Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Starts (or reuses) the process resource that is specified by the <see cref="P:System.Diagnostics.Process.StartInfo" />
        /// property of this <see cref="T:System.Diagnostics.Process" /> component and associates it with the component.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>true if a process resource is started; false if no new process resource is started
        /// (for example, if an existing process is reused).</returns>
        /// <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">No file name was specified in the
        /// <see cref="T:System.Diagnostics.Process" /> component's <see cref="P:System.Diagnostics.Process.StartInfo" />.
        /// -or- The <see cref="P:System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo.UseShellExecute" /> member of the
        /// <see cref="P:System.Diagnostics.Process.StartInfo" /> property is true while
        /// <see cref="P:System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo.RedirectStandardInput" />,
        /// <see cref="P:System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput" />,
        /// or <see cref="P:System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo.RedirectStandardError" /> is true.
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception cref="T:System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception">There was an error in opening the associated file. </exception>
        /// <exception cref="T:System.ObjectDisposedException">The process object has already been disposed. </exception>
        public virtual bool Start()
            // temporary switch until code is proven to be stable.
            if (_enableCustomUserLogin)
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(StartInfo.Arguments))
                    throw new ArgumentException("StartInfo.Arguments is not allowed when starting a process as a user. use ArgumentObject.");

            bool successfulStart = false;

            if (_enableCustomUserLogin && StartInfo != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(StartInfo.UserName))
                using (Impersonator imp = new Impersonator())
                    imp.Impersonate(StartInfo.UserName, StartInfo.Domain, StartInfo.Password, StartWithCreateProcessAsUser);
                    successfulStart = true;
                _process.StartInfo.Arguments = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new
                    name       = ArgumentObject["name"],
                    owner      = ArgumentObject["owner"],
                    parameters = ArgumentObject.ContainsKey("parameters") ? ArgumentObject["parameters"] : string.Empty
                successfulStart = _process.Start();

Beispiel #2
        public Main(string[] arguments, int ti = -1, Action <int, string> u = null)
            ArgumentObject args = new ArgumentObject(arguments);

            Restart :;
            if ( == "nvl")
                NovelDownload(args.arguments, ti, u);
            else if ( == "ani")
                AnimeDownload(args.arguments, ti, u);
                if (!searchMN(ref args))
                    u?.Invoke(ti, "Error: could not parse command (Failure to parse website to ani/nvl flag.. you can retry with ani/nvl flag)");
                    ADLUpdates.CallError(new Exception("Error: Could not parse command (mn selector)"));
                    goto Restart;
        /// <summary>
        /// Starts the application with the input provided by the user.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">Object which initiated the event signal.</param>
        /// <param name="e">Event data that describes how this page was reached.  The Parameter
        /// property is typically used to configure the page.</param>
        private void Start_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            if (!this.stressManager.CurrentlyRunning)
                this.stressManager.CurrentlyRunning = true;

                // Set OS Logging to true so debug prints are written to the output window of the
                // Visual Studio Debugger, or set to false to have debug prints written to an
                // alljoyn.log file in Documents Library
                AllJoyn.Debug.SetDebugLevel("ALLJOYN", 7);
                AllJoyn.Debug.SetDebugLevel("ALLJOYN_OBJ", 7);

                // Get the input from the user
                ArgumentObject argObj = new ArgumentObject();
                argObj.NumOfIterations      = (uint)IterationSlider.Value;
                argObj.NumOfTasks           = (uint)TreadSlider.Value;
                argObj.StopThreadBeforeJoin = StopTreadsSwitch.IsOn;
                argObj.DeleteBusAttachments = DeleteBusSwitch.IsOn;
                argObj.IsMultipoint         = MultipointSwitch.IsOn;
                argObj.StressOperation      = (StressType)StressTypeComboBox.SelectedValue;

                if (!argObj.DeleteBusAttachments)
                    argObj.NumOfIterations = 1;

Beispiel #4
        public IEnumerable <ProductCategoryObject> GetProductOrCategory(ArgumentObject args)
            if (Debug)
            foreach (var block in GetHtmlNode(args).SelectNodes(BlockExp))
                yield return(new ProductCategoryObject(
                                 PropertiesCategory.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value(block, args)), isCategory: true));

                foreach (var reference in block._SelectNodes(block.XPath + RefProductExp))
                    var arguments = new ArgumentObject(url: Url + reference.Attributes["href"].Value, args: args.Args);
                    if (Debug)
                    var node = GetHtmlNode(arguments);
                    //File.WriteAllText("tmp.html", node.InnerHtml);
                    yield return(new ProductCategoryObject(
                                     SinglePropertiesProduct.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value(node, arguments)),
                                     PluralPropertiesProduct.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value(node, arguments))));
Beispiel #5
        public static ExtractorBase ResumeDownload(string mdataLock, int ti, Action <int, string> u)
            int          guragura = 0;
            argumentList rawr;

            using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(mdataLock, FileMode.Open))
                using (ZipArchive zarch = new ZipArchive(fs, ZipArchiveMode.Read))
                    using (StreamReader sw = new StreamReader(zarch.GetEntry("part").Open()))
                        guragura = int.Parse(sw.ReadLine());
                    using (StreamReader sw = new StreamReader(zarch.GetEntry("mDat").Open()))
                        rawr        = new ArgumentObject(sw.ReadLine().Split(' ')).arguments;
                        rawr.resume = true;

            switch (rawr.term.SiteFromString())
            case Site.HAnime: return(new HAnime(rawr, ti, u)
                    m3uLocation = guragura

            default: throw new NotImplementedException("Site is not implemented yet");
Beispiel #6
        public HtmlNode GetHtmlNode(ArgumentObject args)
            var web = new HtmlWeb {
                OverrideEncoding = Encoding.Default

Beispiel #7
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void backgroundWorker_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            BackgroundWorker bw = sender as BackgroundWorker;

            ArgumentObject arg = e.Argument as ArgumentObject;

            string        dir          = arg.dir;
            List <string> videoList    = arg.videoList;
            List <string> subtitleList = arg.subtitleList;

            int counter = 0;

            DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(logdir);

            if (!di.Exists)
            FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(logfile);

            if (!fi.Exists)
                using (TextWriter writerr = new StreamWriter(logpath))
                    writerr.WriteLine("Dátum: " + today);

            FileStream fs = new FileStream(logpath, FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write);

            writer = new StreamWriter(fs);

            writer.WriteLine("Idő: " + DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss"));
            writer.WriteLine("Könyvtár: " + dir);

            foreach (string videoName in videoList)
                //Console.WriteLine("v: "+videoName);
                string subName = SearchForSubtitle(videoName, subtitleList, arg.ignoretitle);
                if (subName.Length != 0)
                    //Console.WriteLine("sub: "+subName);
                    writeLog(subName, Rename(videoName, subName, dir));
Beispiel #8
        private void ParseArgs(string[] x, int id)
            ArgumentObject parsedArgs = ArgumentObject.Parse(x);

            if (
Beispiel #9
        public static void Parse()
            var parser = new LiquiMolyClass(
                isCategory: node => node
                .Count != 0,
                findProducts: (node, args) => node
                .Select(x => new ArgumentObject(x.Attributes["href"].Value))
                singlePropertiesCategory: new Dictionary <string, Search <string> >
                ["Наименование"] = (node, args) => node
                                   .SelectSingleNode(@"//ul[@class]/li[contains(@class, ""active"")]/a")
                singlePropertiesProduct: new Dictionary <string, Search <string> >
                ["Наименование"] = (node, args) => node
                [@"""Код артикула"""] = (node, args) => node
                [@"Габариты"] = (node, args) => node
                [@"Цена"] = (node, args) => node
                [@"Описание"] = (node, args) => node
                                .InnerHtml +
                                string.Join("\n", node
                                            ._SelectNodes(@"//*[@id='top']/div[6]/div[1]/div[2]/div[position() > 1 and position() < last() - 1]")
                                            .Select(x => x.InnerHtml))
                pluralPropertiesProduct: new Dictionary <string, Search <string[]> >
                ["Изображения"] = (node, args) => node
                                  .Select(x => @"" + x.Attributes["src"].Value)
            var arguments = new ArgumentObject(url: "",
                                               args: new object[] { 0 });
            var collection = parser.GetProductOrCategory(
                parser.GetLinks(arguments, @".//*[@id='top']/div[6]/div/div/ul[1]/li[position() > 1]/a"));

            Import.Write(path: "mdi-toys.csv",
                         collection: collection.ToArray(),
                         headers: Constants.WebAsystKeys,
                         format: Constants.WebAsystFormatter);
Beispiel #10
        static void parg(string[] args, int id)
            ArgumentObject parsedArgs = ArgumentObject.Parse(args);

            if (
            ADLCore.Interfaces.Main mn = new ADLCore.Interfaces.Main(parsedArgs, id, new Action <int, string>(UpdateTask));
Beispiel #11
        public static void Parse()
            var parser = new LiquiMolyClass(
                isCategory: node => node
                .Count == 0,
                findProducts: (node, args) =>
                var a = node
                        ._SelectNodes(@"//a[contains(@href, 'product')]");
                       .Select(x => new ArgumentObject(x.Attributes["href"].Value))
                singlePropertiesCategory: new Dictionary <string, Search <string> >
                ["Наименование"] = (node, args) => "ТД-Дворики",
                singlePropertiesProduct: new Dictionary <string, Search <string> >
                ["Наименование"] = (node, args) => node
                ["Описание"] = (node, args) => node
                               ?.InnerHtml ?? String.Empty +
                               ?.InnerHtml ?? String.Empty,
                ["Цена"] = (node, args) => node
                           .InnerText.Replace("руб.", String.Empty).Replace(",", String.Empty),
                pluralPropertiesProduct: new Dictionary <string, Search <string[]> >
                ["Изображения"] = (node, args) => node
                                  .Select(x => x.Attributes["src"].Value)
                                  .Select(x => x.Substring(0, x.IndexOf("v1")))
            var argument = new ArgumentObject(
                url: @"",
                args: new object[] { 0 });

            var collection = parser.GetProductOrCategory(argument);

            Import.Write(path: "tddvoriki.csv",
                         collection: collection.ToArray(),
                         headers: Constants.WebAsystKeys,
                         format: Constants.WebAsystFormatter);
Beispiel #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Outputs 'msg' to the text box in the UI of the application. We have to dispatch this to
        /// the UI thread.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="msg">Message that will be output in the text box of the UI.</param>
        public async void OutputLine(string msg)
            ArgumentObject ao = new ArgumentObject();

            ao.TextBox = this.TextBlockSignalConsumer; // control in our Xaml page
            ao.Text    = msg + "\n";
            await Dispatcher.RunAsync(
                new DispatchedHandler(ao.OnDispatched));

