private void PlayerTwoMove(FrameEventArgs e) { KeyboardState kb = Keyboard.GetState(); Artillery artilleryTwo = (Artillery)gameObjects[1]; Vector2 oldPosition = artilleryTwo.Transform.Position; if (kb.IsKeyDown(Key.Left) ^ kb.IsKeyDown(Key.Right)) { if (kb.IsKeyDown(Key.Left)) { artilleryTwo.Move(Direction.Left, e.Time); } else { artilleryTwo.Move(Direction.Right, e.Time); } if (CheckCollision(artilleryTwo)) { artilleryTwo.Transform.Position = oldPosition; } } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { data = GameManager.instance.playerData; controls = GameManager.instance.controls; motor = GetComponent <Motor> (); motor.turretLimits = GameManager.instance.playerData.cannonVerticleLimit; cannon = gameObject.GetComponent <Cannon> (); artillery = gameObject.GetComponent <Artillery> (); }
public override Skill Clone(int value) { var tmp = new Artillery { Description = Description, MaxValue = MaxValue, Name = Name, Value = value }; return(tmp); }
protected override IEnumerator Shoot() { GameObject ar = Instantiate(bulletPrefab, transform.Find("Spawnpoint").position, transform.rotation); MuzzFlash.Play(); Artillery artillery = ar.GetComponent <Artillery>(); artillery.Target = Target; RoundsFired++; yield return(new WaitForSeconds(3f)); RoundFired = false; }
public Artillery Build(string name) { Artillery art = new Artillery(); art.cost = new List <IResource>(); art.cost.Add(new Ore(200)); = name; art.isDestroyed = false; art.level = 1; art.numShots = 2; art.maxShots = 2; return(art); }
private static void ArtyCompany() { Soldier joe = new Enlisted(); Soldier pl = new Officer(); Weapon weapon = new Artillery(); Units company = new Company(); Console.WriteLine($"A typical Artillery platoon consists of: {company.strength} Personnel"); Console.WriteLine("All the enlisted men say " + joe.Describe()); Console.WriteLine("While the officer says " + pl.Describe()); Console.WriteLine("Soldiers use the " + weapon.Name); Console.WriteLine("With a " + weapon.Load()); }
public override void EquipUnit(Equipment input) { if (input is Artillery) { artillerypiece = input as Artillery; } else if (input is ArtilleryEngineer) { engineer = input as ArtilleryEngineer; } else { base.EquipUnit(input); } }
public override void RemoveEquipment(Equipment output) { if (output is Artillery) { artillerypiece = new NoArtillery(); } else if (output is ArtilleryEngineer) { engineer = null; } else { base.RemoveEquipment(output); } }
Program() { gts = GridTerminalSystem; cockpit = gts.GetBlockWithName(COCKPIT) as IMyCockpit; sound = gts.GetBlockGroupWithName(SOUND) as IMySoundBlock; radar = new Radar(RADAR); arta = new Artillery(ARTA, cockpit, 1200, 900); Torpedos = new List <Torpedo>(); InitializeTorpedos(); WolfPackDelays = new List <int>(); lcd = gts.GetBlockWithName(LCD) as IMyTextPanel; if (lcd == null) { lcd = cockpit.GetSurface(0) as IMyTextPanel; } }
public void SetAsset(InputActionAsset newAsset) { if (newAsset == asset) { return; } var PilotTankCallbacks = m_PilotTankActionsCallbackInterface; var ChiefControlsCallbacks = m_ChiefControlsActionsCallbackInterface; var ArtilleryCallbacks = m_ArtilleryActionsCallbackInterface; if (m_Initialized) { Uninitialize(); } asset = newAsset; PilotTank.SetCallbacks(PilotTankCallbacks); ChiefControls.SetCallbacks(ChiefControlsCallbacks); Artillery.SetCallbacks(ArtilleryCallbacks); }
void AI_AimLogic(GameObject target) { for (int i = 0; i < Turrets.Length; i++) { if (weapons[i].Count > 0) { for (int j = 0; j < weapons[i].Count; j++) { Artillery a = weapons[i][j] as Artillery; if (a) { //Turrets[i].targetPos = a.CalculateLeadPos(target.transform.position, tarRig.velocity.magnitude*Time.deltaTime, target.transform.position, 1f, target.transform.position, float.MaxValue); } } } Turrets[i].Fire(); } }
