
            internal static AsyncHandleWaiter GetOrCreate(AsyncHandle handle)
                if (!Instances.TryTake(out var Instance))
                    Instance = new AsyncHandleWaiter();


Beispiel #2
 public UvLoopThread(LibUv libUv, string name, Action <OwinSocket> owinHttpProcess)
     if (libUv == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("libuv");
     _libuv           = libUv;
     _name            = name;
     _owinHttpProcess = owinHttpProcess;
     _loopHandle      = new LoopHandle();
     _asyncHand1      = new AsyncHandle();
     _asyncHand2      = new AsyncHandle();
     _loopThread      = new Thread(InitLoopThread);
Beispiel #3
 public Listener(LibUv libUv, string bindAddr, int bindPort, string tmpPath, Action <OwinSocket> owinHttpProcess)
     if (libUv == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("libuv");
     _libuv           = libUv;
     _bindAddr        = bindAddr; //绑定的ip
     _bindPort        = bindPort; //绑定的端口
     _tmpPath         = tmpPath;
     _owinHttpProcess = owinHttpProcess;
     _loopHandle      = new LoopHandle();
     _asyncHand1      = new AsyncHandle();
     _asyncHand2      = new AsyncHandle();
     _loopThread      = new Thread(InitLoopThread);
        private static async Task ReloadApplicationTask(IAppIdentifier appIdentifier)
            using (IApp app = await _qlikSenseServer.AppAsync(appIdentifier, noVersionCheck: true))
                Console.WriteLine("App with name {0} opened", appIdentifier.AppName);
                AsyncHandle reloadHandle = new AsyncHandle("reloadTask");

                // By setting mode parameter on reload you can affect the behaviour check the help for more information.
                // http://help.qlik.com/sense/2.1/en-US/apis/net%20sdk/html/M_Qlik_Engine_App_DoReload.htm
                // During the reload task you can cancel the reload by calling app.Session.Hub.CancelReload() you should also need to cancel the "reloadTask"
                    var reloadTask = app.DoReloadAsync(reloadHandle, OnReloaded);

                    bool doWork = true;
                    while (doWork)
                        var progress = await app.Session.Hub.GetProgressAsync(reloadHandle);

                        Console.WriteLine("Progress: " + progress.TransientProgress + " Finished : " + progress.Finished);
                        if (progress.Finished)
                            doWork = false;

                        System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000);                         // Give the qlik engine time to work before we check the progress again.
                    await app.DoSaveAsync();

                    Console.WriteLine("App with name {0} saved and last reloaded {1}", appIdentifier.AppName, (await app.GetAppLayoutAsync()).LastReloadTime);
                catch (TimeoutException e)
                    // We got a timeout exception from the SDK, handle this should be handled. In this example will just cancel the reload in the engine and igonre it.
 public void Iterate(int inFrom, int inTo, AsyncFlags inFlags)
     handle = Async.For(inFrom, inTo, LogTimestamp, inFlags);
     first  = true;

            internal void Initialise(AsyncHandle handle)
                Handle = handle;