public AttachmentsTableSource(AttachmentsTableView controller, ArcGISFeature selectedFeature, IReadOnlyList <Attachment> attachments)
     _attachments     = attachments.Where(attachment => attachment.ContentType == "image/jpeg").ToList();
     _selectedFeature = selectedFeature;
     _viewController  = controller;
        private async void MyMapView_GeoViewTapped(object sender, GeoViewInputEventArgs e)
            // Check if a feature is selected and the service geodatabase is not on the default version.
            if (_selectedFeature is ArcGISFeature && _serviceGeodatabase.VersionName != _serviceGeodatabase.DefaultVersionName)
                    // Load the feature.
                    await _selectedFeature.LoadAsync();

                    // Update the feature geometry.
                    _selectedFeature.Geometry = e.Location;

                    // Update the table.
                    await _selectedFeature.FeatureTable.UpdateFeatureAsync(_selectedFeature);

                    // Update the service.

                    ShowAlert("Moved feature " + _selectedFeature.Attributes["objectid"]);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    ShowAlert(ex.Message, ex.GetType().Name);
                    // Perform an identify to determine if a user tapped on a feature.
                    IdentifyLayerResult identifyResult = await MyMapView.IdentifyLayerAsync(_featureLayer, e.Position, 2, false);

                    // Do nothing if there are no results.
                    if (!identifyResult.GeoElements.Any())

                    // Get the tapped feature.
                    _selectedFeature = (ArcGISFeature)identifyResult.GeoElements.First();

                    // Select the feature.

                    // Get the current value.
                    string currentAttributeValue = _selectedFeature.Attributes[_attributeFieldName].ToString();

                    // Update the combobox selection without triggering the event.
                    DamageBox.SelectionChanged -= DamageBox_SelectionChanged;
                    DamageBox.SelectedValue     = currentAttributeValue;
                    DamageBox.SelectionChanged += DamageBox_SelectionChanged;

                    // Update the UI for the selection.
                    AttributePicker.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;

                    DamageBox.IsEnabled = _serviceGeodatabase.VersionName != _serviceGeodatabase.DefaultVersionName;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    ShowAlert(ex.Message, ex.GetType().Name);
 public AttachmentsTableView(ArcGISFeature feature)
     _feature = feature;
     Title    = $"Attachments for #{feature.Attributes["objectid"]}";
Beispiel #4
        private async void MyMapViewOnGeoViewTapped(object sender, GeoViewInputEventArgs e)
                // Clear any existing feature selection and results list
                MyResultsView.ItemsSource = null;

                // Identify the tapped feature
                IdentifyLayerResult results = await MyMapView.IdentifyLayerAsync(_myFeatureLayer, e.Position, 10, false);

                // Return if there are no results
                if (results.GeoElements.Count < 1)

                Status.Text = "Loading...";

                // Get the first result
                ArcGISFeature myFeature = (ArcGISFeature)results.GeoElements.First();

                // Select the feature

                // Get the feature table for the feature
                ArcGISFeatureTable myFeatureTable = (ArcGISFeatureTable)myFeature.FeatureTable;

                // Query related features
                IReadOnlyList <RelatedFeatureQueryResult> relatedFeaturesResult = await myFeatureTable.QueryRelatedFeaturesAsync(myFeature);

                // Create a list to hold the formatted results of the query
                List <String> queryResultsForUi = new List <string>();

                // For each query result
                foreach (RelatedFeatureQueryResult result in relatedFeaturesResult)
                    // And then for each feature in the result
                    foreach (Feature resultFeature in result)
                        // Get a reference to the feature's table
                        ArcGISFeatureTable relatedTable = (ArcGISFeatureTable)resultFeature.FeatureTable;

                        // Get the display field name - this is the name of the field that is intended for display
                        string displayFieldName = relatedTable.LayerInfo.DisplayFieldName;

                        // Get the name of the feature's table
                        string tableName = relatedTable.TableName;

