protected void BindListBox()
        txtContractName.Text = Session["contractname"].ToString();
        txtdesc.Text = Session["description"].ToString();
        drpVendor.SelectedValue = Session["vendorid"].ToString();
        Asset_mst ObjAsset = new Asset_mst();
        BLLCollection<Asset_mst> col = new BLLCollection<Asset_mst>();
        string varAsset = Session["AssetContract"].ToString();
        string[] arrAsset = varAsset.Split(',');
        int FlagCount = arrAsset.Length;
        for (int i = 0; i < FlagCount; i++)
            if (arrAsset[i] != "," && arrAsset[i]!="")
                Asset_mst obj = new Asset_mst();
                obj = ObjAsset.Get_By_id(Convert.ToInt16(arrAsset[i].ToString()));

        ListAsset.DataTextField = "computerName";
        ListAsset.DataValueField = "assetid";
        ListAsset.DataSource = col;
        Session["AssetContract"] = "";
    protected void BindListBox()
        int       contractid          = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString[0]);
        Asset_mst ObjAsset            = new Asset_mst();
        BLLCollection <Asset_mst> col = new BLLCollection <Asset_mst>();
        string varAsset = Session["AssetContract"].ToString();

        string[] arrAsset  = varAsset.Split(',');
        int      FlagCount = arrAsset.Length;

        for (int i = 0; i < FlagCount; i++)
            if (arrAsset[i] != "," && arrAsset[i] != "")
                ContractToAssetMapping objCoAsset = new ContractToAssetMapping();
                ListItem  item = new ListItem();
                int       flagcount;
                Asset_mst obj = new Asset_mst();
                obj       = ObjAsset.Get_By_id(Convert.ToInt32(arrAsset[i].ToString()));
                flagcount = objCoAsset.Get_by_Contractid_Assetid(contractid, Convert.ToInt32(arrAsset[i].ToString()));
                if (flagcount == 0)
                    item.Text  = obj.Computername;
                    item.Value = Convert.ToString(obj.Assetid);
Beispiel #3
    protected void BindListBox()
        drpCategory.SelectedValue    = Session["Categoryid"].ToString();
        drpSubcategory.SelectedValue = Session["Subcategoryid"].ToString();
        drpTechnician.SelectedValue  = Session["Technician"].ToString();
        txtTitle.Text = Session["Title"].ToString();
        drpchangetype.SelectedValue = Session["Changetype"].ToString();

        Asset_mst ObjAsset            = new Asset_mst();
        BLLCollection <Asset_mst> col = new BLLCollection <Asset_mst>();
        string varAsset = Session["AssetContract"].ToString();

        string[] arrAsset  = varAsset.Split(',');
        int      FlagCount = arrAsset.Length;

        for (int i = 0; i < FlagCount; i++)
            if (arrAsset[i] != "," && arrAsset[i] != "")
                Asset_mst obj = new Asset_mst();
                obj = ObjAsset.Get_By_id(Convert.ToInt32(arrAsset[i].ToString()));
        ListAsset.DataTextField  = "computerName";
        ListAsset.DataValueField = "assetid";
        ListAsset.DataSource     = col;
        for (int i = ListAsset.Items.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
            ListAsset.Items[i].Selected = true;
        Session["AssetContract"] = "";
Beispiel #4
 protected void IncidentToAsset(int userid)
     objOrganization = objOrganization.Get_Organization();
     objUser         = objUser.Get_UserLogin_By_UserName(txtUsername.Text.Trim().ToString().Trim(), objOrganization.Orgid);
     userid          = Convert.ToInt16(objUser.Userid);
     assetid         = Convert.ToInt16(objusertoasset.Get_AssetId_By_UserId(userid));
     objassetmst     = objassetmst.Get_By_id(assetid);
     compname        = objassetmst.Computername;
    protected void BindContractData()
        int contractid = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString[0]);
        objContract = objContract.Get_By_id(contractid);
        if (objContract != null)
            txtContractName.Text = objContract.Contractname + " " + "Renewed";
            txtdesc.Text = objContract.Description;

