Beispiel #1
        private static string GetAssetNameFast(int fileId, long pathId, AssetsFileInstance inst)
            if (pathId == 0)

            AssetsFile      file  = null;
            AssetsFileTable table = null;

            if (fileId == 0)
                file  = inst.file;
                table = inst.table;
                AssetsFileInstance dep = inst.dependencies[fileId - 1];
                file  = dep.file;
                table = dep.table;

            AssetFileInfoEx  inf    = table.getAssetInfo((ulong)pathId);
            AssetsFileReader reader = file.reader;

            if (allowed.Contains(inf.curFileType))
                reader.Position = inf.absoluteFilePos;
            if (inf.curFileType == 0x1)
                reader.Position = inf.absoluteFilePos;
                int size = reader.ReadInt32();
                reader.Position += (ulong)(size * 12);
                reader.Position += 4;
            else if (inf.curFileType == 0x72)
                reader.Position  = inf.absoluteFilePos;
                reader.Position += 28;
                string name = reader.ReadCountStringInt32();
                if (name != "")
Beispiel #2
    public void LoadFSM(AssetsManager am, AssetInfo info, string folderPath)
        //risky but would technically work
        AssetsFileInstance assetsFileInstance = am.files.First();
        AssetsFile         assetsFile         = assetsFileInstance.file;
        AssetsFileTable    assetsTable        = assetsFileInstance.table;

        AssetFileInfoEx afi = assetsTable.getAssetInfo(;

        AssetTypeValueField baseField = Util.GetMonoBaseField(am, assetsFile, afi, folderPath);

        AssetTypeValueField fsm    = baseField.Get("fsm");
        AssetTypeValueField states = fsm.Get("states");

        dataVersion = fsm.Get("dataVersion").GetValue().AsInt();
        for (int i = 0; i < states.GetValue().AsArray().size; i++)
            AssetTypeValueField state = states.Get((uint)i);

            string name = state.Get("name").GetValue().AsString();
            AssetTypeValueField rect = state.Get("position");
            float x      = Mathf.Floor(rect.Get("x").GetValue().AsFloat());
            float y      = Mathf.Floor(rect.Get("y").GetValue().AsFloat());
            float width  = Mathf.Floor(rect.Get("width").GetValue().AsFloat());
            float height = Mathf.Floor(rect.Get("height").GetValue().AsFloat());

            HandleElement rectElem = new HandleElement(HandleType.Rectangle, new Vector2(x, y), new Vector2(x + width, y + height), new Color(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.7f));
            elements.Add(new HandleElement(HandleType.Label, new Vector2(x + (width / 2), y + 3), (int)width, name));

            AssetTypeValueField transitions   = state.Get("transitions");
            uint            transitionCount   = transitions.GetValue().AsArray().size;
            FsmTransition[] dotNetTransitions = new FsmTransition[transitionCount];
            for (int j = 0; j < transitionCount; j++)
                dotNetTransitions[j] = new FsmTransition(transitions.Get((uint)j));
                string transitionName = dotNetTransitions[j];
                elements.Add(new HandleElement(HandleType.Label, new Vector2(x + (width / 2), y + 3 + ((j + 1) * 16)), (int)width, transitionName));

            Node node = new Node(name, new Rect(x, y, width, height), dotNetTransitions, rectElem);

            //AssetTypeValueField transitions = state.Get("transitions");
            //uint transitionCount = transitions.GetValue().AsArray().size;
            //FsmTransition[] dotNetTransitions = new FsmTransition[transitionCount];
            //for (int j = 0; j < transitionCount; j++)
            //    dotNetTransitions[j] = new FsmTransition(transitions.Get((uint)j));
            //Node node = new Node(state, name, dotNetRect, dotNetTransitions);