                        // Get the display name for the feature
                        string featureDisplayname = resultFeature.Attributes[displayFieldName].ToString();

                        // Create a formatted result string
                        string formattedResult = $"{tableName} - {featureDisplayname}";

                        // Add the result to the list

                // Update the UI with the result list
                MyResultsView.ItemsSource = queryResultsForUi;
                Status.Text = "Tap a park (green) to see related features.";
            catch (Exception ex)
                await Application.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Error", ex.ToString(), "OK");
Beispiel #5
        // Handle a new selected comment record in the table view.
        private async void CommentsListBox_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectedItemChangedEventArgs e)
            // Clear selected features from the graphics overlay.

            // Get the selected comment feature. If there is no selection, return.
            ArcGISFeature selectedComment = e.SelectedItem as ArcGISFeature;

            if (selectedComment == null)

            // Get the map image layer that contains the service request sublayer and the service request comments table.
            ArcGISMapImageLayer serviceRequestsMapImageLayer = (ArcGISMapImageLayer)MyMapView.Map.OperationalLayers[0];

            // Get the (non-spatial) table that contains the service request comments.
            ServiceFeatureTable commentsTable = serviceRequestsMapImageLayer.Tables[0];

            // Get the relationship that defines related service request features for features in the comments table (this is the first and only relationship).
            RelationshipInfo commentsRelationshipInfo = commentsTable.LayerInfo.RelationshipInfos.FirstOrDefault();

            // Create query parameters to get the related service request for features in the comments table.
            RelatedQueryParameters relatedQueryParams = new RelatedQueryParameters(commentsRelationshipInfo)
                ReturnGeometry = true

                // Query the comments table to get the related service request feature for the selected comment.
                IReadOnlyList <RelatedFeatureQueryResult> relatedRequestsResult = await commentsTable.QueryRelatedFeaturesAsync(selectedComment, relatedQueryParams);

                // Get the first result.
                RelatedFeatureQueryResult result = relatedRequestsResult.FirstOrDefault();

                // Get the first feature from the result. If it's null, warn the user and return.
                ArcGISFeature serviceRequestFeature = result.FirstOrDefault() as ArcGISFeature;
                if (serviceRequestFeature == null)
                    await((Page)Parent).DisplayAlert("No Feature", "Related feature not found.", "OK");

                // Load the related service request feature (so its geometry is available).
                await serviceRequestFeature.LoadAsync();

                // Get the service request geometry (point).
                MapPoint serviceRequestPoint = serviceRequestFeature.Geometry as MapPoint;

                // Create a cyan marker symbol to display the related feature.
                Symbol selectedRequestSymbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbol(SimpleMarkerSymbolStyle.Circle, Color.Cyan, 14);

                // Create a graphic using the service request point and marker symbol.
                Graphic requestGraphic = new Graphic(serviceRequestPoint, selectedRequestSymbol);

                // Add the graphic to the graphics overlay and zoom the map view to its extent.
                await MyMapView.SetViewpointCenterAsync(serviceRequestPoint, 150000);
            catch (Exception ex)
                await((Page)Parent).DisplayAlert("Error", ex.ToString(), "OK");
        private async void MyMapView_GeoViewTapped(object sender, GeoViewInputEventArgs e)
            // Clear any existing feature selection and results list.
            _myDisplayList.Source = null;

            // Identify the tapped feature.
            IdentifyLayerResult results = await _myMapView.IdentifyLayerAsync(_myFeatureLayer, e.Position, 10, false);

            // Return if there are no results.
            if (results.GeoElements.Count < 1)

            // Get the first result.
            ArcGISFeature myFeature = (ArcGISFeature)results.GeoElements.First();

            // Select the feature.

