Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>BouncyCastleでMacのハッシュ値を計算して返す。</summary>
        /// <param name="data">データ(バイト配列)</param>
        /// <param name="key">キー(バイト配列)</param>
        /// <param name="mac">IMac</param>
        /// <returns>ハッシュ値(バイト配列)</returns>
        public static byte[] GetMacBytesByBC(byte[] data, byte[] key, IMac mac)
            mac.Init(new KeyParameter(key));
            mac.BlockUpdate(data, 0, data.Length);

            byte[] rtnVal = new byte[mac.GetMacSize()];
            mac.DoFinal(rtnVal, 0);

            if (mac.AlgorithmName == "DESede/CBC" &&
                8 < rtnVal.Length)
                rtnVal = ArrayOperator.CopyArray <byte>(rtnVal, 8);


            // <HMAC>
            // mac = new HMac(new RipeMD160Digest());

            // <MACTripleDES>
            // mac = new CbcBlockCipherMac(new DesEdeEngine(), 64));
            //   ECBモードのDESEDEと、CBCモードのTriple DESがある。
            //   MACTripleDESはCBC-MACを使用します。 CBC-MACは、メッセージにゼロを埋め込んだ後にCBCモードを使用します。
        /// <summary>初期化(プロバイダ)</summary>
        /// <param name="forEncrypt">bool</param>
        private void InitAesCbc(bool forEncrypt)
            // PaddedBufferedBlockCipher
            this._aesCBC = new PaddedBufferedBlockCipher(
                new CbcBlockCipher(new AesEngine()), new Pkcs7Padding());

            // Initialization Vector.
            // IV must be the same length as block size
            this.IV = ArrayOperator.CopyArray <byte>(this.IV, this._aesCBC.GetBlockSize());

            // 初期化

            // EncKey length is 128 / 192 / 256 bits.
            this._aesCBC.Init(forEncrypt, new ParametersWithIV(
                                  new KeyParameter(this.EncKey, 0, this.EncKey.Length), this.IV));

            // MacKey
            this._hmac.Key = this.MacKey;
        /// <summary>constructor</summary>
        /// <param name="cek">コンテンツ暗号化キー(CEK)</param>
        /// <param name="iv">初期化ベクトル</param>
        /// <param name="aad">追加認証データ(AAD)</param>
        public AeadAesCbc(byte[] cek, byte[] iv, byte[] aad) : base(cek, iv, aad)
            // 各種サイズの初期化

            // CEK -> MacKey & EncKey
            if (cek.Length < CEK_LEN)
                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Length is less than {0} bytes.", this.CEK_LEN), "cek");

            this.MacKey = ArrayOperator.CopyArray <byte>(cek, MAC_KEY_LEN);
            this.EncKey = ArrayOperator.CopyArray <byte>(cek, ENC_KEY_LEN, ENC_KEY_LEN, 0);

            // Initialization Vector.
            this.IV = iv;

            // Additional Authenticated Data
            this.AAD = aad;

            // HMac
            this.AL = this.InitAL();
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>constructor</summary>
        /// <param name="cek">コンテンツ暗号化キー(CEK)</param>
        /// <param name="iv">初期化ベクトル</param>
        /// <param name="aad">追加認証データ(AAD)</param>
        public AeadAesGcm(byte[] cek, byte[] iv, byte[] aad) : base(cek, iv, aad)
            // 各種サイズの初期化

            if (cek.Length < CEK_LEN)
                throw new ArgumentException("Length is less than 128 bits.", "cek");
            else if (cek.Length == CEK_LEN)
                this.Cek = cek;
                this.Cek = ArrayOperator.CopyArray(cek, CEK_LEN);

            // Use of an IV of size 96 bits is REQUIRED with this algorithm.
            this._iv = iv;
            // The requested size of the Authentication Tag output MUST be 128 bits, regardless of the key size.
            this._aad = aad;
Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>暗号化</summary>
        /// <param name="plaint">平文(plaintext)</param>
        /// <returns>AEAD実行結果オブジェクト</returns>
        public override void Encrypt(byte[] plaint)
            // AesGcm実装を初期化

            // GCM操作の実行
            byte[] aead = new byte[this._aesGcm.GetOutputSize(plaint.Length)];
            int    len  = this._aesGcm.ProcessBytes(plaint, 0, plaint.Length, aead, 0);

            len += this._aesGcm.DoFinal(aead, len);

            // GetMacで認証タグ(MAC)を取得
            byte[] tag = this._aesGcm.GetMac();

            // 結果を返す
            this._result = new AeadResult()
                Aead = aead, // aead = ciphert + tag
                // <ciphertの抽出>
                // plaint.Lengthと、ciphert.Length - tag.Length を使う方法がある。
                Ciphert = ArrayOperator.CopyArray <byte>(aead, plaint.Length),
                Tag     = tag,