public ArtilleryJewel2() { Name = "Artillery Jewel 2"; Skill = new Artillery(1); Type = SlotType.Medium; }
private void AddEquipment() { artillerypiece = new NoArtillery(); }
public override void Activate(ref Artillery artillery) { artillery = new IncreasedArmorArtillery(artillery); }
private static IUnit CreateUnit(UnitType type, int x, int y) { IUnit unit; switch (type) { case UnitType.Settlers: unit = new Settlers(); break; case UnitType.Militia: unit = new Militia(); break; case UnitType.Phalanx: unit = new Phalanx(); break; case UnitType.Legion: unit = new Legion(); break; case UnitType.Musketeers: unit = new Musketeers(); break; case UnitType.Riflemen: unit = new Riflemen(); break; case UnitType.Cavalry: unit = new Cavalry(); break; case UnitType.Knights: unit = new Knights(); break; case UnitType.Catapult: unit = new Catapult(); break; case UnitType.Cannon: unit = new Cannon(); break; case UnitType.Chariot: unit = new Chariot(); break; case UnitType.Armor: unit = new Armor(); break; case UnitType.MechInf: unit = new MechInf(); break; case UnitType.Artillery: unit = new Artillery(); break; case UnitType.Fighter: unit = new Fighter(); break; case UnitType.Bomber: unit = new Bomber(); break; case UnitType.Trireme: unit = new Trireme(); break; case UnitType.Sail: unit = new Sail(); break; case UnitType.Frigate: unit = new Frigate(); break; case UnitType.Ironclad: unit = new Ironclad(); break; case UnitType.Cruiser: unit = new Cruiser(); break; case UnitType.Battleship: unit = new Battleship(); break; case UnitType.Submarine: unit = new Submarine(); break; case UnitType.Carrier: unit = new Carrier(); break; case UnitType.Transport: unit = new Transport(); break; case UnitType.Nuclear: unit = new Nuclear(); break; case UnitType.Diplomat: unit = new Diplomat(); break; case UnitType.Caravan: unit = new Caravan(); break; default: return(null); } unit.X = x; unit.Y = y; unit.MovesLeft = unit.Move; return(unit); }
private protected ArtilleryDecorator(Artillery artillery) : base(artillery) { this.artillery = artillery; }
private void Uninitialize() { if (m_PilotTankActionsCallbackInterface != null) { PilotTank.SetCallbacks(null); } m_PilotTank = null; m_PilotTank_MoveRightLever = null; if (m_PilotTankMoveRightLeverActionStarted != null) { m_PilotTank_MoveRightLever.started -= m_PilotTankMoveRightLeverActionStarted.Invoke; } if (m_PilotTankMoveRightLeverActionPerformed != null) { m_PilotTank_MoveRightLever.performed -= m_PilotTankMoveRightLeverActionPerformed.Invoke; } if (m_PilotTankMoveRightLeverActionCancelled != null) { m_PilotTank_MoveRightLever.cancelled -= m_PilotTankMoveRightLeverActionCancelled.Invoke; } m_PilotTank_MoveLeftLever = null; if (m_PilotTankMoveLeftLeverActionStarted != null) { m_PilotTank_MoveLeftLever.started -= m_PilotTankMoveLeftLeverActionStarted.Invoke; } if (m_PilotTankMoveLeftLeverActionPerformed != null) { m_PilotTank_MoveLeftLever.performed -= m_PilotTankMoveLeftLeverActionPerformed.Invoke; } if (m_PilotTankMoveLeftLeverActionCancelled != null) { m_PilotTank_MoveLeftLever.cancelled -= m_PilotTankMoveLeftLeverActionCancelled.Invoke; } m_PilotTank_StopLeft = null; if (m_PilotTankStopLeftActionStarted != null) { m_PilotTank_StopLeft.started -= m_PilotTankStopLeftActionStarted.Invoke; } if (m_PilotTankStopLeftActionPerformed != null) { m_PilotTank_StopLeft.performed -= m_PilotTankStopLeftActionPerformed.Invoke; } if (m_PilotTankStopLeftActionCancelled != null) { m_PilotTank_StopLeft.cancelled -= m_PilotTankStopLeftActionCancelled.Invoke; } m_PilotTank_StopRight = null; if (m_PilotTankStopRightActionStarted != null) { m_PilotTank_StopRight.started -= m_PilotTankStopRightActionStarted.Invoke; } if (m_PilotTankStopRightActionPerformed != null) { m_PilotTank_StopRight.performed -= m_PilotTankStopRightActionPerformed.Invoke; } if (m_PilotTankStopRightActionCancelled != null) { m_PilotTank_StopRight.cancelled -= m_PilotTankStopRightActionCancelled.Invoke; } m_PilotTank_StopAll = null; if (m_PilotTankStopAllActionStarted != null) { m_PilotTank_StopAll.started -= m_PilotTankStopAllActionStarted.Invoke; } if (m_PilotTankStopAllActionPerformed != null) { m_PilotTank_StopAll.performed -= m_PilotTankStopAllActionPerformed.Invoke; } if (m_PilotTankStopAllActionCancelled != null) { m_PilotTank_StopAll.cancelled -= m_PilotTankStopAllActionCancelled.Invoke; } m_PilotTank_repair = null; if (m_PilotTankRepairActionStarted != null) { m_PilotTank_repair.started -= m_PilotTankRepairActionStarted.Invoke; } if (m_PilotTankRepairActionPerformed != null) { m_PilotTank_repair.performed -= m_PilotTankRepairActionPerformed.Invoke; } if (m_PilotTankRepairActionCancelled != null) { m_PilotTank_repair.cancelled -= m_PilotTankRepairActionCancelled.Invoke; } if (m_ChiefControlsActionsCallbackInterface != null) { ChiefControls.SetCallbacks(null); } m_ChiefControls = null; m_ChiefControls_RClick = null; if (m_ChiefControlsRClickActionStarted != null) { m_ChiefControls_RClick.started -= m_ChiefControlsRClickActionStarted.Invoke; } if (m_ChiefControlsRClickActionPerformed != null) { m_ChiefControls_RClick.performed -= m_ChiefControlsRClickActionPerformed.Invoke; } if (m_ChiefControlsRClickActionCancelled != null) { m_ChiefControls_RClick.cancelled -= m_ChiefControlsRClickActionCancelled.Invoke; } m_ChiefControls_LClick = null; if (m_ChiefControlsLClickActionStarted != null) { m_ChiefControls_LClick.started -= m_ChiefControlsLClickActionStarted.Invoke; } if (m_ChiefControlsLClickActionPerformed != null) { m_ChiefControls_LClick.performed -= m_ChiefControlsLClickActionPerformed.Invoke; } if (m_ChiefControlsLClickActionCancelled != null) { m_ChiefControls_LClick.cancelled -= m_ChiefControlsLClickActionCancelled.Invoke; } if (m_ArtilleryActionsCallbackInterface != null) { Artillery.SetCallbacks(null); } m_Artillery = null; m_Artillery_RotateY = null; if (m_ArtilleryRotateYActionStarted != null) { m_Artillery_RotateY.started -= m_ArtilleryRotateYActionStarted.Invoke; } if (m_ArtilleryRotateYActionPerformed != null) { m_Artillery_RotateY.performed -= m_ArtilleryRotateYActionPerformed.Invoke; } if (m_ArtilleryRotateYActionCancelled != null) { m_Artillery_RotateY.cancelled -= m_ArtilleryRotateYActionCancelled.Invoke; } m_Artillery_RotateX = null; if (m_ArtilleryRotateXActionStarted != null) { m_Artillery_RotateX.started -= m_ArtilleryRotateXActionStarted.Invoke; } if (m_ArtilleryRotateXActionPerformed != null) { m_Artillery_RotateX.performed -= m_ArtilleryRotateXActionPerformed.Invoke; } if (m_ArtilleryRotateXActionCancelled != null) { m_Artillery_RotateX.cancelled -= m_ArtilleryRotateXActionCancelled.Invoke; } m_Artillery_Fire = null; if (m_ArtilleryFireActionStarted != null) { m_Artillery_Fire.started -= m_ArtilleryFireActionStarted.Invoke; } if (m_ArtilleryFireActionPerformed != null) { m_Artillery_Fire.performed -= m_ArtilleryFireActionPerformed.Invoke; } if (m_ArtilleryFireActionCancelled != null) { m_Artillery_Fire.cancelled -= m_ArtilleryFireActionCancelled.Invoke; } m_Artillery_Reload = null; if (m_ArtilleryReloadActionStarted != null) { m_Artillery_Reload.started -= m_ArtilleryReloadActionStarted.Invoke; } if (m_ArtilleryReloadActionPerformed != null) { m_Artillery_Reload.performed -= m_ArtilleryReloadActionPerformed.Invoke; } if (m_ArtilleryReloadActionCancelled != null) { m_Artillery_Reload.cancelled -= m_ArtilleryReloadActionCancelled.Invoke; } m_Initialized = false; }