            // Get the feature table for the feature.
            ArcGISFeatureTable myFeatureTable = (ArcGISFeatureTable)myFeature.FeatureTable;

            // Query related features.
            IReadOnlyList <RelatedFeatureQueryResult> relatedFeaturesResult = await myFeatureTable.QueryRelatedFeaturesAsync(myFeature);

            // Create a list to hold the formatted results of the query.
            List <string> queryResultsForUi = new List <string>();

            // For each query result.
            foreach (RelatedFeatureQueryResult result in relatedFeaturesResult)
                // And then for each feature in the result.
                foreach (Feature resultFeature in result)
                    // Get a reference to the feature's table.
                    ArcGISFeatureTable relatedTable = (ArcGISFeatureTable)resultFeature.FeatureTable;

                    // Get the display field name - this is the name of the field that is intended for display.
                    string displayFieldName = relatedTable.LayerInfo.DisplayFieldName;

                    // Get the name of the feature's table.
                    string tableName = relatedTable.TableName;

                    // Get the display name for the feature.
                    string featureDisplayname = resultFeature.Attributes[displayFieldName].ToString();

                    // Create a formatted result string.
                    string formattedResult = $"{tableName} - {featureDisplayname}";

                    // Add the result to the list.

            // Create the source for the display list.
            _layerListSource = new LayerListSource(queryResultsForUi);

            // Assign the source to the display view.
            _myDisplayList.Source = _layerListSource;

            // Force the table view to refresh its data.
Beispiel #7
        private async void MyMapViewOnGeoViewTapped(object sender, GeoViewInputEventArgs e)
            // Clear any existing feature selection and results list
            _myDisplayList.Adapter = null;

            // Identify the tapped feature
            IdentifyLayerResult results = await _myMapView.IdentifyLayerAsync(_myFeatureLayer, e.Position, 10, false);

            // Return if there are no results
            if (results.GeoElements.Count < 1)

            // Get the first result
            ArcGISFeature myFeature = (ArcGISFeature)results.GeoElements.First();

            // Select the feature

            // Get the feature table for the feature
            ArcGISFeatureTable myFeatureTable = (ArcGISFeatureTable)myFeature.FeatureTable;

            // Query related features
            IReadOnlyList <RelatedFeatureQueryResult> relatedFeaturesResult = await myFeatureTable.QueryRelatedFeaturesAsync(myFeature);

            // Create a list to hold the formatted results of the query
            List <String> queryResultsForUi = new List <string>();

            // For each query result
            foreach (RelatedFeatureQueryResult result in relatedFeaturesResult)
                // And then for each feature in the result
                foreach (Feature resultFeature in result)
                    // Get a reference to the feature's table
                    ArcGISFeatureTable relatedTable = (ArcGISFeatureTable)resultFeature.FeatureTable;

                    // Get the display field name - this is the name of the field that is intended for display
                    string displayFieldName = relatedTable.LayerInfo.DisplayFieldName;

                    // Get the name of the feature's table
                    string tableName = relatedTable.TableName;

                    // Get the display name for the feature
                    string featureDisplayname = resultFeature.Attributes[displayFieldName].ToString();

                    // Create a formatted result string
                    string formattedResult = String.Format("{0} - {1}", tableName, featureDisplayname);

                    // Add the result to the list

            // Create an array adapter for the layer display
            ArrayAdapter adapter = new ArrayAdapter(this, Android.Resource.Layout.SimpleSpinnerItem, queryResultsForUi);

            // Apply the adapter to show the results in the UI
            _myDisplayList.Adapter = adapter;
        // When a comment is clicked, get the related feature (service request) and select it on the map.
        private async void CommentsListBox_ItemClick(object sender, AdapterView.ItemClickEventArgs e)
            // Clear selected features from the graphics overlay.