            //node.grid.MouseLeftButtonDown += (object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) =>
            //    foreach (Node node2 in nodes)
            //    {
            //        node2.Selected = false;
            //    }
            //    node.Selected = true;
            //    SidebarData(node);

        foreach (Node node in nodes)
            if (node.transitions.Length > 0)
                float yPos = 25;
                foreach (FsmTransition trans in node.transitions)
                    Node endNode = nodes.Where(n => n.text == trans.toState).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (endNode != null)
                        bool    isLeft, dummy;
                        Vector2 start = ComputeLocation(node, endNode, yPos, out isLeft);
                        Vector2 end   = ComputeLocation(endNode, node, 10, out dummy);

                        Vector2 startMiddle, endMiddle;
                        float   dist = 70;
                        if (!isLeft)
                            startMiddle = new Vector2(start.x - dist, start.y);
                            endMiddle   = new Vector2(end.x + dist, end.y);
                            startMiddle = new Vector2(start.x + dist, start.y);
                            endMiddle   = new Vector2(end.x - dist, end.y);

                        elements.Insert(0, new HandleElement(HandleType.ArrowLine, start, end, startMiddle, endMiddle));
                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(node.text + " failed to connect to " + trans.toState);
                    yPos += 16;
Beispiel #3
    //fast transform compare since most
    //changes will probably be transforms
    private void CompareTransform(GameObject obj, ulong origPathId, List <ComponentChangeOrAdd> changes)
        Transform objTransform = obj.transform;

        AssetFileInfoEx     goInfo        = assetsTable.getAssetInfo(origPathId);
        AssetTypeInstance   goInstance    = am.GetATI(assetsFile, goInfo);
        AssetTypeValueField transformPPtr = goInstance.GetBaseField()
        AssetTypeInstance   tfmInfo         = am.GetExtAsset(assetsFileInstance, transformPPtr).instance;
        AssetTypeValueField tfmBaseField    = tfmInfo.GetBaseField();
        AssetTypeValueField m_LocalPosition = tfmBaseField.Get("m_LocalPosition");
        AssetTypeValueField m_LocalRotation = tfmBaseField.Get("m_LocalRotation");
        AssetTypeValueField m_LocalScale    = tfmBaseField.Get("m_LocalScale");
        Vector3             localPosition   = new Vector3(
        Quaternion localRotation = new Quaternion(
        Vector3 localScale = new Vector3(

        if (objTransform.localPosition != localPosition ||
            objTransform.localRotation != localRotation ||
            objTransform.localScale != localScale)
            List <FieldChange> fieldChanges = new List <FieldChange>();

            if (localPosition.x != objTransform.localPosition.x)
                fieldChanges.Add(new FieldChange("m_LocalPosition/x", objTransform.localPosition.x));
            if (localPosition.y != objTransform.localPosition.y)
                fieldChanges.Add(new FieldChange("m_LocalPosition/y", objTransform.localPosition.y));
            if (localPosition.z != objTransform.localPosition.z)
                fieldChanges.Add(new FieldChange("m_LocalPosition/z", objTransform.localPosition.z));

            if (localRotation.w != objTransform.localRotation.w)
                fieldChanges.Add(new FieldChange("m_LocalRotation/w", objTransform.localRotation.w));
            if (localRotation.x != objTransform.localRotation.x)
                fieldChanges.Add(new FieldChange("m_LocalRotation/x", objTransform.localRotation.x));
            if (localRotation.y != objTransform.localRotation.y)
                fieldChanges.Add(new FieldChange("m_LocalRotation/y", objTransform.localRotation.y));
            if (localRotation.z != objTransform.localRotation.z)
                fieldChanges.Add(new FieldChange("m_LocalRotation/z", objTransform.localRotation.z));

            if (localScale.x != objTransform.localScale.x)
                fieldChanges.Add(new FieldChange("m_LocalScale/x", objTransform.localScale.x));
            if (localScale.y != objTransform.localScale.y)
                fieldChanges.Add(new FieldChange("m_LocalScale/y", objTransform.localScale.y));
            if (localScale.z != objTransform.localScale.z)
                fieldChanges.Add(new FieldChange("m_LocalScale/z", objTransform.localScale.z));

            changes.Add(new ComponentChangeOrAdd()
                isNewComponent = false,
                componentIndex = 0,
                componentType  = "Transform",
                changes        = fieldChanges
            //Debug.Log("diffing " + + "'s transform");
Beispiel #4
        private void LoadFSMs(string path)
            string folderName = Path.GetDirectoryName(path);

            curFile = am.LoadAssetsFile(path, true);

