Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>Prepares to adapt a command entry to CIL.</summary>
        /// <param name="values">The adaptation-relevant values.</param>
        /// <param name="entry">The relevant entry ID.</param>
        public override void PreAdaptToCIL(CILAdaptationValues values, int entry)
            CommandEntry cent = values.Entry.Entries[entry];
            string       larg = cent.Arguments[0].ToString().ToLowerFast();

            if (values.LocalVariableLocation(larg) >= 0)
                throw new ErrorInducedException("Duplicate local variable: " + larg + "!");
            if (cent.Arguments[1].ToString().ToLowerFast() != "=")
                throw new ErrorInducedException("Invalid input to var command: second argument must be '='.");
            TagType t;

            if (cent.Arguments.Length >= 5)
                if (cent.Arguments[3].ToString().ToLowerFast() != "as")
                    throw new ErrorInducedException("Invalid input to var command: fourth argument must be 'as'.");
                string tname = cent.Arguments[4].ToString();
                if (!cent.System.TagSystem.Types.RegisteredTypes.TryGetValue(tname, out t))
                    throw new ErrorInducedException("Invalid local variable type: " + larg + "!");
                t = ArgumentCompiler.ReturnType(cent.Arguments[2], values).Type;
            values.AddVariable(larg, t);
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>Adapts a command entry to CIL.</summary>
        /// <param name="values">The adaptation-relevant values.</param>
        /// <param name="entry">The relevant entry ID.</param>
        public override void AdaptToCIL(CILAdaptationValues values, int entry)
            CommandEntry cent  = values.CommandAt(entry);
            bool         debug = cent.DBMode.ShouldShow(DebugMode.FULL);

            TagReturnType     returnType = ArgumentCompiler.ReturnType(cent.Arguments[2], values);
            string            lvarname   = cent.Arguments[0].ToString().ToLowerFast();
            SingleCILVariable locVar     = cent.VarLookup[lvarname];

            // This method:
            // runnable.Var = TYPE.CREATE_FOR(tagdata, runnable.entry.arg2());
            // or:
            // runnable.Var = runnable.entry.arg2();
            values.LoadArgumentObject(entry, 2);
            if (cent.Arguments.Length > 4)
                string        type_name           = cent.Arguments[4].ToString().ToLowerFast();
                TagType       specifiedType       = cent.System.TagSystem.Types.RegisteredTypes[type_name];
                TagReturnType specifiedReturnType = new(specifiedType, specifiedType.Meta.RawInternal);
                values.EnsureType(returnType, specifiedReturnType); // Ensure the correct object type.
                returnType = specifiedReturnType;
                TagReturnType specifiedReturnType = new(returnType.Type, returnType.Type.Meta.RawInternal);
                values.EnsureType(returnType, specifiedReturnType); // Ensure the correct object type.
                returnType = specifiedReturnType;
            values.ILGen.Emit(OpCodes.Stfld, locVar.Field); // Push the result into the local var
            if (debug)                                      // If in debug mode...
                values.LoadLocalVariable(locVar.Index);     // Load variable.
                if (returnType.IsRaw)
                    values.ILGen.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, returnType.Type.RawInternalConstructor); // Handle raw translation if needed.
                values.ILGen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, lvarname);                                    // Load the variable name as a string.
                values.ILGen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, returnType.Type.TypeName);                    // Load the variable type name as a string.
                values.LoadQueue();                                                            // Load the queue
                values.LoadEntry(entry);                                                       // Load the entry
                values.ILGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, Method_DebugHelper);                           // Call the debug method