            // Get the clicked record (ArcGISFeature) using the list position. If one is not found, return.
            ArcGISFeature selectedComment = _commentFeatures[e.Position] as ArcGISFeature;

            if (selectedComment == null)

            // Get the map image layer that contains the service request sublayer and the service request comments table.
            ArcGISMapImageLayer serviceRequestsMapImageLayer = _myMapView.Map.OperationalLayers[0] as ArcGISMapImageLayer;

            // Get the (non-spatial) table that contains the service request comments.
            ServiceFeatureTable commentsTable = serviceRequestsMapImageLayer.Tables[0];

            // Get the relationship that defines related service request features to features in the comments table (this is the first and only relationship).
            RelationshipInfo commentsRelationshipInfo = commentsTable.LayerInfo.RelationshipInfos.FirstOrDefault();

            // Create query parameters to get the related service request for features in the comments table.
            RelatedQueryParameters relatedQueryParams = new RelatedQueryParameters(commentsRelationshipInfo)
                ReturnGeometry = true

            // Query the comments table to get the related service request feature for the selected comment.
            IReadOnlyList <RelatedFeatureQueryResult> relatedRequestsResult = await commentsTable.QueryRelatedFeaturesAsync(selectedComment, relatedQueryParams);

            // Get the first result.
            RelatedFeatureQueryResult result = relatedRequestsResult.FirstOrDefault();

            // Get the first feature from the result. If it's null, warn the user and return.
            ArcGISFeature serviceRequestFeature = result.FirstOrDefault() as ArcGISFeature;

            if (serviceRequestFeature == null)
                // Report to the user that a related feature was not found, then return.
                AlertDialog.Builder alertBuilder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this);
                AlertDialog         alert        = alertBuilder.Create();
                alert.SetMessage("Related feature not found.");


            // Load the related service request feature (so its geometry is available).
            await serviceRequestFeature.LoadAsync();

            // Get the service request geometry (point).
            MapPoint serviceRequestPoint = serviceRequestFeature.Geometry as MapPoint;

            // Create a cyan marker symbol to display the related feature.
            Symbol selectedRequestSymbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbol(SimpleMarkerSymbolStyle.Circle, System.Drawing.Color.Cyan, 14);

            // Create a graphic using the service request point and marker symbol.
            Graphic requestGraphic = new Graphic(serviceRequestPoint, selectedRequestSymbol);

            // Add the graphic to the graphics overlay and zoom the map view to its extent.
            await _myMapView.SetViewpointCenterAsync(serviceRequestPoint, 150000);
Beispiel #9
        private async void OnGeoViewTapped(object sender, GeoViewInputEventArgs e)
                IsBusy.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
                Status.Text       = "Identifying trace locations...";

                // Identify the feature to be used.
                IEnumerable <IdentifyLayerResult> identifyResult = await MyMapView.IdentifyLayersAsync(e.Position, 10.0, false);

                ArcGISFeature feature = identifyResult?.FirstOrDefault()?.GeoElements?.FirstOrDefault() as ArcGISFeature;
                if (feature == null)

                // Create element from the identified feature.
                UtilityElement element = _utilityNetwork.CreateElement(feature);

                if (element.NetworkSource.SourceType == UtilityNetworkSourceType.Junction)
                    // Select terminal for junction feature.
                    IEnumerable <UtilityTerminal> terminals = element.AssetType.TerminalConfiguration?.Terminals;
                    if (terminals?.Count() > 1)
                        element.Terminal = await GetTerminalAsync(terminals);
                    Status.Text = $"Terminal: {element.Terminal?.Name ?? "default"}";
                else if (element.NetworkSource.SourceType == UtilityNetworkSourceType.Edge)
                    // Compute how far tapped location is along the edge feature.
                    if (feature.Geometry is Polyline line)
                        line = GeometryEngine.RemoveZ(line) as Polyline;
                        double fraction = GeometryEngine.FractionAlong(line, e.Location, -1);
                        if (double.IsNaN(fraction))
                        element.FractionAlongEdge = fraction;
                        Status.Text = $"Fraction along edge: {element.FractionAlongEdge}";

                // Check whether starting location or barrier is added to update the right collection and symbology.
                Symbol symbol = null;
                if (IsAddingStartingLocations.IsChecked.Value == true)
                    symbol = _startingPointSymbol;
                    symbol = _barrierPointSymbol;

