public LoginDetails(string username, string password, string secretAnswer, Platform platform, AppVersion appVersion) { username.ThrowIfInvalidArgument(); password.ThrowIfInvalidArgument(); secretAnswer.ThrowIfInvalidArgument(); Username = username; Password = password; SecretAnswer = secretAnswer; Platform = platform; AppVersion = appVersion; }
private async Task <string> UpdatePreview() { // generate release notes bool showAllChanges = false; UpdateMessage.Text = _update.Message.Body; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine("**Release Notes**\n"); sb.AppendLine($"{_update.Message.ReleaseNotesURL}\n"); if (_update.Message.ReleaseNotes != null) { foreach (var note in _update.Message.ReleaseNotes) { if (showAllChanges || _update.InstalledVersion == null || AppVersion.IsOtherVersionNewer(_update.InstalledVersion, AppVersion.FromString(note.Version))) { sb.AppendLine($"{note.Version}: {note.ReleaseDate}"); sb.AppendLine($"{note.Body}\n"); sb.AppendLine($"-------------------------\n"); } } } var result = Markdig.Markdown.ToHtml(sb.ToString(), _markdownPipeline); result = "<html><head><meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html;charset=UTF-8'><meta http-equiv=\"X-UA-Compatible\" content=\"IE=edge\" />" + "<style>" + _css + "</style></head><body>" + result + "</body></html>"; return(await Task.FromResult(result)); }
/// <summary> /// This program calculates the MD5 hashes for the given input files /// </summary> /// <param name="args"></param> private void Run(string[] args) { Console.OutputEncoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(Encoding.Default.CodePage); Args = new InputArgs("touch", string.Format(resource.IDS_TITLE, AppVersion.Get()) + "\r\n" + resource.IDS_COPYRIGHT); Args.Add(InputArgType.Parameter, "date", "", Presence.Optional, resource.IDS_CMD_date_doc); Args.Add(InputArgType.Parameter, "time", "", Presence.Optional, resource.IDS_CMD_time_doc); Args.Add(InputArgType.Flag, "recursive", false, Presence.Optional, resource.IDS_CMD_recursive_doc); Args.Add(InputArgType.RemainingParameters, "DIR {DIR}", null, Presence.Optional, resource.IDS_CMD_dir_doc); if (Args.Process(args)) { DateTime dateSpec = DateTime.Now; DateTime timeSpec = DateTime.Now; string date = Args.GetString("DATE"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(date)) { try { dateSpec = DateTime.Parse(date); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); Console.WriteLine(e.StackTrace); Console.WriteLine(resource.IDS_ERR_unable_to_decode_date, date); return; } } string time = Args.GetString("TIME"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(time)) { try { timeSpec = DateTime.Parse(time); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); Console.WriteLine(e.StackTrace); Console.WriteLine(resource.IDS_ERR_unable_to_decode_time, time); return; } } TimeStamp = new DateTime(dateSpec.Year, dateSpec.Month, dateSpec.Day, timeSpec.Hour, timeSpec.Minute, timeSpec.Second); Recursive = Args.GetFlag("recursive"); List <string> directories = Args.GetStringList("DIR {DIR}"); if (directories == null) { Read(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()); } else { foreach (string directory in directories) { Read(SanitizeInput(directory)); } } } }
internal static Member NewUpMember(string host, int port = 252525, AppVersion version = null) => LeastShardAllocationStrategySpec.NewUpMember(host, port, version);
/// <summary> /// 对比版本是否相同(不对比d 资源版本号) /// </summary> /// <param name="v1"></param> /// <param name="v2"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool Equals(AppVersion v1, AppVersion v2) { return(v1.ToABC() == v2.ToABC()); }
public static Member Create(Address address, MemberStatus status, ImmutableHashSet <string> roles, int uid = 0, int upNumber = 0, AppVersion appVersion = null) { return(Member.Create(new UniqueAddress(address, uid), upNumber, status, roles, appVersion ?? AppVersion.Zero)); }
public void Can_serialize_Join() { var address = new Address("akka.tcp", "system", "", 4711); var uniqueAddress = new UniqueAddress(address, 17); var message = new InternalClusterAction.Join(uniqueAddress, ImmutableHashSet.Create("foo", "bar"), AppVersion.Zero); AssertEqual(message); message = new InternalClusterAction.Join(uniqueAddress, ImmutableHashSet.Create("foo", "bar"), AppVersion.Create("1.2.3")); AssertEqual(message); }
