/// <summary>
        /// loads the specified item into the context, setting values as declared as outputFields 
        /// in the helper contract (defined in the Helpers.xml file)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="item"></param>
        /// <param name="listener"></param>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        public override bool LoadItem(AppHelperItem item, AppHelperContext context)
            Trace.WriteLine("Loading: " + item.Name + " from " + item.Value);

            Uri uri = item.Value as Uri;
            // name, duration, start time, episode list url, image url
            string epListUrl = Regex.Replace(uri.ToString(), "(.*)/(.*?)$", "$1/episode_listings.html");
            context["episodeListUrl"] = epListUrl;
            context["title"] = item.Name;
            context["URL"] = uri.ToString();
            byte[] data = IOUtil.LoadUrl(uri.ToString());
            string response = encoding.GetString(data);

            ProcessExpressions(expressions, context, new MemoryStream(data));

            string summary = (string)context["summary"];

            // fix up segment of html to be hopefully xhtml compliant
            summary = Regex.Replace(summary, "<br>", "<br/>", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
            summary = Regex.Replace(summary, "&(\\s|([^;]+\\s))", "&amp; ", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
            summary = Regex.Replace(summary, "([^\\r]?)\\n", "$1" + Environment.NewLine);
            //summary = Regex.Replace(summary, "<br[^>]*>", "\n", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
            //summary = Regex.Replace(summary, "<p>", "\n\n", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
            //summary = Regex.Replace(summary, "</p>", "", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
            context["summary"] = summary.Trim();

            Uri imageUri = (context["imageURL"] == null ? null : new Uri((string)context["imageURL"]));
              //  TvShowDetails tvd = new TvShowDetails(item.Name, new Uri(epListUrl), imageUri, (string)context["duration"], DateTime.MinValue);
              //  context["episodesAppHelper"] = tvd;
            return true;
Beispiel #2
        public bool LoadItem(AppHelperItem item, AppHelperContext context)
            XElement series   = (XElement)item.Value;
            string   seriesId = series.Element("seriesid").Value;
            string   language = series.Element("language").Value;
            XElement doc      = GetSeriesData(seriesId, language).Element("Series");

            context["id"]         = seriesId;
            context["lastUpdate"] = LastUpdate;
            context["title"]      = doc.Element("SeriesName").Value;
            context["summary"]    = doc.Element("Overview").Value;
            context["year"]       = doc.Element("FirstAired").Value;
            context["length"]     = doc.Element("Runtime").Value;
            context["genre"]      = string.Join(", ", doc.Element("Genre").Value.Split(new[] { '|' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries));
            context["cast"]       = string.Join(", ", doc.Element("Actors").Value.Split(new[] { '|' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries));
            context["rating"]     = doc.Element("Rating").Value;
            string poster = doc.Element("poster").Value;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(poster))
                context["imageURL"] = string.Format("{0}/banners/{1}", MirrorInfo.BannerMirror, poster);
                string imageUrl = (string)context["imageURL"];
                context["imageData"] = IOUtil.LoadUrl(imageUrl);
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// locates the items (ie: performs a search) using the data in the context. the context
        /// will (possibly) contain data in fields declared as inputFields in the helper contract
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override AppHelperItem[] LocateItems(AppHelperContext context)
            string url = BuildSearchUrl(context);

            Debug("requesting URL: " + url);
            var request = WebRequest.Create(url);
            request.Proxy = WebRequest.GetSystemWebProxy();
            request.Proxy.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;

            HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
            Debug("response URI: " + response.ResponseUri);
            Debug("response status code: " + response.StatusCode);
            Debug("content type: " + response.ContentType);
            AppHelperItem[] items;
            if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)
                items = ProcessSearchResponse(response.GetResponseStream());
                // something strange happened...
                items = new ImdbAppHelperItem[0];
            return items;
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// locates the items (ie: performs a search) using the data in the context. the context
        /// will (possibly) contain data in fields declared as inputFields in the helper contract
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override AppHelperItem[] LocateItems(AppHelperContext context)
            string url = BuildSearchUrl(context);

            Debug("requesting URL: " + url);
            var request = WebRequest.Create(url);

            request.Proxy             = WebRequest.GetSystemWebProxy();
            request.Proxy.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;

            HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();

            Debug("response URI: " + response.ResponseUri);
            Debug("response status code: " + response.StatusCode);
            Debug("content type: " + response.ContentType);
            AppHelperItem[] items;
            if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)
                items = ProcessSearchResponse(response.GetResponseStream());
                // something strange happened...
                items = new ImdbAppHelperItem[0];
        /// <summary>
        /// loads the specified item into the context, setting values as declared as outputFields
        /// in the helper contract (defined in the Helpers.xml file)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="item"></param>
        /// <param name="listener"></param>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        public override bool LoadItem(AppHelperItem item, AppHelperContext context)
            Trace.WriteLine("Loading: " + item.Name + " from " + item.Value);

