Beispiel #1
        public void IAudioEndpointVolumeEx_GetVolumeRangeChannel()
            var tested = false;

            ExecuteDeviceActivationTest(activation =>
                var count = UInt32.MaxValue;
                activation.GetChannelCount(out count);

                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    float volumeMin = 123.456f, volumeMax = 123.456f, volumeStep = 123.456f;
                    var result      = activation.GetVolumeRangeChannel((UInt32)i, out volumeMin, out volumeMax, out volumeStep);

                    Assert.AreNotEqual(123.456f, volumeMin, "The min volume value was not received.");
                    Assert.AreNotEqual(123.456f, volumeMax, "The max volume value was not received.");
                    Assert.AreNotEqual(123.456f, volumeStep, "The volume step value was not received.");
                    tested = true;

            if (!tested)
                Assert.Inconclusive("There were not channels available to test against.");
        public void IControlInterface_GetIID()
            int result   = 0;
            var allParts = TestUtilities.CreateIPartCollection();

                foreach (var part in allParts)
                    UInt32 count;
                    part.GetControlInterfaceCount(out count);

                    for (uint i = 0; i < count; i++)
                        IControlInterface ctrl;
                        part.GetControlInterface(i, out ctrl);

                        Guid iid = Guid.Empty;
                        result = ctrl.GetIID(out iid);


                        Assert.AreNotEqual(Guid.Empty, iid, "The control IID was not received.");
                foreach (var part in allParts)
        public void IControlInterface_GetName()
            int result   = 0;
            var allParts = TestUtilities.CreateIPartCollection();

                foreach (var part in allParts)
                    UInt32 count;
                    part.GetControlInterfaceCount(out count);

                    for (uint i = 0; i < count; i++)
                        IControlInterface ctrl;
                        part.GetControlInterface(i, out ctrl);

                        string name = "abc123";
                        result = ctrl.GetName(out name);


                        Assert.AreNotEqual("abc123", name, "The control name was not received.");
                foreach (var part in allParts)
Beispiel #4
        public void IAudioChannelConfig_SetChannelConfig()
            ExecutePartActivationTest(activation =>
                var context = Guid.NewGuid();
                UInt32 valOrig, valTest;
                activation.GetChannelConfig(out valOrig);

                // Test various valid values.
                var result = activation.SetChannelConfig(0x1, context);
                activation.GetChannelConfig(out valTest);
                Assert.AreEqual(0x1, valTest, "The channel configuration value was not set properly.");

                result = activation.SetChannelConfig(0x28, context);
                activation.GetChannelConfig(out valTest);
                Assert.AreEqual(0x28, valTest, "The channel configuration value was not set properly.");

                result = activation.SetChannelConfig(0x2000, context);
                activation.GetChannelConfig(out valTest);
                Assert.AreEqual(0x2000, valTest, "The channel configuration value was not set properly.");

                // Return to original configuration.
                result = activation.SetChannelConfig(valOrig, context);
Beispiel #5
        public void IPart_GetControlInterface()
            var tested = false;

            ExecuteCustomTest(new PartTestManager(), part =>
                UInt32 count;
                part.GetControlInterfaceCount(out count);

                for (uint i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    IControlInterface ctrl;
                    var result = part.GetControlInterface(i, out ctrl);

                    tested = true;

            if (!tested)
                Assert.Inconclusive("The test cannot be run properly. No control interfaces were found.");
Beispiel #6
        public void IConnector_GetDeviceIdConnectedTo()
            int result = 0;
            IEnumerable <IConnector> allConnectors;

            ToConnectors(TestUtilities.CreateIPartCollection(), out allConnectors);

            foreach (var con in allConnectors)
                bool isConnected;
                con.IsConnected(out isConnected);

                if (isConnected)
                    IConnector cTo;
                    con.GetConnectedTo(out cTo);

                    IDeviceTopology topology;
                    ((IPart)cTo).GetTopologyObject(out topology);

                    string expectedId, devIdConTo;
                    topology.GetDeviceId(out expectedId);
                    result = con.GetDeviceIdConnectedTo(out devIdConTo);

                    Assert.AreEqual(expectedId, devIdConTo, "The connected to device ID does not match the actual device ID.");
Beispiel #7
        public void IConnector_GetType()
            int result = 0;
            IEnumerable <IConnector> allConnectors;