public App() { InitializeComponent(); DependencyService.Register <PlayerDataStore>(); DependencyService.Register <ProfileDataStore>(); DependencyService.Register <GolfclubDataStore>(); DependencyService.Register <EventDataStore>(); DependencyService.Register <TournamentDataStore>(); DependencyService.Register <CourseDataStore>(); DependencyService.Register <CourseHandicapTableDataStore>(); DependencyService.Register <CourseHandicapDataStore>(); DependencyService.Register <FlightDataStore>(); DependencyService.Register <Flight2PlayerDataStore>(); DependencyService.Register <TeeDataStore>(); DependencyService.Register <ResultDataStore>(); DependencyService.Register <TeeInfoDataStore>(); DependencyService.Register <AppVersionDataStore>(); DependencyService.Register <ILocationUpdateService>(); Device.SetFlags(new string[] { "Expander_Experimental" }); // check appversion table - if no entries, create first entry IDataStore <AppVersion> AppVersions = DependencyService.Get <IDataStore <AppVersion> >(); var appVersionsTask = AppVersions.GetItemsAsync(); AppVersion v = appVersionsTask.Result.FirstOrDefault(); if (v == null) { // create first version AppVersion newVersion = new AppVersion() { Version = 200, DBVersion = "2" }; AppVersions.AddItemAsync(newVersion); } // sync events SyncWebData(); MainPage = new MainPage(); ILocationUpdateService LocationUpdateService = DependencyService.Get <ILocationUpdateService>(); LocationUpdateService.LocationChanged += LocationUpdateService_LocationChanged; //try //{ // //var location = await Geolocation.GetLastKnownLocationAsync(); // var request = new GeolocationRequest(GeolocationAccuracy.Medium, new TimeSpan(0, 0, 10)); // var tasklocation = Geolocation.GetLocationAsync(request); // var location = tasklocation.Result; // if (location != null) // { // // save location in profile // } //} //catch (Exception exp) //{ // // manage exception //} }
IEnumerator Start() { //save version at first start up if (!PlayerPrefs.HasKey("Version String")) { Debug.Log("Version String: " + AppVersion.GetCurrentVersionString()); PlayerPrefs.SetString("Version String", AppVersion.GetCurrentVersionString()); } if (!PlayerPrefs.HasKey("Building String")) { Debug.Log("Building String: " + AppVersion.GetCurrentBuildString()); PlayerPrefs.SetString("Building String", AppVersion.GetCurrentBuildString()); } /* * Logging.GetLogger("App.Boot").SetLevel(Logging.DEBUG); * Logging.GetLogger("App.FCDownloadManager").SetLevel(Logging.DEBUG); * Logging.GetLogger("Package.DynamicContentPipeline").SetLevel(Logging.DEBUG); * Logging.GetLogger("Package.ForcedUpdate").SetLevel(Logging.DEBUG); * Logging.GetLogger("Package.ABTesting").SetLevel(Logging.DEBUG); * Logging.GetLogger("Package.AssetBundles").SetLevel(Logging.DEBUG); * Logging.GetLogger("Package.LiveOpsManager").SetLevel(Logging.DEBUG); */ // DynamicContent.OnForcedBinariesUpdate = delegate // { // Debug.Log("ForcedUpdate is required"); // Application.OpenURL(ForcedUpdate.GetUpdateURL()); // opens page on AppStore // }; // DynamicContent.OnNoNeedBinariesUpdate = delegate // { // Debug.Log("No Forced update"); // FCDownloadManager.Instance.UpdateAllIndexDownloaded(); // }; // FCDownloadManager.Instance.OnDownloadSuccess = null; FCDownloadManager.Instance.OnDownloadSuccess = delegate(FCDownloadManager.FCIndexDownloadInfo indexInfo) { Debug.Log(indexInfo.IndexDownloadName + " is load success!"); }; FCDownloadManager.Instance.OnStartNewDownload = null; FCDownloadManager.Instance.OnAllDownloadFinished = delegate { Debug.Log("Loaded successfully"); Assertion.Check(Application.CanStreamedLevelBeLoaded(LEVEL_TO_LOAD)); #if DEVELOPMENT_BUILD || UNITY_EDITOR if (!CheatManager.needCheckSplashText) { AppLoading.Instance.LoadingStep = APP_LOADING_STEP.SCENE_GAMELUNCH; //FCDownloadManager.Instance.IsBackgroundMode = true; Application.LoadLevel(LEVEL_TO_LOAD); } #endif }; FCDownloadManager.Instance.OnDownloadFailed = delegate(FCDownloadManager.FCIndexDownloadInfo indexInfo) { FCDownloadManager.Instance.RemoveAllDownloads(FCDownloadManager.DownloadType.DT_Foreground); }; FCDownloadManager.Instance.OnForceUpdate = delegate(string URL) { }; FCDownloadManager.Instance.OnServerCheckFailed = delegate { Debug.LogError("FCDownloadManager.Instance.OnServerCheckFailed"); }; FCDownloadManager.Instance.OnServerMaintaining = delegate(string maintainMessage) { }; FCDownloadManager.Instance.OnServerAvailable = delegate { Debug.Log("FCDownloadManager.Instance.OnServerAvailable"); AppLoading.Instance.LoadingStep = APP_LOADING_STEP.BUNDLE_CHECK; FCDownloadManager.Instance.Init(); FCDownloadManager.Instance.CheckDynamicContentInfo(); FCDownloadManager.Instance.UpdateAllIndexDownloaded(); }; if (Started != null) { Started(); } yield return(null); if (NetworkManager.isOfflinePlay) { AppLoading.Instance.LoadingStep = APP_LOADING_STEP.SCENE_GAMELUNCH; Application.LoadLevel("GameLaunch"); } else { FCDownloadManager.Instance.CheckServerPost(); } }