            drpVendor.SelectedValue = Convert.ToString(objContract.Vendorid);

            colContractToAssetMapping = objContractToAsset.Get_All_By_contractid(objContract.Contractid);
            foreach (ContractToAssetMapping obj in colContractToAssetMapping)
                Asset_mst objA = new Asset_mst();
                objA = objA.Get_By_id(obj.Assetid);
            ListAsset.DataTextField = "computername";
            ListAsset.DataValueField = "Assetid";
            ListAsset.DataSource = colAsset;

        objContractNotfy = objContractNotfy.Get_By_id(contractid);
        if (objContractNotfy.Contractid != 0)
            EscalateEmail_mst objEscalateEmail = new EscalateEmail_mst();
            chkLevel1.Checked = true;
            txtBeforeDays.Text = objContractNotfy.Beforedays.ToString();
            string varEmail = objContractNotfy.Sentto;
            string[] arrEmail = varEmail.Split((",").ToCharArray());
            for (int i = 0; i < arrEmail.Length - 1; i++)
                if (arrEmail[i] != "," && arrEmail[i] != " ")
                    objEscalateEmail = objEscalateEmail.Get_By_Emailid(arrEmail[i]);
                    for (int j = listLevel1.Items.Count - 1; j >= 0; j--)
                        if (Convert.ToInt32(listLevel1.Items[j].Value) == objEscalateEmail.Id)
                            listLevel1.Items[j].Selected = true;



    protected void BindContractData()
        int contractid = Convert.ToInt16(Request.QueryString[0]);

        objContract = objContract.Get_By_id(contractid);
        if (objContract != null)
            txtContractName.Text = objContract.Contractname + " " + "Renewed";
            txtdesc.Text         = objContract.Description;

            drpVendor.SelectedValue = Convert.ToString(objContract.Vendorid);

            colContractToAssetMapping = objContractToAsset.Get_All_By_contractid(objContract.Contractid);
            foreach (ContractToAssetMapping obj in colContractToAssetMapping)
                Asset_mst objA = new Asset_mst();
                objA = objA.Get_By_id(obj.Assetid);
            ListAsset.DataTextField  = "computername";
            ListAsset.DataValueField = "Assetid";
            ListAsset.DataSource     = colAsset;

        objContractNotfy = objContractNotfy.Get_By_id(contractid);
        if (objContractNotfy.Contractid != 0)
            EscalateEmail_mst objEscalateEmail = new EscalateEmail_mst();
            chkLevel1.Checked  = true;
            txtBeforeDays.Text = objContractNotfy.Beforedays.ToString();
            string   varEmail = objContractNotfy.Sentto;
            string[] arrEmail = varEmail.Split((",").ToCharArray());
            for (int i = 0; i < arrEmail.Length - 1; i++)
                if (arrEmail[i] != "," && arrEmail[i] != " ")
                    objEscalateEmail = objEscalateEmail.Get_By_Emailid(arrEmail[i]);
                    for (int j = listLevel1.Items.Count - 1; j >= 0; j--)
                        if (Convert.ToInt16(listLevel1.Items[j].Value) == objEscalateEmail.Id)
                            listLevel1.Items[j].Selected = true;
    protected void BindContract()
        int contractid = Convert.ToInt16(Request.QueryString[0]);
        objContract = objContract.Get_By_id(contractid);
        if (objContract!=null )
            lblContractName.Text = objContract.Contractname;
            lblContractId.Text = objContract.Contractid.ToString();
            lblActiveFrom.Text = objContract.Activefrom.ToString();
            lblActiveTo.Text  = objContract.Activeto.ToString();
            objVendor = objVendor.Get_By_id(objContract.Vendorid);
            lblVendorname.Text = objVendor.Vendorname.ToString();
            lblDesc.Text = objContract.Description.ToString();
            colContractToAssetMapping = objContractToAsset.Get_All_By_contractid(objContract.Contractid);
            foreach (ContractToAssetMapping obj in colContractToAssetMapping)
                Asset_mst objA = new Asset_mst();
                objA = objA.Get_By_id(obj.Assetid);
            grdvwViewAsset.DataSource = colAsset;
        objConRenewed = objConRenewed.Get_By_id(contractid);
        if (objConRenewed.Contractid!=0)
            lblRen.Visible = true;
            Contract_mst obj = new Contract_mst();
            obj = obj.Get_By_id(objConRenewed.Contractid);
            lblRenInfo.Text = obj.Contractname;
            lblRenInfo.Visible = true;

