Beispiel #1
        ///<summary>Returns a list of all appointments and whether that appointment has a conflict for the given listChildOpNums.
        ///Used to determine if there are any overlapping appointments for ALL time between a 'master' op appointments and the 'child' ops appointments.
        ///If an appointment from one of the give child ops has a confilict with the master op, then the appointment.Tag will be true.
        ///Throws exceptions.</summary>
        public static List <ODTuple <Appointment, bool> > MergeApptCheck(long masterOpNum, List <long> listChildOpNums)
            if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)
                return(Meth.GetObject <List <ODTuple <Appointment, bool> > >(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), masterOpNum, listChildOpNums));
            if (listChildOpNums == null || listChildOpNums.Count == 0)
                return(new List <ODTuple <Appointment, bool> >());
            if (listChildOpNums.Contains(masterOpNum))
                throw new ApplicationException(Lans.g("Operatories", "The operatory to keep cannot be within the selected list of operatories to combine."));
            List <int> listApptStatus = new List <int>();

            //12/09/2016 - Query below originally created by Allen and moddified for job by Joe.
            string command =
                "SELECT childAppointments.*, " +
                "MAX(CASE WHEN " +
                "(childAppointments.AptDateTime <= MasterAppointments.AptDateTime AND childAppointments.AptDateTime + INTERVAL (LENGTH(childAppointments.Pattern) * 5) MINUTE > MasterAppointments.AptDateTime) " +
                "OR " +
                "(MasterAppointments.AptDateTime <= childAppointments.AptDateTime AND MasterAppointments.AptDateTime + INTERVAL (LENGTH(MasterAppointments.Pattern) * 5) MINUTE > childAppointments.AptDateTime) " +
                "THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS HasConflict " +
                "FROM ( " +
                "SELECT * " +
                "FROM appointment " +
                "WHERE Op =" + POut.Long(masterOpNum) + " " +
                "AND aptstatus IN (" + String.Join(",", listApptStatus) + ") " +
                ") MasterAppointments " +
                "CROSS JOIN ( " +
                "SELECT * " +
                "FROM appointment " +
                "WHERE Op IN (" + String.Join(",", listChildOpNums) + ") " +
                "AND aptstatus IN (" + String.Join(",", listApptStatus) + ") " +
                ") childAppointments " +
                "GROUP BY childAppointments.AptNum";
            DataTable          table = Db.GetTable(command);
            List <Appointment> list  = AppointmentCrud.TableToList(table);
            List <ODTuple <Appointment, bool> > listTuplesAptConflicts = new List <ODTuple <Appointment, bool> >();

            for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++)
                Appointment appt        = list.First(x => x.AptNum == PIn.Long(table.Rows[i]["AptNum"].ToString()));     //Safe
                bool        hasConflict = PIn.Bool(table.Rows[i]["HasConflict"].ToString());
                listTuplesAptConflicts.Add(new ODTuple <Appointment, bool>(appt, hasConflict));
Beispiel #2
        ///<summary>Returns a list of all appointments and whether that appointment has a conflict for the given listChildOpNums.
        ///Used to determine if there are any overlapping appointments for ALL time between a 'master' op appointments and the 'child' ops appointments.
        ///If an appointment from one of the give child ops has a confilict with the master op, then the appointment.Tag will be true.
        ///Throws exceptions.</summary>
        public static List <ODTuple <Appointment, bool> > MergeApptCheck(long masterOpNum, List <long> listChildOpNums)
            if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)
                return(Meth.GetObject <List <ODTuple <Appointment, bool> > >(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), masterOpNum, listChildOpNums));
            if (listChildOpNums == null || listChildOpNums.Count == 0)
                return(new List <ODTuple <Appointment, bool> >());
            if (listChildOpNums.Contains(masterOpNum))
                throw new ApplicationException(Lans.g("Operatories", "The operatory to keep cannot be within the selected list of operatories to combine."));
            string command = "SELECT * FROM appointment "
                             + "WHERE Op IN (" + string.Join(",", listChildOpNums.Concat(new[] { masterOpNum })) + ") "
                             + "AND AptStatus IN ("
                             + string.Join(",", new[] { (int)ApptStatus.Scheduled, (int)ApptStatus.Complete, (int)ApptStatus.Broken, (int)ApptStatus.PtNote }) + ")";
            List <Appointment> listApptsAll = AppointmentCrud.SelectMany(command);

            return(listApptsAll.Where(x => x.Op != masterOpNum).Select(x => new ODTuple <Appointment, bool>(x, HasConflict(x, listApptsAll))).ToList());