Beispiel #1
        public BvhShapeDefinition(AssimpMesh mesh)
            this.vertices = new Vector3[mesh.VerticesCount];
            this.indices = mesh.Indices.ToArray();

            Vector3* v = (Vector3*)mesh.Positions();

            for (int i = 0; i < mesh.VerticesCount; i++)
                this.vertices[i] = v[i];
        private void WriteMesh(AssimpMesh mesh, int slice)
            this.position[slice].SliceCount = mesh.VerticesCount;

            fixed (Vector3* vptr = &this.position[slice].Stream.Buffer[0])
                memcpy(new IntPtr(vptr), mesh.PositionPointer, mesh.VerticesCount * 12);

            if (mesh.HasNormals)
                this.normals[slice].SliceCount = mesh.VerticesCount;
                fixed (Vector3* nptr = &this.normals[slice].Stream.Buffer[0])
                    memcpy(new IntPtr(nptr), mesh.NormalsPointer, mesh.VerticesCount * 12);
                this.normals[slice].SliceCount = 0;

            if (mesh.UvChannelCount > 0)
                int chancnt = this.GetChannelCount(mesh, 0);
                this.uv1[slice].SliceCount = mesh.VerticesCount * chancnt;
                this.uvchancount[slice] = chancnt;

                fixed (float* uptr = &this.uv1[slice].Stream.Buffer[0])
                    memcpy(new IntPtr(uptr), mesh.GetUvPointer(0), mesh.VerticesCount * 4 * chancnt);
                this.uv1[slice].SliceCount = 0;
                this.uvchancount[slice] = 0;

            this.indices[slice].SliceCount = mesh.Indices.Count;
            var inds = mesh.Indices;
            var ibo = this.indices[slice].Stream.Buffer;
            for (int i = 0; i < mesh.Indices.Count; i++)
                ibo[i] = inds[i];
        private int GetChannelCount(AssimpMesh mesh, int slot)
            var fmt = mesh.GetInputElements().Where(ie => ie.SemanticName == "TEXCOORD" && ie.SemanticIndex == slot).First();

                case SlimDX.DXGI.Format.R32_Float:
                    return 1;
                case SlimDX.DXGI.Format.R32G32_Float:
                    return 2;
                case SlimDX.DXGI.Format.R32G32B32_Float:
                    return 3;
                case SlimDX.DXGI.Format.R32G32B32A32_Float:
                    return 4;
                default :
                    return 0;
        private void AppendMesh(AssimpNode node, AssimpMesh mesh)
            List<int> inds = mesh.Indices;

            if (inds.Count > 0 && mesh.VerticesCount > 0)
                for (int idx = 0; idx < inds.Count; idx++)
                    inds[idx] += vertexoffset;



                vertexoffset += mesh.VerticesCount;
        public void Update(IPluginIO pin, DX11RenderContext context)
            if (this.FInvalidate || this.FEmpty)
                for (int i = 0; i < this.scenes.Count; i++)
                    if (scenes[i] != null)
                        AssimpScene scene = scenes[i];

                        for (int j = 0; j < scene.MeshCount; j++)
                            AssimpMesh assimpmesh = scene.Meshes[j];

                            List <int> inds = assimpmesh.Indices;

                            if (inds.Count > 0 && assimpmesh.VerticesCount > 0)
                                var indexstream = new DataStream(inds.Count * 4, true, true);
                                indexstream.Position = 0;

                                DX11IndexOnlyGeometry geom = new DX11IndexOnlyGeometry(context);
                                geom.IndexBuffer    = new DX11IndexBuffer(context, indexstream, false, true);
                                geom.InputLayout    = assimpmesh.GetInputElements().ToArray();
                                geom.Topology       = PrimitiveTopology.TriangleList;
                                geom.HasBoundingBox = true;
                                geom.BoundingBox    = assimpmesh.BoundingBox;

                                DX11DynamicStructuredBuffer <Vector3> p =
                                    new DX11DynamicStructuredBuffer <Vector3>(context, assimpmesh.PositionPointer, assimpmesh.VerticesCount);

