle.Y += origin_y;

        public bool SetPosition(int x, int y, Atk.CoordType coord_type)
            bool raw_ret = atk_component_set_position(Handle, x, y, (int)coord_type);
            bool ret     = raw_ret;

        public bool SetExtents(int x, int y, int width, int height, Atk.CoordType coordType)
            if (transformProvider == null)
                transformProvider = (ITransformProvider)resource.Provider.GetPatternProvider(TransformPatternIdentifiers.Pattern.Id);

            if ((transformProvider != null) &&
                (transformProvider.CanResize) &&
                try {
                    transformProvider.Move(x, y);
                } catch (InvalidOperationException e) {

                try {
                    transformProvider.Resize(width, height);
                } catch (InvalidOperationException e) {
        public void GetPosition(out int x, out int y, Atk.CoordType coordType)
            Gdk.Rectangle rectangle = cell_parent.GetCellExtents(this, coordType);

            x = rectangle.X;
            y = rectangle.Y;
        public bool SetExtents(int x, int y, int width, int height, Atk.CoordType coord_type)
            bool raw_ret = atk_component_set_extents(Handle, x, y, width, height, (int)coord_type);
            bool ret     = raw_ret;

        public Atk.Object RefAccessibleAtPoint(int x, int y, Atk.CoordType coord_type)
            IntPtr raw_ret = atk_component_ref_accessible_at_point(Handle, x, y, (int)coord_type);

            Atk.Object ret = GLib.Object.GetObject(raw_ret, true) as Atk.Object;
 public bool Contains(int x, int y, Atk.CoordType coordType)
     if (coordType == Atk.CoordType.Window)
         resource.ConvertCoords(ref x, ref y, true);
     return(resource.BoundingRectangle.Contains(new System.Windows.Point(x, y)));
        public void GetExtents(out int x, out int y, out int w, out int h, Atk.CoordType coordType)
            Gdk.Rectangle rectangle = cell_parent.GetCellExtents(this, coordType);

            x = rectangle.X;
            y = rectangle.Y;
            w = rectangle.Width;
            h = rectangle.Height;
 public void GetPosition(out int x, out int y, Atk.CoordType coordType)
     x = (int)resource.BoundingRectangle.X;
     y = (int)resource.BoundingRectangle.Y;
     if (coordType == Atk.CoordType.Window)
         resource.ConvertCoords(ref x, ref y, false);
Beispiel #14
        public Atk.TextRange GetBoundedRanges(Atk.TextRectangle rect, Atk.CoordType coord_type, Atk.TextClipType x_clip_type, Atk.TextClipType y_clip_type)
            IntPtr native_rect = GLib.Marshaller.StructureToPtrAlloc(rect);
            IntPtr raw_ret     = atk_text_get_bounded_ranges(Handle, native_rect, (int)coord_type, (int)x_clip_type, (int)y_clip_type);

            Atk.TextRange ret = Atk.TextRange.New(raw_ret);
Beispiel #15
 public void GetExtents(out int x, out int y, out int width, out int height, Atk.CoordType coord_type)
     //coord_type specifies to which concept the coords are relative to
     x      = 30;
     y      = 40;
     width  = 300;
     height = 400;
Beispiel #16
        public Atk.TextRectangle GetRangeExtents(int start_offset, int end_offset, Atk.CoordType coord_type)
            Atk.TextRectangle rect;
            IntPtr            native_rect = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(Atk.TextRectangle)));

            atk_text_get_range_extents(Handle, start_offset, end_offset, (int)coord_type, native_rect);
            rect = Atk.TextRectangle.New(native_rect);
 public void GetExtents(out int x, out int y, out int width, out int height, Atk.CoordType coordType)
     x = int.MinValue;
     y = int.MinValue;
     if (resource.RefStateSet().ContainsState(Atk.StateType.Showing))
         GetPosition(out x, out y, coordType);
     width  = (int)resource.BoundingRectangle.Width;
     height = (int)resource.BoundingRectangle.Height;
 public void GetImagePosition(out int x, out int y, Atk.CoordType coordType)
     if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(cell.GetTextAlternative(bound_object)))
         GetPosition(out x, out y, coordType);
         x += 4;
         y += 4;
         x = y = Int32.MinValue;
Beispiel #19
        public void GetRangeExtents(int startOffset, int endOffset, Atk.CoordType coordType, out Atk.TextRectangle rect)
            int length = Length;