        objContractNotfy = objContractNotfy.Get_By_id(contractid);
        if (objContractNotfy.Contractid != 0)
            lblUsers.Text = objContractNotfy.Sentto;
            lblDays.Text = Convert.ToString(objContractNotfy.Beforedays);

            lblUsers.Text = "-";
            lblDays.Text = "-";

Beispiel #8
    protected void btnAddAsset_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //Add Exception handilng try catch change by vishal 21-05-2012
            foreach (GridViewRow gv in grdvwViewAsset.Rows)
                string gvIDs;
                // Declare local variable deleteChkBxItem of Checkbox type to get the Checkbox Instance of Grid Row
                CheckBox deleteChkBxItem = (CheckBox)gv.FindControl("deleteRec");
                // If deleteChkBxItem is Checked then ,mapped Current site to this user
                if (deleteChkBxItem.Checked)
                    ListItem item = new ListItem();
                    int      varSiteid;
                    int      FlagCheckAsset = 0;
                    // Get the Site Id from variable of Label type declare in GridView of grdvwSite
                    gvIDs = ((Label)gv.FindControl("assetid")).Text.ToString();

                    ObjAsset   = ObjAsset.Get_By_id(Convert.ToInt32(gvIDs));
                    item.Text  = ObjAsset.Computername;
                    item.Value = Convert.ToString(ObjAsset.Assetid);

                    for (int i = listAsset.Items.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                        if (Convert.ToInt32(listAsset.Items[i].Value) == ObjAsset.Assetid)
                            FlagCheckAsset = 1;
                    if (FlagCheckAsset == 0)
        catch (Exception ex)
            string myScript;
            myScript = "<script language=javascript>alert('Exception - '" + ex + "');</script>";
            Page.RegisterClientScriptBlock("MyScript", myScript);
Beispiel #9
    protected void BindContract()
        int contractid = Convert.ToInt16(Request.QueryString[0]);

        objContract = objContract.Get_By_id(contractid);
        if (objContract != null)
            lblContractName.Text      = objContract.Contractname;
            lblContractId.Text        = objContract.Contractid.ToString();
            lblActiveFrom.Text        = objContract.Activefrom.ToString();
            lblActiveTo.Text          = objContract.Activeto.ToString();
            objVendor                 = objVendor.Get_By_id(objContract.Vendorid);
            lblVendorname.Text        = objVendor.Vendorname.ToString();
            lblDesc.Text              = objContract.Description.ToString();
            colContractToAssetMapping = objContractToAsset.Get_All_By_contractid(objContract.Contractid);
            foreach (ContractToAssetMapping obj in colContractToAssetMapping)
                Asset_mst objA = new Asset_mst();
                objA = objA.Get_By_id(obj.Assetid);
            grdvwViewAsset.DataSource = colAsset;
        objConRenewed = objConRenewed.Get_By_id(contractid);
        if (objConRenewed.Contractid != 0)
            lblRen.Visible = true;
            Contract_mst obj = new Contract_mst();
            obj                = obj.Get_By_id(objConRenewed.Contractid);
            lblRenInfo.Text    = obj.Contractname;
            lblRenInfo.Visible = true;
        objContractNotfy = objContractNotfy.Get_By_id(contractid);
        if (objContractNotfy.Contractid != 0)
            lblUsers.Text = objContractNotfy.Sentto;
            lblDays.Text  = Convert.ToString(objContractNotfy.Beforedays);
            lblUsers.Text = "-";
            lblDays.Text  = "-";
    protected void BindContractData()
        int contractid = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString[0]);