public MainForm() { InitializeComponent(); Text += " " + Version; DateTime from = DateTime.UtcNow; fromDate.Value = new DateTime(from.Year, from.Month, from.Day); toDate.Value = fromDate.Value.AddDays(1); fromDate.ValueChanged += (o, e) => { if (toDate.Value < fromDate.Value) { toDate.Value = fromDate.Value.AddDays(1); } }; llPresets.Click += (o, e) => { ctxPresets.Show(llPresets, llPresets.PointToClient(Control.MousePosition)); }; dataGridView1.ClipboardCopyMode = DataGridViewClipboardCopyMode.EnableWithAutoHeaderText; dataGridView1.MultiSelect = true; dataGridView1.CellDoubleClick += HandleCellDoubleClick; typeof(DataGridView).InvokeMember( "DoubleBuffered", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.SetProperty, null, dataGridView1, new object[] { true }); UpdateAccountSelection(); // OrderBy vullen foreach (var enumname in Enum.GetNames(typeof(OrderBy))) { orderByCombo.Items.Add(enumname); } orderByCombo.SelectedIndex = 0; // Filter textbox filterTextBox.GotFocus += HandleFilterGotFocus; filterTextBox.LostFocus += HandleFilterLostFocus; filterTextBox.KeyUp += HandleFilterKeyup; HandleFilterLostFocus(this, EventArgs.Empty); // Extra opties useOptimizedQueriesForWADTablesToolStripMenuItem.Checked = Configuration.Instance.UseWADPerformanceOptimization; useOptimizedQueriesForWADTablesToolStripMenuItem.Click += (src, evt) => { Configuration.Instance.UseWADPerformanceOptimization = !Configuration.Instance.UseWADPerformanceOptimization; useOptimizedQueriesForWADTablesToolStripMenuItem.Checked = Configuration.Instance.UseWADPerformanceOptimization; Configuration.Instance.Save(); }; convertEventTickCountColumnToReadableFormatToolStripMenuItem.Checked = Configuration.Instance.ConvertEventTickCount; convertEventTickCountColumnToReadableFormatToolStripMenuItem.Click += (src, evt) => { Configuration.Instance.ConvertEventTickCount = !Configuration.Instance.ConvertEventTickCount; convertEventTickCountColumnToReadableFormatToolStripMenuItem.Checked = Configuration.Instance.ConvertEventTickCount; Configuration.Instance.Save(); }; showPerfCountersAsChartMenuItem.Checked = Configuration.Instance.ShowPerformanceCountersAsChart; showPerfCountersAsChartMenuItem.Click += (src, evt) => { Configuration.Instance.ShowPerformanceCountersAsChart = !Configuration.Instance.ShowPerformanceCountersAsChart; showPerfCountersAsChartMenuItem.Checked = Configuration.Instance.ShowPerformanceCountersAsChart; Configuration.Instance.Save(); }; useKarellPartitionKey.Checked = Configuration.Instance.UseKarellPartitionKey; useKarellRowKey.Checked = Configuration.Instance.UseKarellRowKey; delayedFilterTextChangedTimer = new Timer(); delayedFilterTextChangedTimer.Interval = 500; delayedFilterTextChangedTimer.Tick += DelayedFilterTextChangedTimerTick; // New version check AppVersion.CheckForUpdateAsync(); }
private void UpdateService_UpdateIsAvailable(AppVersion appVersion) { }
void OnAppVersionFinished(AppVersion app) { Debug.Log("StartScene OnAppVersionFinished"); RunApp(); }
public static byte[] GetMemorySize(AppVersion ver, Memory mem) { List <byte> data; if (mem.IsAutoSize) { data = new List <byte>(); } else { data = new List <byte>(new byte[mem.Size]); } foreach (Models.Parameter para in ver.Parameters.Where(p => p.Memory == mem.Name)) { if (para.ParameterTypeObject.SizeInBit > 7) { if (mem.IsAutoSize || para.IsOffsetAuto) { para.Offset = -1; para.OffsetBit = 0; } for (int i = 0; i < (para.ParameterTypeObject.SizeInBit / 8); i++) { if (mem.IsAutoSize) { if (para.Offset == -1) { para.Offset = data.Count; para.OffsetBit = 0; } data.Add(8); } else { data[para.Offset + i] += 8; } } } else { if (mem.IsAutoSize || para.IsOffsetAuto) { bool flag = false; for (int i = 0; i < data.Count; i++) { if (8 - data[i] >= para.ParameterTypeObject.SizeInBit) { para.Offset = i; para.OffsetBit = data[i]; data[i] = Convert.ToByte(data[i] + para.ParameterTypeObject.SizeInBit); flag = true; break; } } if (!flag) { para.Offset = data.Count; para.OffsetBit = 0; data.Add(Convert.ToByte(para.ParameterTypeObject.SizeInBit)); } } else { data[para.Offset] += Convert.ToByte(para.ParameterTypeObject.SizeInBit); } } } if (mem.IsAutoSize) { mem.Size = data.Count; } return(data.ToArray()); }
public Resources(AppVersion appVersion) { switch (appVersion) { case AppVersion.WebApp: Validate = ""; Auth = ""; Home = ""; NucleusId = ""; Shards = "{0}"; AccountInfo = "{0}"; Item = "{0}.json"; PlayerImage = "{0}.png"; FlagsImage = "{0}.png"; ClubImage = "{0}.png"; break; case AppVersion.CompanionApp: Validate = ""; Auth = "{0}"; Home = "{0}"; NucleusId = "{0}?offset=0&count=50&_={1}"; Shards = "{0}"; AccountInfo = "{0}"; Item = "{0}.json"; PlayerImage = "{0}.png"; FlagsImage = "{0}.png"; ClubImage = "{0}.png"; break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(appVersion), appVersion, null); } }
public void LessThanOperator_Test_NotLessThan(string lhs, string rhs) { Assert.IsFalse(AppVersion.Parse(lhs) < AppVersion.Parse(rhs)); }
/// <summary> /// Checks the app version concurrency. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public bool CheckAppVersionConcurrency() { return(AppVersion.ToString().CompareTo(AppSettings.RequiredAppVersion) == 0); }