                                DX11DynamicStructuredBuffer <Vector3> n =
                                    new DX11DynamicStructuredBuffer <Vector3>(context, assimpmesh.NormalsPointer, assimpmesh.VerticesCount);

                                if (assimpmesh.UvChannelCount > 0)
                                    DX11DynamicStructuredBuffer <Vector3> u =
                                        new DX11DynamicStructuredBuffer <Vector3>(context, assimpmesh.GetUvPointer(0), assimpmesh.VerticesCount);

                                    this.FOutUvs[i][j][context] = u;

                                DX11RawBuffer rb = new DX11RawBuffer(context, geom.IndexBuffer.Buffer);

                                this.FOutPosition[i][j][context] = p;
                                this.FOutNormals[i][j][context]  = n;
                                this.FOutGeom[i][j][context]     = geom;
                                this.FOutIndices[i][j][context]  = rb;
                this.FInvalidate = false;
                this.FEmpty      = false;
        private static void ReadMesh(string path, string filename, string texturepath)
            string importingAssetsDir;

            if (File.Exists(path + "/" + filename))
                var flags = (
                    //  Assimp.PostProcessSteps.MakeLeftHanded |
                    Assimp.PostProcessSteps.Triangulate |
                    Assimp.PostProcessSteps.CalculateTangentSpace |
                    Assimp.PostProcessSteps.GenerateUVCoords |
                    Assimp.PostProcessSteps.GenerateSmoothNormals |
                    Assimp.PostProcessSteps.RemoveComponent |

                var config = Assimp.aiCreatePropertyStore();

                Assimp.aiSetImportPropertyFloat(config, Assimp.AI_CONFIG_PP_CT_MAX_SMOOTHING_ANGLE, 60.0f);
                Assimp.aiSetImportPropertyInteger(config, Assimp.AI_CONFIG_PP_LBW_MAX_WEIGHTS, 4);
                //  IntPtr scene = Assimp.aiImportFile(path + "/" + filename, (uint)flags);
                var scene = Assimp.aiImportFileWithProperties(path + "/" + filename, (uint)flags, config);
                if (scene == null)
                    Debug.LogWarning("failed to read file: " + path + "/" + filename);
                    var nm = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename);
                    importingAssetsDir = "Assets/Prefabs/" + nm + "/";

                    if (_SaveAssets)
                        if (!Directory.Exists(importingAssetsDir))
                    var objectRoot    = new GameObject(nm);
                    var meshContainer = new GameObject(nm + "_Mesh");
                    meshContainer.transform.parent = objectRoot.transform;
                    //  List<CombineInstance> combineInstances = new List<CombineInstance>();
                    var materials = new List <Material>();
                    var meshList  = new List <AssimpMesh>();

                    for (var i = 0; i < Assimp.aiScene_GetNumMaterials(scene); i++)
                        var matName = Assimp.aiMaterial_GetName(scene, i);
                        matName = nm + "_mat" + i;

                        //  string fname = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Assimp.aiMaterial_GetTexture(scene, i, (int)Assimp.TextureType.Diffuse));
                        var fname = Path.GetFileName(Assimp.aiMaterial_GetTexture(scene, i, (int)Assimp.TextureType.Diffuse));
                        Debug.Log("texture " + fname + "Material :" + matName);

                        var ambient  = Assimp.aiMaterial_GetAmbient(scene, i);
                        var diffuse  = Assimp.aiMaterial_GetDiffuse(scene, i);
                        var specular = Assimp.aiMaterial_GetSpecular(scene, i);
                        var emissive = Assimp.aiMaterial_GetEmissive(scene, i);

                        var mat = new Material(Shader.Find("Diffuse"));
                = matName;
                        mat.color = diffuse;

                        //	Debug.Log(ambient.ToString());
                        //	Debug.Log(diffuse.ToString());
                        //	Debug.Log(specular.ToString());
                        //	Debug.Log(emissive.ToString());

                        var texturename = path + "/" + fname;

                        var tex = Utils.LoadTex(texturename);

                        if (tex != null)
                            Debug.Log("LOAD (" + texturename + ") texture");
                            mat.SetTexture("_MainTex", tex);
                            Debug.LogError("Fail LOAD (" + texturename + ") error");

