Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Process the specified directory
        /// </summary>
        private static IEnumerable <AppletAsset> ProcessDirectory(string source, String path, ConsoleParameters parms)
            List <AppletAsset> retVal = new List <AppletAsset>();

            foreach (var itm in Directory.GetFiles(source))
                if (Path.GetFileName(itm).StartsWith("."))
                    Console.WriteLine("\t Skipping {0}...", itm);
                Console.WriteLine("\t Processing {0}...", itm);

                if (Path.GetFileName(itm).ToLower() == "manifest.xml")
                    switch (Path.GetExtension(itm))
                    case ".html":
                    case ".htm":
                    case ".xhtml":
                        XElement xe = XElement.Load(itm);

                        // Now we have to iterate throuh and add the asset\
                        AppletAssetHtml htmlAsset = null;

                        if (xe.Elements().OfType <XElement>().Any(o => o.Name == xs_openiz + "widget"))
                            var widgetEle = xe.Elements().OfType <XElement>().FirstOrDefault(o => o.Name == xs_openiz + "widget");
                            htmlAsset = new AppletWidget()
                                Icon        = widgetEle.Element(xs_openiz + "icon")?.Value,
                                Type        = (AppletWidgetType)Enum.Parse(typeof(AppletWidgetType), widgetEle.Attribute("type")?.Value),
                                Scope       = (AppletWidgetScope)Enum.Parse(typeof(AppletWidgetScope), widgetEle.Attribute("scope")?.Value),
                                Description = widgetEle.Elements().Where(o => o.Name == xs_openiz + "description").Select(o => new LocaleString()
                                    Value = o.Value, Language = o.Attribute("lang")?.Value
                                Name       = widgetEle.Attribute("name")?.Value,
                                Controller = widgetEle.Element(xs_openiz + "controller")?.Value,
                            htmlAsset = new AppletAssetHtml();
                            // View state data
                            htmlAsset.ViewState = xe.Elements().OfType <XElement>().Where(o => o.Name == xs_openiz + "state").Select(o => new AppletViewState()
                                Name       = o.Attribute("name")?.Value,
                                Route      = o.Elements().OfType <XElement>().FirstOrDefault(r => r.Name == xs_openiz + "url" || r.Name == xs_openiz + "route")?.Value,
                                IsAbstract = Boolean.Parse(o.Attribute("abstract")?.Value ?? "False"),
                                View       = o.Elements().OfType <XElement>().Where(v => v.Name == xs_openiz + "view")?.Select(v => new AppletView()
                                    Name  = v.Attribute("name")?.Value,
                                    Title = v.Elements().OfType <XElement>().Where(t => t.Name == xs_openiz + "title")?.Select(t => new LocaleString()
                                        Language = t.Attribute("lang")?.Value,
                                        Value    = t?.Value
                                    Controller = v.Element(xs_openiz + "controller")?.Value
                            htmlAsset.Layout = ResolveName(xe.Attribute(xs_openiz + "layout")?.Value);
                            htmlAsset.Static = xe.Attribute(xs_openiz + "static")?.Value == "true";

                        htmlAsset.Titles = new List <LocaleString>(xe.Descendants().OfType <XElement>().Where(o => o.Name == xs_openiz + "title").Select(o => new LocaleString()
                            Language = o.Attribute("lang")?.Value, Value = o.Value
                        htmlAsset.Bundle = new List <string>(xe.Descendants().OfType <XElement>().Where(o => o.Name == xs_openiz + "bundle").Select(o => ResolveName(o.Value)));
                        htmlAsset.Script = new List <AssetScriptReference>(xe.Descendants().OfType <XElement>().Where(o => o.Name == xs_openiz + "script").Select(o => new AssetScriptReference()
                            Reference = ResolveName(o.Value),
                            IsStatic  = Boolean.Parse(o.Attribute("static")?.Value ?? "true")
                        htmlAsset.Style = new List <string>(xe.Descendants().OfType <XElement>().Where(o => o.Name == xs_openiz + "style").Select(o => ResolveName(o.Value)));

                        var demand = xe.DescendantNodes().OfType <XElement>().Where(o => o.Name == xs_openiz + "demand").Select(o => o.Value).ToList();

                        var includes = xe.DescendantNodes().OfType <XComment>().Where(o => o?.Value?.Trim().StartsWith("#include virtual=\"") == true).ToList();
                        foreach (var inc in includes)
                            String assetName = inc.Value.Trim().Substring(18);     // HACK: Should be a REGEX
                            if (assetName.EndsWith("\""))
                                assetName = assetName.Substring(0, assetName.Length - 1);
                            if (assetName == "content")
                            var includeAsset = ResolveName(assetName);
                            inc.AddAfterSelf(new XComment(String.Format("#include virtual=\"{0}\"", includeAsset)));

                        var xel = xe.Descendants().OfType <XElement>().Where(o => o.Name.Namespace == xs_openiz).ToList();
                        if (xel != null)
                            foreach (var x in xel)
                        htmlAsset.Html = xe;

                        retVal.Add(new AppletAsset()
                            Name     = ResolveName(itm.Replace(path, "")),
                            MimeType = "text/html",
                            Content  = htmlAsset,
                            Policies = demand

                    case ".css":

