Beispiel #1
        //it only assert integer aray elements at the moment..implement functionality in Array_AST to test equality
        private void testArrayObject(Object_AST resultObj, Array_AST expectedObj)
            Array_AST result = resultObj as Array_AST;

            if (result is null)
                Assert.Fail(string.Format("resultObj is not Array_AST. got={0}", resultObj));//Assert.Fail will internally anyways throw an AssertFailedException

            Array_AST expected = expectedObj as Array_AST;

            if (expected is null)
                Assert.Fail(string.Format("expectedObj is not Array_AST. got={0}", expected));

            Assert.AreEqual(result.Elements.Count, expected.Elements.Count, string.Format("resultObj has wrong number of array elements. got={0}, want={1}", result.Elements.Count, expected.Elements.Count));

            for (int i = 0; i < expected.Elements.Count; i++)
                Integer_AST exp_int = expected.Elements[i] as Integer_AST;
                Integer_AST res_int = result.Elements[i] as Integer_AST;
                Assert.AreEqual(res_int.Value, exp_int.Value, string.Format("resultObj array elements do not match. got={0}, want={1}", res_int, exp_int));
Beispiel #2
        public void TestArrayLiterals()
            string input = "[1, 2 * 2, 3 + 3]";

            var       evaluated = testEval(input);
            Array_AST arr       = evaluated as Array_AST;

            if (arr is null)
                Assert.Fail(string.Format("object is not Array. got={0}", evaluated));

            if (arr.Elements.Count != 3)
                Assert.Fail(string.Format("array has wrong num of elements. got={0}", arr.Elements.Count));

            testIntegerObject(arr.Elements[0], new Integer_AST(1));
            testIntegerObject(arr.Elements[1], new Integer_AST(4));
            testIntegerObject(arr.Elements[2], new Integer_AST(6));