                        if (_SaveAssets)
                            var materialAssetPath = AssetDatabase.GenerateUniqueAssetPath(importingAssetsDir + + ".asset");
                            AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(mat, materialAssetPath);


                    if (Assimp.aiScene_GetRootNode(scene) != null)
                        objectRoot.transform.position = Assimp.aiNode_GetPosition(Assimp.aiScene_GetRootNode(scene));

                        //assimp quaternion is w,x,y,z and unity x,y,z,w bu int this lib i fix this for unity
                        var assQuad = Assimp.aiNode_GetRotation(Assimp.aiScene_GetRootNode(scene));
                        objectRoot.transform.rotation = assQuad;

                        var skeleton = new GameObject("Skeleton");
                        skeleton.transform.parent = objectRoot.transform;
                        ProcessNodes(scene, Assimp.aiScene_GetRootNode(scene), ref _list_joints);

                        for (var i = 0; i < _list_joints.Count; i++)
                            var joint = _list_joints[i];
                            var bone  = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Sphere).transform;
                            //	bone.transform.localScale.Set(2,2,2);
                            //    Transform bone = new GameObject(joint.Name).transform;
                            //   DebugBone debug = (DebugBone)bone.gameObject.AddComponent(typeof(DebugBone));

                     = joint._Name;
                            bone.parent = skeleton.transform;

                            if (GetBoneByName(joint._ParentName) != null)
                                var index = FindBoneByName(joint._ParentName);
                                bone.parent = joint._Parent._Transform;
                            bone.localPosition = joint._Position;
                            bone.localRotation = joint._Orientation;

                            joint._Transform = bone;

                    if (Assimp.aiScene_HasMeshes(scene))
                        for (var i = 0; i < Assimp.aiScene_GetNumMeshes(scene); i++)
                            var name = "Mesh_";
                            name += i.ToString();

                            var hasNormals  = Assimp.aiMesh_HasNormals(scene, i);
                            var hasTexCoord = Assimp.aiMesh_HasTextureCoords(scene, i, 0);
                            var hasFaces    = Assimp.aiMesh_HasFaces(scene, i);

                            var mesh = new AssimpMesh(meshContainer, objectRoot, name);
                            mesh.Setmaterial(materials[Assimp.aiMesh_GetMaterialIndex(scene, i)]);

                            for (var v = 0; v < Assimp.aiMesh_GetNumVertices(scene, i); v++)
                                var vertex = Assimp.aiMesh_Vertex(scene, i, v);
                                var n      = Assimp.aiMesh_Normal(scene, i, v);
                                var x      = Assimp.aiMesh_TextureCoordX(scene, i, v, 0);
                                var y      = Assimp.aiMesh_TextureCoordY(scene, i, v, 0);

                                var binormalf = Assimp.aiMesh_Bitangent(scene, i, v);
                                var tangentf  = Assimp.aiMesh_Tangent(scene, i, v);

                                var outputTangent = new Vector4(tangentf.x, tangentf.y, tangentf.z, 0.0F);

                                var dp = Vector3.Dot(Vector3.Cross(n, tangentf), binormalf);
                                if (dp > 0.0F)
                                    outputTangent.w = 1.0F;
                                    outputTangent.w = -1.0F;
                                mesh.AddVertex(vertex, n, outputTangent, new Vector2(x, y));

                            for (var f = 0; f < Assimp.aiMesh_GetNumFaces(scene, i); f++)
                                var a = Assimp.aiMesh_Indice(scene, i, f, 0);
                                var b = Assimp.aiMesh_Indice(scene, i, f, 1);
                                var c = Assimp.aiMesh_Indice(scene, i, f, 2);
                                mesh.AddFace(a, b, c);

                            var numBone = Assimp.aiMesh_GetNumBones(scene, i);