            AssetsFile      file  = curFile.file;
            AssetsFileTable table = curFile.table;

            List <AssetInfo> assetInfos = new List <AssetInfo>();
            uint             assetCount = table.assetFileInfoCount;
            uint             fsmTypeId  = 0;

            foreach (AssetFileInfoEx info in table.pAssetFileInfo)
                bool isMono = false;
                if (fsmTypeId == 0)
                    ushort monoType = file.typeTree.pTypes_Unity5[info.curFileTypeOrIndex].scriptIndex;
                    if (monoType != 0xFFFF)
                        isMono = true;
                else if (info.curFileType == fsmTypeId)
                    isMono = true;
                if (isMono)
                    AssetTypeInstance monoAti   = am.GetATI(file, info);
                    AssetTypeInstance scriptAti = am.GetExtAsset(curFile, monoAti.GetBaseField().Get("m_Script")).instance;
                    AssetTypeInstance goAti     = am.GetExtAsset(curFile, monoAti.GetBaseField().Get("m_GameObject")).instance;
                    if (goAti == null) //found a scriptable object, oops
                        fsmTypeId = 0;
                    string m_Name      = goAti.GetBaseField().Get("m_Name").GetValue().AsString();
                    string m_ClassName = scriptAti.GetBaseField().Get("m_ClassName").GetValue().AsString();

                    if (m_ClassName == "PlayMakerFSM")
                        if (fsmTypeId == 0)
                            fsmTypeId = info.curFileType;

                        BinaryReader reader = file.reader;

                        long oldPos = reader.BaseStream.Position;
                        reader.BaseStream.Position  = (long)info.absoluteFilePos;
                        reader.BaseStream.Position += 28;
                        uint length = reader.ReadUInt32();

                        long pad = 4 - (reader.BaseStream.Position % 4);
                        if (pad != 4)
                            reader.BaseStream.Position += pad;

                        reader.BaseStream.Position += 16;

                        uint   length2 = reader.ReadUInt32();
                        string fsmName = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(reader.ReadBytes((int)length2));
                        reader.BaseStream.Position = oldPos;

                        assetInfos.Add(new AssetInfo()
                            id   = info.index,
                            size = info.curFileSize,
                            name = m_Name + "-" + fsmName
            assetInfos.Sort((x, y) =>;
            FSMSelector selector = new FSMSelector(assetInfos);


            //todo separate into separate method(s)
            if (selector.selectedID == -1)

            AssetFileInfoEx afi = table.getAssetInfo((ulong)selector.selectedID);

            string  tabName = assetInfos.FirstOrDefault(i => == (ulong)selector.selectedID).name;
            TabItem tab     = new TabItem
                //Name = tabName.Replace(" ","").Replace("-","_").Replace("(","_").Replace(")","_"),
                Header = tabName

            ignoreChangeEvent = true;
            fsmTabControl.SelectedItem = tab;
            ignoreChangeEvent          = false;

            mt.Matrix = Matrix.Identity;


            AssetTypeValueField baseField = am.GetMonoBaseFieldCached(curFile, afi, Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(curFile.path), "Managed"));

            //from uabe
            //ClassDatabaseType cldt = AssetHelper.FindAssetClassByID(am.classFile, afi.curFileType);
            //AssetTypeTemplateField pBaseField = new AssetTypeTemplateField();
            //pBaseField.FromClassDatabase(am.classFile, cldt, 0);
            //AssetTypeInstance mainAti = new AssetTypeInstance(1, new[] { pBaseField }, file.reader, false, afi.absoluteFilePos);
            //AssetTypeTemplateField[] desMonos;
            //desMonos = TryDeserializeMono(mainAti, am, folderName);
            //if (desMonos != null)
            //    AssetTypeTemplateField[] templateField = pBaseField.children.Concat(desMonos).ToArray();
            //    pBaseField.children = templateField;
            //    pBaseField.childrenCount = (uint)pBaseField.children.Length;
            //    mainAti = new AssetTypeInstance(1, new[] { pBaseField }, file.reader, false, afi.absoluteFilePos);
            //AssetTypeValueField baseField = mainAti.GetBaseField();