                // Add a graphic for the new utility element.
                Graphic traceLocationGraphic = new Graphic(feature.Geometry as MapPoint ?? e.Location, symbol);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Status.Text = "Identifying locations failed.";
                MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, ex.GetType().Name, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
                if (Status.Text.Equals("Identifying trace locations..."))
                    Status.Text = "Could not identify location.";
                IsBusy.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;
 // Constructor takes the service request comment feature that was selected.
 public ServiceRequestCommentSelectedEventArgs(ArcGISFeature selectedComment)
     SelectedComment = selectedComment;
        private async void OnGeoViewTapped(object sender, Esri.ArcGISRuntime.Xamarin.Forms.GeoViewInputEventArgs e)
                BusyIndicator.IsVisible = false;
                Status.Text             = "Identifying trace locations...";

                // Set whether the user is adding a starting point or a barrier.
                bool isAddingStart = !IsAddingStartingLocations.IsEnabled;

                // Identify the feature to be used.
                IEnumerable <IdentifyLayerResult> identifyResult = await MyMapView.IdentifyLayersAsync(e.Position, 10.0, false);

                // Check that a results from a layer were identified from the user input.
                if (!identifyResult.Any())

                // Identify the selected feature.
                IdentifyLayerResult layerResult = identifyResult?.FirstOrDefault();
                ArcGISFeature       feature     = layerResult?.GeoElements?.FirstOrDefault() as ArcGISFeature;

                // Check that a feature was identified from the layer.
                if (feature == null)

                // Create element with `terminal` for junction feature or with `fractionAlong` for edge feature.
                UtilityElement element = null;

                // Select default terminal or display possible terminals for the junction feature.
                UtilityNetworkSource networkSource = _utilityNetwork.Definition.GetNetworkSource(feature.FeatureTable.TableName);

                // Check if the network source is a junction or an edge.
                if (networkSource.SourceType == UtilityNetworkSourceType.Junction)
                    // Get the UtilityAssetGroup from the feature.
                    string            assetGroupFieldName = ((ArcGISFeatureTable)feature.FeatureTable).SubtypeField ?? "ASSETGROUP";
                    int               assetGroupCode      = Convert.ToInt32(feature.Attributes[assetGroupFieldName]);
                    UtilityAssetGroup assetGroup          = networkSource?.AssetGroups?.FirstOrDefault(g => g.Code == assetGroupCode);

                    // Get the UtilityAssetType from the feature.
                    int assetTypeCode          = Convert.ToInt32(feature.Attributes["ASSETTYPE"]);
                    UtilityAssetType assetType = assetGroup?.AssetTypes?.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Code == assetTypeCode);

                    // Get the list of terminals for the feature.
                    IEnumerable <UtilityTerminal> terminals = assetType?.TerminalConfiguration?.Terminals;

                    // If there is more than one terminal, prompt the user to select a terminal.
                    if (terminals.Count() > 1)
                        // Ask the user to choose the terminal.
                        UtilityTerminal terminal = await WaitForTerminal(terminals);

                        // Create a UtilityElement with the terminal.
                        element     = _utilityNetwork.CreateElement(feature, terminal);
                        Status.Text = $"Terminal: {terminal?.Name ?? "default"}";
                        element     = _utilityNetwork.CreateElement(feature, terminals.FirstOrDefault());
                        Status.Text = $"Terminal: {element.Terminal?.Name ?? "default"}";
                else if (networkSource.SourceType == UtilityNetworkSourceType.Edge)
                    element = _utilityNetwork.CreateElement(feature);

                    // Compute how far tapped location is along the edge feature.
                    if (feature.Geometry is Polyline line)
                        line = GeometryEngine.RemoveZ(line) as Polyline;

                        // Set how far the element is along the edge.
                        element.FractionAlongEdge = GeometryEngine.FractionAlong(line, e.Location, -1);

                        Status.Text = $"Fraction along edge: {element.FractionAlongEdge}";

                // Check that the element can be added to the parameters.
                if (element == null)