        objContract = objContract.Get_By_id(contractid);
        if (objContract != null)
            string dd;
            string mm;
            string yy;
            txtContractName.Text = objContract.Contractname;
            txtdesc.Text         = objContract.Description.ToString();
            string[] tempdate = objContract.Activefrom.ToString().Split(("/").ToCharArray());
            string   StrData  = tempdate[2].ToString();
            string[] temp1    = StrData.Split((" ").ToCharArray());

            if (Convert.ToInt32(tempdate[1]) < 10)
                dd = "0" + tempdate[1];
                dd = tempdate[1];
            if (Convert.ToInt32(tempdate[0]) < 10)
                mm = "0" + tempdate[0];
                mm = tempdate[0];
            string vardateFrom = dd + "/" + mm + "/" + temp1[0];
            txtActiveFrom.Text = vardateFrom;

            string[] tempdate1 = objContract.Activeto.ToString().Split(("/").ToCharArray());
            string   StrData1  = tempdate1[2].ToString();
            string[] temp2     = StrData1.Split((" ").ToCharArray());

            if (Convert.ToInt32(tempdate1[1]) < 10)
                dd = "0" + tempdate1[1];
                dd = tempdate1[1];
            if (Convert.ToInt32(tempdate1[0]) < 10)
                mm = "0" + tempdate1[0];
                mm = tempdate1[0];
            string vardateTo = dd + "/" + mm + "/" + temp2[0];

            txtActiveTo.Text        = vardateTo;
            drpVendor.SelectedValue = Convert.ToString(objContract.Vendorid);

            colContractToAssetMapping = objContractToAsset.Get_All_By_contractid(objContract.Contractid);
            foreach (ContractToAssetMapping obj in colContractToAssetMapping)
                Asset_mst objA = new Asset_mst();
                objA = objA.Get_By_id(obj.Assetid);
            ListAsset.DataTextField  = "computername";
            ListAsset.DataValueField = "Assetid";
            ListAsset.DataSource     = colAsset;

        objContractNotfy = objContractNotfy.Get_By_id(contractid);
        if (objContractNotfy.Contractid != 0)
            EscalateEmail_mst objEscalateEmail = new EscalateEmail_mst();
            chkLevel1.Checked  = true;
            txtBeforeDays.Text = objContractNotfy.Beforedays.ToString();
            string   varEmail = objContractNotfy.Sentto;
            string[] arrEmail = varEmail.Split((",").ToCharArray());
            for (int i = 0; i < arrEmail.Length - 1; i++)
                if (arrEmail[i] != "," && arrEmail[i] != " ")
                    objEscalateEmail = objEscalateEmail.Get_By_Emailid(arrEmail[i]);
                    for (int j = listLevel1.Items.Count - 1; j >= 0; j--)
                        if (Convert.ToInt32(listLevel1.Items[j].Value) == objEscalateEmail.Id)
                            listLevel1.Items[j].Selected = true;
    protected void BindListBox()
        int contractid = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString[0]);
        Asset_mst ObjAsset = new Asset_mst();
        BLLCollection<Asset_mst> col = new BLLCollection<Asset_mst>();
        string varAsset = Session["AssetContract"].ToString();
        string[] arrAsset = varAsset.Split(',');
        int FlagCount = arrAsset.Length;
        for (int i = 0; i < FlagCount; i++)
            if (arrAsset[i] != "," && arrAsset[i] != "")
                ContractToAssetMapping objCoAsset = new ContractToAssetMapping();
                ListItem item = new ListItem();
                int flagcount;
                Asset_mst obj = new Asset_mst();
                obj = ObjAsset.Get_By_id(Convert.ToInt32(arrAsset[i].ToString()));
                flagcount = objCoAsset.Get_by_Contractid_Assetid(contractid, Convert.ToInt32(arrAsset[i].ToString()));
                if (flagcount == 0)
                    item.Text = obj.Computername;
                    item.Value = Convert.ToString(obj.Assetid);