                        retVal.Add(new AppletAsset()
                            Name     = ResolveName(itm.Replace(path, "")),
                            MimeType = "text/css",
                            Content  = File.ReadAllText(itm)

                    case ".js":
                        retVal.Add(new AppletAsset()
                            Name     = ResolveName(itm.Replace(path, "")),
                            MimeType = "text/javascript",
                            Content  = parms.Optimize && !itm.Contains("rules") ? new Microsoft.Ajax.Utilities.Minifier().MinifyJavaScript(File.ReadAllText(itm), new Microsoft.Ajax.Utilities.CodeSettings()
                                MinifyCode = false, StripDebugStatements = true, LocalRenaming = Microsoft.Ajax.Utilities.LocalRenaming.KeepAll, PreserveFunctionNames = true
                            }) : File.ReadAllText(itm)

                    case ".json":
                        retVal.Add(new AppletAsset()
                            Name     = ResolveName(itm.Replace(path, "")),
                            MimeType = "application/json",
                            Content  = File.ReadAllText(itm)

                        string mt = null;
                        retVal.Add(new AppletAsset()
                            Name     = ResolveName(itm.Replace(path, "")),
                            MimeType = mime.TryGetValue(Path.GetExtension(itm), out mt) ? mt : "application/octet-stream",
                            Content  = File.ReadAllBytes(itm)

            // Process sub directories
            foreach (var dir in Directory.GetDirectories(source))
                if (!Path.GetFileName(dir).StartsWith("."))
                    retVal.AddRange(ProcessDirectory(dir, path, parms));
                    Console.WriteLine("Skipping directory {0}", dir);

Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Render asset content
        /// </summary>
        public byte[] RenderAssetContent(AppletAsset asset, string preProcessLocalization = null)
            // First, is there an object already
            byte[] cacheObject = null;
            string assetPath   = String.Format("{0}?lang={1}", asset.ToString(), preProcessLocalization);

            if (this.CachePages && s_cache.TryGetValue(assetPath, out cacheObject))

            // Resolve content
            var content = asset.Content;

            if (content == null && this.Resolver != null)
                content = this.Resolver(asset);

            if (content is String) // Content is a string
                return(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(content as String));
            else if (content is byte[]) // Content is a binary asset
                return(content as byte[]);
            else if (content is XElement) // Content is XML
                using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
                    using (XmlWriter xw = XmlWriter.Create(ms))
                        (content as XElement).WriteTo(xw);
            else if (content is AppletAssetHtml) // Content is HTML
                // Is the content HTML?
                var sourceAsset = content as AppletAssetHtml;
                var htmlAsset   = new AppletAssetHtml()
                    Html   = new XElement(sourceAsset.Html),
                    Layout = sourceAsset.Layout,
                    Script = new List <String>(sourceAsset.Script),
                    Titles = new List <LocaleString>(sourceAsset.Titles),
                    Style  = new List <string>(sourceAsset.Style)
                XElement htmlContent = null;

                if (htmlAsset.Static)
                    htmlContent = htmlAsset.Html as XElement;
                    // Type of tag to render basic content
                    switch (htmlAsset.Html.Name.LocalName)
                    case "html":     // The content is a complete HTML page
                        htmlContent = htmlAsset.Html as XElement;
                        var headerInjection = this.GetInjectionHeaders(asset, htmlContent.DescendantNodes().OfType <XElement>().Any(o => o.Name == xs_xhtml + "ui-view"));

                        // STRIP - OPENIZJS references
                        var xel  = htmlContent.Descendants().OfType <XElement>().Where(o => o.Name == xs_xhtml + "script" && o.Attribute("src")?.Value.Contains("openiz") == true).ToArray();
                        var head = htmlContent.DescendantNodes().OfType <XElement>().FirstOrDefault(o => o.Name == xs_xhtml + "head");
                        if (head == null)
                            head = new XElement(xs_xhtml + "head");

                        head.Add(headerInjection.Where(o => !head.Elements(o.Name).Any(e => (e.Attributes("src") != null && (e.Attributes("src") == o.Attributes("src"))) || (e.Attributes("href") != null && (e.Attributes("href") == o.Attributes("href"))))));

                        //                            head.Add(headerInjection);

                    case "body":     // The content is an HTML Body element, we must inject the HTML header
                        htmlContent = htmlAsset.Html as XElement;

                        // Inject special headers
                        var headerInjection = this.GetInjectionHeaders(asset, htmlContent.DescendantNodes().OfType <XElement>().Any(o => o.Name == xs_xhtml + "ui-view"));

                        // Render the bundles
                        var bodyElement = htmlAsset.Html as XElement;

                        htmlContent = new XElement(xs_xhtml + "html", new XAttribute("ng-app", asset.Name), new XElement(xs_xhtml + "head", headerInjection), bodyElement);

                        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(htmlAsset.Layout))
                            htmlContent = htmlAsset.Html as XElement;
                            // Get the layout
                            var layoutAsset = this.ResolveAsset(htmlAsset.Layout, asset);
                            if (layoutAsset == null)
                                throw new FileNotFoundException(String.Format("Layout asset {0} not found", htmlAsset.Layout));

                            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(this.RenderAssetContent(layoutAsset, preProcessLocalization)))
                                htmlContent = XDocument.Load(ms).FirstNode as XElement;