            ToConnectors(TestUtilities.CreateIPartCollection(), out allConnectors);

            foreach (var con in allConnectors)
                // Try confiming that the type is changed from unknown.
                var cType = ConnectorType.Unknown_Connector;
                result = con.GetType(out cType);

                if (cType == ConnectorType.Unknown_Connector)
                    // If it's still unknown, verify that this is correct.
                    var cType2 = ConnectorType.Network;
                    con.GetType(out cType2);

                    Assert.AreEqual(ConnectorType.Unknown_Connector, cType2, "The connector type was not received.");
                    // The value being changed is enough to verify correctness of the method.
Beispiel #8
        public void IDeviceTopology_GetConnector()
            var tested = false;

            ExecuteDeviceActivationTest(activation =>
                UInt32 count;
                activation.GetConnectorCount(out count);

                for (uint i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    IConnector connector;
                    var result = activation.GetConnector(i, out connector);


                    tested = true;

            if (!tested)
                Assert.Inconclusive("The test cannot be run properly. No subunits were found.");
Beispiel #9
        public void IConnector_GetConnectorIdConnectedTo()
            int result = 0;
            IEnumerable <IConnector> allConnectors;

            ToConnectors(TestUtilities.CreateIPartCollection(), out allConnectors);

            foreach (var con in allConnectors)
                bool isConnected;
                con.IsConnected(out isConnected);

                if (isConnected)
                    IConnector cTo;
                    con.GetConnectedTo(out cTo);

                    string expectedId, idConTo;
                    ((IPart)cTo).GetGlobalId(out expectedId);
                    result = con.GetConnectorIdConnectedTo(out idConTo);

                    Assert.AreEqual(expectedId, idConTo, "The connected to ID does not match the actual ID of the part.");
        public void IAudioEndpointVolume_GetChannelVolumeLevelScalar()
            var tested = false;

            ExecuteDeviceActivationTest(activation =>
                var count = UInt32.MaxValue;
                activation.GetChannelCount(out count);

                for (uint i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    float level = 123.456f;
                    var result  = activation.GetChannelVolumeLevelScalar(i, out level);

                    Assert.AreNotEqual(123.456f, level, "The level value was not received.");
                    tested = true;

            if (!tested)
                Assert.Inconclusive("No channels were available to test against.");
        public void IAudioEndpointVolume_SetMasterVolumeLevelScalar()
            ExecuteDeviceActivationTest(activation =>
                // get the original level.
                float levelOrig, levelNew, levelCheck;
                activation.GetMasterVolumeLevelScalar(out levelOrig);

                // create a random valid level
                var rand = new Random();
                levelNew = (float)rand.NextDouble();

                // set the new level.
                Guid context = Guid.NewGuid();
                var result   = activation.SetMasterVolumeLevelScalar(levelNew, context);

                // check that the level was set.
                activation.GetMasterVolumeLevelScalar(out levelCheck);
                Assert.AreEqual(levelNew, levelCheck, 0.001f, "The new volume level was not set properly.");

                // reset the level to the original.
                result = activation.SetMasterVolumeLevelScalar(levelOrig, context);
        public void IAudioEndpointVolume_SetMasterVolumeLevel()
            ExecuteDeviceActivationTest(activation =>
                // determine valid range.
                float volumeMin, volumeMax, volumeStep;
                activation.GetVolumeRange(out volumeMin, out volumeMax, out volumeStep);

                // get the original level.
                float levelOrig, levelNew, levelCheck;
                activation.GetMasterVolumeLevel(out levelOrig);

                // create a random valid level
                var rand = new Random();
                levelNew = (float)rand.Next((int)volumeMin, (int)volumeMax);

                // set the new level.
                Guid context = Guid.NewGuid();
                var result   = activation.SetMasterVolumeLevel(levelNew, context);

                // check that the level was set.
                activation.GetMasterVolumeLevel(out levelCheck);
                Assert.AreEqual(levelNew, levelCheck, volumeStep, "The new volume level was not set properly.");

                // reset the level to the original.
                result = activation.SetMasterVolumeLevel(levelOrig, context);
        public void IChannelAudioVolume_SetChannelVolume()
            ExecuteServiceTest(service =>
                UInt32 channelCount;
                service.GetChannelCount(out channelCount);

                for (uint i = 0; i < channelCount; i++)
                    float valOrig;
                    service.GetChannelVolume(i, out valOrig);