Beispiel #13
        private void backgroundWorkerMoveto_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            BackgroundWorker bw = sender as BackgroundWorker;

            ArgumentObject arg = e.Argument as ArgumentObject;

            allpath = new ArrayList();

            string destpath = arg.Path;

            int counter = 0;

            foreach (string nodepath in allpath)
                DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(nodepath);
                if (bw.CancellationPending == true)
                    e.Cancel = true;
                    foreach (FileInfo file in dir.GetFiles())
                        bool finished = false;
                        foreach (object item in this.videoCheckedListBox.CheckedItems)
                            if (file.Extension.Equals("." + item.ToString()))
                                bw.ReportProgress(counter, file.Name);
                                finished = MoveTo(dir.FullName, destpath, file.Name);
                        if (finished)
                            //FileSystem.DeleteDirectory(dir.FullName, UIOption.OnlyErrorDialogs, RecycleOption.SendToRecycleBin);
                            Console.WriteLine(file.Name + " has been deleted.");
                catch (IOException ex)
                    MessageBox.Show(dir.Name + " device not ready", this.Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
            bw.ReportProgress(counter, "");
Beispiel #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Outputs 'msg' to the text box in the UI of the application as well as the debug output
        /// console.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="msg">Message that will be output in the text box of the UI.</param>
        public void OutputLine(string msg)
            // If this is attempted at OnNavigatedTo() time the result is null.

            string         timestampedMsg = DateTime.Now.ToString() + ": " + msg;
            ArgumentObject ao             = new ArgumentObject(timestampedMsg + "\n", this.textBoxOutput, this.Scrollbar);

                new DispatchedHandler(ao.OnDispatched)).AsTask();

        /// <summary>
        /// Outputs 'msg' to the text box in the UI of the application
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="msg">Message that will be output in the text box of the UI</param>
        /// <param name="completed">A value to indicate the file transfer has been completed.</param>
        public void OutputLine(string msg, bool completed = false)
            if (completed)
                this.ButtonRunClient.IsEnabled = true;
                this.BusObject = null;

            ArgumentObject ao = new ArgumentObject();

            ao.TextBox = this.TextBlockClient;
            ao.Text    = msg + "\n";
                new DispatchedHandler(ao.OnDispatched)).AsTask();
Beispiel #16
        public static void Parse()
            var alterna = new AlternaClass(
                blockExp: @"//div[contains(@class, ""level_2"")]/div[@class=""item""]",
                refProductExp: @"//div[@class=""uss_shop_name""]/a",
                singlePropertiesProduct: new Dictionary <string, Search <string> >
                ["Изображения"] = (node, o) => node
                ["Наименование"] = (node, o) => node
                ["Цена"] = (node, o) => node
                ["Описание"] = (node, o) => node
                ["Габариты"] = (node, o) => node
                propertiesCategory: new Dictionary <string, Search <string> >
                ["Наименование"] = (node, o) => new string('!', (int)o.Args[0]) + node
                                   .SelectSingleNode(node.XPath + @"//div[contains(@class, ""name"") and contains(@class, ""level_2"")]")
            var arguments = new ArgumentObject(url: "http://xn--80aaoxlrm3f.xn--p1ai/store/13488/",
                                               args: new object[] { 1 });
            var collection = alterna.GetProductOrCategory(arguments);

            collection = new[]
                new ProductCategoryObject(
                    new Dictionary <string, string> {
                    ["Наименование"] = "Мебель детская"
                }, isCategory: true)
            Import.Write(path: "alterna.csv",
                         collection: collection.ToArray(),
                         headers: Constants.WebAsystKeys,
                         format: Constants.WebAsystFormatter);
Beispiel #17
        public static ExtractorBase ResumeDownload(string mdataLock, int ti, Action <int, string> u)
            int          guragura = 0;
            argumentList rawr;

            using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(mdataLock, FileMode.Open))
                using (ZipArchive zarch = new ZipArchive(fs, ZipArchiveMode.Read))
                    using (StreamReader sw = new StreamReader(zarch.GetEntry("part").Open()))
                        guragura = int.Parse(sw.ReadLine());
                    using (StreamReader sw = new StreamReader(zarch.GetEntry("mDat").Open()))
                        rawr        = new ArgumentObject(sw.ReadLine().Split(' ')).arguments;
                        rawr.resume = true;
            throw new Exception("Not implemented yet");
Beispiel #18
        private bool searchMN(ref ArgumentObject args)
            switch (args.arguments.term.SiteFromString())
            case Site.HAnime: args[0] = "ani"; args[0] = "ani";  return(true);

            case Site.Vidstreaming: args[0] = args[0] = "ani"; return(true);

            case Site.ScribbleHub: args[0] = args[0] = "nvl"; return(true);

            case Site.wuxiaWorldA: args[0] = args[0] = "nvl"; return(true);

            case Site.wuxiaWorldB: args[0] = args[0] = "nvl"; return(true);

            case Site.NovelFull: args[0] = args[0] = "nvl"; return(true);

        public static void Parse()
            var singlePropertiesProduct = new Dictionary <string, Search <string> >
                ["Наименование"] = (node, args) => node
                [@"""Код артикула"""] = (node, args) => node
                [@"Описание"] = (node, args) => node
            var parser = new AlternaClass(
                url: @"",
                blockExp: @"//div[contains(@class,'main_menu_sect')]",
                refProductExp: @"//menu/li/a",
                propertiesCategory: new Dictionary <string, Search <string> >
                ["Наименование"] = (node, args) => node
                singlePropertiesProduct: singlePropertiesProduct,
                pluralPropertiesProduct: new Dictionary <string, Search <string[]> >
                ["Изображения"] = (node, args) => node
                                  .Select(x => "" + x.Attributes["src"].Value)
            var arguments = new ArgumentObject(url: "",
                                               args: new object[] { 0 });
            var collection = parser.GetProductOrCategory(arguments);

            Import.Write(path: "IgrushkaPerm.csv",
                         collection: collection.ToArray(),
                         headers: Constants.WebAsystKeys,
                         format: Constants.WebAsystFormatter);
Beispiel #20
        private void ParseArgs(string[] x, int id)
            ArgumentObject parsedArgs = new ArgumentObject(x);

            if (
            parsedArgs.arguments.l       = true;
   = true;
            if ( == "ani")
                parsedArgs.arguments.export = rot + "/";
                parsedArgs.arguments.export = rotNovelDir;
            ADLCore.Interfaces.Main mn = new ADLCore.Interfaces.Main(parsedArgs, id, new Action <int, string>(UpdateTask));
Beispiel #21
        public static void Parse()
            var mainUrl = @"";
            var singlePropertiesProduct = new Dictionary <string, Search <string> >
                ["Наименование"] = (node, args) => node
                [@"""Код артикула"""] = (node, args) => "GW-" + node
                                        .SelectSingleNode(@".//div[@class='clearfix' and count(child::div)=3]/div[2]/b[1]")
                ["Цена"] = (node, args) => node
                           .InnerText.Replace("руб", string.Empty).Replace(" ", string.Empty),
                ["Размеры"] = (node, args) => node
                              .SelectSingleNode(@".//div[@class='clearfix' and count(child::div)=3]/div[2]/b[3]")
                ["Валюта"] = (node, o) => "RUB",
                [@"""Доступен для заказа"""] = (node, o) => "1",
                [@"Статус"]  = (node, o) => "1",
                ["Описание"] = (node, args) => node
                               .InnerHtml +

            singlePropertiesProduct["Заголовок"] =
                (node, args) => singlePropertiesProduct["Наименование"](node, args);
            singlePropertiesProduct[@"""Ссылка на витрину"""] = (node, args) =>
                                                                Humanization.GetHumanLink(singlePropertiesProduct["Наименование"](node, args)
                                                                                          + "-" + singlePropertiesProduct[@"""Код артикула"""](node, args));
            //singlePropertiesProduct[@"""Возраст детей"""] = (node, args) =>
            //    Regex.Match(singlePropertiesProduct["Описание"](node, args),
            //        @"Для\s+детей\s+от\s+\d+\s+лет",
            //        RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Value;

            var parser = new LiquiMolyClass(
                isCategory: node => node
                .Count != 0,
                findProducts: (node, args) => node
                .Select(x => new ArgumentObject(mainUrl + x.Attributes["href"].Value))
                singlePropertiesProduct: singlePropertiesProduct,
                singlePropertiesCategory: new Dictionary <string, Search <string> >
                ["Наименование"] = (node, args) => new string('!', (int)args.Args[0]) + node
                pluralPropertiesProduct: new Dictionary <string, Search <string[]> >
                ["Изображения"] = (node, args) => node
                                  ._SelectNodes(@"//div[@class='clearfix' and count(child::div)=3]/div[1]//img")
                                  .Select(x => mainUrl + x.Attributes["src"].Value)
                encoding: Encoding.Default,
                xPathPagination: (node, args) => Enumerable.Range(2, 11)
                .Select(x =>
                        new ArgumentObject($"{x}"))
            var argument = new ArgumentObject(
                url: @"",
                args: new object[] { 2 });
            var collection = parser.GetProductOrCategory(argument);

            collection = new[]
                new ProductCategoryObject(
                    new Dictionary <string, string> {
                    ["Наименование"] = "Temporary2"
                }, isCategory: true),
                new ProductCategoryObject(
                    new Dictionary <string, string> {
                    ["Наименование"] = "!Gratwest"
                }, isCategory: true)
            Import.Write(path: @"..\..\..\CSV\gratwest.csv",
                         collection: collection.ToArray(),
                         headers: Constants.WebAsystKeys,
                         format: Constants.WebAsystFormatter);
Beispiel #22
        public static void Parse()
            var random    = new Random();
            var URL       = @"";
            var badString = "НЕТ В НАЛИЧИИ";

            var singlePropertiesProduct = new Dictionary <string, Search <string> >
                ["Наименование"] = (node, args) => node
                ["Цена"] = (node, args) => {
                    var a = Regex.Replace(node
                                          .InnerText, @"\s+", string.Empty);
                    return(a.Substring(0, a.Length - 7).Replace(" ", ""));
                [@"""Код артикула"""] = (node, args) => "GEK",
                //[@"""Возраст детей"""] = (node, args) => {
                //    var a = Regex.Replace(node
                //        .SelectSingleNode(@"//*[@class='prodCard'][2]/p[2]")
                //        .InnerText, @"Возраст: ", string.Empty);
                //    return a;
                ["Описание"] = (node, args) =>
                    var first = node
                                ?.InnerText.Replace(badString, string.Empty) ?? string.Empty;
                    var second = node

                    return(first + second);
                ["Валюта"] = (node, o) => "RUB",
                [@"""Доступен для заказа"""] = (node, o) => "1",
                [@"Статус"] = (node, o) => "1",