            System.Windows.Rect bounds = resource.BoundingRectangle;
            rect.X      = (int)(bounds.X + (length > 0 ? (bounds.Width * startOffset) / length : 0));
            rect.Y      = (int)bounds.Y;
            rect.Height = (int)bounds.Height;
            rect.Width  = (int)(length > 0 ? bounds.Width * (endOffset - startOffset) / length : 0);
            if (coordType == Atk.CoordType.Window)
                resource.ConvertCoords(ref rect.X, ref rect.Y, false);
Beispiel #20
 public void GetImagePosition(out int x, out int y, Atk.CoordType coordType)
     if (HasImage)
         x = (int)embeddedImageProvider.Bounds.X;
         y = (int)embeddedImageProvider.Bounds.Y;
         if (coordType == Atk.CoordType.Window)
             adapter.ConvertCoords(ref x, ref y, false);
         x = Int32.MinValue;
         y = Int32.MinValue;
Beispiel #21
        public void GetCellAtPoint(int x, int y, Atk.CoordType coord_type, out int row, out int col)
            int origin_x = 0;
            int origin_y = 0;

            if (coord_type == Atk.CoordType.Screen)
                GdkWindow.GetPosition(out origin_x, out origin_y);

            x = x - ListAllocation.X - origin_x;
            y = y - ListAllocation.Y - origin_y;

            var column = GetColumnAt(x);

            var cached_column = GetCachedColumnForColumn(column);

            row = GetModelRowAt(x, y);
            col = cached_column.Index;
        public Gdk.Rectangle GetCellExtents(ColumnCellAccessible cell, Atk.CoordType coord_type)
            int cache_index = GetCellIndex(cell);
            int minval      = Int32.MinValue;

            if (cache_index == -1)
                return(new Gdk.Rectangle(minval, minval, minval, minval));

            if (cache_index - n_columns >= 0)
                int column = (cache_index - NColumns) % NColumns;
                int row    = (cache_index - NColumns) / NColumns;
                return(list_view.GetColumnCellExtents(row, column, true, coord_type));
                return(list_view.GetColumnHeaderCellExtents(cache_index, true, coord_type));
Beispiel #23
        public Gdk.Rectangle GetColumnHeaderCellExtents(int column, bool clip, Atk.CoordType coord_type)
            if (!HeaderVisible)
                return(new Gdk.Rectangle(int.MinValue, int.MinValue, int.MinValue, int.MinValue));
            int width  = GetColumnWidth(column);
            int height = HeaderHeight;

            int x = header_rendering_alloc.X - HadjustmentValue + Theme.BorderWidth;

            if (column != 0)
                x += Theme.InnerBorderWidth;
            for (int index = 0; index < column; index++)
                x += GetColumnWidth(index);

            int y = Theme.BorderWidth + header_rendering_alloc.Y;

            var rectangle = new Gdk.Rectangle(x, y, width, height);

            if (coord_type == Atk.CoordType.Window)

            int origin_x, origin_y;

            GdkWindow.GetPosition(out origin_x, out origin_y);

            rectangle.X += origin_x;
            rectangle.Y += origin_y;

 public bool SetExtents(int x, int y, int w, int h, Atk.CoordType coordType)
 public bool SetPosition(int x, int y, Atk.CoordType coordType)
 public bool Contains(int x, int y, Atk.CoordType coordType)
 public virtual Atk.Object RefAccessibleAtPoint(int x, int y, Atk.CoordType coordType)
Beispiel #28
 public Atk.TextRange GetBoundedRanges(Atk.TextRectangle rect, Atk.CoordType coordType, Atk.TextClipType xClipType, Atk.TextClipType yClipType)
     return(textExpert.GetBoundedRanges(rect, coordType, xClipType, yClipType));
 public void GetPosition(out int x, out int y, Atk.CoordType coord_type)
     atk_component_get_position(Handle, out x, out y, (int)coord_type);
 public void GetExtents(out int x, out int y, out int width, out int height, Atk.CoordType coord_type)
     atk_component_get_extents(Handle, out x, out y, out width, out height, (int)coord_type);