Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        ///   fill the file mapping when passed through the cache: placed into the cache by the runtime-engine, passed
        ///   as '<fileurl val = "/..."'
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name = "TAG_URL"></param>
        internal void FillFromUrl(String tagName)
            XmlParser parser     = ClientManager.Instance.RuntimeCtx.Parser;
            String    XMLdata    = parser.getXMLdata();
            int       endContext = parser.getXMLdata().IndexOf(XMLConstants.TAG_TERM, parser.getCurrIndex());

            if (endContext != -1 && endContext < XMLdata.Length)
                // find last position of its tag
                String tagAndAttributes = parser.getXMLsubstring(endContext);
                parser.add2CurrIndex(tagAndAttributes.IndexOf(tagName) + tagName.Length);

                List <String> tokensVector = XmlParser.getTokens(parser.getXMLsubstring(endContext), XMLConstants.XML_ATTR_DELIM);
                String cachedTaskDefinitionIdsUrl = (tokensVector[1]);

                byte[] content = ApplicationSourcesManager.GetInstance().ReadSource(cachedTaskDefinitionIdsUrl, true);
                if (tagName.Equals(ConstInterface.MG_TAG_TASKDEFINITION_IDS_URL))

                endContext = XMLdata.IndexOf(XMLConstants.TAG_OPEN, endContext);
                if (endContext != -1)
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// commit changes that made to data sources
        /// </summary>
        internal void Commit()
            SourcesSyncStatus sourcesSyncStatus = ApplicationSourcesManager.GetInstance().SourcesSyncStatus;

            if (_convertCommandList.Count > 0)
                // It is about to start committing the tables. So save the status. If process get terminated during commit,
                // in next execution, client will get to know the status of data sources synchronization and take action accordingly.
                // This flag will be set to false after commiting sources successfully.
                sourcesSyncStatus.TablesIncompatibleWithDataSources = true;

                foreach (IConvertCommand command in _convertCommandList)
            catch (Exception e)
                String errorMessage = ClientManager.Instance.getMessageString(MsgInterface.RC_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_DATASOURCES);
                throw new InvalidSourcesException(errorMessage, e);
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Starts session locally without trying to connect to server.
        /// </summary>
        private static bool StartSessionLocally()
            bool succeeded = false;

            // Enable offline required metadata collection which is needed to verify client cache,
            // during connecting to server (switching to connected mode for first server operation)
            ApplicationSourcesManager.GetInstance().OfflineRequiredMetadataCollection.Enabled = true;

            // switch session status from "Uninitialized" to "Local"
            ClientManager.Instance.GetService <IConnectionStateManager>().ConnectionDropped();

            Logger.Instance.WriteServerToLog("Attempting to start locally (Offline mode)");
            succeeded = LocalCommandsProcessor.GetInstance().StartSession();
            if (succeeded)
                // Set server last access status
                RemoteCommandsProcessor.GetInstance().ServerLastAccessStatus = ServerAccessStatus.SkippedConnectionToServer;
                Logger.Instance.WriteServerToLog("Cannot start locally. Terminating client.");

            if (Logger.Instance.IsAccumulatingMessages())

            // No cache files should be collected once the session is started.
            ApplicationSourcesManager.GetInstance().OfflineRequiredMetadataCollection.Enabled = false;

Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// add task definition id
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="taskDefinitionId"></param>
        /// <param name="xmlId"></param>
        /// <param name="defaultTagList"></param>
        /// <param name="executionRightIdx"></param>
        internal void AddTaskDefinitionId(TaskDefinitionId taskDefinitionId, string xmlId, string defaultTagList, int executionRightIdx)
            lock (_TaskDefinitionIdsCache)
                TaskDefinitionIdInfo taskDefinitionIdInfo = new TaskDefinitionIdInfo(xmlId, defaultTagList, executionRightIdx);
                _TaskDefinitionIdsCache.Add(taskDefinitionId, taskDefinitionIdInfo);