                            // Find the <!--#include virtual="content" --> tag
                            var contentNode = htmlContent.DescendantNodes().OfType <XComment>().SingleOrDefault(o => o.Value.Trim() == "#include virtual=\"content\"");
                            if (contentNode != null)
                                contentNode.AddAfterSelf(htmlAsset.Html as XElement);

                            // Injection headers
                            var headerInjection = this.GetInjectionHeaders(asset, htmlContent.DescendantNodes().OfType <XElement>().Any(o => o.Name == xs_xhtml + "ui-view"));
                            var headElement     = (htmlContent.Element(xs_xhtml + "head") as XElement);
                            headElement?.Add(headerInjection.Where(o => !headElement.Elements(o.Name).Any(e => (e.Attributes("src") != null && (e.Attributes("src") == o.Attributes("src"))) || (e.Attributes("href") != null && (e.Attributes("href") == o.Attributes("href"))))));
                    } // switch

                    // Process data bindings
                    var dataBindings = htmlContent.DescendantNodes().OfType <XElement>().Where(o => o.Name.LocalName == "select" && o.Attributes().Any(a => a.Name.Namespace == xs_binding));
                    foreach (var db in dataBindings)
                        // Get the databinding data
                        XAttribute source          = db.Attributes(xs_binding + "source").FirstOrDefault(),
                                 filter            = db.Attributes(xs_binding + "filter").FirstOrDefault(),
                                 key               = db.Attributes(xs_binding + "key").FirstOrDefault(),
                                 value             = db.Attributes(xs_binding + "value").FirstOrDefault(),
                                 orderByDescending = db.Attributes(xs_binding + "orderByDescending").FirstOrDefault(),
                                 orderBy           = db.Attributes(xs_binding + "orderBy").FirstOrDefault();

                        var locale        = preProcessLocalization;
                        int i             = 0;
                        var valueSelector = value?.Value;
                        while (i++ < 2)
                                // Fall back to english?
                                if (value != null)
                                    valueSelector = value.Value.Replace("{{ locale }}", locale);

                                if (source == null || filter == null)

                                // First we want to build the filter
                                Type imsiType = typeof(Patient).GetTypeInfo().Assembly.ExportedTypes.FirstOrDefault(o => o.GetTypeInfo().GetCustomAttribute <XmlRootAttribute>()?.ElementName == source.Value);
                                if (imsiType == null)

                                var expressionBuilderMethod = typeof(QueryExpressionParser).GetGenericMethod(nameof(QueryExpressionParser.BuildLinqExpression), new Type[] { imsiType }, new Type[] { typeof(NameValueCollection) });
                                var filterList   = NameValueCollection.ParseQueryString(filter.Value);
                                var expr         = expressionBuilderMethod.Invoke(null, new object[] { filterList });
                                var filterMethod = typeof(IEntitySourceProvider).GetGenericMethod("Query", new Type[] { imsiType }, new Type[] { expr.GetType() });
                                var dataSource   = (filterMethod.Invoke(EntitySource.Current.Provider, new object[] { expr }));

                                // Sort expression
                                if (orderBy != null || orderByDescending != null)
                                    var orderProperty             = imsiType.GetRuntimeProperties().FirstOrDefault(o => o.GetCustomAttribute <JsonPropertyAttribute>()?.PropertyName == (orderBy ?? orderByDescending).Value);
                                    ParameterExpression orderExpr = Expression.Parameter(dataSource.GetType());
                                    var orderBody = orderExpr.Sort(orderProperty.Name, orderBy == null ? SortOrderType.OrderByDescending : SortOrderType.OrderBy);
                                    dataSource = Expression.Lambda(orderBody, orderExpr).Compile().DynamicInvoke(dataSource);

                                // Render expression
                                Delegate            keyExpression = null, valueExpression = null, dataExpression = null;
                                ParameterExpression parameter = Expression.Parameter(imsiType);
                                if (key == null)
                                    keyExpression = Expression.Lambda(Expression.MakeMemberAccess(parameter, imsiType.GetRuntimeProperty(nameof(IIdentifiedEntity.Key))), parameter).Compile();
                                    var rawExpr = new BindingExpressionVisitor().RewriteLambda(expressionBuilderMethod.Invoke(null, new object[] { NameValueCollection.ParseQueryString(key.Value + "=RemoveMe") }) as LambdaExpression);
                                    keyExpression = Expression.Lambda(new BindingExpressionVisitor().Visit(rawExpr.Body), rawExpr.Parameters).Compile();
                                if (value == null)
                                    valueExpression = Expression.Lambda(Expression.Call(parameter, imsiType.GetRuntimeMethod("ToString", new Type[] { })), parameter).Compile();
                                    var rawExpr = new BindingExpressionVisitor().RewriteLambda(expressionBuilderMethod.Invoke(null, new object[] { NameValueCollection.ParseQueryString(valueSelector + "=RemoveMe") }) as LambdaExpression);
                                    valueExpression = Expression.Lambda(rawExpr.Body, rawExpr.Parameters).Compile();

                                // Creation of the options
                                foreach (var itm in dataSource as IEnumerable)
                                    var optAtt     = new XElement(xs_xhtml + "option");
                                    var keyValue   = keyExpression.DynamicInvoke(itm);
                                    var valueValue = valueExpression.DynamicInvoke(itm)?.ToString();
                                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(valueValue))
                                    optAtt.Add(new XAttribute("value", keyValue), new XText(valueValue));