private AppProject AddNewApp(TencentAppStoreModel.AppListItem app, AppProject appProject, AppInfo appInfo) { try { #region Set up Applist appProject = new AppProject(); var appProjectId = RedisService.Add <AppProject>(appProject); App ap = new App(); var appId = RedisService.Add <App>(ap); AppSettingsForAppList appSetting = new AppSettingsForAppList() { Id = appId, CreateDateTime = DateTime.Now }; CustomProperty prop = new CustomProperty() { Id = AppConfigKey.OS_ATTR_ID, Value = AppConfigKey.OS_ATTR_VALUE }; RedisService.AddCustomPropertyFor <App, CustomProperty>(ap.Id, prop); var lcdDetails = AppStoreUIService.GetElementDetailList(AppConfigKey.LCD_ATTR_ID); foreach (var lcd in lcdDetails) { SetLCD(ap.Id, lcd.Value.ToString()); } AppStoreUIService.SetAppForAppList <AppProject>(appProjectId, appSetting); #endregion #region Set up app project var originalAppProject = CloneHelper.DeepClone <AppProject>(appProject); appProject.AppNo = "tencent_" + app.appid; appProject.Creator = app.cpname; appProject.LogoFile = GetFileNameFromUri(appInfo.logo); appProject.Name =; appProject.PackageName = appInfo.packageName; appProject.Rate =; RedisService.UpdateWithRebuildIndex <AppProject>(originalAppProject, appProject); #endregion #region Set up App var originalApp = CloneHelper.DeepClone <App>(ap); var originalApp2 = RedisService.Get <App>(ap.Id); ap.AppNo = appProject.AppNo; ap.AppProjectId = appProject.Id; ap.UseGreaterVersion = true; ClientImageInfo lg = new ClientImageInfo { BelongsToAppId = ap.Id, FileUrl = Path.Combine(LogoDirRoot, GetFileNameFromUri(appInfo.logo)), TypeId = "1" }; RedisService.Add <ClientImageInfo>(lg); ap.ClientLogos = new List <ClientImageInfo> { lg }; ImageInfo lg2 = new ImageInfo { BelongsToAppId = ap.Id, FileUrl = Path.Combine(LogoDirRoot, GetFileNameFromUri(appInfo.logo)) }; RedisService.Add <ImageInfo>(lg2); ap.Logo = lg2; ap.Name =; ap.OrderNumber = appInfo.downnum; ap.DownloadTimes = appInfo.downnum; ap.Status = 1; foreach (var s in appInfo.images) { ImageInfo ss = new ImageInfo { BelongsToAppId = ap.Id, FileUrl = Path.Combine(ScreenshotDirRoot, GetFileNameFromUri(s)) }; RedisService.Add <ImageInfo>(ss); ap.ScreenShot.Add(ss); } ap.PlatformType = AppConfigKey.PLATFORM_TYPE_ID.ConfigValue().ToInt32(); ap.Summary = appInfo.detail.Replace("<br/>", string.Empty).Replace("<br>", string.Empty); RedisService.UpdateWithRebuildIndex <App>(originalApp2, ap); #endregion #region Set up App Version if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(appInfo.apkurl)) { FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(APK_Folder_Base, GetFileNameFromUri(appInfo.apkurl))); if (fi != null && fi.Exists) { AppVersion ver = new AppVersion { FileSize = (int)fi.Length, FileUrl = GetFileNameFromUri(appInfo.apkurl), PublishDateTime = appInfo.updatetime, Status = 1, VersionName = appInfo.apkver, Id = appInfo.versionCode.ToString() }; RedisService.SetSubModel <App, AppVersion>(ap.Id, ver); AppStoreUIService.SetAppCurrentTestVersion(appId, ver.Id); AppStoreUIService.PublishAppVersion(appId); AndroidPackageView apkInfo = FileService.GetAndroidPackageInfomation(fi.FullName); apkInfo.Id = ver.Id; RedisService.SetSubModel <App, AndroidPackageView>(ap.Id, apkInfo); } } #endregion #region Set up tags if (appInfo.type.StartsWith("soft", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { AppStoreUIService.AddTagForAppProject(AppConfigKey.TAG_SOFTWARE, appProject.Id); AppStoreUIService.AddTagForAppProject(AppConfigKey.TAG_TOT_10_SOFTWARE, appProject.Id); } else { AppStoreUIService.AddTagForAppProject(AppConfigKey.TAG_GAME, appProject.Id); AppStoreUIService.AddTagForAppProject(AppConfigKey.TAG_TOT_10_GAMES, appProject.Id); } AppStoreUIService.AddTagForAppProject(AppConfigKey.TAG_LATEST, appProject.Id); AppStoreUIService.AddTagForAppProject(appInfo.category, appProject.Id); AddMarketTag(appInfo.category, ap.Id); AppStoreUIService.AddTagForApp("Live", ap.Id); AppStoreUIService.AddTagForApp("Valid", ap.Id); AppStoreUIService.AddTagForAppProject("From_tencent", appProject.Id); #endregion } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelper.WriteError(ex.Message + ex.StackTrace); LogHelper.WriteInfo(string.Format("This AppProject {0} will delete, appProjectId is {1}", appProject.Name, appProject.Id)); AppProjectDelete(appProject.Id); } return(appProject); }
public SdTabInterfaceBuilder(IThreadNotifier mainWindowUiUiNotifier, ICmdListener <IList <BytesPair> > cmdListenerKsmParams, IParameterLogger parameterLogger, IParameterSetter parameterSetter, AppVersion version) { _uiNotifier = mainWindowUiUiNotifier; _cmdListenerKsmParams = cmdListenerKsmParams; _parameterLogger = parameterLogger; _parameterSetter = parameterSetter; _version = version; }