            singlePropertiesProduct["Заголовок"] =
                (node, args) => singlePropertiesProduct["Наименование"](node, args);
            singlePropertiesProduct[@"""Ссылка на витрину"""] = (node, args) =>
                                                                Humanization.GetHumanLink(singlePropertiesProduct["Наименование"](node, args) + "-GEK-" + random.Next());

            var parser = new LiquiMolyClass(
                isCategory: node => node
                .Count != 0,
                findProducts: (node, args) =>
                var a = node
                        ._SelectNodes(@"//*[@class='container-fluid body-content']/div[last()]//td[@class='smProdHead']/a")
                        .Select(x => new ArgumentObject(URL + x.Attributes["href"].Value))
                singlePropertiesCategory: new Dictionary <string, Search <string> >
                ["Наименование"] = (node, args) => {
                    var b = node.InnerText;
                    var a = new string('!', (int)args.Args[0]) +
                            Regex.Match(node.InnerHtml, @"<h2 class=""grpHead"">(.*?)</h2>", RegexOptions.Singleline).Groups[1].ToString().Trim();
                singlePropertiesProduct: singlePropertiesProduct,
                pluralPropertiesProduct: new Dictionary <string, Search <string[]> >
                ["Изображения"] = (node, args) => {
                    var a = node
                            .Select(x => URL + x.Attributes["href"].Value)
                encoding: Encoding.UTF8

            var argument = new ArgumentObject(
                url: @"",
                args: new object[] { 2 });

            var collection =
                                                            @"//*[@class='vBlock' and position() < last()]/a",
                                                            prefix: URL));

            collection = new[]
                new ProductCategoryObject(
                    new Dictionary <string, string> {
                    ["Наименование"] = "Temporary2"
                }, isCategory: true),
                new ProductCategoryObject(
                    new Dictionary <string, string> {
                    ["Наименование"] = "!GeoCont"
                }, isCategory: true)

            Import.Write(path: "../../../CSV/geoCont.csv",
                         collection: collection.ToArray(),
                         headers: Constants.WebAsystKeys,
                         format: Constants.WebAsystFormatter);
Beispiel #23

        private EXPR CreateArgumentListEXPR(
            ArgumentObject[] arguments,
            Dictionary<int, LocalVariableSymbol> dictionary,
            int startIndex,
            int endIndex)
            EXPR args = null;
            EXPR last = null;

            if (arguments != null)
                for (int i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++)
                    ArgumentObject argument = arguments[i];
                    EXPR arg = CreateArgumentEXPR(argument, dictionary[i]);

                    if (args == null)
                        args = arg;
                        last = args;
                        // Lists are right-heavy.
                        _exprFactory.AppendItemToList(arg, ref args, ref last);
            return args;
Beispiel #24
        // We take the ArgumentObjects to verify - if the parameter expression tells us 
        // we have a ref parameter, but the argument object tells us we're not passed by ref,
        // then it means it was a ref that the compiler had to insert. This is used when
        // we have a call off of a struct for example. If thats the case, don't treat the 
        // local as a ref type.

        private void PopulateLocalScope(
            DynamicMetaObjectBinder payload,
            Scope pScope,
            ArgumentObject[] arguments,
            IEnumerable<Expression> parameterExpressions,
            Dictionary<int, LocalVariableSymbol> dictionary)
            // We use the compile time types for the local variables, and then 
            // cast them to the runtime types for the expression tree.

            int i = 0;
            foreach (Expression parameter in parameterExpressions)
                CType type = _symbolTable.GetCTypeFromType(parameter.Type);

                // Make sure we're not setting ref for the receiver of a call - the argument
                // will be marked as ref if we're calling off a struct, but we don't want 
                // to persist that in our system.
                bool isFirstParamOfCallOrInvoke = false;
                if (i == 0 && IsBinderThatCanHaveRefReceiver(payload))
                    isFirstParamOfCallOrInvoke = true;

                // If we have a ref or out, get the parameter modifier type.
                if ((parameter is ParameterExpression && (parameter as ParameterExpression).IsByRef) &&
                    (arguments[i].Info.IsByRef || arguments[i].Info.IsOut))
                    // If we're the first param of a call or invoke, and we're ref, it must be
                    // because of structs. Don't persist the parameter modifier type.
                    if (!isFirstParamOfCallOrInvoke)
                        type = _semanticChecker.GetTypeManager().GetParameterModifier(type, arguments[i].Info.IsOut);
                LocalVariableSymbol local = _semanticChecker.GetGlobalSymbolFactory().CreateLocalVar(_semanticChecker.GetNameManager().Add("p" + i), pScope, type);
                local.fUsedInAnonMeth = true;

                dictionary.Add(i++, local);
                isFirstParamOfCallOrInvoke = false;
Beispiel #25

        private void AddConversionsForArguments(ArgumentObject[] arguments)
            foreach (ArgumentObject arg in arguments)
Beispiel #26

        private ArgumentObject[] CreateArgumentArray(
                DynamicMetaObjectBinder payload,
                IEnumerable<Expression> parameters,
                DynamicMetaObject[] args)
            // Check the payloads to see whether or not we need to get the runtime types for
            // these arguments.

            List<ArgumentObject> list = new List<ArgumentObject>();
            Func<DynamicMetaObjectBinder, CSharpArgumentInfo, Expression, DynamicMetaObject, int, Type> getArgumentType = null;
            Func<DynamicMetaObjectBinder, int, CSharpArgumentInfo> getArgumentInfo = null;

            // Quick delegate to set the type.
            if (payload is ICSharpInvokeOrInvokeMemberBinder)
                getArgumentInfo = (p, index) => (p as ICSharpInvokeOrInvokeMemberBinder).ArgumentInfo[index];
            else if (payload is CSharpBinaryOperationBinder)
                getArgumentInfo = (p, index) => (p as CSharpBinaryOperationBinder).ArgumentInfo[index];
            else if (payload is CSharpUnaryOperationBinder)
                getArgumentInfo = (p, index) => (p as CSharpUnaryOperationBinder).ArgumentInfo[index];
            else if (payload is CSharpGetMemberBinder)
                getArgumentInfo = (p, index) => (p as CSharpGetMemberBinder).ArgumentInfo[index];
            else if (payload is CSharpSetMemberBinder)
                getArgumentInfo = (p, index) => (p as CSharpSetMemberBinder).ArgumentInfo[index];
            else if (payload is CSharpGetIndexBinder)
                getArgumentInfo = (p, index) => (p as CSharpGetIndexBinder).ArgumentInfo[index];
            else if (payload is CSharpSetIndexBinder)
                getArgumentInfo = (p, index) => (p as CSharpSetIndexBinder).ArgumentInfo[index];
            else if (payload is CSharpConvertBinder || payload is CSharpIsEventBinder)
                getArgumentInfo = (p, index) => CSharpArgumentInfo.None;
                Debug.Assert(false, "Unknown payload kind");
                throw Error.InternalCompilerError();
            getArgumentType = (p, argInfo, param, arg, index) =>
                    Type t = argInfo.UseCompileTimeType ? param.Type : arg.LimitType;
                    Debug.Assert(t != null);

                    if ((argInfo.Flags & (CSharpArgumentInfoFlags.IsRef | CSharpArgumentInfoFlags.IsOut)) != 0)
                        // If we have a ref our an out parameter, make the byref type.
                        // If we have the receiver of a call or invoke that is ref, it must be because of 
                        // a struct caller. Don't persist the ref for that.
                        if (!(index == 0 && IsBinderThatCanHaveRefReceiver(p)))
                            t = t.MakeByRefType();
                    else if (!argInfo.UseCompileTimeType)
                        // If we don't have ref or out, then pick the best type to represent this value.
                        // If the runtime value has a type that is not accessible, then we pick an
                        // accessible type that is "closest" in some sense, where we recursively widen
                        // components of type that can validly vary covariantly.

                        // This ensures that the type we pick is something that the user could have written.

                        CType actualType = _symbolTable.GetCTypeFromType(t);
                        CType bestType;

                        bool res = _semanticChecker.GetTypeManager().GetBestAccessibleType(_semanticChecker, _bindingContext, actualType, out bestType);
                        // Since the actual type of these arguments are never going to be pointer
                        // types or ref/out types (they are in fact boxed into an object), we have
                        // a guarantee that we will always be able to find a best accessible type
                        // (which, in the worst case, may be object).
                        Debug.Assert(res, "Unexpected failure of GetBestAccessibleType in construction of argument array");

                        t = bestType.AssociatedSystemType;

                    return t;

            int i = 0;
            foreach (var curParam in parameters)
                ArgumentObject a = new ArgumentObject();
                a.Value = args[i].Value;
                a.Info = getArgumentInfo(payload, i);
                a.Type = getArgumentType(payload, a.Info, curParam, args[i], i);

                Debug.Assert(a.Type != null);


            return list.ToArray();
Beispiel #27
        public static void Parse()
            var url = "";
            var singlePropertiesProduct = new Dictionary <string, Search <string> >()
                [@"Наименование"] = (node, args) => node
                [@"Цена"] = (node, args) => node
                            .SelectSingleNode(@"//div[contains(@class, 'price')]/span")
                [@"Деталей"] = (node, args) => node
                [@"""Код артикула"""] = (node, args) => node
                [@"Габариты"] = (node, args) => node
                [@"Вес"] = (node, args) => node
                ["Валюта"] = (node, o) => "RUB",
                [@"""Доступен для заказа"""] = (node, o) => "1",
                [@"Статус"] = (node, o) => "1",

            singlePropertiesProduct["Заголовок"] = (node, args) => singlePropertiesProduct["Наименование"](node, args);
            singlePropertiesProduct[@"""Ссылка на витрину"""] = (node, args) =>
                                                                Humanization.GetHumanLink(singlePropertiesProduct["Наименование"](node, args));

            var parser = new LiquiMolyClass(
                isCategory: node => node
                .Count == 0,
                findSubcatalogs: (node, args) => node
                .Select(x => new ArgumentObject(url: url + x.Attributes["href"].Value
                                                , args: new object[] { (int)args.Args[0] + 1 }))
                findProducts: (node, args) => node
                ._SelectNodes(@"//section[contains(@class, ""items-category"")]/div/div/div/div/div/a")
                .Select(x => new ArgumentObject(url: url + x.Attributes["href"].Value, args: args.Args))
                pluralPropertiesProduct: new Dictionary <string, Search <string[]> >
                ["Изображения"] = (node, args) => node
                                  .Select(x => url + x.Attributes["src"].Value)
                                  .Where(x => !x.Equals(String.Empty))
                singlePropertiesCategory: new Dictionary <string, Search <string> >
                ["Наименование"] = (node, args) => new string('!', (int)args.Args[0]) + node
                singlePropertiesProduct: singlePropertiesProduct