                                    foreach (var dataBinding in db.Attributes().Where(c => c.Name.ToString().StartsWith((xs_binding + "data-").ToString())))
                                        if (dataBinding != null)
                                            dataExpression = Expression.Lambda(Expression.MakeMemberAccess(parameter, imsiType.GetRuntimeProperty(dataBinding.Value)), parameter).Compile();
                                            var dataValue = dataExpression?.DynamicInvoke(itm)?.ToString();

                                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dataValue))

                                            optAtt.Add(new XAttribute(dataBinding.Name.LocalName, dataValue));

                                if (locale == "en")
                                    throw;     // We can't fallback
                                locale = "en"; // fallback to english

                    // Now process SSI directives - <!--#include virtual="XXXXXXX" -->
                    var includes = htmlContent.DescendantNodes().OfType <XComment>().Where(o => o?.Value?.Trim().StartsWith("#include virtual=\"") == true).ToList();
                    foreach (var inc in includes)
                        String assetName = inc.Value.Trim().Substring(18); // HACK: Should be a REGEX
                        if (assetName.EndsWith("\""))
                            assetName = assetName.Substring(0, assetName.Length - 1);
                        if (assetName == "content")
                        var includeAsset = this.ResolveAsset(assetName, asset);
                        if (includeAsset == null)
                            inc.AddAfterSelf(new XElement(xs_xhtml + "strong", new XText(String.Format("{0} NOT FOUND", assetName))));
                            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(this.RenderAssetContent(includeAsset, preProcessLocalization)))
                                    var xel = XDocument.Load(ms).Elements().First() as XElement;
                                    if (xel.Name == xs_xhtml + "html")
                                        inc.AddAfterSelf(xel.Element(xs_xhtml + "body").Elements());
                                        //var headerInjection = this.GetInjectionHeaders(includeAsset);

                                        //var headElement = htmlContent.Element(xs_xhtml + "head");
                                        //headElement?.Add(headerInjection.Where(o => !headElement.Elements(o.Name).Any(e => (e.Attributes("src") != null && (e.Attributes("src") == o.Attributes("src"))) || (e.Attributes("href") != null && (e.Attributes("href") == o.Attributes("href"))))));

                                catch (Exception e)
                                    throw new XmlException($"Error in Asset: {includeAsset}", e);

                    // Re-write
                    foreach (var itm in htmlContent.DescendantNodes().OfType <XElement>().SelectMany(o => o.Attributes()).Where(o => o.Value.StartsWith("~")))
                        itm.Value = String.Format("/{0}/{1}", asset.Manifest.Info.Id, itm.Value.Substring(2));
                        //itm.Value = itm.Value.Replace(APPLET_SCHEME, this.AppletBase).Replace(ASSET_SCHEME, this.AssetBase).Replace(DRAWABLE_SCHEME, this.DrawableBase);

                    // Render Title
                    var headTitle = htmlContent.DescendantNodes().OfType <XElement>().FirstOrDefault(o => o.Name == xs_xhtml + "head");
                    var title     = htmlAsset.GetTitle(preProcessLocalization);
                    if (headTitle != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(title))
                        headTitle.Add(new XElement(xs_xhtml + "title", new XText(title)));

                // Render out the content
                using (StringWriter sw = new StringWriter())

                    using (XmlWriter xw = XmlWriter.Create(sw, new XmlWriterSettings()
                        OmitXmlDeclaration = true

                        String retVal = sw.ToString();
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(preProcessLocalization))
                            var assetString = this.GetStrings(preProcessLocalization);
                            retVal = this.m_localizationRegex.Replace(retVal, (m) => assetString.FirstOrDefault(o => o.Key == m.Groups[1].Value).Value ?? m.Groups[1].Value);

                        var byteData = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(retVal);
                        // Add to cache
                        lock (s_syncLock)
                            if (!s_cache.ContainsKey(assetPath))
                                s_cache.Add(assetPath, byteData);

Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Process the specified file
        /// </summary>
        public AppletAsset Process(string file, bool optimize)
                XElement xe = XElement.Load(file);

                if (xe.Name.Namespace != PakManTool.XS_HTML)
                    Emit.Message("WARN", "File {0} is not in {1}. Setting namespace", file, PakManTool.XS_HTML);
                    xe.Name = (XNamespace)PakManTool.XS_HTML + xe.Name.LocalName;

                // Optimizing?
                if (optimize)
                    xe.DescendantNodesAndSelf().OfType <XComment>().Where(o => !o.Value.Contains("#include")).Remove();