private int AddNewVersionForApp(int newVersionCount, TencentAppStoreModel.AppListItem app, App a) { newVersionCount++; #region Checked TYD App var tags = AppStoreUIService.GetTagsByApp(a.Id); // if the app has "TYD手动维护" tag, skip it. if (tags.FindIndex(x => (x.Name == AppConfigKey.TAG_TYD_SKIP) || (x.Id == AppConfigKey.TAG_TYD_SKIP_ID)) != -1) { LogHelper.WriteInfo(string.Format("TYD手动维护 -- {0}, skipped",, ConsoleColor.Yellow); return(newVersionCount); } LogHelper.WriteInfo(string.Format("Has new version for app, name {0}, downloading...",, ConsoleColor.Yellow); #endregion #region Set up App Version AppInfo appInfo = DowloadAppInfoAndResources(app.appid.ToString()); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(appInfo.apkurl)) { FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(APK_Folder_Base, GetFileNameFromUri(appInfo.apkurl))); if (fi != null && fi.Exists) { AppVersion ver = new AppVersion { FileSize = (int)fi.Length, FileUrl = GetFileNameFromUri(appInfo.apkurl), PublishDateTime = appInfo.updatetime, Status = 1, VersionName = appInfo.apkver, Id = appInfo.versionCode.ToString() }; var originalApp = RedisService.Get <App>(a.Id); AndroidPackageView apkInfo = FileService.GetAndroidPackageInfomation(fi.FullName); apkInfo.Id = ver.Id; if (a.Status == 0) { RedisService.UpdateWithRebuildIndex <App>(originalApp, a); LogHelper.WriteInfo(string.Format("This App {0} status is invaild", a.Name), ConsoleColor.Gray); } RedisService.SetSubModel <App, AppVersion>(a.Id, ver); RedisService.SetSubModel <App, AndroidPackageView>(a.Id, apkInfo); AppStoreUIService.SetAppCurrentTestVersion(a.Id, ver.Id); AppStoreUIService.PublishAppVersion(a.Id); } } #endregion #region Set up tags if (a.Status != 0) { AppStoreUIService.AddTagForApp("Valid", a.Id); } AppStoreUIService.AddTagForApp(appInfo.category, a.Id); AddMarketTag(appInfo.category, a.Id); AppStoreUIService.AddTagForApp("From_tencent", a.Id); AppStoreUIService.AddTagForApp("Live", a.Id); #endregion return(newVersionCount); }
public static Member Create(Address address, MemberStatus status, int uid = 0, AppVersion appVersion = null) { return(Create(address, status, ImmutableHashSet.Create <string>(), uid, appVersion: appVersion)); }
public async Task ExecuteCommand(string command) { TextBoxEnabled = false; ConsoleMessages.Clear(); ConsoleMessages.Add(">" + command); if (ProjectRootDirectory == null || !File.Exists(Path.Combine(ProjectRootDirectory, "mission.sqm"))) { ConsoleMessages.Add("Project must be saved at least once, and the project file (.tproj) must be in the same directory as 'mission.sqm' in order to use the CPack Console."); ConsoleMessages.Add(">"); TextBoxEnabled = true; return; } IProgress <string> progress = new Progress <string>(OnCommandProgress); AppVersion targetVersion = null; bool updateDependencies = false; bool removeDependencies = false; bool overwrite = false; bool beta = false; string[] commandItems = command.Split(" ".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); for (int i = 0; i < commandItems.Length; i++) { if (commandItems[i].ToLower() == "-version") { if (i < commandItems.GetUpperBound(0)) { AppVersion.TryParse(commandItems[i + 1], out targetVersion); i++; } } else if (commandItems[i].ToLower() == "-updatedep") { updateDependencies = true; } else if (commandItems[i].ToLower() == "-removedep") { removeDependencies = true; } else if (commandItems[i].ToLower() == "-overwrite") { overwrite = true; } else if (commandItems[i].ToLower() == "-beta") { beta = true; } } if (commandItems[0].ToLower() == "install") { if (commandItems.Length < 2) { ConsoleMessages.Add("Command Install missing package name"); return; } string packageName = commandItems[1]; var result = await Service.InstallPackageAsync(packageName, ProjectRootDirectory, targetVersion, updateDependencies, overwrite, beta, progress); TextBoxEnabled = true; OnPackageInstalled(packageName); //result.ContinueWith((arg) => {}); } else if (commandItems[0].ToLower() == "update") { if (commandItems.Length < 2) { ConsoleMessages.Add("Command Update missing package name"); return; } string packageName = commandItems[1]; var result = await Service.UpdatePackageAsync(packageName, ProjectRootDirectory, targetVersion, updateDependencies, overwrite, beta, progress); TextBoxEnabled = true; OnPackageInstalled(packageName); //result.ContinueWith((arg) => { TextBoxEnabled = true; }); } else if (commandItems[0].ToLower() == "remove") { if (commandItems.Length < 2) { ConsoleMessages.Add("Command Update missing package name"); return; } string packageName = commandItems[1]; var result = await Service.RemovePackageAsync(packageName, ProjectRootDirectory, removeDependencies, overwrite, progress); TextBoxEnabled = true; OnPackageInstalled(packageName); //result.ContinueWith((arg) => { }); } else if (commandItems[0].ToLower() == "list") { var result = await Service.ListPackagesAsync(ProjectRootDirectory, beta, progress); TextBoxEnabled = true; //result.ContinueWith((arg) => { }); } else if (commandItems[0].ToLower() == "clear") { ConsoleMessages.Add(">"); } else if (commandItems[0].ToLower() == "exit") { OnExit(); } else { ConsoleMessages.Add("Unknown command: '" + commandItems[0] + "'"); ConsoleMessages.Add(">"); TextBoxEnabled = true; } }
/// <summary> /// 对比版本是否v1是否比v2大(不对比d 资源版本号) /// </summary> /// <param name="v1"></param> /// <param name="v2"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool Bigger(AppVersion v1, AppVersion v2) { return(v1.ToABC() > v2.ToABC()); }