            var argument = new ArgumentObject(
                //prefix: @"",
                url: @"",
                //prefix: @",-6-detalej.html",
                args: new object[] { 0 });
            var links = parser
                        .GetLinks(argument, @".//*[@id='sidebar']/div[2]/ul/li/a")
                        .Select(x => new ArgumentObject(url: url + x.Url,
                                                        args: x.Args));

            var collection =

            Import.Write(path: "tomik.csv",
                         collection: collection.ToArray(),
                         headers: Constants.WebAsystKeys,
                         format: Constants.WebAsystFormatter);
Beispiel #28
        public static void Parse()
            var URL = @"";

            var singlePropertiesProduct = new Dictionary <string, Search <string> >
                ["Наименование"] = (node, args) => node
                ["Описание"] = (node, args) => node
                               ?.InnerHtml ?? string.Empty,
                ["Валюта"] = (node, o) => "RUB",
                [@"""Доступен для заказа"""] = (node, o) => "1",
                [@"Статус"] = (node, o) => "1",

            singlePropertiesProduct["Заголовок"] =
                (node, args) => singlePropertiesProduct["Наименование"](node, args);
            singlePropertiesProduct[@"""Ссылка на витрину"""] = (node, args) =>
                                                                Humanization.GetHumanLink(singlePropertiesProduct["Наименование"](node, args));

            var parser = new LiquiMolyClass(
                isCategory: node => node
                .Count == 0,
                findProducts: (node, args) => node
                .Select(x => new ArgumentObject(URL + x.Attributes["href"].Value))
                singlePropertiesCategory: new Dictionary <string, Search <string> >
                ["Наименование"] = (node, args) =>
                    var sub1 = node
                               .SelectSingleNode(@"//li[contains(@class, 'submenu_sel')]/a")
                    var sub2 = node
                               .SelectSingleNode(@".//*[contains(@class, 'submenu_2_sel')]/a")

                    return(new string('!', (int)args.Args[0]) + (sub2 != null ? sub2 : sub1).Trim());
                findSubcatalogs: (node, args) =>
                if ((int)args.Args[0] < 2)
                           ._SelectNodes(@"//li[contains(@class, 'submenu_sel')]/ul/li/a")
                           .Select(x => new ArgumentObject(URL + x.Attributes["href"].Value,
                                                           new object[] { (int)args.Args[0] + 1 }))
                    return(new ArgumentObject[0]);
                singlePropertiesProduct: singlePropertiesProduct,
                pluralPropertiesProduct: new Dictionary <string, Search <string[]> >
                ["Изображения"] = (node, args) => {
                    var a = node
                            .Select(x => x.Attributes["href"].Value)
                encoding: Encoding.UTF8

            var argument = new ArgumentObject(
                url: @"",
                args: new object[] { 1 });

            var collection =
                                                            @"//*[@class='submenu' and position() < 4]/a",
                                                            prefix: URL));

            collection = Merger.Merge(
                collection: collection,
                other: AddinolDataExtractorExample.Extract(),
                setKeyCollection: o => o.SingleProperties["Наименование"],
                setKeyOtherCollection: o => o.SingleProperties["Наименование"]);

            collection = JoinerArticles.JoinInOrderEnumerable(collection, "Наименование",
                                                              productFieldsForPluralProp: new[] { "Изображения" },
                                                              productFieldsForSingleProp: new[] { "Описание" });

            collection = new[]
                new ProductCategoryObject(
                    new Dictionary <string, string> {
                    ["Наименование"] = "Addinol"
                }, isCategory: true)

            Import.Write(path: "../../../CSV/addinol.csv",
                         collection: collection.ToArray(),
                         headers: Constants.WebAsystKeys,
                         format: Constants.WebAsystFormatter);
Beispiel #29

        private EXPR CreateCallingObjectForCall(
            ICSharpInvokeOrInvokeMemberBinder payload,
            ArgumentObject[] arguments,
            Dictionary<int, LocalVariableSymbol> dictionary)
            // Here we have a regular call, so create the calling object off of the first
            // parameter and pass it through.
            EXPR callingObject;
            if (payload.StaticCall)
                if (arguments[0].Value == null || !(arguments[0].Value is Type))
                    Debug.Assert(false, "Cannot make static call without specifying a type");
                    throw Error.InternalCompilerError();
                Type t = arguments[0].Value as Type;
                callingObject = _exprFactory.CreateClass(_symbolTable.GetCTypeFromType(t), null, t.GetTypeInfo().ContainsGenericParameters ?
                        _exprFactory.CreateTypeArguments(SymbolLoader.getBSymmgr().AllocParams(_symbolTable.GetCTypeArrayFromTypes(t.GetGenericArguments())), null) : null);
                // If we have a null argument, just bail and throw.
                if (!arguments[0].Info.UseCompileTimeType && arguments[0].Value == null)
                    throw Error.NullReferenceOnMemberException();

                callingObject = _binder.mustConvert(
                    CreateArgumentEXPR(arguments[0], dictionary[0]),

                if (arguments[0].Type.GetTypeInfo().IsValueType && callingObject.isCAST())
                    // If we have a struct type, unbox it.
                    callingObject.flags |= EXPRFLAG.EXF_UNBOXRUNTIME;
            return callingObject;
Beispiel #30
        public static void Parse()
            var URL = @"";

            var singlePropertiesProduct = new Dictionary <string, Search <string> >
                ["Наименование"] = (node, args) => node
                [@"""Код артикула"""] = (node, args) => "SER-" + node
                ["Цена"] = (node, args) => node
                           .Replace(" ", string.Empty) ?? string.Empty,
                ["Описание"] = (node, args) => node
                               .SelectSingleNode(@"//*[@class='hide-me closed']")
                               ?.InnerText ?? string.Empty,
                ["Валюта"] = (node, o) => "RUB",
                [@"""Доступен для заказа"""] = (node, o) => "1",
                [@"Статус"] = (node, o) => "1",

            singlePropertiesProduct["Заголовок"] =
                (node, args) => singlePropertiesProduct["Наименование"](node, args);
            singlePropertiesProduct[@"""Ссылка на витрину"""] = (node, args) =>
                                                                Humanization.GetHumanLink(singlePropertiesProduct["Наименование"](node, args)
                                                                                          + "-" + singlePropertiesProduct[@"""Код артикула"""](node, args));

            var parser = new LiquiMolyClass(
                isCategory: node => node
                .Count == 0,
                findProducts: (node, args) =>
                var prods = node
                            .Select(x => new ArgumentObject(x.Attributes["href"].Value))

                return((int)args.Args[0] > 1 ? prods : new ArgumentObject[0]);
                singlePropertiesCategory: new Dictionary <string, Search <string> >
                ["Наименование"] = (node, args) =>
                    var a = node
                            ?.InnerText.Trim() ?? string.Empty;

                    var b = node
                            ?.InnerText.Trim() ?? string.Empty;

                    return(new string('!', (int)args.Args[0]) + (a == string.Empty ? b : a));
                singlePropertiesProduct: singlePropertiesProduct,
                pluralPropertiesProduct: new Dictionary <string, Search <string[]> >
                ["Изображения"] = (node, args) => node
                                  .Select(x => x.Attributes["src"].Value)
                xPathPagination: (node, args) =>
                var number = int.Parse(node
                                       .SelectSingleNode(@"//*[@class='page-numbers']/li[last() -1]/a")
                                       ?.InnerText ?? "1");

                return(Enumerable.Range(2, number - 1)
                       .Select(x => args.Url + $"page/{x}/")
                       .Select(x => new ArgumentObject(x))
                encoding: Encoding.UTF8

            var argument = new ArgumentObject(
                url: @"",
                args: new object[] { 2 });

            var collection =
                                                            prefix: ""));

            collection = new[]
                new ProductCategoryObject(
                    new Dictionary <string, string> {
                    ["Наименование"] = "Temporary2"
                }, isCategory: true),
                new ProductCategoryObject(
                    new Dictionary <string, string> {
                    ["Наименование"] = "!Masteras"
                }, isCategory: true)

            //collection = JoinerArticles.JoinInOrderEnumerable(collection, "Наименование",
            //    productFieldsForPluralProp: new[] { "Изображения" },
            //    productFieldsForSingleProp: new[] { "Описание" });

            Import.Write(path: "../../../CSV/masteras.csv",
                         collection: collection.ToArray(),
                         headers: Constants.WebAsystKeys,
                         format: Constants.WebAsystFormatter);
Beispiel #31
        public static void Parse()
            var URL = @"";

            var singlePropertiesProduct = new Dictionary <string, Search <string> >
                ["Наименование"] = (node, args) => node
                [@"""Код артикула"""] = (node, args) => "LVS-" + node
                [@"""Зачеркнутая цена"""] = (node, args) => Regex.Replace(node
                                                                          ?.InnerText ?? string.Empty, @"\s+", string.Empty),
                ["Цена"] = (node, args) => Regex.Replace(node
                                                         .InnerText, @"\s+", string.Empty),
                ["Описание"] = (node, args) => string.Format("Издает звук {0} при нажатии на игрушку", node
                                                             ?.InnerText ?? string.Empty),
                ["Размеры"] = (node, args) =>
                    var length = node
                    var remp = length.Contains("см");

                    return(length.Contains("см") ? "Высота: " + length : string.Empty);
                ["Валюта"] = (node, o) => "RUB",
                [@"""Доступен для заказа"""] = (node, o) => "1",
                [@"Статус"] = (node, o) => "1",

            singlePropertiesProduct["Заголовок"] =
                (node, args) => singlePropertiesProduct["Наименование"](node, args);
            singlePropertiesProduct[@"""Ссылка на витрину"""] = (node, args) =>
                                                                Humanization.GetHumanLink(singlePropertiesProduct["Наименование"](node, args)
                                                                                          + "-" + singlePropertiesProduct[@"""Код артикула"""](node, args));

            var parser = new LiquiMolyClass(
                isCategory: node => node
                .Count == 0,
                findProducts: (node, args) => node
                .Select(x => new ArgumentObject(URL + x.Attributes["href"].Value))
                singlePropertiesCategory: new Dictionary <string, Search <string> >
                ["Наименование"] = (node, args) => new string('!', (int)args.Args[0]) + node
                singlePropertiesProduct: singlePropertiesProduct,
                pluralPropertiesProduct: new Dictionary <string, Search <string[]> >
                ["Изображения"] = (node, args) => node
                                  .Select(x => URL + x.Attributes["src"].Value)
                encoding: Encoding.UTF8,
                xPathPagination: (node, args) => node
                ._SelectNodes(@"//nav[@class='paginator paginator_position_top']/a[@class='paginator__item']")
                .Select(x => new ArgumentObject(URL + x.Attributes["href"].Value))

            var argument = new ArgumentObject(
                url: @"",
                args: new object[] { 2 });

            var collection =
                                                            @"//*[@class='nav__col nav__col_width_half nav__col_type_catalog-groups']/a[@class='nav__item']",
                                                            prefix: @""));

            collection = new[]
                new ProductCategoryObject(
                    new Dictionary <string, string> {
                    ["Наименование"] = "Temporary2"
                }, isCategory: true),
                new ProductCategoryObject(
                    new Dictionary <string, string> {
                    ["Наименование"] = "!LavaToys"
                }, isCategory: true)