                // Now we have to iterate throuh and add the asset\
                AppletAssetHtml htmlAsset = null;

                if (xe.Elements().OfType <XElement>().Any(o => o.Name == (XNamespace)PakManTool.XS_APPLET + "widget"))
                    var widgetEle = xe.Elements().OfType <XElement>().FirstOrDefault(o => o.Name == (XNamespace)PakManTool.XS_APPLET + "widget");
                    htmlAsset = new AppletWidget()
                        Icon        = widgetEle.Element((XNamespace)PakManTool.XS_APPLET + "icon")?.Value,
                        Type        = (AppletWidgetType)Enum.Parse(typeof(AppletWidgetType), widgetEle.Attribute("type")?.Value),
                        Size        = (AppletWidgetSize)Enum.Parse(typeof(AppletWidgetSize), widgetEle.Attribute("size")?.Value ?? "Medium"),
                        View        = (AppletWidgetView)Enum.Parse(typeof(AppletWidgetView), widgetEle.Attribute("altViews")?.Value ?? "None"),
                        ColorClass  = widgetEle.Attribute("headerClass")?.Value ?? "bg-light",
                        Priority    = Int32.Parse(widgetEle.Attribute("priority")?.Value ?? "0"),
                        MaxStack    = Int32.Parse(widgetEle.Attribute("maxStack")?.Value ?? "2"),
                        Order       = Int32.Parse(widgetEle.Attribute("order")?.Value ?? "0"),
                        Context     = widgetEle.Attribute("context")?.Value,
                        Description = widgetEle.Elements().Where(o => o.Name == (XNamespace)PakManTool.XS_APPLET + "description").Select(o => new LocaleString()
                            Value = o.Value, Language = o.Attribute("lang")?.Value
                        Name       = widgetEle.Attribute("name")?.Value,
                        Controller = widgetEle.Element((XNamespace)PakManTool.XS_APPLET + "controller")?.Value,
                        Guard      = widgetEle.Elements().Where(o => o.Name == (XNamespace)PakManTool.XS_APPLET + "guard").Select(o => o.Value).ToList()
                    htmlAsset = new AppletAssetHtml();
                    // View state data
                    htmlAsset.ViewState = xe.Elements().OfType <XElement>().Where(o => o.Name == (XNamespace)PakManTool.XS_APPLET + "state").Select(o => new AppletViewState()
                        Priority   = Int32.Parse(o.Attribute("priority")?.Value ?? "0"),
                        Name       = o.Attribute("name")?.Value,
                        Route      = o.Elements().OfType <XElement>().FirstOrDefault(r => r.Name == (XNamespace)PakManTool.XS_APPLET + "url" || r.Name == (XNamespace)PakManTool.XS_APPLET + "route")?.Value,
                        IsAbstract = Boolean.Parse(o.Attribute("abstract")?.Value ?? "False"),
                        View       = o.Elements().OfType <XElement>().Where(v => v.Name == (XNamespace)PakManTool.XS_APPLET + "view")?.Select(v => new AppletView()
                            Priority = Int32.Parse(o.Attribute("priority")?.Value ?? "0"),

                            Name       = v.Attribute("name")?.Value,
                            Controller = v.Element((XNamespace)PakManTool.XS_APPLET + "controller")?.Value
                    htmlAsset.Titles = xe.Elements().OfType <XElement>().Where(t => t.Name == (XNamespace)PakManTool.XS_APPLET + "title")?.Select(t => new LocaleString()
                        Language = t.Attribute("lang")?.Value,
                        Value    = t?.Value

                    htmlAsset.Layout = PakManTool.TranslatePath(xe.Attribute((XNamespace)PakManTool.XS_APPLET + "layout")?.Value);
                    htmlAsset.Static = xe.Attribute((XNamespace)PakManTool.XS_APPLET + "static")?.Value == "true";

                htmlAsset.Titles = new List <LocaleString>(xe.Descendants().OfType <XElement>().Where(o => o.Name == (XNamespace)PakManTool.XS_APPLET + "title").Select(o => new LocaleString()
                    Language = o.Attribute("lang")?.Value, Value = o.Value
                htmlAsset.Bundle = new List <string>(xe.Descendants().OfType <XElement>().Where(o => o.Name == (XNamespace)PakManTool.XS_APPLET + "bundle").Select(o => PakManTool.TranslatePath(o.Value)));
                htmlAsset.Script = new List <AssetScriptReference>(xe.Descendants().OfType <XElement>().Where(o => o.Name == (XNamespace)PakManTool.XS_APPLET + "script").Select(o => new AssetScriptReference()
                    Reference = PakManTool.TranslatePath(o.Value),
                    IsStatic  = Boolean.Parse(o.Attribute("static")?.Value ?? "true")
                htmlAsset.Style = new List <string>(xe.Descendants().OfType <XElement>().Where(o => o.Name == (XNamespace)PakManTool.XS_APPLET + "style").Select(o => PakManTool.TranslatePath(o.Value)));

                var demand = xe.DescendantNodes().OfType <XElement>().Where(o => o.Name == (XNamespace)PakManTool.XS_APPLET + "demand").Select(o => o.Value).ToList();

                var includes = xe.DescendantNodes().OfType <XComment>().Where(o => o?.Value?.Trim().StartsWith("#include virtual=\"") == true).ToList();
                foreach (var inc in includes)
                    String assetName = inc.Value.Trim().Substring(18); // HACK: Should be a REGEX
                    if (assetName.EndsWith("\""))
                        assetName = assetName.Substring(0, assetName.Length - 1);
                    if (assetName == "content")
                    var includeAsset = PakManTool.TranslatePath(assetName);
                    inc.AddAfterSelf(new XComment(String.Format("#include virtual=\"{0}\"", includeAsset)));

                var xel = xe.Descendants().OfType <XElement>().Where(o => o.Name.Namespace == (XNamespace)PakManTool.XS_APPLET).ToList();
                if (xel != null)
                    foreach (var x in xel)
                htmlAsset.Html = xe;

