Beispiel #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Configures Google Diagnostics to be used in ASP.NET Core applications.
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// Options may be null in which case defaults will be used. Note that the
 /// Google Cloud Project ID to use is required. If not set via options, it will be
 /// obtained from the environment, but only if running on GCP.
 /// </remarks>
 public static IServiceCollection AddGoogleDiagnosticsForAspNetCore(
     this IServiceCollection services,
     AspNetCoreTraceOptions traceOptions  = null,
     LoggingServiceOptions loggingOptions = null,
     Common.ErrorReportingServiceOptions errorReportingOptions = null) =>
 .AddLogEntryLabelProviderSingleton <TraceIdLogEntryLabelProvider>()
 .AddLogging(builder => builder.AddGoogle(loggingOptions))
        internal static IServiceCollection AddGoogleTraceForAspNetCore(this IServiceCollection services, bool registerMiddleware, AspNetCoreTraceOptions options)

            services.AddSingleton(options?.TraceFallbackPredicate ?? TraceDecisionPredicate.Default);

            // We use TryAdd... here to allow user code to inject their own trace context provider
            // and matching trace context response propagator. We use Google trace header otherwise.
            services.TryAddSingleton <Action <HttpResponse, ITraceContext> >(PropagateGoogleTraceHeaders);

            // Obsolete: Adding this for backwards compatibility in case someone is using the old factory type.
            // The new and prefered factory type is Func<ITraceContext, IManagedTracer> which is being added by Common.
            services.AddSingleton <Func <TraceHeaderContext, IManagedTracer> >(sp => sp.GetRequiredService <Func <ITraceContext, IManagedTracer> >());

            services.AddTransient <ICloudTraceNameProvider, DefaultCloudTraceNameProvider>();

            if (registerMiddleware)
                // This registers the trace middleware so users don't have to.
                services.AddSingleton <IStartupFilter, AspNetCoreTraceStartupFilter>();

        /// <summary>
        /// Configures Google Cloud Tracing for ASP .NET Core applications./>.
        /// </summary>
        public static IServiceCollection AddGoogleTraceForAspNetCore(this IServiceCollection services, AspNetCoreTraceOptions options = null) =>
#pragma warning disable CS0618 // Type or member is obsolete
        services.AddGoogleTraceForAspNetCore(true, options);