Beispiel #1
        public override void Init()
            const float maxangle     = 50;
            const float defaultangle = 30;
            UIH         ui           = new UIH(this);

            Applies.To(this, "Person");
            LookAtWithLimits[] lookatwithlimits = containingAtom.gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <LookAtWithLimits>();
            var L = lookatwithlimits[0];
            var R = lookatwithlimits[1];

            ui.BoolCheckbox(ref LEnabled, "Right enabled", true, b => L.enabled = b, true);
            ui.BoolCheckbox(ref REnabled, "Left enabled", true, b => R.enabled  = b, false);

            ui.FloatSlider(ref LfollowSpeed, "Left followSpeed", defaultangle, f => setLRValue(f, ref R.smoothFactor, ref RfollowSpeed), 5, maxangle, false, true);
            ui.FloatSlider(ref RfollowSpeed, "Right followSpeed", defaultangle, f => setLRValue(f, ref L.smoothFactor, ref LfollowSpeed), 5, maxangle, true, true);

            ui.FloatSlider(ref LMaxUp, "Left max up", defaultangle, f => setValues(f, ref L.MaxUp, ref RMaxUp, ref LMaxDown, ref RMaxDown), 5, maxangle, false, true);
            ui.FloatSlider(ref RMaxUp, "Right max up", defaultangle, f => setValues(f, ref R.MaxUp, ref LMaxUp, ref RMaxDown, ref LMaxDown), 5, maxangle, true, true);
            ui.FloatSlider(ref LMaxDown, "Left max down", defaultangle, f => setValues(f, ref L.MaxDown, ref RMaxDown, ref LMaxUp, ref RMaxUp), 5, maxangle, false, true);
            ui.FloatSlider(ref RMaxDown, "Right max down", defaultangle, f => setValues(f, ref R.MaxDown, ref LMaxDown, ref RMaxUp, ref LMaxUp), 5, maxangle, true, true);

            ui.BoolCheckbox(ref syncLeftRightEnabled, "sync Left and Right", true);
            ui.BoolCheckbox(ref syncUpDownEnabled, "sync Up and Down", true);

            /* use this if you ever need to force disabling,
             * e.g. if switching from Person To Target in the Auto Behaviour. But preferably manage the gaze target.
             * JSONStorableAction ForceDisabling = new JSONStorableAction("force disabling", () => { R.enabled = L.enabled = false; });
             * RegisterAction(ForceDisabling);