                return(new AppletAsset()
                    MimeType = "text/html",
                    Content = htmlAsset,
                    Policies = demand
            catch (XmlException e)
                Emit.Message("ERROR", " {0} is not well formed - {1} - @{2}:{3}", file, e.Message, e.LineNumber, e.LinePosition);
            catch (Exception e)
                Emit.Message("ERROR", "Cannot process {0} : {1}", file, e.Message);
        /// <summary>
        /// Render asset content
        /// </summary>
        public byte[] RenderAssetContent(AppletAsset asset, string preProcessLocalization = null, bool staticScriptRefs = true, bool allowCache = true, IDictionary <String, String> bindingParameters = null)
            // TODO: This method needs to be cleaned up since it exists from the old/early OpenIZ days
            // First, is there an object already
            byte[] cacheObject = null;
            string assetPath   = String.Format("{0}?lang={1}", asset.ToString(), preProcessLocalization);

            var cacheKey = $"{assetPath};{String.Join(";", bindingParameters?.Select(o => $"{o.Key}={o.Value}") ?? new string[0] { })}";

            if (allowCache && this.CachePages && s_cache.TryGetValue(cacheKey, out cacheObject))

            // Resolve content
            var content = asset.Content;

            if (content == null && this.Resolver != null)
                content = this.Resolver(asset);

            if (content is String) // Content is a string
                // Inject CSP
                if (asset.MimeType == "text/javascript" || asset.MimeType == "application/json")
                    var retVal = content as String;
                    if (bindingParameters != null)
                        retVal = this.m_bindingRegex.Replace(retVal, (m) => bindingParameters.TryGetValue(m.Groups[1].Value, out string v) ? v : m.ToString());
                    cacheObject = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(retVal);
                    if (allowCache)
                        s_cache.TryAdd(cacheKey, cacheObject);
                    return(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(content as String));
            else if (content is byte[]) // Content is a binary asset
                // is the content compressed?
                if (Encoding.UTF8.GetString(content as byte[], 0, 4) == "LZIP")
                    using (var ms = new MemoryStream(content as byte[]))
                        using (var ls = new SharpCompress.Compressors.LZMA.LZipStream(new NonDisposingStream(ms), SharpCompress.Compressors.CompressionMode.Decompress))
                            using (var oms = new MemoryStream())
                                byte[] buffer = new byte[2048];
                                int    br     = 1;
                                while (br > 0)
                                    br = ls.Read(buffer, 0, 2048);
                                    oms.Write(buffer, 0, br);

                                content = oms.ToArray();
                                if (allowCache)
                                    s_cache.TryAdd(cacheKey, content as byte[]);
                                return(content as byte[]);
                    return(content as byte[]);
            else if (content is XElement) // Content is XML
                using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
                    using (XmlWriter xw = XmlWriter.Create(ms))
                        (content as XElement).WriteTo(xw);
            else if (content is AppletAssetHtml) // Content is HTML
                // Is the content HTML?
                var sourceAsset = content as AppletAssetHtml;
                var htmlAsset   = new AppletAssetHtml()
                    Html   = new XElement(sourceAsset.Html),
                    Layout = sourceAsset.Layout,
                    Script = new List <AssetScriptReference>(sourceAsset.Script),
                    Titles = new List <LocaleString>(sourceAsset.Titles),
                    Style  = new List <string>(sourceAsset.Style)
                XElement htmlContent = null;

                if (htmlAsset.Static)
                    htmlContent = htmlAsset.Html as XElement;
                    // Type of tag to render basic content
                    switch (htmlAsset.Html.Name.LocalName)
                    case "html":     // The content is a complete HTML page
                        htmlContent = htmlAsset.Html as XElement;
                        var headerInjection = this.GetInjectionHeaders(asset, htmlContent.DescendantNodes().OfType <XElement>().Any(o => o.Name == xs_xhtml + "ui-view"));

                        // STRIP - SanteDBJS references
                        var xel  = htmlContent.Descendants().OfType <XElement>().Where(o => o.Name == xs_xhtml + "script" && o.Attribute("src")?.Value.Contains("SanteDB") == true).ToArray();
                        var head = htmlContent.DescendantNodes().OfType <XElement>().FirstOrDefault(o => o.Name == xs_xhtml + "head");
                        if (head == null)
                            head = new XElement(xs_xhtml + "head");

                        head.Add(headerInjection.Where(o => !head.Elements(o.Name).Any(e => (e.Attributes("src") != null && (e.Attributes("src") == o.Attributes("src"))) || (e.Attributes("href") != null && (e.Attributes("href") == o.Attributes("href"))))));

                        // Inject any business rules as static refs
                        var body = htmlContent.DescendantNodes().OfType <XElement>().FirstOrDefault(o => o.Name == xs_xhtml + "body");
                        if (body != null)
                                this.SelectMany(o => o.Assets.Where(a => a.Name.StartsWith("rules/"))).Select(o => new XElement(xs_xhtml + "script", new XAttribute("src", $"/{o.Manifest.Info.Id}/{o.Name}"), new XAttribute("type", "text/javascript"), new XAttribute("nonce", bindingParameters.TryGetValue("csp_nonce", out string nonce) ? nonce : ""), new XText("// Script reference")))
                        //                            head.Add(headerInjection);

                    case "body":     // The content is an HTML Body element, we must inject the HTML header
                        htmlContent = htmlAsset.Html as XElement;