                    // Set to test value.
                    var context = Guid.NewGuid();
                    var result  = service.SetChannelVolume(i, 0.5f, context);

                    // Check new value.
                    float valNew;
                    service.GetChannelVolume(i, out valNew);
                    Assert.AreEqual(0.5f, valNew, "The channel volume was not set.");

                    // Return to original value.
                    result = service.SetChannelVolume(i, valOrig, context);
        public void IChannelAudioVolume_SetAllVolumes()
            ExecuteServiceTest(service =>
                UInt32 channelCount;
                service.GetChannelCount(out channelCount);

                float[] valOrig = new float[channelCount];
                service.GetAllVolumes(channelCount, valOrig);

                // Set to test values.
                var context = Guid.NewGuid();
                var result  = service.SetAllVolumes(channelCount, Enumerable.Repeat(0.5f, (int)channelCount).ToArray(), context);

                // Check new values.
                float[] valNew = new float[channelCount];
                service.GetAllVolumes(channelCount, valNew);
                Assert.IsFalse(valNew.Any(val => val != 0.5f), "One or more volumes were not set.");

                // Return to original value.
                result = service.SetAllVolumes(channelCount, valOrig, context);
Beispiel #15
        public void IKsJackDescription2_GetJackDescription2()
            var tested = false;

            ExecutePartActivationTest(activation =>
                UInt32 count;
                activation.GetJackCount(out count);

                for (uint i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    KSJACK_DESCRIPTION2 description = new KSJACK_DESCRIPTION2();
                    description.JackCapabilities    = UInt32.MaxValue;
                    var result = activation.GetJackDescription(i, out description);

                    Assert.AreNotEqual(UInt32.MaxValue, description.JackCapabilities, "The jack capabilities was not received.");
                    tested = true;

            if (!tested)
                Assert.Inconclusive("The test cannot be run properly. No jacks were found.");
Beispiel #16
        public void ISimpleAudioVolume_SetMute()
            ExecuteServiceTest(service =>
                var context = Guid.NewGuid();
                bool valOrig, valNew;
                service.GetMute(out valOrig);

                // Test set mute to on.
                var result = service.SetMute(true, context);
                service.GetMute(out valNew);
                Assert.AreEqual(true, valNew, "The mute state was not set.");

                // Test set mute to off.
                result = service.SetMute(false, context);
                service.GetMute(out valNew);
                Assert.AreEqual(false, valNew, "The mute state was not set.");

                // Return to original value.
                result = service.SetMute(valOrig, context);
        public void IMMDeviceEnumerator_GetDevice()
            int result     = 0;
            var enumerator = TestUtilities.CreateIMMDeviceEnumerator();
            var allDevices = TestUtilities.CreateIMMDeviceCollection(EDataFlow.eAll, DEVICE_STATE_XXX.DEVICE_STATEMASK_ALL);

            foreach (var device in allDevices)
                // Get the device ID.
                string deviceId = null;
                result = device.GetId(out deviceId);

                Assert.IsNotNull(deviceId, "The device string is null.");

                // Get the IMMDevice directly from the ID.
                IMMDevice deviceFromId = null;
                result = enumerator.GetDevice(deviceId, out deviceFromId);

                Assert.IsNotNull(deviceFromId, "The IMMDevice object is null.");

                // Ensure the IDs of each device match.
                string deviceId2 = null;
                result = deviceFromId.GetId(out deviceId2);

                Assert.IsNotNull(deviceId2, "The device string is null.");

                Assert.AreEqual(deviceId, deviceId2, "The device IDs are not equal.");
        internal void ExecuteGetLevelTest()
            var tested = false;

            ExecutePartActivationTest(activation =>
                var count = UInt32.MaxValue;
                activation.GetChannelCount(out count);

                for (uint i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    var level  = 123.456f;
                    var result = activation.GetLevel(i, out level);

                    Assert.AreNotEqual(123.456f, level, "The level was not received.");

                    tested = true;

            if (!tested)
                Assert.Inconclusive("No channels were available to test against.");
        internal void ExecuteGetLevelRangeTest()
            var tested = false;