public void TestMethod2() { BaseUnitType gUnit = new Infantry(); var inf1 = new Infantry(); var inf2 = new Infantry(); var inf3 = new Infantry(); var eng1 = new Engineer(); var eng2 = new Engineer(); var eng3 = new Engineer(); var scout1 = new Scout(); var scout2 = new Scout(); var scout3 = new Scout(); var mar1 = new Marine(); var mar2 = new Marine(); var mar3 = new Marine(); var light1 = new Light(); var light2 = new Light(); var light3 = new Light(); var heavy1 = new Heavy(); var heavy2 = new Heavy(); var heavy3 = new Heavy(); var mort1 = new Mortar(); var mort2 = new Mortar(); var mort3 = new Mortar(); var art1 = new Artillery(); var art2 = new Artillery(); var art3 = new Artillery(); var air1 = new Airborn(); var air2 = new Airborn(); var air3 = new Airborn(); var snip1 = new Sniper(); var snip2 = new Sniper(); var snip3 = new Sniper(); inf1.Dispose(); eng2.Dispose(); scout1.Dispose(); mar3.Dispose(); light2.Dispose(); heavy1.Dispose(); mort3.Dispose(); art2.Dispose(); air3.Dispose(); snip1.Dispose(); inf1.DisplayString(); inf2.DisplayString(); inf3.DisplayString(); eng1.DisplayString(); eng2.DisplayString(); eng3.DisplayString(); scout1.DisplayString(); scout2.DisplayString(); scout3.DisplayString(); mar1.DisplayString(); mar2.DisplayString(); mar3.DisplayString(); light1.DisplayString(); light2.DisplayString(); light3.DisplayString(); heavy1.DisplayString(); heavy2.DisplayString(); heavy3.DisplayString(); mort1.DisplayString(); mort2.DisplayString(); mort3.DisplayString(); art1.DisplayString(); art2.DisplayString(); art3.DisplayString(); air1.DisplayString(); air2.DisplayString(); air3.DisplayString(); snip1.DisplayString(); snip2.DisplayString(); snip3.DisplayString(); }
/// <summary> /// Create artillery special attack selection state. /// </summary> /// <param name="ui">UI reference.</param> /// <param name="player">Player info reference.</param> /// <param name="unit">Selected unit.</param> /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">Thrown when any parameter is null.</exception> /// <exception cref="System.InvalidCastException">Thrown when unit is not Artillery.</exception> internal ArtillerySpecialAttackSelectedState(InGameUI ui, PlayerInfo player, Unit unit) : base(ui, player, unit) { artillery = (Artillery)unit; }
public void UIField() { Coordinate?addCoordinate = null; bool isToTrain = false; int numberOfUnitsToProduce = 0; string errorMessage = null; string option, coordinate = null; string strBuilding = null; string unit = null; string unitToTrain = null; string optionalCoordinate = null; string isNewTurn = null; Field field = new Field(gm); field.Show(); int n_moves = 0; if (gm.PlayerTurn == null) { gm.PlayerTurn = gm.Player1; } do { if (isNewTurn == null) { n_moves = gm.PlayerTurn.Resources.N_Moves; } else if (isNewTurn == "YES") { n_moves = gm.PlayerTurn.Resources.N_Moves; } int nBarracks = gm.PlayerTurn.Resources.CountBarracks(); int nStables = gm.PlayerTurn.Resources.CountStables(); int nArtilleryFactories = gm.PlayerTurn.Resources.CountArtilleryFactories(); Console.WriteLine("────────────────────────────────────────────"); Console.ForegroundColor = gm.PlayerTurn.Color; Console.WriteLine("{0} its your turn", gm.PlayerTurn.Username); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; Console.WriteLine("You have {0} points to move", n_moves); Console.WriteLine("You have {0} coins", gm.PlayerTurn.Resources.Coins); Console.ResetColor(); Console.WriteLine("────────────────────────────────────────────"); Console.WriteLine("What is your next move?"); Console.WriteLine("────────────────────────────────────────────"); Console.WriteLine("ADD"); if (nBarracks > 0 || nStables > 0 || nArtilleryFactories > 0) { Console.WriteLine("TRAIN UNITS"); } Console.WriteLine("MOVE"); Console.WriteLine("ATTACK"); Console.WriteLine("────────────────────────────────────────────"); option = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper(); if (option == "ADD") { if (gm.PlayerTurn.Resources.HasAnyKindOfUnit()) { Console.WriteLine("If you want to add a unit you don't need to specify the coordinate, you can write: b,2"); } Console.WriteLine("Which coordinate do you want to add? Ex:(letter,number)"); coordinate = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper(); //TODO: Needs a try here try { string[] coordinateSplit = coordinate.Split(','); char letter = Convert.ToChar(coordinateSplit[0]); int number = Int32.Parse(coordinateSplit[1]); addCoordinate = new Coordinate(letter, number); } catch (FormatException e) { Utils.ColorWrite(ConsoleColor.Red, "You need to write letter,number"); Console.WriteLine(); } } else if (option == "TRAIN UNITS") { isToTrain = true; } else if (option == "MOVE" || option == "ATTACK") { string firstTextMoveOrAttack = option == "MOVE" ? "Which coordinate do you want to move? Ex:(letter,number)" : "Select the unit that you want to attack with! (letter,number)"; string secondTextMoveOrAttack = option == "MOVE" ? "Where do you want to replace it? Ex:(letter,number)" : "Select the unit that you want to attack! (letter,number)"; Console.WriteLine(firstTextMoveOrAttack); coordinate = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper(); try { string[] coordinateSplit = coordinate.Split(','); char letter = Convert.ToChar(coordinateSplit[0]); int number = Int32.Parse(coordinateSplit[1]); addCoordinate = new Coordinate(letter, number); Console.WriteLine(secondTextMoveOrAttack); optionalCoordinate = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper(); } catch (FormatException e) { Utils.ColorWrite(ConsoleColor.Red, "You need to write letter,number"); Console.WriteLine(); } } else if (option == "EXIT") { break; } if (isToTrain) { Console.WriteLine("SELECT ONE OF THIS UNITS TO TRAIN"); Console.WriteLine("────────────────────────────────────────────"); if (nBarracks > 0) { Console.WriteLine("INFANTRY | You got {0}", gm.PlayerTurn.Resources.N_Infantry); } if (nStables > 0) { Console.WriteLine("CAVALRY | You got {0}", gm.PlayerTurn.Resources.N_Cavalry); } if (nArtilleryFactories > 0) { Console.WriteLine("ARTILLERY| You got {0}", gm.PlayerTurn.Resources.N_Artillery); } Console.WriteLine("────────────────────────────────────────────"); unitToTrain = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper(); Console.WriteLine("How many units you want?"); numberOfUnitsToProduce = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); } else if (optionalCoordinate == null && addCoordinate.HasValue) { Console.WriteLine("Which type of unit you want to add?"); Console.WriteLine("────────────────────────────────────────────"); Console.WriteLine("BUILDING"); if (gm.PlayerTurn.Resources.HasAnyKindOfUnit()) { Console.WriteLine("UNIT"); } Console.WriteLine("────────────────────────────────────────────"); string