                        // Inject special headers
                        var headerInjection = this.GetInjectionHeaders(asset, htmlContent.DescendantNodes().OfType <XElement>().Any(o => o.Name == xs_xhtml + "ui-view"));

                        // Render the bundles
                        var bodyElement = htmlAsset.Html as XElement;

                        htmlContent = new XElement(xs_xhtml + "html", new XAttribute("ng-app", asset.Name), new XElement(xs_xhtml + "head", headerInjection), bodyElement);

                        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(htmlAsset.Layout))
                            htmlContent = htmlAsset.Html as XElement;
                            // Get the layout
                            var layoutAsset = this.ResolveAsset(htmlAsset.Layout, relativeAsset: asset);
                            if (layoutAsset == null)
                                throw new FileNotFoundException(String.Format("Layout asset {0} not found", htmlAsset.Layout));

                            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(this.RenderAssetContent(layoutAsset, preProcessLocalization, bindingParameters: bindingParameters)))
                                htmlContent = XDocument.Load(ms).FirstNode as XElement;

                            // Find the <!--#include virtual="content" --> tag
                            var contentNode = htmlContent.DescendantNodes().OfType <XComment>().SingleOrDefault(o => o.Value.Trim() == "#include virtual=\"content\"");
                            if (contentNode != null)
                                contentNode.AddAfterSelf(htmlAsset.Html as XElement);

                            // Injection headers
                            var headerInjection = this.GetInjectionHeaders(asset, htmlContent.DescendantNodes().OfType <XElement>().Any(o => o.Name == xs_xhtml + "ui-view"));
                            var headElement     = (htmlContent.Element(xs_xhtml + "head") as XElement);
                            headElement?.Add(headerInjection.Where(o => !headElement.Elements(o.Name).Any(e => (e.Attributes("src") != null && (e.Attributes("src") == o.Attributes("src"))) || (e.Attributes("href") != null && (e.Attributes("href") == o.Attributes("href"))))));
                    } // switch

                    // Now process SSI directives - <!--#include virtual="XXXXXXX" -->
                    var includes = htmlContent.DescendantNodes().OfType <XComment>().Where(o => o?.Value?.Trim().StartsWith("#include virtual=\"") == true).ToList();
                    foreach (var inc in includes)
                        String assetName = inc.Value.Trim().Substring(18); // HACK: Should be a REGEX
                        if (assetName.EndsWith("\""))
                            assetName = assetName.Substring(0, assetName.Length - 1);
                        if (assetName == "content")
                        var includeAsset = this.ResolveAsset(assetName, relativeAsset: asset);
                        if (includeAsset == null)
                            inc.AddAfterSelf(new XElement(xs_xhtml + "strong", new XText(String.Format("{0} NOT FOUND", assetName))));
                            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(this.RenderAssetContent(includeAsset, preProcessLocalization, bindingParameters: bindingParameters)))
                                    var xel = XDocument.Load(ms).Elements().First() as XElement;
                                    if (xel.Name == xs_xhtml + "html")
                                        inc.AddAfterSelf(xel.Element(xs_xhtml + "body").Elements());
                                        //var headerInjection = this.GetInjectionHeaders(includeAsset);

                                        //var headElement = htmlContent.Element(xs_xhtml + "head");
                                        //headElement?.Add(headerInjection.Where(o => !headElement.Elements(o.Name).Any(e => (e.Attributes("src") != null && (e.Attributes("src") == o.Attributes("src"))) || (e.Attributes("href") != null && (e.Attributes("href") == o.Attributes("href"))))));

                                catch (Exception e)
                                    throw new XmlException($"Error in Asset: {includeAsset}", e);

                    // Re-write
                    foreach (var itm in htmlContent.DescendantNodes().OfType <XElement>().SelectMany(o => o.Attributes()).Where(o => o.Value.StartsWith("~")))
                        itm.Value = String.Format("/{0}/{1}", asset.Manifest.Info.Id, itm.Value.Substring(2));
                        //itm.Value = itm.Value.Replace(APPLET_SCHEME, this.AppletBase).Replace(ASSET_SCHEME, this.AssetBase).Replace(DRAWABLE_SCHEME, this.DrawableBase);

                    // Render Title
                    var headTitle = htmlContent.DescendantNodes().OfType <XElement>().FirstOrDefault(o => o.Name == xs_xhtml + "head");
                    var title     = htmlAsset.GetTitle(preProcessLocalization);
                    if (headTitle != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(title))
                        headTitle.Add(new XElement(xs_xhtml + "title", new XText(title)));

                // Render out the content
                using (StringWriter sw = new StringWriter())
                    using (XmlWriter xw = XmlWriter.Create(sw, new XmlWriterSettings()
                        OmitXmlDeclaration = true

                        String retVal = sw.ToString();
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(preProcessLocalization))
                            var assetString = ApplicationServiceContext.Current.GetService <ILocalizationService>().GetStrings(preProcessLocalization);
                            retVal = this.m_localizationRegex.Replace(retVal, (m) => assetString.FirstOrDefault(o => o.Key == m.Groups[1].Value).Value ?? m.Groups[1].Value);

