Beispiel #1
    public System.Nullable <int> AskQuestion(string @string)
        AskQuestionRequest inValue = new AskQuestionRequest();

        inValue.@string = @string;
        AskQuestionResponse retVal = ((ISecuredService)(this)).AskQuestion(inValue);

Beispiel #2
        private static async Task <string> ProcessQueryIntent(IDialogContext context, Activity activity, BotTask task, string query, string[] topics)
            // Prepare the request to invoke a bot task within the bot brain
            AskQuestionRequest request = new AskQuestionRequest()
                ConversationId                   = activity.Conversation.Id,
                Question                         = query,
                SessionId                        = DefaultSessionId,
                Topics                           = topics != null?topics.ToArray() : new string[0],
                                          UserId = string.IsNullOrEmpty(activity.From.Name) == false ? activity.From.Name : activity.From.Id

            // Invoke the bot task to process the request
            AskQuestionResponse askQuestionResponse =
                await HttpClientUtility.PostAsJsonAsync <AskQuestionResponse>(new Uri(BotBrainUrl + task.ToString()), RequestHeaders, request);

            // Handle the response returned from the bot task to be shown as cards depending on channel
            if (askQuestionResponse.Results?.Count() > 0 == true)
                IMessageActivity foundMsg = context.MakeMessage();

                AskQuestionResult result = askQuestionResponse.Results[0];

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.Source) == false)
                    foundMsg.Text = string.Format("Got it. Meanwhile, from {0}:", result.Source);
                    foundMsg.Text = "Got it. Meanwhile, here's what I found:";

                await context.PostAsync(foundMsg);

                IMessageActivity cardMessage;

                string channelId = GetChannelId(activity);

                if (channelId == "directline" || channelId == "emulator")
                    cardMessage = GetAdaptiveCardMessage(context, request, result);
                    cardMessage = GetHeroCardMessage(context, request, result);

                await context.PostAsync(cardMessage);
                await PostAsync(context, activity, DoNotUnderstandPreMsg + " " + DoNotUnderstandMsg);

Beispiel #3
        public static async Task <AskQuestionResponse> AnswerQuestion(AskQuestionRequest request, ICollector <SessionTableEntity> sessionTable)
            // Get unique identifier
            string   id           = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            DateTime timestampUtc = DateTime.UtcNow;

            // Run keyphrases extraction
            request.Topics = await ServicesUtility.GetTopics(request.Question, request.Topics);

            // Run search services
            string queryWithTopics = request.Topics?.Count() > 0 ? string.Join(" ", request.Topics).Trim() : request.Question;

            // Process results
            AskQuestionResponse response = new AskQuestionResponse()
                Id      = id,
                Results = new AskQuestionResult[0]

            double confidenceScoreThreshold = 20;

            // Get results from QnA maker
            QnAMakerSearchResult qnaResult =
                await ServicesUtility.QnAMaker.GenerateAnswerAsync(queryWithTopics, SettingsUtility.QnAMakerWhoTaskKnowledgebaseId);

            if (qnaResult.Answers?.Where(a => a.Score >= confidenceScoreThreshold).Count() > 0)
                response.Results = ServicesUtility.GetAskQuestionResults(qnaResult, confidenceScoreThreshold, true);
                // Create Bing Search tasks
                BingWebSearchResult bingWebSearchResult =
                    await ServicesUtility.BingSearch.SearchWebAsync(query : request.Question, count : SettingsUtility.MaxResultsCount);

                // Process Bing search results
                if (bingWebSearchResult.WebPagesResult?.Values?.Count() > 0)
                    response.Results = ServicesUtility.GetAskQuestionResults(bingWebSearchResult);

            // Write to session table
            sessionTable.Add(new SessionTableEntity(id, timestampUtc, "Who", request, response));

            // Return response
            public static async Task <AskQuestionResponse> AnswerQuestion(AskQuestionRequest request, ICollector <SessionTableEntity> sessionTable)
                // Get unique identifier
                string   id           = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                DateTime timestampUtc = DateTime.UtcNow;

                // Get key phrases extraction
                request.Topics = await ServicesUtility.GetTopics(request.Question, request.Topics);

                string queryWithTopics = request.Topics?.Count() > 0 ? string.Join(" ", request.Topics).Trim() : request.Question;

                // Create video indexer task
                VideoIndexerSearchResult videoIndexerResult = await ServicesUtility.VideoIndexer.SearchAsync(query : queryWithTopics);

