Beispiel #1
        public static void WhereCmd(string arguments, O2Thread.FuncVoidT1 <string> o2Callback)
            const int default_depth = 100; // default number of frames to print

            const string countOpt   = "c";
            const string verboseOpt = "v";

            var ap    = new ArgParser(arguments, countOpt + ":1;" + verboseOpt);
            int depth = default_depth;

            if (ap.OptionPassed(countOpt))
                ArgToken countArg = ap.GetOption(countOpt);
                if (countArg.AsString == "all")
                    depth = 0; // 0 means print entire stack0
                    depth = countArg.AsInt;
                    if (depth <= 0)
                        throw new MDbgShellException("Depth must be positive number or string \"all\"");
            if (ap.Count != 0 && ap.Count != 1)
                throw new MDbgShellException("Wrong # of arguments.");

            if (ap.Count == 0)
                // print current thread only
                InternalWhereCommand(CommandBase.Debugger.Processes.Active.Threads.Active, depth, ap.OptionPassed(verboseOpt));
            else if (ap.AsString(0).Equals("all"))
                foreach (MDbgThread t in CommandBase.Debugger.Processes.Active.Threads)
                    InternalWhereCommand(t, depth, ap.OptionPassed(verboseOpt));
                MDbgThread t = CommandBase.Debugger.Processes.Active.Threads[ap.AsInt(0)];
                if (t == null)
                    throw new MDbgShellException("Wrong thread number");
                    InternalWhereCommand(t, depth, ap.OptionPassed(verboseOpt));
Beispiel #2
        // Parses arguments and prepares internal command variables
        private static void PrepareCall(String argString)
            ArgParser parser = new ArgParser(argString, depthOption + ":1;" + incNamespacesOption + ":1;" +
                                             excNamespacesOption + ":1;" + continueOption);

            if (parser.OptionPassed(continueOption))
                if (depth < 0)
                    throw new MDbgShellException("No last session found.");
                WriteOutput("Continuing the last watch-trace session...");
                // prepare a new watch-trace session
                threadId = Debugger.Processes.Active.Threads.Active.Id;

                startFuncName = Debugger.Processes.Active.Threads.Active.CurrentFrame.Function.FullName;
                lastFuncName  = startFuncName;
                depth         = 0;

                if (parser.OptionPassed(depthOption))
                    maxDepth = parser.GetOption(depthOption).AsInt;
                    if (maxDepth < 0)
                        throw new MDbgShellException("Depth cannot be negative.");
                if (parser.OptionPassed(incNamespacesOption))
                    incRgx = GetNamespaceRegex(parser.GetOption(incNamespacesOption).AsString);
                if (parser.OptionPassed(excNamespacesOption))
                    excRgx = GetNamespaceRegex(parser.GetOption(excNamespacesOption).AsString);
Beispiel #3
        public static void PrintCmd(string arguments, O2Thread.FuncVoidT1 <string> o2Callback)
            const string debuggerVarsOpt = "d";
            const string noFuncevalOpt   = "nf";
            const string expandDepthOpt  = "r";

            var  ap            = new ArgParser(arguments, debuggerVarsOpt + ";" + noFuncevalOpt + ";" + expandDepthOpt + ":1");
            bool canDoFunceval = !ap.OptionPassed(noFuncevalOpt);

            int?expandDepth = null;  // we use optional here because

            // different codes bellow has different
            // default values.
            if (ap.OptionPassed(expandDepthOpt))
                expandDepth = ap.GetOption(expandDepthOpt).AsInt;
                if (expandDepth < 0)
                    throw new MDbgShellException("Depth cannot be negative.");

            MDbgFrame frame = CommandBase.Debugger.Processes.Active.Threads.Active.CurrentFrame;

            if (ap.OptionPassed(debuggerVarsOpt))
                // let's print all debugger variables
                MDbgProcess p = CommandBase.Debugger.Processes.Active;
                foreach (MDbgDebuggerVar dv in p.DebuggerVars)
                    var v = new MDbgValue(p, dv.CorValue);
                    CommandBase.WriteOutput(dv.Name + "=" + v.GetStringValue(expandDepth == null ? 0 : (int)expandDepth,
                if (ap.Count == 0)
                    // get all active variables
                    MDbgFunction f = frame.Function;

                    var         vars = new ArrayList();
                    MDbgValue[] vals = f.GetActiveLocalVars(frame);
                    if (vals != null)

