Beispiel #1
        //public static void HoleTest()
        //    var Persons = DbMaker.Make<Person, string>(
        //        (person) => person.Name,false);
        //    var PersonById = Persons.MakeUniqueKey((c) =>;
        //    var Products = DbMaker.Make<Product, string>(
        //        (Product) => Product.Name,false);
        //    Products.AddRelation((c) => c.Person, Persons, (c) => c.Product);//1 to 1
        //    Products.AddRelation((c) => c.Persons,false, Persons, (c) => c.Products,false);//m to n
        //    Products.AddRelation((c) => c.Person2, Persons, (c) => c.Products2,false);// 1 to n

        //    Persons.Delete();
        //    Products.Delete();

        //    Products.Insert(new Product() { Name = "p1" });

        //    Products.Update((c) => c.Name = "p1", (c) => c.Persons.Insert(new Person() { Name = "ali", id = 12 }));//m to n
        //    Products.Update((c) => c.Name = "p1", (c) => c.ToString());
        //    Products.Update((c) => c.Name = "p1", (c) => c.Person.Value = Persons.GetItem(new Person() { Name = "ali" }));//1 to 1
        //    Products.Update((c) => c.Name = "p1", (c) => c.Person2.Value = Persons.GetItem(new Person() { Name = "ali" }));//n to 1

        //    var Ipr = Products.First();
        //    var Ips = Persons.First();

        //    Console.WriteLine(Ipr.Person.Value.Name);
        //    Console.WriteLine(Ips.Product.Value.Name);

        //    Console.WriteLine(Ips.Products.First().Name);
        //    Console.WriteLine(Ipr.Persons.First().Name);

        //    PersonById.Insert(new Person() { Name = "ala", id = 13 });

        //    //Persons.Delete(new Person() { Name = "ahmad" });

        //    var psid = PersonById.GetItem(new Person() { id = 12 });

        //    Console.ReadKey();

        public static void PerformanceTest()
            var Persons = new ArrayTable <Person, string>(
                (person) => person.Name, false);
            var Count      = 10000;
            var InsertTime = =>
                for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++)
                    Persons.Insert((c) => c.Name = i.ToString());

            var UpdateTime = =>
                for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++)
                    Persons.Update((c) => c.Name = i.ToString(), (c) => = i);

            var DeleteTime = =>
                for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++)
                    Persons.Delete((c) => c.Name = i.ToString());

        private void TestObjectAPI(ArrayTable a)
            var b = a.UnPack();

            AreEqual(a, b);

            var fbb = new FlatBufferBuilder(1);

            fbb.Finish(ArrayTable.Pack(fbb, b).Value);
            var c = ArrayTable.GetRootAsArrayTable(fbb.DataBuffer);

            AreEqual(a, c);

            var jsonText = b.SerializeToJson();
            var d        = ArrayTableT.DeserializeFromJson(jsonText);

            AreEqual(a, d);

            var fbBuffer = b.SerializeToBinary();

            Assert.IsTrue(ArrayTable.ArrayTableBufferHasIdentifier(new ByteBuffer(fbBuffer)));
            var e = ArrayTableT.DeserializeFromBinary(fbBuffer);

            AreEqual(a, e);
Beispiel #3
        public void TestFixedLenghtArrays()
            FlatBufferBuilder builder = new FlatBufferBuilder(100);

            float a;

            int[] b = new int[15];
            sbyte c;

            int[,]  d_a = new int[2, 2];
            TestEnum[] d_b = new TestEnum[2];
            TestEnum[,] d_c = new TestEnum[2, 2];

            a = 0.5f;
            for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++)
                b[i] = i;
            c         = 1;
            d_a[0, 0] = 1;
            d_a[0, 1] = 2;
            d_a[1, 0] = 3;
            d_a[1, 1] = 4;
            d_b[0]    = TestEnum.B;
            d_b[1]    = TestEnum.C;
            d_c[0, 0] = TestEnum.A;
            d_c[0, 1] = TestEnum.B;
            d_c[1, 0] = TestEnum.C;
            d_c[1, 1] = TestEnum.B;

            Offset <ArrayStruct> arrayOffset = ArrayStruct.CreateArrayStruct(
                builder, a, b, c, d_a, d_b, d_c);

            // Create a table with the ArrayStruct.
            ArrayTable.AddA(builder, arrayOffset);
            Offset <ArrayTable> tableOffset = ArrayTable.EndArrayTable(builder);

            ArrayTable.FinishArrayTableBuffer(builder, tableOffset);

            ArrayTable table = ArrayTable.GetRootAsArrayTable(builder.DataBuffer);

            Assert.AreEqual(table.A?.A, 0.5f);
            for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++)
                Assert.AreEqual(table.A?.B(i), i);
            Assert.AreEqual(table.A?.C, (sbyte)1);
            Assert.AreEqual(table.A?.D(0).A(0), 1);
            Assert.AreEqual(table.A?.D(0).A(1), 2);
            Assert.AreEqual(table.A?.D(1).A(0), 3);
            Assert.AreEqual(table.A?.D(1).A(1), 4);
            Assert.AreEqual(table.A?.D(0).B, TestEnum.B);
            Assert.AreEqual(table.A?.D(1).B, TestEnum.C);
            Assert.AreEqual(table.A?.D(0).C(0), TestEnum.A);
            Assert.AreEqual(table.A?.D(0).C(1), TestEnum.B);
            Assert.AreEqual(table.A?.D(1).C(0), TestEnum.C);
            Assert.AreEqual(table.A?.D(1).C(1), TestEnum.B);
        private void TestObjectAPI(ArrayTable a)
            var b = a.UnPack();