            AssetTypeValueField fsm               = baseField.Get("fsm");
            AssetTypeValueField states            = fsm.Get("states");
            AssetTypeValueField globalTransitions = fsm.Get("globalTransitions");

            dataVersion = fsm.Get("dataVersion").GetValue().AsInt();
            for (int i = 0; i < states.GetValue().AsArray().size; i++)
                AssetTypeValueField state = states.Get((uint)i);
                //move all of this into node
                string name = state.Get("name").GetValue().AsString();
                AssetTypeValueField rect = state.Get("position");
                Rect dotNetRect          = new Rect(rect.Get("x").GetValue().AsFloat(),
                AssetTypeValueField transitions   = state.Get("transitions");
                uint            transitionCount   = transitions.GetValue().AsArray().size;
                FsmTransition[] dotNetTransitions = new FsmTransition[transitionCount];
                for (int j = 0; j < transitionCount; j++)
                    dotNetTransitions[j] = new FsmTransition(transitions.Get((uint)j));
                Node node = new Node(state, name, dotNetRect, dotNetTransitions);

                node.grid.MouseLeftButtonDown += (object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) =>
                    foreach (Node node2 in nodes)
                        node2.Selected = false;
                    node.Selected = true;
                    SidebarData(node, curFile);

            for (int i = 0; i < globalTransitions.GetValue().AsArray().size; i++)
                AssetTypeValueField transition = globalTransitions.Get((uint)i);

                FsmTransition dotNetTransition = new FsmTransition(transition);
                Node          toNode           = nodes.FirstOrDefault(n => == dotNetTransition.toState);

                if (toNode == null)
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("transition " + + " going to non-existant node " + dotNetTransition.toState);
                    Rect rect = new Rect(
                        toNode.Transform.Y - 50,

                    if (toNode != null)
                        Node node = new Node(null,, rect, new[] { dotNetTransition });

            foreach (Node node in nodes)
                if (node.transitions.Length <= 0)

                float yPos = 24;
                foreach (FsmTransition trans in node.transitions)
                    Node endNode = nodes.FirstOrDefault(n => == trans.toState);
                    if (endNode != null)
                        Point start, end, startMiddle, endMiddle;

                        if (node.state != null)
                            start = ComputeLocation(node, endNode, yPos, out bool isLeftStart);
                            end   = ComputeLocation(endNode, node, 10, out bool isLeftEnd);

                            double dist = 70;

                            if (isLeftStart == isLeftEnd)
                                dist *= 0.5;

                            if (!isLeftStart)
                                startMiddle = new Point(start.X - dist, start.Y);
                                startMiddle = new Point(start.X + dist, start.Y);

                            if (!isLeftEnd)
                                endMiddle = new Point(end.X - dist, end.Y);
                                endMiddle = new Point(end.X + dist, end.Y);
                            start = new Point(node.Transform.X + node.Transform.Width / 2,
                                              node.Transform.Y + node.Transform.Height);
                            end = new Point(endNode.Transform.X + endNode.Transform.Width / 2,
                            startMiddle = new Point(start.X, start.Y + 1);
                            endMiddle   = new Point(end.X, end.Y - 1);

                        CurvedArrow arrow = new CurvedArrow()
                            Points = new PointCollection(new List <Point>()
                            StrokeThickness  = 2,
                            Stroke           = Brushes.Black,
                            Fill             = Brushes.Black,
                            IsHitTestVisible = true

                        arrow.MouseEnter += (object sender, MouseEventArgs e) =>
                            arrow.Stroke = Brushes.LightGray;
                            arrow.Fill   = Brushes.LightGray;