    protected void btnMapped_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //lblErrorMsg.Text = "";
        int flag = 0;
        int tempuser;

        tempuser = Convert.ToInt16(Session["tempuser"]);

        foreach (GridViewRow gv in grdvwViewAsset.Rows)
            string      gvIDs;
            RadioButton selectonebutton = (RadioButton)gv.FindControl("selectone");
            if (selectonebutton.Checked)
                flag = 1;
                int assetid;
                gvIDs   = ((Label)gv.FindControl("lblAssetID")).Text.ToString();
                assetid = Convert.ToInt16(gvIDs);
                string Username = lblusername.Text.ToString().Trim();
                objUser = objUser.Get_UserLogin_By_UserName_Like(Username);
                userid  = objUser.Userid;
                if (lblusername.Text == "")
                    //lblErrorMsg.Text = "Enter the user name for mapped a particular Asset";

                else if (tempuser == 1)
                    assetcount = objusertoasset.Get_AssetId_From_UserToAssetMap(assetid);
                    int tempuser1 = 0;
                    if (assetcount == 0)
                        int flag1 = 1;
                        ObjAsset = ObjAsset.Get_By_id(assetid);
                        string compname = ObjAsset.Computername.ToString();
                        string username = lblusername.Text.ToString();
                        Session["compname"]  = compname;
                        Session["flag"]      = flag1;
                        Session["username"]  = username;
                        Session["assetid"]   = assetid;
                        Session["userid"]    = userid;
                        tempuser1            = 1;
                        Session["tempuser1"] = tempuser1;
                        Session["flag1"]     = flag1;
                        //lblErrorMsg.Text = "Asset already mapped";
                else if (userid == 0)
                    //lblErrorMsg.Text = "User Name doen not exist";
                    assetcount = objusertoasset.Get_AssetId_From_UserToAssetMap(assetid);
                    usercount  = objusertoasset.Get_UserId_From_UserToAssetMap(userid);
                    if (assetcount == 0)
                        if (usercount == 0)
                            int flag1 = 1;
                            objusertoasset.Insert(userid, assetid);
                            //lblErrorMsg.Text = "Mapped Succussfully";
                            ObjAsset = ObjAsset.Get_By_id(assetid);
                            string compname = ObjAsset.Computername.ToString();
                            string username = lblusername.Text.ToString();
                            Session["compname"] = compname;
                            Session["flag"]     = flag1;
                            Session["username"] = username;
                            Session["assetid"]  = assetid;
                            Session["userid"]   = userid;
                            Session["flag1"]    = flag1;
                        else  //Update Asset id from UserToAsset table.
                            int flag1      = 1;
                            int oldassetid = Convert.ToInt16(Session["assignassetid"]);
                            objusertoasset.Update_Assetid(oldassetid, assetid);
                            ObjAsset = ObjAsset.Get_By_id(assetid);
                            string compname = ObjAsset.Computername.ToString();
                            string username = lblusername.Text.ToString();
                            Session["compname"] = compname;
                            Session["flag"]     = flag1;
                            Session["username"] = username;
                            Session["assetid"]  = assetid;
                            Session["userid"]   = userid;
                            Session["flag1"]    = flag1;
                        //lblErrorMsg.Text = "Asset already mapped";
        if (flag == 0)
            //lblErrorMsg.Text = "Select Asset for mapping";

        string myScript;

        myScript = "<script language=javascript>javascript:refreshParent(); javascript:window.close();</script>";
        Page.RegisterClientScriptBlock("MyScript", myScript);
    protected void BindListBox()
        drpCategory.SelectedValue = Session["Categoryid"].ToString();
        drpSubcategory.SelectedValue = Session["Subcategoryid"].ToString();
        drpTechnician.SelectedValue = Session["Technician"].ToString();
        txtTitle.Text = Session["Title"].ToString();
        drpchangetype.SelectedValue = Session["Changetype"].ToString();