                // Build the utility trace parameters.
                if (_parameters == null)
                    IEnumerable <UtilityElement> startingLocations = Enumerable.Empty <UtilityElement>();
                    _parameters = new UtilityTraceParameters(UtilityTraceType.Connected, startingLocations);
                if (isAddingStart)

                // Add a graphic for the new utility element.
                Graphic traceLocationGraphic = new Graphic(feature.Geometry as MapPoint ?? e.Location, isAddingStart ? _startingPointSymbol : _barrierPointSymbol);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Status.Text = "Identifying locations failed...";
                await Application.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Error", ex.Message, "OK");
                if (Status.Text.Equals("Identifying trace locations..."))
                    Status.Text = "Could not identify location.";
                BusyIndicator.IsVisible = false;
 // When the selected row changes, raise the ServiceRequestCommentSelected event to return the selected feature.
 public override void RowSelected(UITableView tableView, NSIndexPath indexPath)
     _selectedCommentRecord = _comments[indexPath.Row];
     ServiceRequestCommentSelected?.Invoke(this, new ServiceRequestCommentSelectedEventArgs(_selectedCommentRecord));
        private async void MyMapViewOnGeoViewTapped(object sender, GeoViewInputEventArgs e)
            // Clear any existing feature selection and results list.
            MyResultsView.ItemsSource = null;

                // Identify the tapped feature.
                IdentifyLayerResult results = await MyMapView.IdentifyLayerAsync(_myFeatureLayer, e.Position, 10, false);

                // Return if there are no results.
                if (results.GeoElements.Count < 1)

                // Show the loading indicator (this can take a while).
                LoadingProgress.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;

                // Get the first result.
                ArcGISFeature myFeature = (ArcGISFeature)results.GeoElements.First();

                // Select the feature.

                // Get the feature table for the feature.
                ArcGISFeatureTable myFeatureTable = (ArcGISFeatureTable)myFeature.FeatureTable;

                // Query related features.
                IReadOnlyList <RelatedFeatureQueryResult> relatedFeaturesResult =
                    await myFeatureTable.QueryRelatedFeaturesAsync(myFeature);

                // Create a list to hold the formatted results of the query.
                List <string> queryResultsForUi = new List <string>();

                // For each query result.
                foreach (RelatedFeatureQueryResult result in relatedFeaturesResult)
                    // And then for each feature in the result.
                    foreach (Feature resultFeature in result)
                        // Get a reference to the feature's table.
                        ArcGISFeatureTable relatedTable = (ArcGISFeatureTable)resultFeature.FeatureTable;

                        // Get the display field name - this is the name of the field that is intended for display.
                        string displayFieldName = relatedTable.LayerInfo.DisplayFieldName;

                        // Get the name of the feature's table.
                        string tableName = relatedTable.TableName;

                        // Get the display name for the feature.
                        string featureDisplayname = resultFeature.Attributes[displayFieldName].ToString();

                        // Create a formatted result string.
                        string formattedResult = string.Format("{0} - {1}", tableName, featureDisplayname);

                        // Add the result to the list.

                // Update the UI with the result list.
                MyResultsView.ItemsSource = queryResultsForUi;

                // Hide the loading indicator.
                LoadingProgress.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString(), "Error");
Beispiel #14
        public BinViewModel(ArcGISFeature feature)
            Title = "View Bin";
            New   = false;
            Edit  = false;

            ArcGISFeature = feature;
            Binstance     = ArcGISFeature.MapToBin();
            //display contents information
            //if (Binstance.YTYDatas.Count > 0)
            //    YTYData = Binstance.YTYDatas[0];

            //foreach (var year in dateRange)
            //    if (year == YTYData.CropYear)
            //    {
            //        CropYear = year;
            //        break;
            //    }