                // get the task's file from server to client
                ApplicationSourcesManager.GetInstance().ReadSource(xmlId, false, false);
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds data repository from sources and handle conversion of data sources
        /// </summary>
        private void GetDataSourceDefinitions()
            // read new sources from remote
            byte[] buf = ApplicationSourcesManager.GetInstance().ReadSource(dataDefinitionIdsUrl, true);
            this.DataSourceBuilder.DataSourceReader = GetDataSourceBuffer;
            new DataSourceDefinitionManagerSaxHandler(buf, this);

            if (CommandsProcessorManager.SessionStatus == CommandsProcessorManager.SessionStatusEnum.Remote)
                // handle data source conversion if modified definition have any change related to database
                DataSourceConverter dataSourceConverter = ClientManager.Instance.LocalManager.DataSourceConverter = new DataSourceConverter();
                dataSourceConverter.NewDataSourceRepositoryContents = buf;
                dataSourceConverter.HandleRepositoryChanges(this, dataDefinitionIdsUrl);
Beispiel #6
            public void endElement(String elementName, String elementValue, NameValueCollection attributes)
                if (elementName.Equals(XMLConstants.MG_TAG_ASSEMBLY))
                    String path = attributes[XMLConstants.MG_ATTR_ASSEMBLY_PATH];
                    String isGuiThreadExecutionStr = attributes[XMLConstants.MG_ATTR_IS_GUI_THREAD_EXECUTION];
                    bool   isGuiThreadExecution    = isGuiThreadExecutionStr != null && isGuiThreadExecutionStr.Equals("1", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase);

                    path = XmlParser.unescape(path);

                    // Add assembly to the collection
                    ReflectionServices.AddAssembly(path, false, path, isGuiThreadExecution);

                    String strEncrypted = "&ENCRYPTED=N";
                    path = path.Remove(path.Length - strEncrypted.Length, strEncrypted.Length);
                    ApplicationSourcesManager.GetInstance().ReadSource(path, false);
Beispiel #7
        /// <summary> Initializes the Cache manager by proving it the required details from
        /// execution properties like, whether the encryption is on/off and the encryption key. </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal override bool StartSession()
            // Sources integrity is needed when client STARTS in connected mode (Initialization phase in Remote session).
            // Not applicable in Local session, even after establishing connection with server to execute server operation.

            // Verify that the last initial response file saved on the client for offline execution is valid:

            // Recheck if last offline response file still exists. It might have been deleted from VerifyInitialResponseProgramName
            bool canStartWithoutNetwork = CanStartWithoutNetwork;

            if (canStartWithoutNetwork)
                ClientManager.Instance.ShouldScrambleAndUnscrambleMessages = GetShouldSecureMessages();

Beispiel #8
        /// <summary> Loads the first response for executing the first program from the local file. </summary>
        private void ExecuteInitialRequest()
            // Before starting the execution, check if any failure was occurred during updating the local data in last execution
            SourcesSyncStatus sourcesSyncStatus = ApplicationSourcesManager.GetInstance().SourcesSyncStatus;

            if (sourcesSyncStatus.TablesIncompatibleWithDataSources == true)
                // structures of tables in local database does not match with their sources
                String errorMessage = ClientManager.Instance.getMessageString(MsgInterface.RC_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_DATASOURCES);
                throw new InvalidSourcesException(errorMessage, null);
            else if (sourcesSyncStatus.InvalidSources == true)
                // sources are not synchronized
                String errorMessage = ClientManager.Instance.getMessageString(MsgInterface.RC_ERROR_OFFLINE_NEXT_EXECUTION_INVALID_SOURCES);
                throw new InvalidSourcesException(errorMessage, null);

            String initialResponseString = GetLastOfflineInitialResponse();