            AreEqual(a, b);

            var fbb = new FlatBufferBuilder(1);

            fbb.Finish(ArrayTable.Pack(fbb, b).Value);
            var c = ArrayTable.GetRootAsArrayTable(fbb.DataBuffer);

            AreEqual(a, c);
Beispiel #5
        public static void SimpleTest()
            var Persons = new ArrayTable <Person, string>(
                (person) => person.Name, false);

            Persons.Insert((c) => c.Name = "babak");
            Persons.Insert((c) => c.Name = "aal");
            Persons.Insert((c) => c.Name = "ali");

            Persons.Update((c) => c.Name = "aal", (c) => c.Name = "bba");
            Persons.Update((c) => c.Name = "babak", (c) => c.Name = "abl");

Beispiel #6
        public static void SafeTest()
            var Persons = new ArrayTable <Person2, string>(
                (person) => person.Name, false);
            var count = 100000;

            Array <ActionOn> Actions = new Array <ActionOn>();

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                var Id            = i;
                var CurrentAction = new ActionOn()
                    Id = Id
                CurrentAction.Insert = () =>
                                       Persons.Insert((c) => c.Name = Id.ToString());
                CurrentAction.Update = () =>
                                       Persons.Update((c) => c.Name = Id.ToString(), (c) => = Id);
                CurrentAction.Delete = () =>
                                       Persons.Delete((c) => c.Name = Id.ToString());

            Random random = new Random();

            while (Actions.Length > 0)
                var i  = random.Next(0, Actions.Length - 1);
                var Ac = Actions[i];
                if (Ac.Insert != null)
                    Ac.Insert = null;
                else if (Ac.Update != null)
                    Ac.Update = null;
Beispiel #7
        public virtual void getColumnTypes()
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Java wildcard generics have no direct equivalent in .NET:
//ORIGINAL LINE:<int, int, com.opengamma.strata.collect.result.Result<?>> table =, INDICES);
            ArrayTable <int, int, Result <object> > table = ArrayTable.create(INDICES, INDICES);

            table.put(0, 0, Result.success(1));
            table.put(0, 1, Result.success("abc"));
            table.put(1, 0, Result.success(2));
            table.put(1, 1, Result.success("def"));

            IList <Type> columnTypes = TradeReportFormatter.INSTANCE.getColumnTypes(report(table));

            assertThat(columnTypes).isEqualTo(ImmutableList.of(typeof(Integer), typeof(string)));
Beispiel #8
        public virtual void getColumnTypesWithAllFailures()
            ImmutableList <int> indices = ImmutableList.of(0, 1);
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Java wildcard generics have no direct equivalent in .NET:
//ORIGINAL LINE:<int, int, com.opengamma.strata.collect.result.Result<?>> table =, indices);
            ArrayTable <int, int, Result <object> > table = ArrayTable.create(indices, indices);

            table.put(0, 0, Result.failure(FailureReason.ERROR, "fail"));
            table.put(0, 1, Result.failure(FailureReason.ERROR, "fail"));
            table.put(1, 0, Result.failure(FailureReason.ERROR, "fail"));
            table.put(1, 1, Result.failure(FailureReason.ERROR, "fail"));

            IList <Type> columnTypes = TradeReportFormatter.INSTANCE.getColumnTypes(report(table));

            assertThat(columnTypes).isEqualTo(ImmutableList.of(typeof(object), typeof(object)));
Beispiel #9
        private void TestObjectAPI(ArrayTable a)
            var b = a.UnPack();

            AreEqual(a, b);

            var fbb = new FlatBufferBuilder(1);

            fbb.Finish(ArrayTable.Pack(fbb, b).Value);
            var c = ArrayTable.GetRootAsArrayTable(fbb.DataBuffer);

            AreEqual(a, c);

            var jsonText = b.SerializeToJson();
            var d        = ArrayTableT.DeserializeFromJson(jsonText);

            AreEqual(a, d);
        private void AreEqual(ArrayTable a, ArrayTable b)
            Assert.AreEqual(a.A.Value.A, b.A.Value.A);

            for (int i = 0; i < 15; ++i)
                Assert.AreEqual(a.A.Value.B(i), b.A.Value.B(i));

            Assert.AreEqual(a.A.Value.C, b.A.Value.C);

            for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
                var ad = a.A.Value.D(i);
                var bd = b.A.Value.D(i);

                for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j)
                    Assert.AreEqual(ad.A(j), bd.A(j));

                Assert.AreEqual(ad.B, bd.B);

                for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j)
                    Assert.AreEqual(ad.C(j), bd.C(j));

                for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j)
                    Assert.AreEqual(ad.D(j), bd.D(j));

            Assert.AreEqual(a.A.Value.E, b.A.Value.E);

            for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
                Assert.AreEqual(a.A.Value.F(i), b.A.Value.F(i));
Beispiel #11
 private TradeReport report <T1>(ArrayTable <T1> table)
     return(TradeReport.builder().columns(TradeReportColumn.builder().header("col0").build(), TradeReportColumn.builder().header("col1").build()).data(table).valuationDate(;