public void Constructor_InvalidUrl_ThrowsArgumentException()
            // Arrange

            // Act
            TestDelegate[] actions =
                () => new NavigateCommand(""),
                () => new NavigateCommand(" "),

            // Assert
            AssertMultiple.Throws <ArgumentException>(actions);
        public void GetDefault_EmptyType_ThrowsArgumentException()
            // Arrange

            // Act
            TestDelegate[] actions =
                () => WebDriverConfigs.GetDefault(""),
                () => WebDriverConfigs.GetDefault("   ")

            // Assert
            AssertMultiple.Throws <ArgumentException>(actions);
        public void Constructor_InvalidUrl_ThrowsUriFormatException()
            // Arrange

            // Act
            TestDelegate[] actions =
                () => new NavigateCommand("wb tstr"),
                () => new NavigateCommand("<('-'<)"),

            // Assert
            AssertMultiple.Throws <UriFormatException>(actions);
        public void GetFromPreset_EmptyPreset_ThrowsArgumentException()
            // Arrange

            // Act
            TestDelegate[] actions =
                () => WebDriverConfigs.GetFromPreset(WebDriverType.Chrome, ""),
                () => WebDriverConfigs.GetFromPreset(WebDriverType.Chrome, "   ")

            // Assert
            AssertMultiple.Throws <ArgumentException>(actions);
Beispiel #5
        public void Constructor_NullSelectorOffset_ThrowsArgumentNullException()
            // Arrange
            string selector = null;

            // Act
            TestDelegate[] actions =
                () => new DragCommand(selector, 0,        0),
                () => new DragCommand(0,        0, selector),

            // Assert
            AssertMultiple.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(actions);
Beispiel #6
        public void Constructor_NullElementOffset_ThrowsArgumentNullException()
            // Arrange
            IElement element = null;

            // Act
            TestDelegate[] actions =
                () => new DragCommand(element, 0,       0),
                () => new DragCommand(0,       0, element),

            // Assert
            AssertMultiple.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(actions);
        public void Constructor_InvalidFileName_ThrowsArgumentException()
            // Arrange

            // Act
            TestDelegate[] actions =
                () => new ScreenshotCommand("",            DefaultDirectoryPath),
                () => new ScreenshotCommand("   ",         DefaultDirectoryPath),
                () => new ScreenshotCommand("filename.*",  DefaultDirectoryPath),
                () => new ScreenshotCommand("filename<?>", DefaultDirectoryPath),

            // Assert
            AssertMultiple.Throws <ArgumentException>(actions);
        public void IsValidFileName_ValidInput_ReturnsTrue()
            // Arrange

            // Act
            Func <bool>[] actions =
                () => MultiPurposeValidator.IsValidFileName("image.jpg"),
                () => MultiPurposeValidator.IsValidFileName("image.unkown"),
                () => MultiPurposeValidator.IsValidFileName("directory/filename.png"),
                () => MultiPurposeValidator.IsValidFileName("filename_noext")

            // Assert
            AssertMultiple.Returns(actions, true);
Beispiel #9
        public void Constructor_InvalidWidthHeight_ThrowsArgumentException()
            // Arrange
            int invalid = -1;
            int valid   = 0;

            // Act
            TestDelegate[] actions =
                () => new ResizeCommand(invalid, valid),
                () => new ResizeCommand(valid,   invalid),

            // Assert
            AssertMultiple.Throws <ArgumentException>(actions);
        public void Constructor_InvalidDirectoryPath_ThrowsArgumentException()
            // Arrange

            // Act
            TestDelegate[] actions =
                () => new ScreenshotCommand(DefaultFileName, ""),
                () => new ScreenshotCommand(DefaultFileName, "   "),
                () => new ScreenshotCommand(DefaultFileName, "path.*"),
                () => new ScreenshotCommand(DefaultFileName, "path<?>"),

            // Assert
            AssertMultiple.Throws <ArgumentException>(actions);
Beispiel #11
        public void Constructor_ValidReturnType_DoesNotThrow()
            // Arrange

            // Act
            TestDelegate[] actions =
                () => new ExecuteJsCommand <string>(DefaultJsExpression),
                () => new ExecuteJsCommand <bool>(DefaultJsExpression),
                () => new ExecuteJsCommand <long>(DefaultJsExpression),
                () => new ExecuteJsCommand <IElement>(DefaultJsExpression),

            // Assert
        public void Constructor_ValidUrl_DoesNotThrow()
            // Arrange

            // Act
            TestDelegate[] actions =
                () => new NavigateCommand(""),
                () => new NavigateCommand(""),
                () => new NavigateCommand(""),
                () => new NavigateCommand(""),

            // Assert
        public void IsValidDirectoryPath_ValidInput_ReturnsTrue()
            // Arrange

            // Act
            Func <bool>[] actions =
                () => MultiPurposeValidator.IsValidFileName("sub/sub/sub\\sap\\sap\\sap"),
                () => MultiPurposeValidator.IsValidFileName("%TEMP%"),
                () => MultiPurposeValidator.IsValidFileName("C://Windows/System32"),
                () => MultiPurposeValidator.IsValidFileName("folder_only")

            // Assert
            AssertMultiple.Returns(actions, true);
        public void IsValidFileName_InvalidInput_ReturnsFalse()
            // Arrange