        Asset_mst ObjAsset = new Asset_mst();
        BLLCollection<Asset_mst> col = new BLLCollection<Asset_mst>();
        string varAsset = Session["AssetContract"].ToString();
        string[] arrAsset = varAsset.Split(',');
        int FlagCount = arrAsset.Length;
        for (int i = 0; i < FlagCount; i++)
            if (arrAsset[i] != "," && arrAsset[i] != "")
                Asset_mst obj = new Asset_mst();
                obj = ObjAsset.Get_By_id(Convert.ToInt32(arrAsset[i].ToString()));

        ListAsset.DataTextField = "computerName";
        ListAsset.DataValueField = "assetid";
        ListAsset.DataSource = col;
        for (int i = ListAsset.Items.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
            ListAsset.Items[i].Selected = true;

        Session["AssetContract"] = "";
Beispiel #14
    //protected void btnMapped_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    //{/////Add Exception handilng try catch change by vishal 21-05-2012
    //    try
    //    {
    //        //lblErrorMsg.Text = "";
    //        int flag = 0;
    //        int tempuser;
    //        tempuser = Convert.ToInt32(Session["tempuser"]);

    //        foreach (GridViewRow gv in grdvwViewAsset.Rows)
    //        {
    //            string gvIDs;
    //            RadioButton selectonebutton = (RadioButton)gv.FindControl("selectone");
    //            if (selectonebutton.Checked)
    //            {
    //                flag = 1;
    //                int assetid;
    //                gvIDs = ((Label)gv.FindControl("lblAssetID")).Text.ToString();
    //                assetid = Convert.ToInt32(gvIDs);
    //                string Username = lblusername.Text.ToString().Trim();
    //                objUser = objUser.Get_UserLogin_By_UserName_Like(Username);
    //                userid = objUser.Userid;
    //                if (lblusername.Text == "")
    //                {

    //                    //lblErrorMsg.Text = "Enter the user name for mapped a particular Asset";
    //                    break;
    //                }

    //                else if (tempuser == 1)
    //                {
    //                    assetcount = objusertoasset.Get_AssetId_From_UserToAssetMap(assetid);
    //                    int tempuser1 = 0;
    //                    if (assetcount == 0)
    //                    {
    //                        int flag1 = 1;
    //                        ObjAsset = ObjAsset.Get_By_id(assetid);
    //                        string compname = ObjAsset.Computername.ToString();
    //                        string username = lblusername.Text.ToString();
    //                        Session["compname"] = compname;
    //                        Session["flag"] = flag1;
    //                        Session["username"] = username;
    //                        Session["assetid"] = assetid;
    //                        Session["userid"] = userid;
    //                        tempuser1 = 1;
    //                        Session["tempuser1"] = tempuser1;
    //                        Session["flag1"] = flag1;
    //                        break;
    //                    }
    //                    else
    //                    {
    //                        //lblErrorMsg.Text = "Asset already mapped";
    //                        break;
    //                    }
    //                }
    //                else if (userid == 0)
    //                {
    //                    //lblErrorMsg.Text = "User Name doen not exist";
    //                    break;
    //                }
    //                else
    //                {
    //                    assetcount = objusertoasset.Get_AssetId_From_UserToAssetMap(assetid);
    //                    usercount = objusertoasset.Get_UserId_From_UserToAssetMap(userid);
    //                    //  objcontactinfo = objcontactinfo.Get_By_id(userid);
    //                    objUser = objUser.Get_By_id(userid);
    //                    if (assetcount == 0)
    //                    {
    //                        if (usercount == 0)
    //                        {
    //                            int flag1 = 1;
    //                            objusertoasset.Insert(userid, assetid, objUser.City, objUser.Company);
    //                            //lblErrorMsg.Text = "Mapped Succussfully";
    //                            ObjAsset = ObjAsset.Get_By_id(assetid);
    //                            string compname = ObjAsset.Computername.ToString();
    //                            string username = lblusername.Text.ToString();
    //                            Session["compname"] = compname;
    //                            Session["flag"] = flag1;
    //                            Session["username"] = username;
    //                            Session["assetid"] = assetid;
    //                            Session["userid"] = userid;
    //                            Session["flag1"] = flag1;
    //                            break;