                        arrow.MouseLeave += (object sender, MouseEventArgs e) =>
                            arrow.Stroke = Brushes.Black;
                            arrow.Fill   = Brushes.Black;

                        Panel.SetZIndex(arrow, -1);

                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine( + " failed to connect to " + trans.toState);
                    yPos += 16;
            AssetTypeValueField events = fsm.Get("events");

            for (int i = 0; i < events.GetValue().AsArray().size; i++)
                AssetTypeValueField @event = events.Get((uint)i);
                string name          = @event.Get("name").GetValue().AsString();
                bool   isSystemEvent = @event.Get("isSystemEvent").GetValue().AsBool();
                bool   isGlobal      = @event.Get("isGlobal").GetValue().AsBool();

                eventList.Children.Add(CreateSidebarRow(name, isSystemEvent, isGlobal));
            AssetTypeValueField variables           = fsm.Get("variables");
            AssetTypeValueField floatVariables      = variables.Get("floatVariables");
            AssetTypeValueField intVariables        = variables.Get("intVariables");
            AssetTypeValueField boolVariables       = variables.Get("boolVariables");
            AssetTypeValueField stringVariables     = variables.Get("stringVariables");
            AssetTypeValueField vector2Variables    = variables.Get("vector2Variables");
            AssetTypeValueField vector3Variables    = variables.Get("vector3Variables");
            AssetTypeValueField colorVariables      = variables.Get("colorVariables");
            AssetTypeValueField rectVariables       = variables.Get("rectVariables");
            AssetTypeValueField quaternionVariables = variables.Get("quaternionVariables");
            AssetTypeValueField gameObjectVariables = variables.Get("gameObjectVariables");
            AssetTypeValueField objectVariables     = variables.Get("objectVariables");
            AssetTypeValueField materialVariables   = variables.Get("materialVariables");
            AssetTypeValueField textureVariables    = variables.Get("textureVariables");
            AssetTypeValueField arrayVariables      = variables.Get("arrayVariables");
            AssetTypeValueField enumVariables       = variables.Get("enumVariables");