            Import.Write(path: "../../../CSV/lavaToys.csv",
                         collection: collection.ToArray(),
                         headers: Constants.WebAsystKeys,
                         format: Constants.WebAsystFormatter);
        /// <summary>
        /// Outputs 'msg' to the text box in the UI of the application
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="msg">Message that will be output in the text box of the UI</param>
        /// <param name="completed">A value to indicate the file transfer has been completed.</param>
        public void OutputLine(string msg, bool completed = false)
            if (completed)
                this.ButtonRunClient.IsEnabled = true;
                this.BusObject = null;

            ArgumentObject ao = new ArgumentObject();
            ao.TextBox = this.TextBlockClient;
            ao.Text = msg + "\n";
                new DispatchedHandler(ao.OnDispatched)).AsTask();
Beispiel #33
        public static void Parse()
            var random = new Random();
            var URL    = @"";
            var singlePropertiesProduct = new Dictionary <string, Search <string> >
                ["Цена"] = (node, args) => node
                           ?.Attributes["data-price"]?.Value ??
                [@"""Код артикула"""] = (node, args) => "VD-" + node
                                        .SelectSingleNode(@"//div[@itemprop]/*[contains(@class, 'hint')]")
                                        ?.InnerText ?? string.Empty,
                ["Наименование"] = (node, args) => node
                ["Описание"] = (node, args) => (node
                                                ?.InnerHtml ?? string.Empty) +
                                ?.InnerHtml ?? string.Empty) +
                                ?.InnerHtml ?? string.Empty),
                ["Валюта"] = (node, o) => "RUB",
                [@"""Доступен для заказа"""] = (node, o) => "1",
                [@"Статус"] = (node, o) => "1",
                [@"""Зачеркнутая цена"""] = (node, args) => node
                                            .SelectSingleNode(@"//span[@class='compare-at-price nowrap']")
                                            ?.InnerText?.Replace(" ", string.Empty) ?? string.Empty,
                //[@"""Возраст детей"""] = (node, args) =>
                //    return Regex.Match(node.InnerText, @"Возраст.*\s+\w+", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Value;

            singlePropertiesProduct["Заголовок"] =
                (node, args) => singlePropertiesProduct["Наименование"](node, args);
            singlePropertiesProduct[@"""Ссылка на витрину"""] = (node, args) =>
                                                                Humanization.GetHumanLink(singlePropertiesProduct["Наименование"](node, args) + "-VD-" + random.Next());
            var parser = new LiquiMolyClass(
                isCategory: node => node
                .Count != 0,
                findProducts: (node, args) => node
                .Select(x => new ArgumentObject(URL + x.Attributes["href"].Value))
                singlePropertiesProduct: singlePropertiesProduct,
                pluralPropertiesProduct: new Dictionary <string, Search <string[]> >
                ["Изображения"] = (node, args) =>
                    var result = node
                                 .Select(x => URL + x.Attributes["href"].Value)
                    return(result.Length != 0
                            ? result
                            : new [] { URL + node.SelectSingleNode(@".//*[@id='product-image']")
                                       .Attributes["src"].Value });
                singlePropertiesCategory: new Dictionary <string, Search <string> >
                ["Наименование"] = (node, args) => new string('!', (int)args.Args[0]) + node
            var argument = new ArgumentObject(
                url: URL,
                //prefix: @"",
                args: new object[] { 2 });

            var collection =
                                                            prefix: URL));

            collection = new[]
                new ProductCategoryObject(
                    new Dictionary <string, string> {
                    ["Наименование"] = "Temporary2"
                }, isCategory: true),
                new ProductCategoryObject(
                    new Dictionary <string, string> {
                    ["Наименование"] = "!valda"
                }, isCategory: true)
            Import.Write(path: @"..\..\..\CSV\valda.csv",
                         collection: collection.ToArray(),
                         headers: Constants.WebAsystKeys,
                         format: Constants.WebAsystFormatter);
Beispiel #34

        private Expression CreateExpressionTreeFromResult(
            IEnumerable<Expression> parameters,
            ArgumentObject[] arguments,
            Scope pScope,
            EXPR pResult)
            // (3) - Place the result in a return statement and create the EXPRBOUNDLAMBDA.
            EXPRBOUNDLAMBDA boundLambda = GenerateBoundLambda(arguments, pScope, pResult);

            // (4) - Rewrite the EXPRBOUNDLAMBDA into an expression tree.
            EXPR exprTree = ExpressionTreeRewriter.Rewrite(boundLambda, _exprFactory, SymbolLoader);

            // (5) - Create the actual Expression Tree
            Expression e = ExpressionTreeCallRewriter.Rewrite(SymbolLoader.GetTypeManager(), exprTree, parameters);
            return e;
Beispiel #35

        private EXPR BindBinaryOperation(
                CSharpBinaryOperationBinder payload,
                ArgumentObject[] arguments,
                Dictionary<int, LocalVariableSymbol> dictionary)
            if (arguments.Length != 2)
                throw Error.BindBinaryOperatorRequireTwoArguments();

            ExpressionKind ek = Operators.GetExpressionKind(GetOperatorKind(payload.Operation, payload.IsLogicalOperation));
            EXPR arg1 = CreateArgumentEXPR(arguments[0], dictionary[0]);
            EXPR arg2 = CreateArgumentEXPR(arguments[1], dictionary[1]);

            arg1.errorString = Operators.GetDisplayName(GetOperatorKind(payload.Operation, payload.IsLogicalOperation));
            arg2.errorString = Operators.GetDisplayName(GetOperatorKind(payload.Operation, payload.IsLogicalOperation));

            if (ek > ExpressionKind.EK_MULTIOFFSET)
                ek = (ExpressionKind)(ek - ExpressionKind.EK_MULTIOFFSET);
            return _binder.BindStandardBinop(ek, arg1, arg2);
Beispiel #36

        private void PopulateSymbolTableWithPayloadInformation(
            DynamicMetaObjectBinder payload,
            Type callingType,
            ArgumentObject[] arguments)
            ICSharpInvokeOrInvokeMemberBinder callOrInvoke;
            CSharpGetMemberBinder getmember;
            CSharpSetMemberBinder setmember;

            if ((callOrInvoke = payload as ICSharpInvokeOrInvokeMemberBinder) != null)
                Type type;

                if (callOrInvoke.StaticCall)
                    if (arguments[0].Value == null || !(arguments[0].Value is Type))
                        Debug.Assert(false, "Cannot make static call without specifying a type");
                        throw Error.InternalCompilerError();
                    type = arguments[0].Value as Type;
                    type = callingType;

                // If it looks like we're invoking a get_ or a set_, load the property as well.
                // This is because we need COM indexed properties called via method calls to 
                // work the same as it used to.
                if (callOrInvoke.Name.StartsWith("set_", StringComparison.Ordinal) ||
                    callOrInvoke.Name.StartsWith("get_", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                        callOrInvoke.Name.Substring(4), //remove prefix
            else if ((getmember = payload as CSharpGetMemberBinder) != null)
            else if ((setmember = payload as CSharpSetMemberBinder) != null)
            else if (payload is CSharpGetIndexBinder || payload is CSharpSetIndexBinder)
            else if (payload is CSharpBinaryOperationBinder)
                CSharpBinaryOperationBinder op = payload as CSharpBinaryOperationBinder;
                if (GetCLROperatorName(op.Operation) == null)
                    Debug.Assert(false, "Unknown operator: " + op.Operation);
                    throw Error.InternalCompilerError();
            else if (payload is CSharpUnaryOperationBinder)
                CSharpUnaryOperationBinder op = payload as CSharpUnaryOperationBinder;
            else if (payload is CSharpIsEventBinder)
                CSharpIsEventBinder op = payload as CSharpIsEventBinder;

                // Populate the symbol table with the LHS.
                    arguments[0].Info.IsStaticType ? arguments[0].Value as Type : arguments[0].Type);
            else if (!(payload is CSharpConvertBinder))
                // Conversions don't need to do anything, since they're just conversions!
                // After we add payload information, we add conversions for all argument
                // types anyway, so that will get handled there.
                // All other unknown payload types will generate an error.

                Debug.Assert(false, "Unknown payload kind");
                throw Error.InternalCompilerError();
Beispiel #37

        private EXPR BindProperty(
            DynamicMetaObjectBinder payload,
            ArgumentObject argument,
            LocalVariableSymbol local,
            EXPR optionalIndexerArguments,
            bool fEventsPermitted)
            // If our argument is a static type, then we're calling a static property.
            EXPR callingObject = argument.Info.IsStaticType ?
                _exprFactory.CreateClass(_symbolTable.GetCTypeFromType(argument.Value as Type), null, null) :
                CreateLocal(argument.Type, argument.Info.IsOut, local);

            if (!argument.Info.UseCompileTimeType && argument.Value == null)
                throw Error.NullReferenceOnMemberException();

            // If our argument is a struct type, unbox it.
            if (argument.Type.GetTypeInfo().IsValueType && callingObject.isCAST())
                // If we have a struct type, unbox it.
                callingObject.flags |= EXPRFLAG.EXF_UNBOXRUNTIME;
            string name = GetName(payload);
            BindingFlag bindFlags = GetBindingFlags(payload);

            MemberLookup mem = new MemberLookup();
            SymWithType swt = _symbolTable.LookupMember(name, callingObject, _bindingContext.ContextForMemberLookup(), 0, mem, false, false);
            if (swt == null)
                if (optionalIndexerArguments != null)
                    int numIndexArguments = ExpressionIterator.Count(optionalIndexerArguments);
                    // We could have an array access here. See if its just an array.
                    if ((argument.Type.IsArray && argument.Type.GetArrayRank() == numIndexArguments) ||
                        argument.Type == typeof(string))
                        return CreateArray(callingObject, optionalIndexerArguments);
                Debug.Assert(false, "Why didn't member lookup report an error?");

            switch (swt.Sym.getKind())
                case SYMKIND.SK_MethodSymbol:
                    throw Error.BindPropertyFailedMethodGroup(name);

                case SYMKIND.SK_PropertySymbol:
                    if (swt.Sym is IndexerSymbol)
                        return CreateIndexer(swt, callingObject, optionalIndexerArguments, bindFlags);
                        BindingFlag flags = 0;
                        if (payload is CSharpGetMemberBinder || payload is CSharpGetIndexBinder)
                            flags = BindingFlag.BIND_RVALUEREQUIRED;

