// Assigns a value to a symbol name
    private void SetSymbol(FunctionParameter leftHand, FunctionParameter rightHand)
        string symbolVal  = ArithmeticOperationBase.GetResult(rightHand.Value, ref symbolTable);
        string symbolName = "";

        // Is it an array index?
        string indexName = "";

        string[] indexSplit = leftHand.Value.Split('[');
        if (indexSplit != null && indexSplit.Length == 2)
            symbolName = indexSplit[0];
            indexName  = indexSplit[1].Substring(0, indexSplit[1].Length - 1);
            indexName  = ArithmeticOperationBase.GetResult(indexName, ref symbolTable);
            Logger.Log($"\"{currentNode.Serialize()}\": index was {indexName}");
            symbolName = leftHand.Value;

        bool isString    = leftHand.IsReference ? (symbolTable.ContainsKey(symbolVal) && symbolTable[symbolVal].Value.Trim().StartsWith("\"") && symbolTable[symbolVal].Value.Trim().EndsWith("\"")) : (symbolVal.Trim().StartsWith("\"") && symbolVal.Trim().EndsWith("\""));
        bool isReference = leftHand.IsReference ? true : !isString && symbolTable.ContainsKey(symbolVal);

        if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(indexName))
            if (symbolTable.ContainsKey(indexName))
                symbolName += $"[{symbolTable[indexName].Value}]";
                symbolName += $"[{indexName}]";

        Logger.Log($"Assigning {symbolVal} to {symbolName}");
        double tempNum      = 0.0;
        string assignedType = (isString ? "String" : (symbolVal.Trim() == "True" || symbolVal.Trim() == "False" ? "Boolean" : (double.TryParse(symbolVal.Trim(), out tempNum) ? "Number" : "")));

        if (!symbolTable.ContainsKey(symbolName))
            // TODO: Type = "Int" won't always work, we need a generic type like Number, however Reflection.ParameterInfo needs to be converted in that case
            symbolTable.Add(symbolName, new FunctionParameter {
                Name = rightHand.Name, Type = isReference ? symbolTable[symbolVal].Type : assignedType, Value = isReference ? symbolTable[symbolVal].Value : symbolVal
            symbolTable[symbolName] = new FunctionParameter {
                Name = rightHand.Name, Type = isReference ? symbolTable[symbolVal].Type : assignedType, Value = isReference ? symbolTable[symbolVal].Value : symbolVal
Beispiel #2
    public void ParamEditingFinished(string finalValue)
        int paramIndex = -1;

        if (transform.name.Contains("Parameter") && name != "Parameter")
            paramIndex = System.Convert.ToInt32(transform.name.Substring("Parameter".Length)) - 1;
        if (paramIndex >= 0)
            GetComponentInParent <FunctionCallBase>().parameters[paramIndex].Value = finalValue;
            GetComponentInParent <FunctionCallBase>().UpdateFunctionProperties();

            ArithmeticOperationBase potentialArithmetic = GetComponentInParent <ArithmeticOperationBase>();
            if (potentialArithmetic != null && potentialArithmetic.NextNodeObject != null && potentialArithmetic.NextNodeObject.GetComponent <FunctionCallBase>() && potentialArithmetic.NextNodeObject.GetComponent <FunctionCallBase>().prevArithmetic == potentialArithmetic)
                potentialArithmetic.NextNodeObject.GetComponent <FunctionCallBase>().UpdateFunctionProperties();
Beispiel #3
    public virtual void UpdateFunctionProperties()
        if (functionNameText == null)
            functionNameText = transform.Find("FuncName").transform.Find("Text").gameObject;
        functionNameText.GetComponent <Text>().text = functionName;

        float margin = Mathf.Abs(firstParamOrigin.y - functionNameText.GetComponentInParent <RectTransform>().localPosition.y);

        // Remove any parameter UI objects
        List <Transform> paramsToDestroy = new List <Transform>();

        foreach (Transform child in GetComponentsInChildren <Transform>())
            if (child.name.StartsWith("Parameter"))

        foreach (Transform param in paramsToDestroy)
            if (Convert.ToInt32(param.name.Replace("Parameter", "")) > parameters.Count)
                GetComponent <RectTransform>().SetSizeWithCurrentAnchors(RectTransform.Axis.Vertical, (initHeight == 0.0f ? GetComponent <RectTransform>().rect.height : initHeight) - firstParamHeight * (parameters.Count > 2 ? (float)parameters.Count : 1.5f) - margin);
        GetComponent <RectTransform>().SetSizeWithCurrentAnchors(RectTransform.Axis.Vertical, (initHeight == 0.0f ? GetComponent <RectTransform>().rect.height : initHeight) + firstParamHeight * (parameters.Count > 2 ? (float)parameters.Count : 1.5f) + margin);

        for (ushort i = 0; i < paramCount && parameters != null && i < parameters.Count; i++)
            int paramIdx = (parameters.Count - 1) - i;

            // TODO: type checking, pointing references to scene objects, etc.
            Transform param = transform.Find($"Parameter{paramIdx + 1}");

            if (param == null)
                GameObject paramObject = Instantiate(ParameterTemplate, transform);