            for (int i = 0; i < floatVariables.GetValue().AsArray().size; i++)
                string name  = floatVariables.Get((uint)i).Get("name").GetValue().AsString();
                string value = floatVariables.Get((uint)i).Get("value").GetValue().AsFloat().ToString();
                variableList.Children.Add(CreateSidebarRow(name, value));
            for (int i = 0; i < intVariables.GetValue().AsArray().size; i++)
                string name  = intVariables.Get((uint)i).Get("name").GetValue().AsString();
                string value = intVariables.Get((uint)i).Get("value").GetValue().AsInt().ToString();
                variableList.Children.Add(CreateSidebarRow(name, value));
            for (int i = 0; i < boolVariables.GetValue().AsArray().size; i++)
                string name  = boolVariables.Get((uint)i).Get("name").GetValue().AsString();
                string value = boolVariables.Get((uint)i).Get("value").GetValue().AsBool().ToString().ToLower();
                variableList.Children.Add(CreateSidebarRow(name, value));
            for (int i = 0; i < stringVariables.GetValue().AsArray().size; i++)
                string name  = stringVariables.Get((uint)i).Get("name").GetValue().AsString();
                string value = stringVariables.Get((uint)i).Get("value").GetValue().AsString();
                variableList.Children.Add(CreateSidebarRow(name, value));
            for (int i = 0; i < vector2Variables.GetValue().AsArray().size; i++)
                string name = vector2Variables.Get((uint)i).Get("name").GetValue().AsString();
                AssetTypeValueField vector2 = vector2Variables.Get((uint)i).Get("value");
                string value = vector2.Get("x").GetValue().AsFloat().ToString() + ", ";
                value += vector2.Get("y").GetValue().AsFloat().ToString();
                variableList.Children.Add(CreateSidebarRow(name, value));
            for (int i = 0; i < vector3Variables.GetValue().AsArray().size; i++)
                string name = vector3Variables.Get((uint)i).Get("name").GetValue().AsString();
                AssetTypeValueField vector3 = vector3Variables.Get((uint)i).Get("value");
                string value = vector3.Get("x").GetValue().AsFloat().ToString() + ", ";
                value += vector3.Get("x").GetValue().AsFloat().ToString() + ", ";
                value += vector3.Get("z").GetValue().AsFloat().ToString();
                variableList.Children.Add(CreateSidebarRow(name, value));
            for (int i = 0; i < colorVariables.GetValue().AsArray().size; i++)
                string name = colorVariables.Get((uint)i).Get("name").GetValue().AsString();
                AssetTypeValueField color = colorVariables.Get((uint)i).Get("value");
                string value = ((int)(color.Get("r").GetValue().AsFloat()) * 255).ToString("X2");
                value += ((int)(color.Get("g").GetValue().AsFloat()) * 255).ToString("X2");
                value += ((int)(color.Get("b").GetValue().AsFloat()) * 255).ToString("X2");
                value += ((int)(color.Get("a").GetValue().AsFloat()) * 255).ToString("X2");
                Grid    sidebarRow = CreateSidebarRow(name, value);
                TextBox textBox    = sidebarRow.Children.OfType <TextBox>().FirstOrDefault();
                textBox.BorderBrush = (SolidColorBrush)(new BrushConverter().ConvertFrom("#" + value));
            for (int i = 0; i < rectVariables.GetValue().AsArray().size; i++)
                string name = rectVariables.Get((uint)i).Get("name").GetValue().AsString();
                AssetTypeValueField rect = rectVariables.Get((uint)i).Get("value");
                string value             = rect.Get("x").GetValue().AsFloat().ToString() + ", ";
                value += rect.Get("y").GetValue().AsFloat().ToString() + ", ";
                value += rect.Get("width").GetValue().AsFloat().ToString() + ", ";
                value += rect.Get("height").GetValue().AsFloat().ToString();
                variableList.Children.Add(CreateSidebarRow(name, value));
            for (int i = 0; i < quaternionVariables.GetValue().AsArray().size; i++)
                string name = quaternionVariables.Get((uint)i).Get("name").GetValue().AsString();
                AssetTypeValueField rect = quaternionVariables.Get((uint)i).Get("value");
                string value             = rect.Get("x").GetValue().AsFloat().ToString() + ", ";
                value += rect.Get("y").GetValue().AsFloat().ToString() + ", ";
                value += rect.Get("z").GetValue().AsFloat().ToString() + ", ";
                value += rect.Get("w").GetValue().AsFloat().ToString();
                variableList.Children.Add(CreateSidebarRow(name, value));
            for (int i = 0; i < gameObjectVariables.GetValue().AsArray().size; i++)
                string name = gameObjectVariables.Get((uint)i).Get("name").GetValue().AsString();
                AssetTypeValueField gameObject = gameObjectVariables.Get((uint)i).Get("value");
                int  m_FileID = gameObject.Get("m_FileID").GetValue().AsInt();
                long m_PathID = gameObject.Get("m_PathID").GetValue().AsInt64();

                string value;
                if (m_PathID != 0)
                    value = $"[{m_FileID},{m_PathID}]";
                    value = "";
                variableList.Children.Add(CreateSidebarRow(name, value));
Beispiel #5
        public static byte[] CreateBundleFromLevel(AssetsManager am, /*byte[] data,*/ AssetsFileInstance inst, string sceneName, DiffFile diffFile, string bunPath)
            AssetsFile      file  = inst.file;
            AssetsFileTable table = inst.table;

            string folderName = Path.GetDirectoryName(inst.path);
            //string sceneName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(inst.path) + "_mod";

            List <AssetsReplacer> assetsSA = new List <AssetsReplacer>();

            List <AssetFileInfoEx> infos = table.pAssetFileInfo.ToList();