            //Crop = YTYData.Crop;
            //GrainHeight = YTYData.GrainHeight.ToString();
            //GrainHopperHeight = YTYData.GrainHopperHeight.ToString();
            //GrainConeHeight = YTYData.ConeHeight.ToString();
            //MoisturePercent = YTYData.MoistureOfGrain.ToString();
            //MoistureFactor = YTYData.MoistureFactor.ToString();
            //TestWeight = YTYData.TestWeight.ToString();
            //PackFactor = YTYData.PackFactor.ToString();
            //DockagePercent = YTYData.DockagePercent.ToString();
            //DockageFactor = YTYData.DockageFactor.ToString();
            ////GrainVolume = YTYData.TotalVolume.ToString();

            //switch (YTYData.ConversionFactor)
            //    case 0.4:
            //        ConversionFactor = 0;
            //        break;
            //    case 0.8:
            //        ConversionFactor = 1;
            //        break;
            //    default:
            //        ConversionFactor = -1;
            //        break;

            //ShellFactor = YTYData.ShellFactor.ToString();
            //TotalDeductionVolume = YTYData.TotalDeductionVolume.ToString();
            //ContentsNotes = YTYData.Notes;

            //dsiplay general information
            YearCollected = Binstance.YearCollected;
            CreatedBy     = Binstance.CreatedBy;
            ModifiedBy    = Binstance.ModifiedBy;
            Identifier    = Binstance.Identifier;
            switch (Binstance.IsLeased)
            case true:
                Owned = 0;

            case false:
                Owned = 1;

                Owned = -1;

            switch (Binstance.HasDryingDevice)
            case true:
                HasDryingDevice = 0;

            case false:
                HasDryingDevice = 1;

                HasDryingDevice = -1;

            switch (Binstance.HasGrainHeightIndicator)
            case true:
                HasGrainHeightIndicator = 0;

            case false:
                HasGrainHeightIndicator = 1;

                HasGrainHeightIndicator = -1;

            switch (Binstance.LadderType)
            case Ladder.None:
                LadderType = 0;

            case Ladder.Stairs:
                LadderType = 1;

            case Ladder.Ladder:
                LadderType = 2;

            Notes = Binstance.Notes;

            //display capacity information
            Type t;

            switch (Binstance.BinType)
            case BinTypeEnum.FlatStructure:
                BinType = 0;
                t       = Binstance.GetType();
                if (t.Equals(typeof(FlatBin)))
                    FlatBin fbin = (FlatBin)Binstance;
                    CribWidth  = fbin.CribWidth.ToString();
                    CribLength = fbin.CribLength.ToString();

            case BinTypeEnum.GravityWagon:
                BinType = 1;
                t       = Binstance.GetType();
                if (t.Equals(typeof(GravityBin)))
                    GravityBin gbin = (GravityBin)Binstance;
                    RectangleHeight = gbin.RectangleHeight.ToString();
                    RectangleLength = gbin.RectangleLength.ToString();
                    RectangleWidth  = gbin.RectangleWidth.ToString();
                    ChuteLength     = gbin.ChuteLength.ToString();
                    HopperHeight    = gbin.HopperHeight.ToString();

            case BinTypeEnum.PolygonStructure:
                BinType = 2;
                t       = Binstance.GetType();
                if (t.Equals(typeof(PolygonBin)))
                    PolygonBin pbin = (PolygonBin)Binstance;
                    SideHeight    = pbin.SideHeight.ToString();
                    SideWidth     = pbin.SideWidth.ToString();
                    numberOfSides = pbin.NumberOfSides.ToString();

            case BinTypeEnum.RoundStorage:
                BinType = 3;
                t       = Binstance.GetType();
                if (t.Equals(typeof(RoundBin)))
                    RoundBin rbin = (RoundBin)Binstance;
                    Radius            = rbin.Radius.ToString();
                    RoofHeight        = rbin.RoofHeight.ToString();
                    WallHeight        = rbin.WallHeight.ToString();
                    RoundHopperHeight = rbin.HopperHeight.ToString();

            case BinTypeEnum.NotFound:
                BinType = -1;
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets relationship information for the identified feature and creates the corresponding viewmodels
        /// </summary>
        internal async Task GetRelationshipInfoForFeature(ArcGISFeature feature)
            // clear related records from previous searches