                        // Binding objects
                        if (bindingParameters != null)
                            retVal = this.m_bindingRegex.Replace(retVal, (m) => bindingParameters.TryGetValue(m.Groups[1].Value, out string v) ? v : m.ToString());
                        var byteData = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(retVal);
                        // Add to cache
                        if (allowCache)
                            s_cache.TryAdd(cacheKey, byteData);

            else if (content is AppletAssetVirtual virtualContent) // Virtual asset
                if (!s_cache.TryGetValue(assetPath, out byte[] data))
        /// <summary>
        /// Get applet asset
        /// </summary>
        public object ResolveAppletAsset(AppletAsset navigateAsset)
            String itmPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(

            if (navigateAsset.MimeType == "text/html")
                XElement xe = XElement.Load(itmPath);

                // Now we have to iterate throuh and add the asset\
                AppletAssetHtml htmlAsset = null;

                if (xe.Elements().OfType <XElement>().Any(o => o.Name == xs_openiz + "widget"))
                    var widgetEle = xe.Elements().OfType <XElement>().FirstOrDefault(o => o.Name == xs_openiz + "widget");
                    htmlAsset = new AppletWidget()
                        Icon        = widgetEle.Element(xs_openiz + "icon")?.Value,
                        Type        = (AppletWidgetType)Enum.Parse(typeof(AppletWidgetType), widgetEle.Attribute("type")?.Value),
                        Scope       = (AppletWidgetScope)Enum.Parse(typeof(AppletWidgetScope), widgetEle.Attribute("scope")?.Value),
                        Description = widgetEle.Elements().Where(o => o.Name == xs_openiz + "description").Select(o => new LocaleString()
                            Value = o.Value, Language = o.Attribute("lang")?.Value
                        Name       = widgetEle.Attribute("name")?.Value,
                        Controller = widgetEle.Element(xs_openiz + "controller")?.Value,
                    htmlAsset = new AppletAssetHtml();
                    // View state data
                    htmlAsset.ViewState = xe.Elements().OfType <XElement>().Where(o => o.Name == xs_openiz + "state").Select(o => new AppletViewState()
                        Name       = o.Attribute("name")?.Value,
                        Route      = o.Elements().OfType <XElement>().FirstOrDefault(r => r.Name == xs_openiz + "url" || r.Name == xs_openiz + "route")?.Value,
                        IsAbstract = Boolean.Parse(o.Attribute("abstract")?.Value ?? "False"),
                        View       = o.Elements().OfType <XElement>().Where(v => v.Name == xs_openiz + "view")?.Select(v => new AppletView()
                            Name  = v.Attribute("name")?.Value,
                            Title = v.Elements().OfType <XElement>().Where(t => t.Name == xs_openiz + "title")?.Select(t => new LocaleString()
                                Language = t.Attribute("lang")?.Value,
                                Value    = t?.Value
                            Controller = v.Element(xs_openiz + "controller")?.Value
                    htmlAsset.Layout = ResolveName(xe.Attribute(xs_openiz + "layout")?.Value);
                    htmlAsset.Static = xe.Attribute(xs_openiz + "static")?.Value == "true";

                htmlAsset.Titles = new List <LocaleString>(xe.Descendants().OfType <XElement>().Where(o => o.Name == xs_openiz + "title").Select(o => new LocaleString()
                    Language = o.Attribute("lang")?.Value, Value = o.Value
                htmlAsset.Bundle = new List <string>(xe.Descendants().OfType <XElement>().Where(o => o.Name == xs_openiz + "bundle").Select(o => ResolveName(o.Value)));
                htmlAsset.Script = new List <AssetScriptReference>(xe.Descendants().OfType <XElement>().Where(o => o.Name == xs_openiz + "script").Select(o => new AssetScriptReference()
                    Reference = ResolveName(o.Value),
                    IsStatic  = Boolean.Parse(o.Attribute("static")?.Value ?? "true")
                htmlAsset.Style = new List <string>(xe.Descendants().OfType <XElement>().Where(o => o.Name == xs_openiz + "style").Select(o => ResolveName(o.Value)));

                var demand = xe.DescendantNodes().OfType <XElement>().Where(o => o.Name == xs_openiz + "demand").Select(o => o.Value).ToList();

                var includes = xe.DescendantNodes().OfType <XComment>().Where(o => o?.Value?.Trim().StartsWith("#include virtual=\"") == true).ToList();
                foreach (var inc in includes)
                    String assetName = inc.Value.Trim().Substring(18); // HACK: Should be a REGEX
                    if (assetName.EndsWith("\""))
                        assetName = assetName.Substring(0, assetName.Length - 1);
                    if (assetName == "content")
                    var includeAsset = ResolveName(assetName);
                    inc.AddAfterSelf(new XComment(String.Format("#include virtual=\"{0}\"", includeAsset)));

                var xel = xe.Descendants().OfType <XElement>().Where(o => o.Name.Namespace == xs_openiz).ToList();
                if (xel != null)
                    foreach (var x in xel)
                htmlAsset.Html = xe;
            else if (navigateAsset.MimeType == "text/javascript" ||
                     navigateAsset.MimeType == "text/css" ||
                     navigateAsset.MimeType == "application/json" ||
                     navigateAsset.MimeType == "text/xml")
                var script = File.ReadAllText(itmPath);
                if (itmPath.Contains("openiz.js") || itmPath.Contains("openiz.min.js"))
                    script += this.GetShimMethods();