                    vals = f.GetArguments(frame);
                    if (vals != null)
                    foreach (MDbgValue v in vars)
                        CommandBase.WriteOutput(v.Name + "=" + v.GetStringValue(expandDepth == null ? 0 : (int)expandDepth,
                    // user requested printing of specific variables
                    for (int j = 0; j < ap.Count; ++j)
                        MDbgValue var = CommandBase.Debugger.Processes.Active.ResolveVariable(ap.AsString(j), frame);
                        if (var != null)
                            CommandBase.WriteOutput(ap.AsString(j) + "=" + var.GetStringValue(expandDepth == null
                                                                                      ? 1
                                                                                      : (int)expandDepth, canDoFunceval));
                            throw new MDbgShellException("Variable not found");
Beispiel #4
        public static void FuncEvalCmd(string arguments, IMDbgShell Shell, O2Thread.FuncVoidT1 <string> execOnEval)
                var          activeProcess   = DI.o2MDbg.ActiveProcess; //Debugger.Processes.Active
                const string appDomainOption = "ad";
                var          ap = new ArgParser(arguments, appDomainOption + ":1");
                if (!(ap.Count >= 1))
                    throw new MDbgShellException("Not Enough arguments");

                // Currently debugger picks first function -- we have not implementing resolving overloaded functions.
                // Good example is Console.WriteLine -- there is 18 different types:
                // 1) [06000575] Void WriteLine()
                // 2) [06000576] Void WriteLine(Boolean)
                // 3) [06000577] Void WriteLine(Char)
                // 4) [06000578] Void WriteLine(Char[])
                // 5) [06000579] Void WriteLine(Char[], Int32, Int32)
                // 6) [0600057a] Void WriteLine(Decimal)
                // 7) [0600057b] Void WriteLine(Double)
                // 8) [0600057c] Void WriteLine(Single)
                // 9) [0600057d] Void WriteLine(Int32)
                // 10) [0600057e] Void WriteLine(UInt32)
                // 11) [0600057f] Void WriteLine(Int64)
                // 12) [06000580] Void WriteLine(UInt64)
                // 13) [06000581] Void WriteLine(Object)
                // 14) [06000582] Void WriteLine(String)
                // 15) [06000583] Void WriteLine(String, Object)
                // 16) [06000584] Void WriteLine(String, Object, Object)
                // 17) [06000585] Void WriteLine(String, Object, Object, Object)
                // 18) [06000586] Void WriteLine(String, Object, Object, Object, Object, ...)
                // 19) [06000587] Void WriteLine(String, Object[])
                CorAppDomain appDomain;
                if (ap.OptionPassed(appDomainOption))
                    MDbgAppDomain ad = activeProcess.AppDomains[ap.GetOption(appDomainOption).AsInt];
                    if (ad == null)
                        throw new ArgumentException("Invalid Appdomain Number");
                    appDomain = ad.CorAppDomain;
                    appDomain = activeProcess.Threads.Active.CorThread.AppDomain;

                MDbgFunction func = activeProcess.ResolveFunctionNameFromScope(ap.AsString(0), appDomain);
                if (null == func)
                    throw new MDbgShellException(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Could not resolve {0}",
                                                               new Object[] { ap.AsString(0) }));

                CorEval eval = activeProcess.Threads.Active.CorThread.CreateEval();

                // Get Variables
                var    vars = new ArrayList();
                String arg;
                for (int i = 1; i < ap.Count; i++)
                    arg = ap.AsString(i);

                    CorValue v = Shell.ExpressionParser.ParseExpression2(arg, activeProcess,

                    if (v == null)
                        throw new MDbgShellException("Cannot resolve expression or variable " + ap.AsString(i));

                    if (v is CorGenericValue)

                        CorHeapValue hv = v.CastToHeapValue();
                        if (hv != null)
                            // we cannot pass directly heap values, we need to pass reference to heap valus
                            CorReferenceValue myref =
                                eval.CreateValue(CorElementType.ELEMENT_TYPE_CLASS, null).CastToReferenceValue();
                            myref.Value = hv.Address;

                eval.CallFunction(func.CorFunction, (CorValue[])vars.ToArray(typeof(CorValue)));

                // now display result of the funceval
                if (!(activeProcess.StopReason is EvalCompleteStopReason))
                    // we could have received also EvalExceptionStopReason but it's derived from EvalCompleteStopReason
                                         "Func-eval not fully completed and debuggee has stopped");
                                         "Result of funceval won't be printed when finished.");
                    eval = (activeProcess.StopReason as EvalCompleteStopReason).Eval;
                    Debug.Assert(eval != null);

                    CorValue cv = eval.Result;
                    if (cv != null)
                        var mv = new MDbgValue(activeProcess, cv);
                        if (execOnEval != null) // if this callback is set then execute
                        Shell.IO.WriteOutput(MDbgOutputConstants.StdOutput, "result = " + mv.GetStringValue(1));
                        if (cv.CastToReferenceValue() != null)
                            if (activeProcess.DebuggerVars.SetEvalResult(cv))
                                Shell.IO.WriteOutput(MDbgOutputConstants.StdOutput, "results saved to $result");
            catch (Exception ex)
                DI.log.ex(ex, "in FuncEvalCmd");
            if (execOnEval != null)                         // need to call this here so that the sync AutoResetEvent is set