isBuildingString = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper(); bool isBuilding = isBuildingString == "BUILDING" ? true : false; if (isBuilding) { Console.WriteLine("SELECT ONE OF THIS BUILDINGS TO BUILD!"); Console.WriteLine("────────────────────────────────────────────"); Console.WriteLine("FARM"); Console.WriteLine("BARRACK"); Console.WriteLine("STABLE"); Console.WriteLine("ARTILLERY FACTORY"); Console.WriteLine("────────────────────────────────────────────"); strBuilding = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper(); } else if (gm.PlayerTurn.Resources.HasAnyKindOfUnit()) { Console.WriteLine("SELECT ONE OF THIS UNITS TO SPAWN"); Console.WriteLine("────────────────────────────────────────────"); Console.WriteLine("INFANTRY | You got {0}", gm.PlayerTurn.Resources.N_Infantry); Console.WriteLine("CAVALRY | You got {0}", gm.PlayerTurn.Resources.N_Cavalry); Console.WriteLine("ARTILLERY| You got {0}", gm.PlayerTurn.Resources.N_Artillery); Console.WriteLine("────────────────────────────────────────────"); unit = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper(); } } if (option == "MOVE" && optionalCoordinate != null && addCoordinate.HasValue && (!field.IsOutOfBorders(addCoordinate.Value))) { char newLetter = ' '; int newNumber = 0; try { string[] optionalCoordinateSplit = optionalCoordinate.Split(','); newLetter = Convert.ToChar(optionalCoordinateSplit[0]); newNumber = Int32.Parse(optionalCoordinateSplit[1]); } catch (FormatException e) { Utils.ColorWrite(ConsoleColor.Red, "You need to write letter,number"); Console.WriteLine(); } Coordinate moveCoordinate = new Coordinate(newLetter, newNumber); if (field.IsOutOfBorders(moveCoordinate)) { Console.WriteLine("You can't move a unit to out of the field!"); } //TODO : Remove this from where when the update doesn't needs the GameEntity GameEntity ge = null; if (gm.PlayerTurn == gm.Player1) { if (gm.PlayerTurn.Resources.IsCoordinateAvailable(addCoordinate.Value) != null) { if (gm.PlayerTurn.Resources.IsCoordinateAvailable(moveCoordinate) == null && gm.Player2.Resources.IsCoordinateAvailable(moveCoordinate) == null) { ge = gm.PlayerTurn.Resources.IsCoordinateAvailable(addCoordinate.Value); if (ge is Building) { errorMessage = "You cannot move buildings!"; } else if (ge != null) { Unit u = ge as Unit; int distance = ge.Distance(moveCoordinate); int moveDistance = u.CanMove(distance, n_moves); if (moveDistance > 0) { n_moves -= moveDistance; gm.PlayerTurn.Resources.MoveEntity(ge, moveCoordinate); //field.Update(); } else { errorMessage = "You don't have enough move points to do that!"; } } } else { errorMessage = "You can't do that!"; } } else { errorMessage = "You cannot move the unknown!"; } } else if (gm.PlayerTurn == gm.Player2) { if (gm.PlayerTurn.Resources.IsCoordinateAvailable(addCoordinate.Value) != null) { if (gm.PlayerTurn.Resources.IsCoordinateAvailable(moveCoordinate) == null && gm.Player1.Resources.IsCoordinateAvailable(moveCoordinate) == null) { ge = gm.PlayerTurn.Resources.IsCoordinateAvailable(addCoordinate.Value); if (ge is Building) { errorMessage = "You cannot move buildings!"; } else if (ge != null) { Unit u = ge as Unit; int distance = ge.Distance(moveCoordinate); int moveDistance = u.CanMove(distance, n_moves); if (moveDistance > 0) { n_moves -= moveDistance; gm.PlayerTurn.Resources.MoveEntity(ge, moveCoordinate); //field.Update(); } else { errorMessage = "You don't have enough move points to do that!"; } } } else { errorMessage = "You can't do that!"; } } else { errorMessage = "You cannot move the