public WhatsNewDialog(Context context, AppPrefs prefs, AppVersion oldVersion, AppVersion currentVersion) { this.context = context; this.prefs = prefs; this.oldVersion = oldVersion; this.currentVersion = currentVersion; this.handler = new Handler(Looper.MainLooper); }
public int CompareTo(Metrics other) { if (!(OS == null && other.OS == null)) { if (OS == null) { return(-1); } if (other.OS == null) { return(1); } if (!OS.Equals(other.OS)) { return(OS.CompareTo(other.OS)); } } if (!(OSVersion == null && other.OSVersion == null)) { if (OSVersion == null) { return(-1); } if (other.OSVersion == null) { return(1); } if (!OSVersion.Equals(other.OSVersion)) { return(OSVersion.CompareTo(other.OSVersion)); } } if (!(Device == null && other.Device == null)) { if (Device == null) { return(-1); } if (other.Device == null) { return(1); } if (!Device.Equals(other.Device)) { return(Device.CompareTo(other.Device)); } } if (!(Resolution == null && other.Resolution == null)) { if (Resolution == null) { return(-1); } if (other.Resolution == null) { return(1); } if (!Resolution.Equals(other.Resolution)) { return(Resolution.CompareTo(other.Resolution)); } } if (!(Carrier == null && other.Carrier == null)) { if (Carrier == null) { return(-1); } if (other.Carrier == null) { return(1); } if (!Carrier.Equals(other.Carrier)) { return(Carrier.CompareTo(other.Carrier)); } } if (!(AppVersion == null && other.AppVersion == null)) { if (AppVersion == null) { return(-1); } if (other.AppVersion == null) { return(1); } if (!AppVersion.Equals(other.AppVersion)) { return(AppVersion.CompareTo(other.AppVersion)); } } return(0); }
private void HandleChangelogClicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { AppVersion.DisplayChanges(); }
public void A_cluster_must_initially_become_singleton_cluster_when_joining_itself_and_reach_convergence() { ClusterView.Members.Count.Should().Be(0); _cluster.Join(_selfAddress); LeaderActions(); // Joining -> Up AwaitCondition(() => ClusterView.IsSingletonCluster); ClusterView.Self.Address.Should().Be(_selfAddress); ClusterView.Members.Select(m => m.Address).ToImmutableHashSet() .Should().BeEquivalentTo(ImmutableHashSet.Create(_selfAddress)); AwaitAssert(() => ClusterView.Status.Should().Be(MemberStatus.Up)); ClusterView.Self.AppVersion.Should().Be(AppVersion.Create("1.2.3")); ClusterView.Members.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Address == _selfAddress).AppVersion.Should().Be(AppVersion.Create("1.2.3")); ClusterView.State.HasMoreThanOneAppVersion.Should().BeFalse(); }
private void HandleAbout(object sender, EventArgs e) { AppVersion.DisplayAbout(); }
public void Version_should_not_support_more_than_3_digits_version() { XAssert.Throws <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(() => AppVersion.Create("")); }
/// <summary> /// Form Load Event Handler - Initialized form after it has been loaded /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void AboutForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { thisVersionLabel.Text = AppVersion.ToString(); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="package"></param> /// <param name="isPreviewMode"></param> /// <returns></returns> public async Task <List <ActionStep> > PerformImport(ImportExportPackage package, ImportSettings settings, bool isPreviewMode) { // apply import var steps = new List <ActionStep>(); // import managed certs, certificate files, stored credentials, CAs var currentAppVersion = Certify.Management.Util.GetAppVersion(); if (currentAppVersion != package.SystemVersion) { if (package.SystemVersion == null || AppVersion.IsOtherVersionNewer(AppVersion.FromVersion(package.SystemVersion), AppVersion.FromVersion(currentAppVersion))) { steps.Add(new ActionStep { Title = "Version Check", Category = "Import", Key = "Version", HasWarning = true, Description = "Migration to an older app version is not supported. Results may be unreliable." }); } } else { steps.Add(new ActionStep { Title = "Version Check", Category = "Import", Key = "Version", Description = "Source is from the same version or a supported app version." }); } // check encryption var decryptionFailed = false; try { var decryptionCheckBytes = DecryptBytes(package.EncryptionValidation.Content, settings.EncryptionSecret, package.EncryptionSalt); var decryptionCheckString = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(decryptionCheckBytes).Trim('\0'); if (decryptionCheckString != "Secret") { // failed decryption decryptionFailed = true; } } catch (Exception) { decryptionFailed = true; } if (decryptionFailed) { steps.Add(new ActionStep { HasError = true, Title = "Decryption Check", Category = "Import", Key = "Decrypt", Description = "Secrets cannot be decrypted using the provided password." }); return(steps); } else { steps.Add(new ActionStep { Title = "Decryption Check", Category = "Import", Key = "Decrypt", Description = "Secrets can be decrypted OK using the provided password." }); } // stored credentials var credentialImportSteps = new List <ActionStep>(); foreach (var c in