            ClientManager.Instance.ProcessResponse(initialResponseString, 0, new OpeningTaskDetails(), null);
Beispiel #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Start session (Remote/Local)
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal static bool StartSession()
            bool succeeded = false;
            bool startInConnectedModeToSyncMetadata = false;
            bool skipConnectionToServer             = false;

            using (Logger.Instance.AccumulateMessages())
                // Check if client is required to start in disconnected mode even when network is available
                // Skip connection if,
                //   1. ConnectOnStartup = N in execution properties
                //   2. LastOffline does not contain "UnsyncronizedMetadata=Y" [which means connect server to sync metadata].
                if (LocalCommandsProcessor.GetInstance().CanStartWithoutNetwork&& !ClientManager.Instance.GetConnectOnStartup())
                    if (LocalCommandsProcessor.GetInstance().CanStartWithoutNetwork)
                        if (LocalCommandsProcessor.GetInstance().IsUnsyncronizedMetadata())
                            startInConnectedModeToSyncMetadata = true;
                            skipConnectionToServer = true;

                // Create a communications failure handler and pass it to the Http connection layer.
                           ? (ICommunicationsFailureHandler)(new SilentCommunicationsFailureHandler())
                           : (ICommunicationsFailureHandler)(new InteractiveCommunicationsFailureHandler()));

                if (skipConnectionToServer)
                    succeeded = StartSessionLocally();
                        ApplicationSourcesManager.GetInstance().OfflineRequiredMetadataCollection.Enabled = true;

                        // access the Server: if accessed - continue remotely, otherwise - locally.
                        succeeded = RemoteCommandsProcessor.GetInstance().StartSession();

                        // Notify the Connection State Manager that a successful connection was established.
                        // The first time this happens, the connection state manager will move from 'Unknown' to 'Connected'.
                        ClientManager.Instance.GetService <IConnectionStateManager>().ConnectionEstablished();
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        if (ex is InvalidSourcesException)

                        // If client started in connected mode (even when ConnectOnStartup=N in execution properties) because,
                        // UnsyncronisedMetadata was occurred in last execution, and if any sever error occurred during initialization then,
                        // ServerLastAccessStatus() should return 1 (UnsynchroizedMetadata). This way client will avoid trying any server operation.
                        if (startInConnectedModeToSyncMetadata)
                            RemoteCommandsProcessor.GetInstance().ServerLastAccessStatus = ServerAccessStatus.UnsynchroizedMetadata;

                        Logger.Instance.WriteServerToLog("Failed connecting to the server: " + ex.Message);
                        if (LocalCommandsProcessor.GetInstance().CanStartWithoutNetwork)
                            if (Logger.Instance.ShouldLog())
                            Logger.Instance.WriteServerToLog("Attempting to start locally (Offline mode)");
                            succeeded = LocalCommandsProcessor.GetInstance().StartSession();

                        if (!succeeded)
                            Logger.Instance.WriteServerToLog("Cannot start locally. Terminating client.");
                        if (Logger.Instance.IsAccumulatingMessages())

                        // all offline required cache files are retrieved when the server is started, in the initial response after the two handshake requests.
                        // therefore, no cache files should be collected once the session is started [i.e. StartSession() was executed].
                        ApplicationSourcesManager.GetInstance().OfflineRequiredMetadataCollection.Enabled = false;

            // if a startupProgram should be started locally then load it locally.
            if (GetCommandsProcessor().ShouldLoadOfflineStartupProgram())

            // From this point onward, all comm failures should show a message.
            HttpManager.GetInstance().SetCommunicationsFailureHandler(new InteractiveCommunicationsFailureHandler());