                            for (var b = 0; b < numBone; b++)
                                var bname      = Assimp.aiMesh_GetBoneName(scene, i, b);
                                var joint      = GetBoneByName(bname);
                                var boneId     = FindBoneByName(bname);
                                var numWeights = Assimp.aiMesh_GetNumBoneWeights(scene, i, b);
                                for (var w = 0; w < numWeights; w++)
                                    var weight   = Assimp.aiMesh_GetBoneWeight(scene, i, b, w);
                                    var vertexId = Assimp.aiMesh_GetBoneVertexId(scene, i, b, w);
                                    mesh.AddBone(vertexId, boneId, weight);

                            for (var j = 0; j < _list_joints.Count; j++)
                                var joint = _list_joints[j];
                            if (_SaveAssets)
                                var meshAssetPath = AssetDatabase.GenerateUniqueAssetPath(importingAssetsDir + mesh._Name + ".asset");
                                AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(mesh._Geometry, meshAssetPath);

                    //create key frames
                    if (Assimp.aiScene_HasAnimation(scene))
                        var anim         = (Animation)objectRoot.AddComponent(typeof(Animation));
                        var numAnimation = Assimp.aiScene_GetNumAnimations(scene);
                        Debug.Log("count animation  :" + numAnimation);
                        for (var a = 0; a < numAnimation; a++)
                            var clip  = new AnimationClip();
                            var anima = Assimp.aiAnim_GetName(scene, a);
                     = nm + "_" + anima + "_" + a;
                            clip.legacy = true;

                            clip.wrapMode = WrapMode.Loop;

                            var tinks = (float)Assimp.aiAnim_GetTicksPerSecond(scene, a);
                            if (tinks <= 1f)
                                tinks = 1f;
                            var fps = tinks;
                            clip.frameRate = tinks;
                            Debug.Log("animation fps :" + fps);
                            var numchannels = Assimp.aiAnim_GetNumChannels(scene, a);
                            for (var i = 0; i < numchannels; i++)
                                var name  = Assimp.aiAnim_GetChannelName(scene, a, i);
                                var joint = GetBoneByName(name);
                                //  Debug.Log(String.Format("anim channel {0} bone name {1}  poskeys {2}  rotkeys{2}", i, name, Assimp.aiAnim_GetNumPositionKeys(scene, 0, i), Assimp.aiAnim_GetNumRotationKeys(scene, 0, i)));
                                //public static bool ignoreRotations = true;
                                // public static bool ignorePositions = true;
                                // public static bool ignoreScalling = true;
                                if (!_IgnoreScalling)
                                    if (Assimp.aiAnim_GetNumScalingKeys(scene, a, i) != 0)
                                        var scaleXcurve = new AnimationCurve();
                                        var scaleYcurve = new AnimationCurve();
                                        var scaleZcurve = new AnimationCurve();

                                        for (var j = 0; j < Assimp.aiAnim_GetNumScalingKeys(scene, a, i); j++)
                                            var time  = (float)Assimp.aiAnim_GetScalingFrame(scene, a, i, j);// / fps;
                                            var scale = Assimp.aiAnim_GetScalingKey(scene, a, i, j);
                                            scaleXcurve.AddKey(time, scale.x);
                                            scaleYcurve.AddKey(time, scale.y);
                                            scaleZcurve.AddKey(time, scale.z);
                                        clip.SetCurve("Skeleton/" + joint._Path, typeof(Transform), "m_LocalScale.x", scaleXcurve);
                                        clip.SetCurve("Skeleton/" + joint._Path, typeof(Transform), "m_LocalScale.y", scaleYcurve);
                                        clip.SetCurve("Skeleton/" + joint._Path, typeof(Transform), "m_LocalScale.z", scaleZcurve);

                                if (!_IgnorePositions)
                                    if (Assimp.aiAnim_GetNumPositionKeys(scene, a, i) != 0)
                                        var posXcurve = new AnimationCurve();
                                        var posYcurve = new AnimationCurve();
                                        var posZcurve = new AnimationCurve();

                                        for (var j = 0; j < Assimp.aiAnim_GetNumPositionKeys(scene, a, i); j++)
                                            var time = (float)Assimp.aiAnim_GetPositionFrame(scene, a, i, j);// / fps;
                                            var pos  = Assimp.aiAnim_GetPositionKey(scene, a, i, j);
                                            posXcurve.AddKey(time, pos.x);
                                            posYcurve.AddKey(time, pos.y);
                                            posZcurve.AddKey(time, pos.z);