package.Content.StoredCredentials) { var decodedBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(c.Secret); var decryptedBytes = DecryptBytes(decodedBytes, settings.EncryptionSecret, package.EncryptionSalt); // convert decrypted bytes to UTF8 string and trim NUL c.Secret = UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetString(decryptedBytes).Trim('\0'); var existing = await _credentialsManager.GetCredential(c.StorageKey); if (existing == null) { if (!isPreviewMode) { // perform import var result = await _credentialsManager.Update(c); if (result != null) { credentialImportSteps.Add(new ActionStep { Title = c.Title, Key = c.StorageKey }); } else { credentialImportSteps.Add(new ActionStep { Title = c.Title, Key = c.StorageKey, HasWarning = true, Description = $"Failed to store this credential. Items which depend on it may not function." }); } } else { // preview only credentialImportSteps.Add(new ActionStep { Title = c.Title, Key = c.StorageKey }); } } else { // credential already exists credentialImportSteps.Add(new ActionStep { Title = c.Title, Key = c.StorageKey, HasWarning = true, Description = $"Credential already exists, it will not be re-imported." }); } } steps.Add(new ActionStep { Title = "Import Stored Credentials", Category = "Import", Substeps = credentialImportSteps, Key = "StoredCredentials" }); var targetSiteBindings = new List <BindingInfo>(); if (await _targetServer?.IsAvailable() == true) { targetSiteBindings = await _targetServer.GetSiteBindingList(false); } // managed certs var managedCertImportSteps = new List <ActionStep>(); foreach (var c in package.Content.ManagedCertificates) { var existing = await _itemManager.GetById(c.Id); if (existing == null) { // check if item is auto deployment or single site, if single site warn if we don't have an exact match (convert to Auto) DeploymentOption deploymentMode = c.RequestConfig.DeploymentSiteOption; bool hasUnmatchedTargets = false; bool siteIdChanged = false; var warningMsg = ""; if (deploymentMode == DeploymentOption.SingleSite) { var targets = targetSiteBindings.Where(t => t.SiteId == c.ServerSiteId); if (targets.Any()) { //exact match on site id, check domains var unmatchedDomains = new List <string>(); foreach (var d in c.GetCertificateDomains()) { var t = targets.FirstOrDefault(ta => ta.Host == d); if (t == null) { unmatchedDomains.Add(d); hasUnmatchedTargets = true; warningMsg += " " + d; } } } else { // no exact site id match, check if a different site is an exact match, if so migrate site id // if no exact match, change to auto } } else { // auto deploy, site id only used for IIS site selection in UI } if (!isPreviewMode) { // perform actual import try { // TODO : re-map certificate pfx path, could be a different location on this instance // warn if deployment task script paths don't match an existing file? // TODO : warn if Certificate Authority ID does not match one we have (cert renewal will fail) var result = await _itemManager.Update(c); if (result != null) { managedCertImportSteps.Add(new ActionStep { Title = c.Name, Key = c.Id, HasWarning = (hasUnmatchedTargets || siteIdChanged) }); } else { managedCertImportSteps.Add(new ActionStep { Title = c.Name, Key = c.Id, HasError = true, Description = $"Failed to import item." }); } } catch (Exception exp) { managedCertImportSteps.Add(new ActionStep { Title = c.Name, Key = c.Id, HasError = true, Description = $"Failed to import item: {exp.Message}" }); } } else { // preview only managedCertImportSteps.Add(new ActionStep { Title = c.Name, Key = c.Id }); } } else { managedCertImportSteps.Add(new ActionStep { Title = c.Name, Key = c.Id, HasWarning = true, Description = "Item already exists, it will not be re-imported." }); } } steps.Add(new ActionStep { Title = "Import Managed Certificates", Category = "Import", Substeps = managedCertImportSteps, Key = "ManagedCerts" }); // certificate files var certFileImportSteps = new List <ActionStep>(); foreach (var c in package.Content.CertificateFiles) { var pfxBytes = DecryptBytes(c.Content, settings.EncryptionSecret, package.EncryptionSalt); X509Certificate2 cert = null; try { cert = new X509Certificate2(pfxBytes); } catch (Exception) { // maybe we need a password var managedCert = package.Content.ManagedCertificates.FirstOrDefault(m => m.CertificatePath == c.Filename && m.CertificatePasswordCredentialId != null); if (managedCert != null) { //get stored cred var cred = await _credentialsManager.GetUnlockedCredentialsDictionary(managedCert.CertificatePasswordCredentialId); if (cred != null) { var pfxPwd = cred["password"]; cert = new X509Certificate2(pfxBytes, pfxPwd); } } } if (cert != null) { bool isVerified = cert.Verify(); if (!System.IO.File.Exists(c.Filename)) { if (!isPreviewMode) { // perform actual import, TODO: re-map cert PFX storage location try { System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(c.Filename, c.Content); certFileImportSteps.Add(new ActionStep { Title = $"Importing