Beispiel #1
        static void Postfix(ArtilleryObjectiveSequence __instance, ArtilleryVFXType ___artilleryVFXType)
            if (__instance != null &&
                (___artilleryVFXType == ArtilleryVFXType.ElectricTransformerExplosion || ___artilleryVFXType == ArtilleryVFXType.CoolantExplosion)
                Mod.Log.Info?.Write($"ELECTRICAL EXPLOSION FOUND WITH SEQUENCE GUID {__instance.SequenceGUID}");
                Mod.Log.Info?.Write($"  - damageEachLocation: {__instance.damageEachLocation}  heat: {__instance.heatDamage}  stability: {__instance.stabilityDamage}");

                foreach (Vector3 targetPos in __instance.TargetPositions)
                    Mod.Log.Info?.Write($"  -- target position: {targetPos}");

                Traverse          allTargetsT = Traverse.Create(__instance).Property("AllTargets");
                List <ICombatant> allTargets  = allTargetsT.GetValue <List <ICombatant> >();

                // Find all buildings that were included as targets. HBS code can't handle these, so cut them out
                //  of AllTargets and we'll destroy them independently in AttackNextTarget.
                List <AbstractActor> actorTargets = new List <AbstractActor>();
                foreach (ICombatant target in allTargets)
                    Mod.Log.Info?.Write($"  -- target: {target.DistinctId()}");
                    if (target is BattleTech.Building building)
                    else if (target is AbstractActor actor)
                        // TODO: Check if the actor is already dead, and don't attack them. If they can be attacked, salvage can be impacted.
                        //   But is that desirable?


Beispiel #2
        // Replica of HBS logic to work around the errors in this
        static void Prefix(ArtilleryObjectiveSequence __instance, float ___timeSinceLastAttack, float ___timeBetweenAttacks)
            // If there are buildings to destroy, destroy them in one attack. This will use the camera of the first actual target
            if (ModState.ExplosionBuildingTargets.Count > 0)
                // Destroy the buildings immediately
                foreach (BattleTech.Building building in ModState.ExplosionBuildingTargets)
                    Mod.Log.Info?.Write($"Applying damage to target building: {building.DistinctId()}");
                    if (__instance.damageEachLocation > 0f)
                        Mod.Log.Info?.Write($" -- applying {__instance.damageEachLocation} damage to all locations.");
                        DamageOrderUtility.ApplyDamageToAllLocations("ArtillerySequence", __instance.SequenceGUID, __instance.RootSequenceGUID,
                                                                     building, (int)__instance.damageEachLocation, (int)__instance.damageEachLocation,
                                                                     AttackDirection.FromArtillery, DamageType.Artillery);

                    if (__instance.heatDamage != 0)
                        Mod.Log.Info?.Write($" -- applying {__instance.damageEachLocation} heat to all locations.");
                        DamageOrderUtility.ApplyHeatDamage(__instance.SequenceGUID, building, __instance.heatDamage);

                    if (__instance.stabilityDamage > 0)
                        Mod.Log.Info?.Write($" -- applying {__instance.damageEachLocation} instability to all locations.");
                        DamageOrderUtility.ApplyStabilityDamage(__instance.SequenceGUID, building, __instance.stabilityDamage);


            // One minor problem this can cause is that AttackNextTarget may have nothing to attack - which should work in theory,
            //   but it's difficult to test.