                                        clip.SetCurve("Skeleton/" + joint._Path, typeof(Transform), "localPosition.x", posXcurve);
                                        clip.SetCurve("Skeleton/" + joint._Path, typeof(Transform), "localPosition.y", posYcurve);
                                        clip.SetCurve("Skeleton/" + joint._Path, typeof(Transform), "localPosition.z", posZcurve);

                                if (!_IgnoreRotations)
                                    if (Assimp.aiAnim_GetNumRotationKeys(scene, a, i) != 0)
                                        var rotXcurve = new AnimationCurve();
                                        var rotYcurve = new AnimationCurve();
                                        var rotZcurve = new AnimationCurve();
                                        var rotWcurve = new AnimationCurve();

                                        for (var j = 0; j < Assimp.aiAnim_GetNumRotationKeys(scene, a, i); j++)
                                            var time = (float)Assimp.aiAnim_GetRotationFrame(scene, a, i, j);// / fps;

                                            var rotation = Assimp.aiAnim_GetRotationKey(scene, a, i, j);
                                            rotXcurve.AddKey(time, rotation.x);
                                            rotYcurve.AddKey(time, rotation.y);
                                            rotZcurve.AddKey(time, rotation.z);
                                            rotWcurve.AddKey(time, rotation.w);
                                        clip.SetCurve("Skeleton/" + joint._Path, typeof(Transform), "localRotation.x", rotXcurve);
                                        clip.SetCurve("Skeleton/" + joint._Path, typeof(Transform), "localRotation.y", rotYcurve);
                                        clip.SetCurve("Skeleton/" + joint._Path, typeof(Transform), "localRotation.z", rotZcurve);
                                        clip.SetCurve("Skeleton/" + joint._Path, typeof(Transform), "localRotation.w", rotWcurve);

                            anim.clip = clip;

                            var clipAssetPath = AssetDatabase.GenerateUniqueAssetPath(importingAssetsDir + + ".asset");
                            AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(clip, clipAssetPath);

                            //     AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(clip, "Assets/Models/" + nm +"_"+a+ ".anim");
                            //    AssetDatabase.SaveAssets();

                    if (_SaveAssets)
                        var prefabPath = AssetDatabase.GenerateUniqueAssetPath(importingAssetsDir + filename + ".prefab");
                        var prefab     = PrefabUtility.CreateEmptyPrefab(prefabPath);
                        PrefabUtility.ReplacePrefab(objectRoot, prefab, ReplacePrefabOptions.ConnectToPrefab);


                Debug.LogWarning(path + "/" + filename + " Imported ;) ");
        public void Update(DX11RenderContext context)
            if (this.FInvalidate || !this.FOutGeom[0].Contains(context))
                int vertexoffset = 0;

                List <Pos3Norm3Tex2InstanceVertex> vertices = new List <Pos3Norm3Tex2InstanceVertex>();
                List <int>     indices = new List <int>();
                List <Vector2> uvs     = new List <Vector2>();

                int cnt = this.FinUseName[0] ? idsort.Count : this.FInScene[0].MeshCount;

                for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
                    AssimpMesh assimpmesh = this.FinUseName[0] == false ? this.FInScene[0].Meshes[i] : this.FInScene[0].Meshes[idsort[i]];

                    List <int> inds = assimpmesh.Indices;

                    if (inds.Count > 0 && assimpmesh.VerticesCount > 0)
                        var  texcd = assimpmesh.GetInputElements().Where(ie => ie.SemanticName == "TEXCOORD").FirstOrDefault();
                        bool zuv   = false;
                        if (texcd != null)
                            zuv = texcd.Format == SlimDX.DXGI.Format.R32G32B32_Float;
                        for (int j = 0; j < inds.Count; j++)
                            indices.Add(inds[j] + vertexoffset);

                        DataStream posbuffer  = new DataStream(assimpmesh.PositionPointer, assimpmesh.VerticesCount * 12, true, true);
                        DataStream normbuffer = new DataStream(assimpmesh.NormalsPointer, assimpmesh.VerticesCount * 12, true, true);
                        DataStream uvbuffer   = null;