            //List<int> typeIds = new List<int>();
            //foreach (AssetFileInfoEx info in infos)
            //    int typeId = (int)info.curFileType;
            //    if (!typeIds.Contains(typeId) && typeId != 0x72)
            //        typeIds.Add(typeId);

            assetsSA.Add(BundleMeta.CreateBundleInformation(sceneName, 2));

            //todo: pull from original assets file, cldb is not always update to date
            List <Type_0D> types = new List <Type_0D>();
            //foreach (int typeId in typeIds)
            //    types.Add(C2T5.Cldb2TypeTree(am.classFile, typeId));

            List <Type_0D> typesSA = new List <Type_0D>
                C2T5.Cldb2TypeTree(am.classFile, 0x96), //PreloadData
                C2T5.Cldb2TypeTree(am.classFile, 0x8E)  //AssetBundle

            const string ver = "2017.4.10f1";

            List <AssetsReplacer> replacers = new List <AssetsReplacer>();

            //UnityEngine.Debug.Log("HKWE DM " + diffFile.magic);
            //UnityEngine.Debug.Log("HKWE GC " + diffFile.changes.Count + diffFile.adds.Count + diffFile.removes.Count);
            //AssetsReplacerFromMemory mem = MoveTest.RunMoveTest(table.getAssetInfo(2642), am.GetATI(file, table.getAssetInfo(2642)).GetBaseField(), 2642) as AssetsReplacerFromMemory;
            foreach (GameObjectChange goChange in diffFile.changes)
                //UnityEngine.Debug.Log("HKWE GO " + goChange.pathId);
                foreach (ComponentChangeOrAdd compChange in goChange.changes)
                    AssetFileInfoEx     goInfo      = table.getAssetInfo((ulong)goChange.pathId);
                    AssetTypeValueField goBaseField = am.GetATI(file, goInfo).GetBaseField();

                    AssetTypeValueField         compPptr = goBaseField.Get("m_Component").Get("Array")[(uint)compChange.componentIndex].Get("component");
                    AssetsManager.AssetExternal compExt  = am.GetExtAsset(inst, compPptr);

                    AssetFileInfoEx     compInfo      =;
                    AssetTypeValueField compBaseField = compExt.instance.GetBaseField();

                    //UnityEngine.Debug.Log("HKWE LR " + compInfo.index);
                    AssetsReplacer imAlreadyReplacer = ComponentDiffReplacer.DiffComponent(compInfo, compBaseField, am.classFile, compChange, compInfo.index);
            AssetsManager amBun = new AssetsManager();                                                                          //we create a new manager because the two filenames will probably conflict

            amBun.classFile = am.classFile;                                                                                     //we can just reuse the classfile which is kinda hacky
            AssetsFileInstance bunInst = amBun.LoadAssetsFile(new MemoryStream(GetBundleData(bunPath, 0)), "HKWEDiffs", false); //placeholder path since we have no deps

            //rearrange the pathids immediately after the
            //last one from the level to keep unity happy
            ulong levelLargestPathID = 0;

            foreach (AssetFileInfoEx inf in table.pAssetFileInfo)
                if (inf.index > levelLargestPathID)
                    levelLargestPathID = inf.index;
            ReferenceCrawler.ReorderIds(amBun, bunInst, levelLargestPathID + 1);