            // Act
            Func <bool>[] actions =
                () => MultiPurposeValidator.IsValidFileName(""),
                () => MultiPurposeValidator.IsValidFileName("  "),
                () => MultiPurposeValidator.IsValidFileName("file*name"),
                () => MultiPurposeValidator.IsValidFileName("<?>")

            // Assert
            AssertMultiple.Returns(actions, false);
        public void IsValidDirectoryPath_InvalidInput_DoesNotThrowException()
            // Arrange

            // Act
            TestDelegate[] actions =
                () => MultiPurposeValidator.IsValidFileName(""),
                () => MultiPurposeValidator.IsValidFileName("  "),
                () => MultiPurposeValidator.IsValidFileName("directory*path"),
                () => MultiPurposeValidator.IsValidFileName("<?>")

            // Assert
Beispiel #16
        public void Constructor_InvalidReturnType_ThrowsArgumentException()
            // Arrange

            // Act
            TestDelegate[] actions =
                () => new ExecuteJsCommand <int>(DefaultJsExpression),
                () => new ExecuteJsCommand <short>(DefaultJsExpression),
                () => new ExecuteJsCommand <object>(DefaultJsExpression),
                () => new ExecuteJsCommand <IWebElement>(DefaultJsExpression),
                () => new ExecuteJsCommand <IEnumerable>(DefaultJsExpression),

            // Assert
            AssertMultiple.Throws <ArgumentException>(actions);
        public void AssertionShouldBeRunMultipleTimes()
                AssertMultiple.Multiple(() =>
                    (2 + 2).Should().Be(5);
                    (2 + 2).Should().Be(6);
            catch (AssertionException exception)

                exception.Message.Should().Contain("to be 5, but found 4")
                .And.Subject.Should().Contain("to be 6, but found 4.");
                //                                        ⬆ differs here
Beispiel #18
        public void Constructor_InvalidOffsetSelector_ThrowsArgumentException()
            // Arrange
            string selector = DefaultSelector;

            // Act
            TestDelegate[] actions =
                () => new DragCommand(selector, -1,        0),
                () => new DragCommand(selector,  0,       -1),
                () => new DragCommand(selector, -1,       -1),
                () => new DragCommand(-1,        0, selector),
                () => new DragCommand(0,        -1, selector),
                () => new DragCommand(-1,       -1, selector),

            // Assert
            AssertMultiple.Throws <ArgumentException>(actions);
Beispiel #19
        public void Constructor_NullSelector_ThrowsArgumentNullException()
            // Arrange
            string   selector = null;
            IElement element  = Substitute.For <IElement>();

            // Act
            TestDelegate[] actions =
                () => new DragCommand(selector,        selector),
                () => new DragCommand(selector,        DefaultSelector),
                () => new DragCommand(DefaultSelector, selector),
                () => new DragCommand(selector,        element),
                () => new DragCommand(element,         selector)

            // Assert
            AssertMultiple.Throws <ArgumentException>(actions);
Beispiel #20
        public void Constructor_InvalidOffsetElement_ThrowsArgumentException()
            // Arrange
            IElement element = Substitute.For <IElement>();

            // Act
            TestDelegate[] actions =
                () => new DragCommand(element, -1,       0),
                () => new DragCommand(element,  0,      -1),
                () => new DragCommand(element, -1,      -1),
                () => new DragCommand(-1,       0, element),
                () => new DragCommand(0,       -1, element),
                () => new DragCommand(-1,      -1, element),

            // Assert
            AssertMultiple.Throws <ArgumentException>(actions);
        public async Task AsyncAssertionShouldBeRunMultipleTimes()
                await AssertMultiple.MultipleAsync(async() =>
                    (2 + 2).Should().Be(5);
                    await Task.Delay(200);
                    (2 + 2).Should().Be(6);
            catch (AssertionException exception)

                exception.Message.Should().Contain("to be 5, but found 4")
                .And.Subject.Should().Contain("to be 6, but found 4.");
                //                                        ⬆ differs here
Beispiel #22
        public void Constructor_NullElement_ThrowArgumentNullException()
            // Arrange
            IElement elementA = null;
            IElement elementB = null;
            IElement elementC = Substitute.For <IElement>();

            // Act
            TestDelegate[] actions =
                () => new DragCommand(elementA,        elementB),
                () => new DragCommand(elementC,        elementB),
                () => new DragCommand(elementA,        elementC),
                () => new DragCommand(elementA,        DefaultSelector),
                () => new DragCommand(DefaultSelector, elementB),

            // Assert
            AssertMultiple.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(actions);
        public void GetDefault_NonDefaultEnumTypes_DoesNotThrow()
            // Arrange
            var webDriverTypes = Enum.GetValues(typeof(WebDriverType)).Cast <WebDriverType>();

            // Act
            var actions = new List <TestDelegate>();

            foreach (var webDriverType in webDriverTypes)
                if (webDriverType == default(WebDriverType))

                actions.Add(() => WebDriverConfigs.GetDefault(webDriverType));

            // Assert
Beispiel #24
        public void Constructor_ValidInput_DoesNotThrow()
            // Arrange
            string   selector = DefaultSelector;
            IElement element  = Substitute.For <IElement>();

            // Act
            TestDelegate[] actions =
                () => new DragCommand(selector, selector),
                () => new DragCommand(element,  element),
                () => new DragCommand(selector,         0,        0),
                () => new DragCommand(element,          0,        0),
                () => new DragCommand(0,                0,selector),
                () => new DragCommand(0,                0,element),
                () => new DragCommand(0,                0,         0,0),

            // Assert