            ExecutePartActivationTest(activation =>
                var count = UInt32.MaxValue;
                activation.GetChannelCount(out count);

                for (uint i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    float volMin = 123.456f, volMax = 123.456f, volStep = 123.456f;
                    var result   = activation.GetLevelRange(i, out volMin, out volMax, out volStep);

                    Assert.AreNotEqual(123.456f, volMin, "The minimum volume was not received.");
                    Assert.AreNotEqual(123.456f, volMax, "The maximum volume was not received.");
                    Assert.AreNotEqual(123.456f, volStep, "The volume increment was not received.");
                    tested = true;

            if (!tested)
                Assert.Inconclusive("No channels were available to test against.");
Beispiel #20
        public void IMMDeviceCollection_GetCount()
            int result     = 0;
            var enumerator = TestUtilities.CreateIMMDeviceEnumerator();

            IMMDeviceCollection allCaptureDevices;
            IMMDeviceCollection allRenderDevices;
            IMMDeviceCollection allDevices;

            enumerator.EnumAudioEndpoints(EDataFlow.eCapture, DEVICE_STATE_XXX.DEVICE_STATEMASK_ALL, out allCaptureDevices);
            enumerator.EnumAudioEndpoints(EDataFlow.eRender, DEVICE_STATE_XXX.DEVICE_STATEMASK_ALL, out allRenderDevices);
            enumerator.EnumAudioEndpoints(EDataFlow.eAll, DEVICE_STATE_XXX.DEVICE_STATEMASK_ALL, out allDevices);

            Assert.IsNotNull(allCaptureDevices, "The IMMDeviceCollection object is null.");
            Assert.IsNotNull(allRenderDevices, "The IMMDeviceCollection object is null.");
            Assert.IsNotNull(allDevices, "The IMMDeviceCollection object is null.");

            UInt32 captureCount = UInt32.MaxValue, renderCount = UInt32.MaxValue, allCount = UInt32.MaxValue;

            result = allCaptureDevices.GetCount(out captureCount);
            Assert.AreNotEqual(UInt32.MaxValue, captureCount, "Device count was not received.");

            result = allRenderDevices.GetCount(out renderCount);
            Assert.AreNotEqual(UInt32.MaxValue, renderCount, "Device count was not received.");

            result = allDevices.GetCount(out allCount);
            Assert.AreNotEqual(UInt32.MaxValue, allDevices, "Device count was not received.");

            Assert.AreEqual(allCount, captureCount + renderCount, "The combined number of capture and render devices is not equal to the total device count.");
Beispiel #21
        public void IAudioSessionEnumerator_GetCount()
            var tested = false;

            ExecuteDeviceActivationTest(activation =>
                IAudioSessionEnumerator sessionList;
                var result = activation.GetSessionEnumerator(out sessionList);
                if (result != 0)

                var count = Int32.MinValue;
                result    = sessionList.GetCount(out count);

                Assert.AreNotEqual(Int32.MinValue, count, "The count was not received.");
                tested = true;

            if (!tested)
                Assert.Inconclusive("No valid session enumerator interfaces could be created.");
Beispiel #22
        public void IAudioSessionEnumerator_GetSession()
            var tested = false;

            ExecuteDeviceActivationTest(activation =>
                IAudioSessionEnumerator sessionList;
                var result = activation.GetSessionEnumerator(out sessionList);
                if (result != 0)

                Int32 count;
                sessionList.GetCount(out count);

                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    IAudioSessionControl session;
                    result = sessionList.GetSession(i, out session);

                    tested = true;

            if (!tested)
                Assert.Inconclusive("No valid session enumerator interfaces could be created.");
        public void IKsJackDescription_GetJackDescription()
            var tested = false;

            ExecutePartActivationTest(activation =>
                UInt32 count;
                activation.GetJackCount(out count);

                for (uint i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    KSJACK_DESCRIPTION description = new KSJACK_DESCRIPTION();
                    description.ChannelMapping     = Int32.MinValue;
                    description.ConnectionType     = Int32.MinValue;
                    description.GenLocation        = Int32.MinValue;
                    description.GeoLocation        = Int32.MinValue;

                    var result = activation.GetJackDescription(i, out description);