                        // Properties can be LValues.
                        callingObject.flags |= EXPRFLAG.EXF_LVALUE;
                        return CreateProperty(swt, callingObject, flags);

                case SYMKIND.SK_FieldSymbol:
                    return CreateField(swt, callingObject);

                case SYMKIND.SK_EventSymbol:
                    if (fEventsPermitted)
                        return CreateEvent(swt, callingObject);
                        throw Error.BindPropertyFailedEvent(name);

                    Debug.Assert(false, "Unexpected type returned from lookup");
                    throw Error.InternalCompilerError();
Beispiel #38

        private EXPR DispatchPayload(
            DynamicMetaObjectBinder payload,
            ArgumentObject[] arguments,
            Dictionary<int, LocalVariableSymbol> dictionary)
            EXPR pResult = null;
            if (payload is CSharpBinaryOperationBinder)
                pResult = BindBinaryOperation(payload as CSharpBinaryOperationBinder, arguments, dictionary);
            else if (payload is CSharpUnaryOperationBinder)
                pResult = BindUnaryOperation(payload as CSharpUnaryOperationBinder, arguments, dictionary);
            else if (payload is CSharpSetMemberBinder)
                pResult = BindAssignment(payload as CSharpSetMemberBinder, arguments, dictionary);
            else if (payload is CSharpConvertBinder)
                Debug.Assert(arguments.Length == 1);
                    CSharpConvertBinder conversion = payload as CSharpConvertBinder;
                    switch (conversion.ConversionKind)
                        case CSharpConversionKind.ImplicitConversion:
                            pResult = BindImplicitConversion(arguments, conversion.Type, dictionary, false);
                        case CSharpConversionKind.ExplicitConversion:
                            pResult = BindExplicitConversion(arguments, conversion.Type, dictionary);
                        case CSharpConversionKind.ArrayCreationConversion:
                            pResult = BindImplicitConversion(arguments, conversion.Type, dictionary, true);
                            Debug.Assert(false, "Unknown conversion kind");
                            throw Error.InternalCompilerError();
            else if (payload is ICSharpInvokeOrInvokeMemberBinder)
                EXPR callingObject = CreateCallingObjectForCall(payload as ICSharpInvokeOrInvokeMemberBinder, arguments, dictionary);
                pResult = BindCall(payload as ICSharpInvokeOrInvokeMemberBinder, callingObject, arguments, dictionary);
            else if (payload is CSharpGetMemberBinder)
                Debug.Assert(arguments.Length == 1);
                pResult = BindProperty(payload, arguments[0], dictionary[0], null, false);
            else if (payload is CSharpGetIndexBinder)
                EXPR indexerArguments = CreateArgumentListEXPR(arguments, dictionary, 1, arguments.Length);
                pResult = BindProperty(payload, arguments[0], dictionary[0], indexerArguments, false);
            else if (payload is CSharpSetIndexBinder)
                pResult = BindAssignment(payload as CSharpSetIndexBinder, arguments, dictionary);
            else if (payload is CSharpIsEventBinder)
                pResult = BindIsEvent(payload as CSharpIsEventBinder, arguments, dictionary);
                Debug.Assert(false, "Unknown payload kind");
                throw Error.InternalCompilerError();
            return pResult;
Beispiel #39

        private EXPR BindImplicitConversion(
            ArgumentObject[] arguments,
            Type returnType,
            Dictionary<int, LocalVariableSymbol> dictionary,
            bool bIsArrayCreationConversion)
            if (arguments.Length != 1)
                throw Error.BindImplicitConversionRequireOneArgument();

            // Load the conversions on the target.

            EXPR argument = CreateArgumentEXPR(arguments[0], dictionary[0]);
            CType destinationType = _symbolTable.GetCTypeFromType(returnType);

            if (bIsArrayCreationConversion)
                // If we are converting for an array index, we want to convert to int, uint,
                // long, or ulong, depending on what the argument will allow. However, since
                // the compiler had to pick a particular type for the return value when it
                // made the callsite, we need to make sure that we ultimately return a type
                // of that value. So we "mustConvert" to the best type that chooseArrayIndexType
                // can find, and then we cast the result of that to the returnType, which is
                // incidentally Int32 in the existing compiler. For that cast, we do not consider
                // user defined conversions (since the convert is guaranteed to return one of
                // the primitive types), and we check for overflow since we don't want truncation.

                CType pDestType = _binder.chooseArrayIndexType(argument);
                if (null == pDestType)
                    pDestType = SymbolLoader.GetReqPredefType(PredefinedType.PT_INT, true);

                return _binder.mustCast(
                    _binder.mustConvert(argument, pDestType),

            return _binder.mustConvert(argument, destinationType);
Beispiel #40

        private EXPRBOUNDLAMBDA GenerateBoundLambda(
            ArgumentObject[] arguments,
            Scope pScope,
            EXPR call)
            // We don't actually need the real delegate type here - we just need SOME delegate type.
            // This is because we never attempt any conversions on the lambda itself.
            AggregateType delegateType = _symbolTable.GetCTypeFromType(typeof(Func<>)).AsAggregateType();
            LocalVariableSymbol thisLocal = _semanticChecker.GetGlobalSymbolFactory().CreateLocalVar(_semanticChecker.GetNameManager().Add("this"), pScope, _symbolTable.GetCTypeFromType(typeof(object)));
            thisLocal.isThis = true;
            EXPRBOUNDLAMBDA boundLambda = _exprFactory.CreateAnonymousMethod(delegateType);
            EXPRUNBOUNDLAMBDA unboundLambda = _exprFactory.CreateLambda();

            List<Type> paramTypes = new List<Type>();
            foreach (ArgumentObject o in arguments)

            EXPRRETURN returnStatement = _exprFactory.CreateReturn(0, pScope, call);
            EXPRBLOCK block = _exprFactory.CreateBlock(null, returnStatement, pScope);
            boundLambda.OptionalBody = block;
            return boundLambda;
Beispiel #41

        private EXPR BindExplicitConversion(ArgumentObject[] arguments, Type returnType, Dictionary<int, LocalVariableSymbol> dictionary)
            if (arguments.Length != 1)
                throw Error.BindExplicitConversionRequireOneArgument();

            // Load the conversions on the target.

            EXPR argument = CreateArgumentEXPR(arguments[0], dictionary[0]);
            CType destinationType = _symbolTable.GetCTypeFromType(returnType);

            return _binder.mustCast(argument, destinationType);
Beispiel #42

        private EXPR CreateArgumentEXPR(ArgumentObject argument, LocalVariableSymbol local)
            EXPR arg;
            if (argument.Info.LiteralConstant)
                if (argument.Value == null)
                    if (argument.Info.UseCompileTimeType)
                        arg = _exprFactory.CreateConstant(_symbolTable.GetCTypeFromType(argument.Type), new CONSTVAL());
                        arg = _exprFactory.CreateNull();
                    arg = _exprFactory.CreateConstant(_symbolTable.GetCTypeFromType(argument.Type), new CONSTVAL(argument.Value));
                // If we have a dynamic argument and it was null, the type is going to be Object.
                // But we want it to be typed NullType so we can have null conversions.

                if (!argument.Info.UseCompileTimeType && argument.Value == null)
                    arg = _exprFactory.CreateNull();
                    arg = CreateLocal(argument.Type, argument.Info.IsOut, local);

            // Now check if we have a named thing. If so, wrap this thing in a named argument.
            if (argument.Info.NamedArgument)
                Debug.Assert(argument.Info.Name != null);
                arg = _exprFactory.CreateNamedArgumentSpecification(SymbolTable.GetName(argument.Info.Name, _semanticChecker.GetNameManager()), arg);

            // If we have an object that was "dynamic" at compile time, we need
            // to be able to convert it to every interface that the actual value
            // implements. This allows conversion binders and overload resolution
            // to behave as though type information is available for these EXPRs,
            // even though it may be the case that the actual runtime type is
            // inaccessible and therefore unused.

            // This comes in handy for, e.g., iterators (they are nested private
            // classes), and COM RCWs without type information (they do not expose
            // their interfaces in a usual way).

            // It is critical that arg.RuntimeObject is non-null only when the
            // compile time type of the argument is dynamic, otherwise normal C#
            // semantics on typed arguments will be broken.

            if (!argument.Info.UseCompileTimeType && argument.Value != null)
                arg.RuntimeObject = argument.Value;
                arg.RuntimeObjectActualType = _symbolTable.GetCTypeFromType(argument.Value.GetType());

            return arg;
Beispiel #43

        private EXPR BindAssignment(
            DynamicMetaObjectBinder payload,
            ArgumentObject[] arguments,
            Dictionary<int, LocalVariableSymbol> dictionary)
            if (arguments.Length < 2)
                throw Error.BindBinaryAssignmentRequireTwoArguments();
            string name = GetName(payload);

            // Find the lhs and rhs.
            EXPR lhs;
            EXPR indexerArguments = null;
            bool bIsCompound = false;

            if (payload is CSharpSetIndexBinder)
                // Get the list of indexer arguments - this is the list of arguments minus the last one.
                indexerArguments = CreateArgumentListEXPR(arguments, dictionary, 1, arguments.Length - 1);
                bIsCompound = (payload as CSharpSetIndexBinder).IsCompoundAssignment;
                bIsCompound = (payload as CSharpSetMemberBinder).IsCompoundAssignment;
            _symbolTable.PopulateSymbolTableWithName(name, null, arguments[0].Type);
            lhs = BindProperty(payload, arguments[0], dictionary[0], indexerArguments, false);

            int indexOfLast = arguments.Length - 1;
            EXPR rhs = CreateArgumentEXPR(arguments[indexOfLast], dictionary[indexOfLast]);

            if (arguments[0] == null)
                throw Error.BindBinaryAssignmentFailedNullReference();

            return _binder.bindAssignment(lhs, rhs, bIsCompound);
Beispiel #44
        public static void Parse()
            var singlePropertiesProduct = new Dictionary <string, Search <string> >
                ["Наименование"] = (node, o) => node
                ["Цена"] = (node, o) => node
                           .InnerText.Replace("руб.", String.Empty)
                           .Replace(" ", String.Empty),
                [@"""Код артикула"""] = (node, o) => node
                ["Размеры"] = (node, o) => node
                ["Описание"] = (node, o) => node
                ["Валюта"] = (node, o) => "RUB",
                [@"""Доступен для заказа"""] = (node, o) => "1",
                [@"Статус"] = (node, o) => "1",