                // Process results
                AskQuestionResponse response = new AskQuestionResponse()
                    Id      = id,
                    Results = new AskQuestionResult[0]

                if (videoIndexerResult.Results?.Count() > 0)
                    response.Results = ServicesUtility.GetAskQuestionResults(videoIndexerResult);
                    // Create Bing Search tasks
                    BingWebSearchResult bingWebSearchResult =
                        await ServicesUtility.BingSearch.SearchWebAsync(query : request.Question, count : SettingsUtility.MaxResultsCount);

                    // Process Bing search results
                    if (bingWebSearchResult.WebPagesResult?.Values?.Count() > 0)
                        response.Results = ServicesUtility.GetAskQuestionResults(bingWebSearchResult);

                // Write to session table
                sessionTable.Add(new SessionTableEntity(id, timestampUtc, "LearnMore", request, response));

                // Return response
Beispiel #5
        public static async Task <HttpResponseMessage> Run(
            [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Function, "post", Route = "AskWho")] HttpRequestMessage request,
            [Table("Session", Connection = "AzureWebJobsStorage")] ICollector <SessionTableEntity> sessionTable,
            TraceWriter log)
            // Get content type
            MediaTypeHeaderValue contentType = request.Content.Headers.ContentType;

            // Check if content type is empty
            if (contentType == null)
                return(request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "Missing content-type from header."));
            else if (contentType.MediaType.Contains("application/json") == false)
                                                   string.Format("Request's content type ({0}) is not supported.", string.Join(", ", contentType.MediaType))));

            // Read content from request
            AskQuestionRequest requestBody = await request.Content.ReadAsAsync <AskQuestionRequest>();

            // Verify content contains valid values
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(requestBody.Question) == true)
                return(request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "Question is missing from the request content."));
            else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(requestBody.SessionId) == true)
                return(request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "Session id is missing from the request content."));

            // Answer the question
            AskQuestionResponse response = await AnswerQuestion(requestBody, sessionTable);

            // Return request response with result and 200 OK
            return(request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, response));
Beispiel #6
        public static async Task <AskQuestionResponse> AnswerQuestion(AskQuestionRequest request, ICollector <SessionTableEntity> sessionTable)
            // Get unique identifier
            string   id           = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            DateTime timestampUtc = DateTime.UtcNow;

            // Run keyphrases extraction
            request.Topics = await ServicesUtility.GetTopics(request.Question, request.Topics);

            // Run search services
            string queryWithTopics = request.Topics?.Count() > 0 ? string.Join(" ", request.Topics).Trim() : request.Question;

            // Create Bing Search task
            BingWebSearchResult bingWebSearchResult =
                await ServicesUtility.BingSearch.SearchWebAsync(query : request.Question, count : SettingsUtility.MaxResultsCount);

            // Process results
            AskQuestionResponse response = new AskQuestionResponse()
                Id      = id,
                Results = new AskQuestionResult[0]

            // Process Bing search results
            if (bingWebSearchResult.WebPagesResult?.Values?.Count() > 0)
                response.Results = ServicesUtility.GetAskQuestionResults(bingWebSearchResult);

            // Upload search document to dashboard
            await ServicesUtility.UploadDocumentToSearchService(SettingsUtility.AzureSearchIndexName, new SessionSearchDocument(id, timestampUtc, "AskQuestion", request, response));

            // Write to session table
            sessionTable.Add(new SessionTableEntity(id, timestampUtc, "Question", request, response));

            // Return response
        public SessionSearchDocument(string id, DateTime timestampUtc, string task,
                                     AskQuestionRequest request, AskQuestionResponse response)
            : base(id)
            this.SessionId      = request.SessionId;
            this.ConversationId = request.ConversationId;
            this.UserId         = request.UserId;
            this.Question       = request.Question;
            this.Task           = task;
            this.Topics         = request.Topics;
            this.TimestampUtc   = timestampUtc;

            if (response.Results?.Count() > 0)
                this.AnswerTitle          = response.Results[0].Title;
                this.AnswerContent        = response.Results[0].Answer;
                this.AnswerImageUrl       = response.Results[0].ImageUrl;
                this.AnswerSource         = response.Results[0].Source;
                this.AnswerUrl            = response.Results[0].Url;
                this.AnswerUrlDisplayName = response.Results[0].UrlDisplayName;

            this.IsAnswered = false;
 public SessionTableEntity(string id, DateTime timestampUtc, string questionType, AskQuestionRequest request, AskQuestionResponse response)
     this.PartitionKey   = request.SessionId;
     this.RowKey         = id;
     this.ConversationId = request.ConversationId;
     this.UserId         = request.UserId;
     this.Question       = request.Question;
     this.QuestionType   = questionType;
     this.Topics         = request.Topics?.Count() > 0 ? string.Join(";", request.Topics) : string.Empty;
     this.Timestamp      = timestampUtc;
     this.ResponseJson   = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(response);