Beispiel #10
 /// <summary>
 /// get DataSource file from the server and parse it
 /// </summary>
 void GetDatabaseDefinitions()
     byte[] buf = ApplicationSourcesManager.GetInstance().ReadSource(databaseDefinitionsUrl, true);
     new DatabaseDefinitionsSaxParser(buf, this);
 /// <summary>
 /// Reads contents of a datasource indicated by sourceUrl using ApplicationSourcesManager
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sourceUrl"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private byte[] GetDataSourceBuffer(String sourceUrl)
     return(ApplicationSourcesManager.GetInstance().ReadSource(sourceUrl, true));
Beispiel #12
        /// <summary>
        ///   fill the file mapping when passed through the cache: placed into the cache by the runtime-engine, passed
        ///   as '<fileurl val = "/..."'
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name = "TAG_URL"></param>
        internal void fillFromUrl(String tagName)
            XmlParser parser  = ClientManager.Instance.RuntimeCtx.Parser;
            String    XMLdata = parser.getXMLdata();

            int endContext = parser.getXMLdata().IndexOf(XMLConstants.TAG_TERM, parser.getCurrIndex());

            if (endContext != -1 && endContext < XMLdata.Length)
                // find last position of its tag
                String tagAndAttributes = parser.getXMLsubstring(endContext);
                parser.add2CurrIndex(tagAndAttributes.IndexOf(tagName) + tagName.Length);

                List <String> tokensVector = XmlParser.getTokens(parser.getXMLsubstring(endContext), XMLConstants.XML_ATTR_DELIM);
                String cachedFileUrl = (tokensVector[1]);

                if (cachedFileUrl.Trim() == "") // might happen in case the xpa server failed to write to its cache folder (e.g. the cache folder is invalid, due to a configuration mistake, in which case the current error message will be matched with an error in the xpa server's log file (GeneralErrorLog=)).
                    Logger.Instance.WriteErrorToLog(string.Format("Empty cached file URL: '{0}'", tagAndAttributes.Trim()));
                    // environment params are not metadata - they're a reflection of the server's environment params, and shouldn't be handled as a source (specifically shouldn't be collected and be accessed to the server upon switching from session stats local to remote).
                    byte[] Content = (tagName != ConstInterface.MG_TAG_ENV_PARAM_URL
                                    ? ApplicationSourcesManager.GetInstance().ReadSource(cachedFileUrl, true)
                                    : CommandsProcessorManager.GetContent(cachedFileUrl, true));
                        switch (tagName)
                        case ConstInterface.MG_TAG_COLORTABLE_URL:

                        case ConstInterface.MG_TAG_FONTTABLE_URL:

                        case ConstInterface.MG_TAG_KBDMAP_URL:

                        case ConstInterface.MG_TAG_ENV_PARAM_URL:
                            //TODO: MerlinRT :We should parse Environment Table using MgSAXParser instead of XMLParser (the same way like we do for
                            //Font, Color and KeyBoardMappping Table). If we do this for env, then we will have to do it for globalParamChanges as well.
                            XmlParser innerXmlParser = new XmlParser(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Content, 0, Content.Length));
                            while (ClientManager.Instance.getEnvParamsTable().mirrorFromXML(innerXmlParser.getNextTag(), innerXmlParser))
                    catch (SystemException ex)
                        switch (tagName)
                        case ConstInterface.MG_TAG_COLORTABLE_URL:
                            Logger.Instance.WriteExceptionToLog(string.Format("Colors Table: '{0}'{1}{2}", cachedFileUrl, OSEnvironment.EolSeq, ex.Message));

                        case ConstInterface.MG_TAG_FONTTABLE_URL:
                            Logger.Instance.WriteExceptionToLog(string.Format("Fonts Table: '{0}'{1}{2}", cachedFileUrl, OSEnvironment.EolSeq, ex.Message));

                        case ConstInterface.MG_TAG_KBDMAP_URL:
                            Logger.Instance.WriteExceptionToLog(string.Format("Keyboard Mapping: '{0}'{1}{2}", cachedFileUrl, OSEnvironment.EolSeq, ex.Message));

                endContext = XMLdata.IndexOf(XMLConstants.TAG_OPEN, endContext);
                if (endContext != -1)