            // get RelationshipInfos from the table
            var relationshipInfos = feature.FeatureTable.GetRelationshipInfos();

            // query only the related tables which match the application rules
            // save destination and origin type relationships separately as origin relates features are editable in the app
            foreach (var relationshipInfo in relationshipInfos)
                var parameters = new RelatedQueryParameters(relationshipInfo);

                // only one related table should return given the specific relationship info passed as parameter
                var relatedTable  = feature.FeatureTable.GetRelatedFeatureTable(relationshipInfo);
                var relationships = await feature.FeatureTable.GetRelatedRecords(feature, relationshipInfo);

                if (relationshipInfo.IsValidDestinationRelationship())
                        // this is a one to many relationship so it will never return more than one result
                        var relatedFeatureQueryResult = relationships.Where(r => r.IsValidRelationship()).First();

                        var destinationRelationshipViewModel = new DestinationRelationshipViewModel(relationshipInfo, relatedTable, ConnectivityMode);
                        await destinationRelationshipViewModel.InitializeAsync(relatedFeatureQueryResult);

                    catch (Exception ex)
                        UserPromptMessenger.Instance.RaiseMessageValueChanged(null, Resources.GetString("QueryRelatedFeaturesError_Message"), true, ex.StackTrace);
                else if (relationshipInfo.IsValidOriginRelationship())
                        foreach (var relatedFeatureQueryResult in relationships.Where(r => r.IsValidRelationship()))
                            var originRelationshipsCollection = new ObservableCollection <OriginRelationshipViewModel>();

                            foreach (var relatedFeature in relatedFeatureQueryResult)
                                var originRelatedFeature = new OriginRelationshipViewModel(relationshipInfo, ConnectivityMode);
                                await originRelatedFeature.LoadViewModel(relatedFeature).ContinueWith(t =>

                            //sort collection

                            OriginRelationships.Add(new OriginRelationship(relatedTable, relationshipInfo, originRelationshipsCollection));
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        UserPromptMessenger.Instance.RaiseMessageValueChanged(null, Resources.GetString("GetFeatureRelationshipError_Message"), true, ex.StackTrace);
        private async void MapView_GeoViewTapped(object sender, GeoViewInputEventArgs e)
            // Check if a feature is selected and the service geodatabase is not on the default version.
            if (_selectedFeature is ArcGISFeature && _serviceGeodatabase.VersionName != _serviceGeodatabase.DefaultVersionName)
                    // Load the feature.
                    await _selectedFeature.LoadAsync();

                    // Update the feature geometry.
                    _selectedFeature.Geometry = e.Location;

                    // Update the table.
                    await _selectedFeature.FeatureTable.UpdateFeatureAsync(_selectedFeature);

                    // Update the service.

                    ShowAlert("Moved feature " + _selectedFeature.Attributes["objectid"]);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    ShowAlert(ex.Message, "Failed to edit feature");
                    // Clear the selection.
                    _selectedFeature = null;

                    // Perform an identify to determine if a user tapped on a feature.
                    IdentifyLayerResult identifyResult = await _myMapView.IdentifyLayerAsync(_featureLayer, e.Position, 2, false);

                    // Do nothing if there are no results.
                    if (!identifyResult.GeoElements.Any())

                    // Get the tapped feature.
                    _selectedFeature = (ArcGISFeature)identifyResult.GeoElements.First();

                    // Select the feature.

                    // Get the current value.
                    string currentAttributeValue = _selectedFeature.Attributes[_attributeFieldName].ToString();

                    bool editable = _serviceGeodatabase.VersionName != _serviceGeodatabase.DefaultVersionName;
                    _moveLabel.Visibility  = editable ? ViewStates.Visible : ViewStates.Invisible;
                    _damageSpinner.Enabled = editable;

                    // Update the UI for the selection.
                catch (Exception ex)
                    ShowAlert(ex.Message, ex.GetType().Name);