    //                        }
    //                        else  //Update Asset id from UserToAsset table.
    //                        {
    //                            int flag1 = 1;
    //                            int oldassetid = Convert.ToInt32(Session["assignassetid"]);
    //                            objusertoasset.Update_Assetid(oldassetid, assetid, objUser.City, objUser.Company);
    //                            ObjAsset = ObjAsset.Get_By_id(assetid);
    //                            string compname = ObjAsset.Computername.ToString();
    //                            string username = lblusername.Text.ToString();
    //                            Session["compname"] = compname;
    //                            Session["flag"] = flag1;
    //                            Session["username"] = username;
    //                            Session["assetid"] = assetid;
    //                            Session["userid"] = userid;
    //                            Session["flag1"] = flag1;
    //                            break;
    //                        }
    //                    }
    //                    else
    //                    {
    //                        //lblErrorMsg.Text = "Asset already mapped";
    //                        break;
    //                    }
    //                }
    //            }

    //        }
    //        if (flag == 0)
    //        {
    //            //lblErrorMsg.Text = "Select Asset for mapping";
    //        }

    //        string myScript;
    //        myScript = "<script language=javascript>javascript:refreshParent(); javascript:window.close();</script>";
    //        Page.RegisterClientScriptBlock("MyScript", myScript);
    //    }
    //    catch (Exception ex)

    //        string myScript;
    //        myScript = "<script language=javascript>alert('Exception - '" + ex + "');</script>";
    //        Page.RegisterClientScriptBlock("MyScript", myScript);
    //        return;
    //    }
    // }

    protected void btnSelect_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int flag = 0;
            foreach (GridViewRow gv in grdvwViewAsset.Rows)
                string      gvIDs;
                RadioButton selectonebutton = (RadioButton)gv.FindControl("selectone");
                if (selectonebutton.Checked)
                    flag = 1;
                    int assetid;
                    gvIDs            = ((Label)gv.FindControl("lblAssetID")).Text.ToString();
                    assetid          = Convert.ToInt32(gvIDs);
                    Session["assId"] = assetid;
                    int incidentid = Convert.ToInt32(Session["incidentid"]);

                    colin = objintoass.Get_All();
                    int Count = Convert.ToInt32(objintoass.Get_incidentId_From_incidentToAssetMap(incidentid));
                    IncidentToAssetMapping objincass = new IncidentToAssetMapping();
                    if (incidentid != 0 && assetid != 0)
                        for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++)
                            string        sQuery = ("update IncidentToAssetMapping set assetid='" + assetid + "' where incidentid='" + incidentid + "'");
                            string        constr = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["CSM_DB"].ToString();
                            SqlConnection sc     = new SqlConnection(constr);
                            SqlCommand    cmd = new SqlCommand(sQuery, sc);
                            SqlDataReader dr  = cmd.ExecuteReader();
                            //ObjAsset = ObjAsset.Get_By_id(assetid);
                            //string compname = ObjAsset.Computername.ToString();
                            //Session["compname"] = compname;
                            //Session["flag"] = flag;