            singlePropertiesProduct["Заголовок"] = (node, args) => singlePropertiesProduct["Наименование"](node, args);
            singlePropertiesProduct[@"""Ссылка на витрину"""] = (node, args) =>
                                                                Humanization.GetHumanLink(singlePropertiesProduct["Наименование"](node, args));
            singlePropertiesProduct[@"""Краткое описание"""] = (node, args) => singlePropertiesProduct["Описание"](node, args)
            var parser = new LiquiMolyClass(
                isCategory: node => node.SelectNodes(@"//*[@class=""list""]")?.Any() ?? false,
                findProducts: (node, o) => node
                ._SelectNodes(@"//a[img[contains(@id, 'image')]]")
                .Select(x => new ArgumentObject(url: x.Attributes["href"].Value))
                findSubcatalogs: (node, o) => node
                .Select(x => new ArgumentObject(url: x.Attributes["href"].Value
                                                , args: new object[] { (int)o.Args[0] + 1 }))
                singlePropertiesCategory: new Dictionary <string, Search <string> >
                ["Наименование"] = (node, o) => new string('!', (int)o.Args[0]) + node
                singlePropertiesProduct: singlePropertiesProduct,
                pluralPropertiesProduct: new Dictionary <string, Search <string[]> >
                ["Изображения"] = (node, o) => node
                                  .Select(x => x.Attributes["href"].Value)
                xPathPagination: (node, args) => node
                ._SelectNodes(@"//div[@class=""pagination""]/div[@class=""links""]/a[position() < last() - 1]")
                .Select(x => new ArgumentObject(
                            WebUtility.HtmlDecode(@"" + x.Attributes["href"].Value)))
            var argument = new ArgumentObject(
                url: @"",
                //prefix: @"",
                args: new object[] { 0 });

            var collection =
                parser.GetProductOrCategory(parser.GetLinks(argument, @".//*[@id='category_menu']/ul/li/a"));

            Import.Write(path: "pelikan7.csv",
                         collection: collection.ToArray(),
                         headers: Constants.WebAsystKeys,
                         format: Constants.WebAsystFormatter);
Beispiel #45

        private EXPR BindIsEvent(
            CSharpIsEventBinder binder,
            ArgumentObject[] arguments,
            Dictionary<int, LocalVariableSymbol> dictionary)
            // The IsEvent binder will never be called without an instance object. This 
            // is because the compiler only gen's this code for dynamic dots.

            EXPR callingObject = CreateLocal(arguments[0].Type, false, dictionary[0]);
            MemberLookup mem = new MemberLookup();
            CType boolType = SymbolLoader.GetReqPredefType(PredefinedType.PT_BOOL);
            bool result = false;

            if (arguments[0].Value == null)
                throw Error.NullReferenceOnMemberException();

            Debug.Assert(_bindingContext.ContextForMemberLookup() != null);
            SymWithType swt = _symbolTable.LookupMember(

            // If lookup returns an actual event, then this is an event.
            if (swt != null && swt.Sym.getKind() == SYMKIND.SK_EventSymbol)
                result = true;

            // If lookup returns the backing field of a field-like event, then
            // this is an event. This is due to the Dev10 design change around
            // the binding of +=, and the fact that the "IsEvent" binding question
            // is only ever asked about the LHS of a += or -=.
            if (swt != null && swt.Sym.getKind() == SYMKIND.SK_FieldSymbol && swt.Sym.AsFieldSymbol().isEvent)
                result = true;

            return _exprFactory.CreateConstant(boolType, ConstValFactory.GetBool(result));
Beispiel #46
        public static void Parse()
            var random = new Random();
            var URL    = @"";
            var suffix = @"?page_count=1000&sort=PROPERTY_IS_AVAILABLE|DESC&PAGEN_1=13";
            var singlePropertiesProduct = new Dictionary <string, Search <string> >
                ["Наименование"] = (node, args) => node
                                   ?.InnerText ?? string.Empty,
                [@"""Код артикула"""] = (node, args) =>
                    return("VS-" + node
                           ?.InnerText?.Substring(9) ?? string.Empty);
                ["Цена"] = (node, args) => node
                           .SelectSingleNode(@".//*[@id='content']//div[contains(@class, 'pro-roght-price')]")
                           ?.InnerText?.TrimEnd(new[] { '₽', ' ' }) ?? string.Empty,
                ["Описание"] = (node, args) => node
                               ?.InnerHtml ?? string.Empty +
                               ?.InnerHtml?.Replace("pro-info-list", string.Empty) ?? string.Empty,
                ["Валюта"] = (node, o) => "RUB",
                [@"""Доступен для заказа"""] = (node, o) => "1",
                [@"Статус"] = (node, o) => "1",

            singlePropertiesProduct["Заголовок"] =
                (node, args) => singlePropertiesProduct["Наименование"](node, args);
            singlePropertiesProduct[@"""Ссылка на витрину"""] = (node, args) =>
                                                                Humanization.GetHumanLink(singlePropertiesProduct["Наименование"](node, args) + "-VS-" + random.Next());

            var parser = new LiquiMolyClass(
                isCategory: node => node
                ._SelectNodes(@"//span[contains(text(), 'Сортировка')]")
                .Count != 0,
                findProducts: (node, args) => node
                .Select(x => new ArgumentObject(URL + x.Attributes["href"].Value))
                singlePropertiesCategory: new Dictionary <string, Search <string> >
                ["Наименование"] = (node, args) => new string('!', (int)args.Args[0]) + node
                pluralPropertiesProduct: new Dictionary <string, Search <string[]> >
                ["Изображения"] = (node, args) => node
                                  .Select(x => URL + x.Attributes["data-zoom-image"].Value)
                singlePropertiesProduct: singlePropertiesProduct
            var arguments = new ArgumentObject(
                url: URL,
                //url: @"" + suffix,
                args: new object[] { 2 });
            var collection = parser.GetProductOrCategory(parser.GetLinks(args: arguments,
                                                                         prefix: URL,
                                                                         xPath: @".//*[@id='header']/div[2]/div/nav/ul/li[1]/div/ul/li/a",
                                                                         suffix: suffix));

            //var collection = parser.GetProductOrCategory(arguments);
            collection = new[]
                new ProductCategoryObject(
                    new Dictionary <string, string> {
                    ["Наименование"] = "Temporary2"
                }, isCategory: true),
                new ProductCategoryObject(
                    new Dictionary <string, string> {
                    ["Наименование"] = "!VesnaKirov"
                }, isCategory: true)
            Import.Write(path: @"..\..\..\CSV\VesnaKirov.csv",
                         collection: collection.ToArray(),
                         headers: Constants.WebAsystKeys,
                         format: Constants.WebAsystFormatter);
Beispiel #47
        private bool DeferBinding(
            DynamicMetaObjectBinder payload,
            ArgumentObject[] arguments,
            DynamicMetaObject[] args,
            Dictionary<int, LocalVariableSymbol> dictionary,
            out DynamicMetaObject deferredBinding)
            // This method deals with any deferrals we need to do. We check deferrals up front
            // and bail early if we need to do them.

            // (1) InvokeMember deferral.
            // This is the deferral for the d.Foo() scenario where Foo actually binds to a 
            // field or property, and not a method group that is invocable. We defer to
            // the standard GetMember/Invoke pattern.

            if (payload is CSharpInvokeMemberBinder)
                ICSharpInvokeOrInvokeMemberBinder callPayload = payload as ICSharpInvokeOrInvokeMemberBinder;
                int arity = callPayload.TypeArguments != null ? callPayload.TypeArguments.Count : 0;
                MemberLookup mem = new MemberLookup();
                EXPR callingObject = CreateCallingObjectForCall(callPayload, arguments, dictionary);

                Debug.Assert(_bindingContext.ContextForMemberLookup() != null);
                SymWithType swt = _symbolTable.LookupMember(
                        (callPayload.Flags & CSharpCallFlags.EventHookup) != 0,

                if (swt != null && swt.Sym.getKind() != SYMKIND.SK_MethodSymbol)
                    // The GetMember only has one argument, and we need to just take the first arg info.
                    CSharpGetMemberBinder getMember = new CSharpGetMemberBinder(callPayload.Name, false, callPayload.CallingContext, new CSharpArgumentInfo[] { callPayload.ArgumentInfo[0] });

                    // The Invoke has the remaining argument infos. However, we need to redo the first one
                    // to correspond to the GetMember result.
                    CSharpArgumentInfo[] argInfos = new CSharpArgumentInfo[callPayload.ArgumentInfo.Count];
                    callPayload.ArgumentInfo.CopyTo(argInfos, 0);

                    argInfos[0] = CSharpArgumentInfo.Create(CSharpArgumentInfoFlags.None, null);
                    CSharpInvokeBinder invoke = new CSharpInvokeBinder(callPayload.Flags, callPayload.CallingContext, argInfos);

                    DynamicMetaObject[] newArgs = new DynamicMetaObject[args.Length - 1];
                    Array.Copy(args, 1, newArgs, 0, args.Length - 1);
                    deferredBinding = invoke.Defer(getMember.Defer(args[0]), newArgs);
                    return true;

            deferredBinding = null;
            return false;
Beispiel #48

        private EXPR BindCall(
            ICSharpInvokeOrInvokeMemberBinder payload,
            EXPR callingObject,
            ArgumentObject[] arguments,
            Dictionary<int, LocalVariableSymbol> dictionary)
            if (payload is InvokeBinder && !callingObject.type.isDelegateType())
                throw Error.BindInvokeFailedNonDelegate();

            EXPR pResult = null;
            int arity = payload.TypeArguments != null ? payload.TypeArguments.Count : 0;
            MemberLookup mem = new MemberLookup();

            Debug.Assert(_bindingContext.ContextForMemberLookup() != null);
            SymWithType swt = _symbolTable.LookupMember(
                    (payload.Flags & CSharpCallFlags.EventHookup) != 0,
            if (swt == null)
                Debug.Assert(false, "Why didn't member lookup report an error?");

            if (swt.Sym.getKind() != SYMKIND.SK_MethodSymbol)
                Debug.Assert(false, "Unexpected type returned from lookup");
                throw Error.InternalCompilerError();

            // At this point, we're set up to do binding. We need to do the following:
            // 1) Create the EXPRLOCALs for the arguments, linking them to the local
            //    variable symbols defined above.
            // 2) Create the EXPRMEMGRP for the call and the EXPRLOCAL for the object
            //    of the call, and link the correct local variable symbol as above.
            // 3) Do overload resolution to get back an EXPRCALL.
            // Our caller takes care of the rest.