                    Assert.AreNotEqual(Int32.MinValue, description.ChannelMapping, "Part of the structure was not received.");
                    Assert.AreNotEqual(Int32.MinValue, description.ConnectionType, "Part of the structure was not received.");
                    Assert.AreNotEqual(Int32.MinValue, description.GenLocation, "Part of the structure was not received.");
                    Assert.AreNotEqual(Int32.MinValue, description.GeoLocation, "Part of the structure was not received.");
                    tested = true;

            if (!tested)
                Assert.Inconclusive("The test cannot be run properly. No jacks were found.");
        public void IAudioSessionControl2_GetSessionIdentifier()
            var tested = false;

            ExecuteServiceTest(service =>
                var sc2 = ToAudioSessionControl2(service);
                if (sc2 == null)

                var sessionId = "abc123";
                var result    = sc2.GetSessionIdentifier(out sessionId);

                Assert.AreNotEqual("abc123", sessionId, "The session ID was not received.");
                tested = true;

            if (!tested)
                Assert.Inconclusive("No audio clients were found which supported the IAudioSessionControl2 interface.");
        public void IAudioSessionControl2_GetProcessId()
            var tested = false;

            ExecuteServiceTest(service =>
                var sc2 = ToAudioSessionControl2(service);
                if (sc2 == null)

                var processId = UInt32.MaxValue;
                var result    = sc2.GetProcessId(out processId);

                Assert.AreNotEqual(UInt32.MaxValue, processId, "The process ID was not received.");
                tested = true;

            if (!tested)
                Assert.Inconclusive("No audio clients were found which supported the IAudioSessionControl2 interface.");
        public void IAudioSessionControl2_SetDuckingPreference()
            var tested = false;

            ExecuteServiceTest(service =>
                var sc2 = ToAudioSessionControl2(service);
                if (sc2 == null)

                var result = sc2.SetDuckingPreference(true);

                // Check for wrong endpoint type.
                // This method call is only valid for render devices.
                if ((uint)result == 0x88890003)

                result = sc2.SetDuckingPreference(false);

                tested = true;

            if (!tested)
                Assert.Inconclusive("No audio clients were found which supported the IAudioSessionControl2 interface.");
        internal void ExecuteSetLevelAllChannelsTest()
            var tested = false;

            ExecutePartActivationTest(activation =>
                var count = UInt32.MaxValue;
                activation.GetChannelCount(out count);

                var levelsOrig = new float[count];
                var levelsLow  = new float[count];
                var levelsHigh = new float[count];
                float volStep  = 0f;

                for (uint i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    activation.GetLevel(i, out levelsOrig[i]);

                    float volMin, volMax;
                    activation.GetLevelRange(i, out volMin, out volMax, out volStep);

                    levelsLow[i]  = volMin + volStep;
                    levelsHigh[i] = volMax - volStep;

                var context = Guid.NewGuid();
                var result  = activation.SetLevelAllChannels(levelsLow, count, context);

                for (uint i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    float levelNew;
                    activation.GetLevel(i, out levelNew);
                    Assert.AreEqual(levelsLow[i], levelNew, volStep, "The channel volume was not set properly.");

                result = activation.SetLevelAllChannels(levelsHigh, count, context);

                for (uint i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    float levelNew;
                    activation.GetLevel(i, out levelNew);
                    Assert.AreEqual(levelsHigh[i], levelNew, volStep, "The channel volume was not set properly.");

                // return to original levels
                for (uint i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    activation.SetLevel(i, levelsOrig[i], context);
                    tested = true;

            if (!tested)
                Assert.Inconclusive("No channels were available to test against.");
 public void IAudioEndpointVolume_RegisterControlChangeNotify()
     ExecuteDeviceActivationTest(activation =>
         var client = new AudioEndpointVolumeCallback();
         var result = activation.RegisterControlChangeNotify(client);
Beispiel #29
 public void IAudioSessionManager_GetSimpleAudioVolume()
     ExecuteDeviceActivationTest(activation =>
         ISimpleAudioVolume audioVolume;
         var result = activation.GetSimpleAudioVolume(Guid.NewGuid(), 0, out audioVolume);
Beispiel #30
 public void IAudioSessionManager_GetAudioSessionControl()
     ExecuteDeviceActivationTest(activation =>
         IAudioSessionControl sessionControl;
         var result = activation.GetAudioSessionControl(Guid.NewGuid(), 0, out sessionControl);