            byte[] bunSAInst = GetBundleData(bunPath, 1);
            //HashSet<ulong> addedDeps = new HashSet<ulong>();
            foreach (AssetFileInfoEx inf in bunInst.table.pAssetFileInfo)
                replacers.Add(MakeReplacer(inf.index, am, bunInst, inst, inf, bunSAInst, types));
            //foreach (GameObjectInfo inf in diffFile.infos)
            //    Debug.Log("7");
            //    ulong bunPathId = GetBundlePathId(amBun, bunInst, inf);
            //    AssetFileInfoEx objInf = bunInst.table.getAssetInfo(bunPathId);
            //    replacers.Add(MakeReplacer(bunPathId, am, bunInst, inst, objInf, bunSAInst, types));
            //    List<ulong> deps = ReferenceCrawler.CrawlPPtrs(amBun, bunInst, bunPathId);
            //    foreach (ulong dep in deps)
            //    {
            //        if (!addedDeps.Contains(dep))
            //        {
            //            addedDeps.Add(dep);
            //            AssetFileInfoEx depInf = bunInst.table.getAssetInfo(dep);
            //            //if (depInf.curFileType == 0x01 || depInf.curFileType == 0x04 || depInf.curFileType == 0xD4 || depInf.curFileType == 0x15 || depInf.curFileType == 0xD5)
            //            //{
            //            //    continue;
            //            //}
            //            replacers.Add(MakeReplacer(dep, am, bunInst, inst, depInf, bunSAInst, types));
            //        }
            //    }
            //    ////its possible to get a collision but very unlikely since unity already randomizes ids which are 8 bytes long
            //    ////there's nothing here to test if a collision would be created so just hope that you don't win the lottery
            //    //ulong bunPathId = GetBundlePathId(amBun, bunInst, inf);
            //    ////AssetFileInfoEx afInf = bunInst.table.getAssetInfo(bunPathId);
            //    ////replacers.Add(MakeReplacer(bunPathId, afInf,;
            //    //List<ulong> deps = ReferenceCrawler.CrawlPPtrs(am, bunInst, bunPathId);
            //    ////if (info.curFileType == 0x01 || info.curFileType == 0x04 || info.curFileType == 0xD4)
            //    ////{
            //    ////    continue;
            //    ////}
            //    //foreach (ulong dep in deps)
            //    //{
            //    //    AssetFileInfoEx depInf = bunInst.table.getAssetInfo(dep);
            //    //    //MakeReplacer(dep, am, bunInst, inst, depInf, bunSAInst, types);
            //    //    AssetsReplacerFromMemory ar = MakeReplacer(dep, am, bunInst, inst, depInf, bunSAInst, types);
            //    //    //todo- I guess this was just for testing purposes to block out everything, remove this at some point
            //    //    if (depInf.curFileType == 0x01 || depInf.curFileType == 0x04 || depInf.curFileType == 0xD4 || depInf.curFileType == 0x15 || depInf.curFileType == 0xD5) //depInf.curFileType == 0x1C
            //    //    {
            //    //        continue;
            //    //    }
            //    //    replacers.Add(ar);
            //    //}

            byte[] data = null;
            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
                using (AssetsFileWriter writer = new AssetsFileWriter(ms))
                    //file.typeTree.hasTypeTree = true; //so we don't have to calculate hashes
                    //foreach (Type_0D type in file.typeTree.pTypes_Unity5)
                    //    if (!types.Any(t => t.classId == type.classId))
                    //    {
                    //        types.Insert(0, C2T5.Cldb2TypeTree(am.classFile, type.classId));
                    //    }
                    file.typeTree.pTypes_Unity5 = file.typeTree.pTypes_Unity5.Concat(types.ToArray()).ToArray();
                    //file.typeTree.pTypes_Unity5 = types.ToArray();
                    file.typeTree.fieldCount = (uint)file.typeTree.pTypes_Unity5.Length;
                    //file.typeTree.fieldCount = (uint)types.Count;
                    file.Write(writer, 0, replacers.ToArray(), 0);
                    data = ms.ToArray();
            //File.WriteAllBytes("_bundlefinal1.unity3d", data);

            byte[]     blankDataSA = BundleCreator.CreateBlankAssets(ver, typesSA);
            AssetsFile blankFileSA = new AssetsFile(new AssetsFileReader(new MemoryStream(blankDataSA)));

            byte[] dataSA = null;
            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
                using (AssetsFileWriter writer = new AssetsFileWriter(ms))
                    blankFileSA.Write(writer, 0, assetsSA.ToArray(), 0);
                    dataSA = ms.ToArray();

            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
                using (AssetsFileWriter writer = new AssetsFileWriter(ms))
                    AssetsBundleFile bundle = BundleCreator.CreateBlankBundle(ver, data.Length, dataSA.Length, sceneName);