                // some really weird maths? it works for arranging the parameter objects in the UI though...
                float height = paramObject.GetComponent <RectTransform>().rect.height;
                float origin = parameters.Count > 0 ? ((parameters.Count / 2.0f - parameters.Count) + i) * height : 0.0f;
                paramObject.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0.0f, origin);

                paramObject.name = $"Parameter{paramIdx+1}";

                if (paramObject.GetComponent <EditorDraggableNode>())
                    paramObject.GetComponent <EditorDraggableNode>().enabled = true;

                param = paramObject.transform;

                if (computer != null && computer.symbolTable != null)
                    ref Dictionary <string, FunctionParameter> symTable = ref computer.symbolTable;
                    string resultStr = ArithmeticOperationBase.GetResult(parameters[paramIdx].Value, ref symTable);
                    //double result = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(resultStr) ? 0 : double.Parse(resultStr);

            // Name is the parameter name as defined by the function. Not a variable name. If we haven't defined the parameter name, don't show the = character.
            param.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().text = $"{parameters[paramIdx].Name}{(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(parameters[paramIdx].Name) ? "=" : "")}{(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(parameters[paramIdx].Expression) ? parameters[paramIdx].Value : parameters[paramIdx].Expression)}";
Beispiel #4
    // Returns the result of the conditional at this frame
    public bool Evaluate(ref Dictionary <string, FunctionParameter> symbolTable)
        bool ret = false;

        string lhVal = leftHand.Value;
        // Is lefthand an array index?
        string lhIndexName = "";

        string[] lhIndexSplit = leftHand.Value.Split('[');
        if (lhIndexSplit != null && lhIndexSplit.Length == 2)
            lhVal       = lhIndexSplit[0];
            lhIndexName = lhIndexSplit[1].Substring(0, lhIndexSplit[1].Length - 1);
            lhIndexName = ArithmeticOperationBase.GetResult(lhIndexName, ref symbolTable);

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(lhIndexName))
                lhVal += $"[{lhIndexName}]";
        string rhVal = rightHand.Value;
        // Is righthand an array index?
        string rhIndexName = "";

        string[] rhIndexSplit = rightHand.Value.Split('[');
        if (rhIndexSplit != null && rhIndexSplit.Length == 2)
            rhVal       = rhIndexSplit[0];
            rhIndexName = rhIndexSplit[1].Substring(0, rhIndexSplit[1].Length - 1);
            rhIndexName = ArithmeticOperationBase.GetResult(rhIndexName, ref symbolTable);

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(rhIndexName))
                rhVal += $"[{rhIndexName}]";
        Logger.Log($"lhIndexName = {lhIndexName}");
        Logger.Log($"rhIndexName = {rhIndexName}");
        string lh = ArithmeticOperationBase.GetResult(lhVal, ref symbolTable);
        string rh = ArithmeticOperationBase.GetResult(rhVal, ref symbolTable);

        bool isLeftString    = leftHand.IsReference ? (symbolTable.ContainsKey(rh) && symbolTable[lh].Value.Trim().StartsWith("\"") && symbolTable[lh].Value.Trim().EndsWith("\"")) : (lh.Trim().StartsWith("\"") && lh.Trim().EndsWith("\""));
        bool isLeftReference = leftHand.IsReference ? true : !isLeftString && symbolTable.ContainsKey(lh);

        bool isRightString    = rightHand.IsReference ? (symbolTable.ContainsKey(rh) && symbolTable[rh].Value.Trim().StartsWith("\"") && symbolTable[rh].Value.Trim().EndsWith("\"")) : (rh.Trim().StartsWith("\"") && rh.Trim().EndsWith("\""));
        bool isRightReference = rightHand.IsReference ? true : !isRightString && symbolTable.ContainsKey(rh);

        string leftValue  = isLeftReference ? symbolTable[lh].Value : (isLeftString ? lh.Trim().Substring(1, lh.Trim().Length - 2) : lh.Trim());
        string rightValue = isRightReference ? symbolTable[rh].Value : (isRightString ? rh.Trim().Substring(1, rh.Trim().Length - 2) : rh.Trim());

        // failsafe for missing/invalid values
        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(leftValue) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(rightValue))
            Logger.LogWarning("BoolCondition.Evaluate: invalid values!");

        double numL, numR = numL = 0;

        if (comparison == "==")
            ret = leftValue == rightValue;
        else if (comparison == "!=")
            ret = leftValue != rightValue;
        else if (comparison == ">=")
            if (double.TryParse(leftValue, out numL) && double.TryParse(rightValue, out numR))
                ret = numL >= numR;
        else if (comparison == "<=")
            if (double.TryParse(leftValue, out numL) && double.TryParse(rightValue, out numR))
                ret = numL <= numR;
        else if (comparison == ">")
            if (double.TryParse(leftValue, out numL) && double.TryParse(rightValue, out numR))
                ret = numL > numR;
        else if (comparison == "<")
            if (double.TryParse(leftValue, out numL) && double.TryParse(rightValue, out numR))
                ret = numL < numR;

        Logger.Log($"BoolCondition.Evaluate: Finished with result {ret.ToString().ToUpper()}. \nEvaluated '{leftHand.Value} {comparison} {rightHand.Value}' as '{leftValue} {comparison} {rightValue}'. \nNumerical: {numL} {comparison} {numR}");