                        if (Count == 0)
                            objincass.Insert(incidentid, assetid);
                            //ObjAsset = ObjAsset.Get_By_id(assetid);
                            //string compname = ObjAsset.Computername.ToString();
                            //Session["compname"] = compname;
                            //Session["flag"] = flag;
                    ObjAsset = ObjAsset.Get_By_id(assetid);
                    string compname = ObjAsset.Computername.ToString();
                    Session["compname"] = compname;
                    Session["flag"]     = flag;
            string myScript;
            myScript = "<script language=javascript>javascript:refreshParent(); javascript:window.close();</script>";
            Page.RegisterClientScriptBlock("MyScript", myScript);
        catch (Exception ex)
            string myScript;
            myScript = "<script language=javascript>alert('Exception - '" + ex + "');</script>";
            Page.RegisterClientScriptBlock("MyScript", myScript);
    protected void BindContractData()
        int contractid = Convert.ToInt16(Request.QueryString[0]);
        objContract = objContract.Get_By_id(contractid);
        if (objContract != null)
            string dd;
            string mm;
            string yy;
            txtContractName.Text  = objContract.Contractname;
            txtdesc.Text  = objContract.Description.ToString();
            string[] tempdate =  objContract.Activefrom.ToString().Split(("/").ToCharArray());
            string StrData = tempdate[2].ToString();
            string[] temp1 = StrData.Split((" ").ToCharArray());

            if (Convert.ToInt16(tempdate[1]) < 10)
                dd = "0" + tempdate[1];
                dd =  tempdate[1];

            if (Convert.ToInt16(tempdate[0]) < 10)
                mm = "0" + tempdate[0];
                mm = tempdate[0];

            string vardateFrom = dd + "/" + mm + "/" + temp1[0];
            txtActiveFrom.Text = vardateFrom;

            string[] tempdate1 = objContract.Activeto.ToString().Split(("/").ToCharArray());
            string StrData1 = tempdate1[2].ToString();
            string[] temp2 = StrData1.Split((" ").ToCharArray());

            if (Convert.ToInt16(tempdate1[1]) < 10)
                dd = "0" + tempdate1[1];
                dd = tempdate1[1];

            if (Convert.ToInt16(tempdate1[0]) < 10)
                mm = "0" + tempdate1[0];
                mm = tempdate1[0];

            string vardateTo = dd + "/" + mm + "/" + temp2[0];

            txtActiveTo.Text = vardateTo;
            drpVendor.SelectedValue  = Convert.ToString(objContract.Vendorid);

            colContractToAssetMapping = objContractToAsset.Get_All_By_contractid(objContract.Contractid);
            foreach (ContractToAssetMapping obj in colContractToAssetMapping)
                Asset_mst objA = new Asset_mst();
                objA = objA.Get_By_id(obj.Assetid);
            ListAsset.DataTextField = "computername";
            ListAsset.DataValueField = "Assetid";
            ListAsset.DataSource = colAsset;

        objContractNotfy = objContractNotfy.Get_By_id(contractid);
        if (objContractNotfy.Contractid!=0)
            EscalateEmail_mst objEscalateEmail = new EscalateEmail_mst();
            chkLevel1.Checked = true;
            txtBeforeDays.Text = objContractNotfy.Beforedays.ToString();
            string varEmail = objContractNotfy.Sentto;
            string[] arrEmail = varEmail.Split((",").ToCharArray());
            for (int i = 0; i < arrEmail.Length - 1; i++)
                if (arrEmail[i] != "," && arrEmail[i] != " ")
                    objEscalateEmail = objEscalateEmail.Get_By_Emailid(arrEmail[i]);
                    for (int j = listLevel1.Items.Count - 1; j >= 0; j--)
                        if (Convert.ToInt16(listLevel1.Items[j].Value) == objEscalateEmail.Id)
                            listLevel1.Items[j].Selected = true;