            // First we need to check the sym that we got back. If we got back a static 
            // method, then we may be in the situation where the user called the method
            // via a simple name call through the phantom overload. If thats the case,
            // then we want to sub in a type instead of the object.
            EXPRMEMGRP memGroup = CreateMemberGroupEXPR(payload.Name, payload.TypeArguments, callingObject, swt.Sym.getKind());
            if ((payload.Flags & CSharpCallFlags.SimpleNameCall) != 0)
                callingObject.flags |= EXPRFLAG.EXF_SIMPLENAME;

            if ((payload.Flags & CSharpCallFlags.EventHookup) != 0)
                mem = new MemberLookup();
                SymWithType swtEvent = _symbolTable.LookupMember(
                        (payload.Flags & CSharpCallFlags.EventHookup) != 0,
                if (swtEvent == null)
                    Debug.Assert(false, "Why didn't member lookup report an error?");

                CType eventCType = null;
                if (swtEvent.Sym.getKind() == SYMKIND.SK_FieldSymbol)
                    eventCType = swtEvent.Field().GetType();
                else if (swtEvent.Sym.getKind() == SYMKIND.SK_EventSymbol)
                    eventCType = swtEvent.Event().type;

                Type eventType = SymbolLoader.GetTypeManager().SubstType(eventCType, swtEvent.Ats).AssociatedSystemType;

                if (eventType != null)
                    // If we have an event hookup, first find the event itself.
                    BindImplicitConversion(new ArgumentObject[] { arguments[1] }, eventType, dictionary, false);
                memGroup.flags &= ~EXPRFLAG.EXF_USERCALLABLE;

                if (swtEvent.Sym.getKind() == SYMKIND.SK_EventSymbol && swtEvent.Event().IsWindowsRuntimeEvent)
                    return BindWinRTEventAccessor(
                                    new EventWithType(swtEvent.Event(), swtEvent.Ats),
                                    payload.Name.StartsWith("add_", StringComparison.Ordinal)); //isAddAccessor?

            // Check if we have a potential call to an indexed property accessor.
            // If so, we'll flag overload resolution to let us call non-callables.
            if ((payload.Name.StartsWith("set_", StringComparison.Ordinal) && swt.Sym.AsMethodSymbol().Params.Size > 1) ||
                (payload.Name.StartsWith("get_", StringComparison.Ordinal) && swt.Sym.AsMethodSymbol().Params.Size > 0))
                memGroup.flags &= ~EXPRFLAG.EXF_USERCALLABLE;

            pResult = _binder.BindMethodGroupToArguments(// Tree
                BindingFlag.BIND_RVALUEREQUIRED | BindingFlag.BIND_STMTEXPRONLY, memGroup, CreateArgumentListEXPR(arguments, dictionary, 1, arguments.Length));

            // If overload resolution failed, throw an error.
            if (pResult == null || !pResult.isOK())
                throw Error.BindCallFailedOverloadResolution();

            return ReorderArgumentsForNamedAndOptional(callingObject, pResult);
        /// <summary>
        /// Outputs 'msg' to the text box in the UI of the application as well as the debug output
        /// console.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="msg">Message that will be output in the text box of the UI.</param>
        public void OutputLine(string msg)
            // If this is attempted at OnNavigatedTo() time the result is null.

            string timestampedMsg = DateTime.Now.ToString() + ": " + msg;
            ArgumentObject ao = new ArgumentObject(timestampedMsg + "\n", this.textBoxOutput, this.Scrollbar);

                new DispatchedHandler(ao.OnDispatched)).AsTask();

 /// <summary>
 /// Outputs 'msg' to the text box in the UI of the application. We have to dispatch this to
 /// the UI thread.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="msg">Message that will be output in the text box of the UI.</param>
 public async void OutputLine(string msg)
     ArgumentObject ao = new ArgumentObject();
     ao.TextBox = this.TextBlockService; // This is the control in our Xaml page.
     ao.Text = msg + "\n";
     await Dispatcher.RunAsync(
         new DispatchedHandler(ao.OnDispatched));
Beispiel #51
        private EXPR BindWinRTEventAccessor(EventWithType ewt, EXPR callingObject, ArgumentObject[] arguments, Dictionary<int, LocalVariableSymbol> dictionary, bool isAddAccessor)
            // We want to generate either:
            // WindowsRuntimeMarshal.AddEventHandler<delegType>(new Func<delegType, EventRegistrationToken>(x.add_foo), new Action<EventRegistrationToken>(x.remove_foo), value)
            // or
            // WindowsRuntimeMarshal.RemoveEventHandler<delegType>(new Action<EventRegistrationToken>(x.remove_foo), value)

            Type evtType = ewt.Event().type.AssociatedSystemType;

            // Get new Action<EventRegistrationToken>(x.remove_foo)
            MethPropWithInst removemwi = new MethPropWithInst(ewt.Event().methRemove, ewt.Ats);
            EXPRMEMGRP removeMethGrp = _exprFactory.CreateMemGroup(callingObject, removemwi);
            removeMethGrp.flags &= ~EXPRFLAG.EXF_USERCALLABLE;
            Type eventRegistrationTokenType = SymbolTable.EventRegistrationTokenType;
            Type actionType = Expression.GetActionType(eventRegistrationTokenType);
            EXPR removeMethArg = _binder.mustConvert(removeMethGrp, _symbolTable.GetCTypeFromType(actionType));

            // The value
            EXPR delegateVal = CreateArgumentEXPR(arguments[1], dictionary[1]);
            EXPRLIST args;
            string methodName;

            if (isAddAccessor)
                // Get new Func<delegType, EventRegistrationToken>(x.add_foo)
                MethPropWithInst addmwi = new MethPropWithInst(ewt.Event().methAdd, ewt.Ats);
                EXPRMEMGRP addMethGrp = _exprFactory.CreateMemGroup(callingObject, addmwi);
                addMethGrp.flags &= ~EXPRFLAG.EXF_USERCALLABLE;
                Type funcType = Expression.GetFuncType(evtType, eventRegistrationTokenType);
                EXPR addMethArg = _binder.mustConvert(addMethGrp, _symbolTable.GetCTypeFromType(funcType));

                args = _exprFactory.CreateList(addMethArg, removeMethArg, delegateVal);
                methodName = SymbolLoader.GetNameManager().GetPredefName(PredefinedName.PN_ADDEVENTHANDLER).Text;
                args = _exprFactory.CreateList(removeMethArg, delegateVal);
                methodName = SymbolLoader.GetNameManager().GetPredefName(PredefinedName.PN_REMOVEEVENTHANDLER).Text;

            // WindowsRuntimeMarshal.Add\RemoveEventHandler(...)
            Type windowsRuntimeMarshalType = SymbolTable.WindowsRuntimeMarshalType;
            _symbolTable.PopulateSymbolTableWithName(methodName, new List<Type> { evtType }, windowsRuntimeMarshalType);
            EXPRCLASS marshalClass = _exprFactory.CreateClass(_symbolTable.GetCTypeFromType(windowsRuntimeMarshalType), null, null);
            EXPRMEMGRP addEventGrp = CreateMemberGroupEXPR(methodName, new List<Type> { evtType }, marshalClass, SYMKIND.SK_MethodSymbol);
            EXPR expr = _binder.BindMethodGroupToArguments(
                BindingFlag.BIND_RVALUEREQUIRED | BindingFlag.BIND_STMTEXPRONLY,

            return expr;
Beispiel #52
        private void backgroundWorker_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            BackgroundWorker bw = sender as BackgroundWorker;

            ArgumentObject arg = e.Argument as ArgumentObject;

            string link =;

            //DataGridView datagridview = arg.dgv;

            while (link != "")
                if (bw.CancellationPending == true)
                    e.Cancel = true;

                nextpagelink = "";

                using (WebClient client = new WebClient())
                    client.Encoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;
                    string resultPage = "";
                        resultPage = client.DownloadString(link);
                    catch (WebException ex)
                        MessageBox.Show("Nem sikerült csatlakozni a " + website + " oldalhoz!" + Environment.NewLine + "Ellenőrizd az internet kapcsolatod!", this.Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

                    StreamWriter tw = new StreamWriter(webpagefile);

                    HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument();
                    doc.Load(webpagefile, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);

                    string expression = @"//tr[@id='vilagit']";                   //ebbe a tagbe vannak a sorozatok egyessével
                    var    nodes      = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes(expression); // az oldalon található összes sorozat bejegyzés

                    if (nodes == null)

                    foreach (var node in nodes)
                        //int newrowIndex = this.subtitleListDataGridView.Rows.Add();
                        //DataGridViewRow newrow = this.subtitleListDataGridView.Rows[newrowIndex];
                        //DataGridViewRow newrow = this.subtitleListDataGridView.RowTemplate;

                        //bw.ReportProgress(1, newrow);
                    // következő oldal ">"
                    var nextPageNode = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode(@"//div[@class='pagination']");
                    if (nextPageNode != null)
                        nav      = nextPageNode.CreateNavigator();
                        expr     = nav.Compile(@"./a[.='>']");
                        iterator = nav.Select(expr);
                        while (iterator.MoveNext())
                            XPathNavigator nav2 = iterator.Current.Clone();
                            //Console.WriteLine("link:" + website + nav2.GetAttribute("href", ""));
                            nextpagelink = website + nav2.GetAttribute("href", "");
                // ha vége a feldolgozásnak file törlés

                link = nextpagelink;
Beispiel #53

        private EXPR BindUnaryOperation(
            CSharpUnaryOperationBinder payload,
            ArgumentObject[] arguments,
            Dictionary<int, LocalVariableSymbol> dictionary)
            if (arguments.Length != 1)
                throw Error.BindUnaryOperatorRequireOneArgument();

            OperatorKind op = GetOperatorKind(payload.Operation);
            EXPR arg1 = CreateArgumentEXPR(arguments[0], dictionary[0]);
            arg1.errorString = Operators.GetDisplayName(GetOperatorKind(payload.Operation));

            if (op == OperatorKind.OP_TRUE || op == OperatorKind.OP_FALSE)
                // For true and false, we try to convert to bool first. If that
                // doesn't work, then we look for user defined operators.
                EXPR result = _binder.tryConvert(arg1, SymbolLoader.GetReqPredefType(PredefinedType.PT_BOOL));
                if (result != null && op == OperatorKind.OP_FALSE)
                    // If we can convert to bool, we need to negate the thing if we're looking for false.
                    result = _binder.BindStandardUnaryOperator(OperatorKind.OP_LOGNOT, result);

                if (result == null)
                    result = _binder.bindUDUnop(op == OperatorKind.OP_TRUE ? ExpressionKind.EK_TRUE : ExpressionKind.EK_FALSE, arg1);

                // If the result is STILL null, then that means theres no implicit conversion to bool,
                // and no user-defined operators for true and false. Just do a must convert to report
                // the error.
                if (result == null)
                    result = _binder.mustConvert(arg1, SymbolLoader.GetReqPredefType(PredefinedType.PT_BOOL));
                return result;
            return _binder.BindStandardUnaryOperator(op, arg1);