PFX {cert.Subject}, expiring {cert.NotAfter}", Key = c.Filename, HasWarning = !isVerified, Description = isVerified ? null : "Certificate did not pass verify check." }); } catch (Exception exp) { certFileImportSteps.Add(new ActionStep { Title = $"Importing PFX {cert.Subject}, expiring {cert.NotAfter}", Key = c.Filename, HasError = true, Description = $"Failed to write certificate to destination: {c.Filename} [{exp.Message}]" }); } } else { // preview only certFileImportSteps.Add(new ActionStep { Title = $"Importing PFX {cert.Subject}, expiring {cert.NotAfter}", Key = c.Filename, HasWarning = !isVerified, Description = isVerified ? "Would import to " + c.Filename : "Certificate did not pass verify check." }); } } else { certFileImportSteps.Add(new ActionStep { Title = $"Importing PFX {cert.Subject}, expiring {cert.NotAfter}", Key = c.Filename, HasWarning = true, Description = "Output file already exists, it will not be re-imported" }); } } else { certFileImportSteps.Add(new ActionStep { Title = $"Importing PFX Failed", Key = c.Filename, HasWarning = true, Description = "Could not create PFX from bytes. Password may be incorrect." }); } } steps.Add(new ActionStep { Title = "Import Certificate Files", Category = "Import", Substeps = certFileImportSteps, Key = "CertFiles" }); return(steps); }
/// <summary> /// This program finds an executable on the PATH. It can also find other stuff on the path, but /// mostly it finds the executable.s /// </summary> /// <param name="args"></param> private void Run(string[] args) { Console.OutputEncoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(Encoding.Default.CodePage); Args = new InputArgs("which", string.Format(resource.IDS_TITLE, AppVersion.Get()) + "\r\n" + resource.IDS_COPYRIGHT); Args.Add(InputArgType.StringList, "extension", null, Presence.Optional, resource.IDS_CMD_extension_doc); Args.Add(InputArgType.StringList, "dir", null, Presence.Optional, resource.IDS_CMD_dir_doc); Args.Add(InputArgType.Flag, "recursive", false, Presence.Optional, resource.IDS_CMD_recursive_doc); Args.Add(InputArgType.Flag, "single", false, Presence.Optional, resource.IDS_CMD_single_doc); Args.Add(InputArgType.RemainingParameters, "FILE {FILE}", null, Presence.Required, resource.IDS_CMD_file_doc); Args.Add(InputArgType.Parameter, "env", "PATH", Presence.Optional, resource.IDS_CMD_env_doc); if (Args.Process(args)) { Filenames = Args.GetStringList("FILE {FILE}"); Directories = Args.FindOrCreateStringList("dir"); string EnvironmentVariableName = Args.GetString("env"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(EnvironmentVariableName)) { string env = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(EnvironmentVariableName, EnvironmentVariableTarget.User); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(env)) { env = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(EnvironmentVariableName); } EnvironmentVariablesAlreadyChecked[EnvironmentVariableName] = true; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(env)) { Console.WriteLine(resource.IDS_ERR_invalid_env_var, EnvironmentVariableName); } else { foreach (string token in env.Split(';')) { Directories.Add(token); } } } if (FilenamesAreIncludes()) { AddEnvBasedDirectories("INCLUDE"); } else if (FilenamesAreLibs()) { AddEnvBasedDirectories("LIB"); } else { // default: use standard windows lookup Directories.Add(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()); Directories.Add(PathSanitizer.GetWindowsDirectory()); Directories.Add(PathSanitizer.Get32BitSystemDirectory()); Directories.Add(Environment.SystemDirectory); Directories.Add(Path.GetDirectoryName(Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainModule.FileName)); Directories.Add(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.System)); Directories.Add(Path.GetDirectoryName(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.System))); AddEnvBasedDirectories("PATH"); } Directories.MakeUnique(StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); List <string> Extensions = Args.FindOrCreateStringList("extension"); if (Extensions.Count == 0) { foreach (string path in Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PATHEXT").Split(';')) { Extensions.Add(path); } } List <string> FoundItems = new List <string>(); foreach (string filename in Filenames) { bool found = false; foreach (string foundname in Locate(filename)) { if (!Contains(FoundItems, foundname)) { FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(foundname); Console.WriteLine(resource.IDS_RESULT_PATTERN, foundname, fi.LastWriteTime, fi.Length); FoundItems.Add(foundname); if (Args.GetFlag("single")) { break; } found = true; } } if (!found) { Console.WriteLine(resource.IDS_ERR_not_found, filename); } } } }
public void LessThanOrEqualToOperator_Test_True(string lhs, string rhs) { Assert.IsTrue(AppVersion.Parse(lhs) <= AppVersion.Parse(rhs)); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { getAppVersion = appVersion; }