                        List <DataStream> uvbuffers  = new List <DataStream>();
                        List <int>        uvcounters = new List <int>();

                        for (int uvc = 0; uvc < assimpmesh.UvChannelCount; uvc++)
                            uvbuffers.Add(new DataStream(assimpmesh.GetUvPointer(uvc), assimpmesh.VerticesCount * 12, true, true));
                            uvcounters.Add(this.GetUVChannelCount(assimpmesh, uvc));

                        if (assimpmesh.UvChannelCount > 0)
                            uvbuffer = new DataStream(assimpmesh.GetUvPointer(0), assimpmesh.VerticesCount * 12, true, true);

                        Vector3 *pos   = (Vector3 *)posbuffer.DataPointer.ToPointer();
                        Vector3  accum = Vector3.Zero;
                        for (int j = 0; j < assimpmesh.VerticesCount; j++)
                            accum += pos[j];
                        Vector3 center = accum / assimpmesh.VerticesCount;

                        for (int j = 0; j < assimpmesh.VerticesCount; j++)
                            Pos3Norm3Tex2InstanceVertex vert = new Pos3Norm3Tex2InstanceVertex()
                                InstanceID = i,
                                Normals    = normbuffer.Read <Vector3>(),
                                Position   = posbuffer.Read <Vector3>(),
                                Center     = center,
                                TexCoords  = uvbuffer != null?uvbuffer.Read <Vector2>() : Vector2.Zero

                            for (int k = 0; k < assimpmesh.UvChannelCount; k++)
                                var b = uvbuffers[k];
                                uvs.Add(b.Read <Vector2>());

                                if (uvcounters[k] == 3)
                                    b.Read <float>();

                            if (uvbuffer != null && zuv)
                                uvbuffer.Read <float>();
                        vertexoffset += assimpmesh.VerticesCount;

                DataStream vS = new DataStream(vertices.ToArray(), true, true);
                vS.Position = 0;

                DataStream iS = new DataStream(indices.ToArray(), true, true);
                iS.Position = 0;

                var vbuffer = new SlimDX.Direct3D11.Buffer(context.Device, vS, new BufferDescription()
                    BindFlags      = BindFlags.VertexBuffer,
                    CpuAccessFlags = CpuAccessFlags.None,
                    OptionFlags    = ResourceOptionFlags.None,
                    SizeInBytes    = (int)vS.Length,
                    Usage          = ResourceUsage.Default

                DX11IndexedGeometry geom = new DX11IndexedGeometry(context);
                geom.VertexBuffer   = vbuffer;
                geom.IndexBuffer    = new DX11IndexBuffer(context, iS, true, false);
                geom.InputLayout    = Pos3Norm3Tex2InstanceVertex.Layout;
                geom.Topology       = PrimitiveTopology.TriangleList;
                geom.VerticesCount  = vertices.Count;
                geom.VertexSize     = Pos3Norm3Tex2InstanceVertex.VertexSize;
                geom.HasBoundingBox = false;

                vS.Position = 0;

                DataStream uvS = new DataStream(uvs.ToArray(), true, true);
                uvS.Position = 0;

                this.FOutGeom[0][context]     = geom;
                this.FOutBuffer[0][context]   = new DX11ImmutableStructuredBuffer(context.Device, geom.VerticesCount, geom.VertexSize, vS);
                this.FOutIndices[0][context]  = new DX11RawBuffer(context, geom.IndexBuffer.Buffer);
                this.FOutUVBuffer[0][context] = new DX11ImmutableStructuredBuffer(context.Device, uvs.Count, 8, uvS);

                this.FInvalidate = false;
 private int GetUVChannelCount(AssimpMesh assimpmesh, int slot)
     var texcd = assimpmesh.GetInputElements().Where(ie => ie.SemanticName == "TEXCOORD" && ie.SemanticIndex == slot).FirstOrDefault();
     int cnt = 2;
     if (texcd != null)
         if (texcd.Format == SlimDX.DXGI.Format.R32G32B32_Float)
             cnt = 3;
     return cnt;