unknown!"; } } addCoordinate = null; optionalCoordinate = null; field.Update(); if (errorMessage != null) { Console.WriteLine(errorMessage); errorMessage = null; } Console.WriteLine("Are you done? Do you want to finish the turn? (Yes or No)"); isNewTurn = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper(); if (isNewTurn == "YES") { isNewTurn = null; gm.NewTurn(); } } else if (option == "ATTACK" && optionalCoordinate != null && addCoordinate.HasValue) { string[] optionalCoordinateSplit = optionalCoordinate.Split(','); char newLetter = Convert.ToChar(optionalCoordinateSplit[0]); int newNumber = Int32.Parse(optionalCoordinateSplit[1]); Coordinate moveCoordinate = new Coordinate(newLetter, newNumber); if (gm.PlayerTurn.Resources.IsCoordinateAvailable(addCoordinate.Value) != null) { GameEntity playerEntity = gm.PlayerTurn.Resources.IsCoordinateAvailable(addCoordinate.Value); if (playerEntity is Unit) { Unit playerUnit = playerEntity as Unit; Player enemy = gm.PlayerTurn == gm.Player1 ? gm.Player2 : gm.Player1; if (enemy.Resources.IsCoordinateAvailable(moveCoordinate) != null) { GameEntity enemyEntity = enemy.Resources.IsCoordinateAvailable(moveCoordinate); int distanceToEnemy = playerEntity.Distance(moveCoordinate); if (distanceToEnemy <= playerUnit.AttackRange) { if (enemyEntity.TakeDamage(playerUnit.AttackValue)) { gm.PlayerTurn.Resources.Score += enemyEntity.Score; enemy.Resources.RemoveEntity(enemyEntity); if (enemyEntity is PlayerBase) { gm.SetGameOver(); return; } //gm.PlayerTurn.Resources.MoveEntity(playerEntity, moveCoordinate); } } else { errorMessage = "That's to far for my range!"; } } else if (gm.PlayerTurn.Resources.IsCoordinateAvailable(moveCoordinate) != null) { errorMessage = "You can't attack your self!"; } } else { errorMessage = "You can't attack other unit with a building selected!"; } } else { errorMessage = "You need to select a unit!"; } optionalCoordinate = null; field.Update(); if (errorMessage != null) { Console.WriteLine(errorMessage); errorMessage = null; } Console.WriteLine("Are you done? Do you want to finish the turn? (Yes or No)"); isNewTurn = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper(); if (isNewTurn == "YES") { isNewTurn = null; gm.NewTurn(); } } else if (option == "TRAIN UNITS" && (nArtilleryFactories > 0 || nBarracks > 0 || nStables > 0) && unitToTrain != null) { string buildingToWork = null; switch (unitToTrain) { case "INFANTRY": buildingToWork = "barrack"; break; case "CAVALRY": buildingToWork = "stable"; break; case "ARTILLERY": buildingToWork = "artillery_factory"; break; default: errorMessage = "You need to specify the unity!"; break; } if (gm.PlayerTurn.Resources.Coins <= 0) { errorMessage = "You don't have enough coins to train any kind of units"; } else if (!gm.PlayerTurn.Resources.GetToWork(numberOfUnitsToProduce, buildingToWork)) { errorMessage = "You don't have enough coins to train that unit"; } isToTrain = false; if (errorMessage != null) { Console.WriteLine(errorMessage); errorMessage = null; } Console.WriteLine("Are you done? Do you want to finish the turn? (Yes or No)"); isNewTurn = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper(); if (isNewTurn == "YES") { isNewTurn = null; gm.NewTurn(); } } else if (option == "ADD" && optionalCoordinate == null && addCoordinate.HasValue && (!field.IsOutOfBorders(addCoordinate.Value))) { GameEntity ge = null; if (unit != null) { switch (unit) { case "INFANTRY": if (gm.PlayerTurn.Resources.N_Infantry > 0) { ge = new Infantry(addCoordinate.Value, gm.PlayerTurn.Color); } break; case "CAVALRY": if (gm.PlayerTurn.Resources.N_Cavalry > 0) { ge = new Cavalry(addCoordinate.Value, gm.PlayerTurn.Color); } break; case "ARTILLERY": if (gm.PlayerTurn.Resources.N_Artillery > 0) { ge = new Artillery(addCoordinate.Value, gm.PlayerTurn.Color); } break; default: errorMessage = "You need to specify the unit!"; continue; } if (ge != null) { Building building = null; if (ge is Cavalry) { building = gm.PlayerTurn.Resources.GetRandomBuilding <Stable>(); } else if (ge is Artillery) { building = gm.PlayerTurn.Resources.GetRandomBuilding <ArtilleryFactory>(); } else if (ge is Infantry) { building = gm.PlayerTurn.Resources.GetRandomBuilding <Barrack>(); } if (gm.PlayerTurn.Resources.CanPlaceAroundBuilding(building, gm.GetEnemyPlayer()) != null) { //CanPlaceAroundBuilding needs the enemyPlayer to check if the enemy player has the coordinate free! Coordinate?coordinateFree = gm.PlayerTurn.Resources.CanPlaceAroundBuilding(building, gm.GetEnemyPlayer()); if (coordinateFree.HasValue) { ge.Position = coordinateFree.Value; gm.PlayerTurn.Resources.AddEntity(ge); } else { errorMessage = "I can't place the unit around the building!"; } } } unit = null; } else if (strBuilding != null) { char firstLetter = addCoordinate.Value.Letter; int firstNumber = addCoordinate.Value.Number; List <Coordinate> listCoordinates = new List <Coordinate>(); Coordinate secondCoordinate = new Coordinate(++firstLetter, firstNumber); Coordinate thirdCoordinate = new Coordinate(firstLetter, ++firstNumber); Coordinate fourthCoordinate = new Coordinate(--firstLetter, firstNumber); listCoordinates.Add(secondCoordinate); //listCoordinates.Add(thirdCoordinate); //listCoordinates.Add(fourthCoordinate); switch (strBuilding) { case "FARM": ge = new Farm(addCoordinate.Value, listCoordinates, gm.PlayerTurn.Color); break; case "BARRACK": ge = new Barrack(addCoordinate.Value, listCoordinates, gm.PlayerTurn.Color); break; case "STABLE": ge = new Stable(addCoordinate.Value, listCoordinates, gm.PlayerTurn.Color); break; case "ARTILLERY FACTORY": ge = new ArtilleryFactory(addCoordinate.Value, listCoordinates, gm.PlayerTurn.Color); break; default: errorMessage = "You need to specify the building!"; continue; } if (gm.PlayerTurn.Resources.IsCoordinateAvailable(addCoordinate.Value) != null || gm.PlayerTurn.Resources.IsCoordinateAvailable(secondCoordinate) != null) { errorMessage = "There's a unit on that coordinate!"; } else if (gm.PlayerTurn == gm.Player1 && gm.Player2.Resources.IsCoordinateAvailable(addCoordinate.Value) != null || gm.Player2.Resources.IsCoordinateAvailable(secondCoordinate) != null) { errorMessage = "Enemy collision!"; } else if (gm.PlayerTurn == gm.Player2 && gm.Player1.Resources.IsCoordinateAvailable(addCoordinate.Value) != null || gm.Player1.Resources.IsCoordinateAvailable(secondCoordinate) != null) { errorMessage = "Enemy collision!"; } else { Building b = ge as Building; if (gm.PlayerTurn.Resources.Coins >= b.CostToBuild) { bool hasBuildingClose = gm.PlayerTurn.Resources.HasBuildingClose(b); if (hasBuildingClose) { gm.PlayerTurn.Resources.AddEntity(ge); } else { errorMessage = "There's no building around that coordinate!"; } } else { errorMessage = "You don't have enough coins to build that building!"; } } strBuilding = null; } field.Update(); if (errorMessage != null) { Console.WriteLine(errorMessage); errorMessage = null; } Console.WriteLine("Are you done? Do you want to finish the turn? (Yes or No)"); isNewTurn = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper(); if (isNewTurn == "YES") { isNewTurn = null; gm.NewTurn(); } } } while (option != "EXIT" || !gm.GameFinished); }