            Uri uri = item.Value as Uri;
            // name, duration, start time, episode list url, image url
            string epListUrl = Regex.Replace(uri.ToString(), "(.*)/(.*?)$", "$1/episode_listings.html");

            context["episodeListUrl"] = epListUrl;
            context["title"]          = item.Name;
            context["URL"]            = uri.ToString();
            byte[] data     = IOUtil.LoadUrl(uri.ToString());
            string response = encoding.GetString(data);

            ProcessExpressions(expressions, context, new MemoryStream(data));

            string summary = (string)context["summary"];

            // fix up segment of html to be hopefully xhtml compliant
            summary = Regex.Replace(summary, "<br>", "<br/>", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
            summary = Regex.Replace(summary, "&(\\s|([^;]+\\s))", "&amp; ", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
            summary = Regex.Replace(summary, "([^\\r]?)\\n", "$1" + Environment.NewLine);
            //summary = Regex.Replace(summary, "<br[^>]*>", "\n", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
            //summary = Regex.Replace(summary, "<p>", "\n\n", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
            //summary = Regex.Replace(summary, "</p>", "", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
            context["summary"] = summary.Trim();

            Uri imageUri = (context["imageURL"] == null ? null : new Uri((string)context["imageURL"]));

            //  TvShowDetails tvd = new TvShowDetails(item.Name, new Uri(epListUrl), imageUri, (string)context["duration"], DateTime.MinValue);
            //  context["episodesAppHelper"] = tvd;
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="expressions"></param>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <param name="instream"></param>
        protected void ProcessExpressions( List<RegexMatcher> expressions, AppHelperContext context, Stream instream )
            StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(instream);
            string line;
            StringBuilder allLines = new StringBuilder();
            while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
                line = line.Replace("\r\n", "\n");

                foreach (RegexMatcher matcher in expressions)
                    if (! (matcher is EntireStreamRegexMatcher) &&  matcher.IsMatch(line))
                        Debug("got a match: " + matcher.ToString());


            string allLinesStr = allLines.ToString();
            foreach (RegexMatcher matcher in expressions)
                if (matcher is EntireStreamRegexMatcher && matcher.IsMatch(allLinesStr))
                    Debug("got a match: " + matcher.ToString());
Beispiel #7
 /// <summary>
 /// loads the specified item into the context, setting values as declared as outputFields 
 /// in the helper contract (defined in the Helpers.xml file)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="item"></param>
 /// <param name="listener"></param>
 /// <param name="context"></param>
 public bool LoadItem(AppHelperItem item, AppHelperContext context)
     string name = item.Name;
     string url = (string)item.Value;
     //load the page to find out the url for tv.com or tvtome
     return false;
Beispiel #8
        public bool LoadItem(AppHelperItem item, AppHelperContext context)
            XElement series = (XElement) item.Value;
            string seriesId = series.Element("seriesid").Value;
            string language = series.Element("language").Value;
            XElement doc = GetSeriesData(seriesId, language).Element("Series");

            context["id"] = seriesId;
            context["lastUpdate"] = LastUpdate;
            context["title"] = doc.Element("SeriesName").Value;
            context["summary"] = doc.Element("Overview").Value;
            context["year"] = doc.Element("FirstAired").Value;
            context["length"] = doc.Element("Runtime").Value;
            context["genre"] = string.Join(", ", doc.Element("Genre").Value.Split(new[] { '|' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries));
            context["cast"] = string.Join(", ", doc.Element("Actors").Value.Split(new[] { '|' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries));
            context["rating"] = doc.Element("Rating").Value;
            string poster = doc.Element("poster").Value;
            if( ! string.IsNullOrEmpty(poster))
                context["imageURL"] = string.Format("{0}/banners/{1}", MirrorInfo.BannerMirror, poster);
                string imageUrl = (string) context["imageURL"];
                context["imageData"] = IOUtil.LoadUrl(imageUrl);
            return true;
Beispiel #9
        /// <summary>
        /// locates the items (ie: performs a search) using the data in the context. the context
        /// will (possibly) contain data in fields declared as inputFields in the helper contract
        /// </summary>
        public AppHelperItem[] LocateItems(AppHelperContext context)
            string url = string.Format("{0}{1}", EPGUIDES_SEARCH_URL, HttpUtility.HtmlEncode((string)context["title"]));

            byte[] data     = IOUtil.LoadUrl(url);
            string response = encoding.GetString(data);

            // TODO: could possibly refactor this out into a google result matcher
            Regex regex = new Regex(@"<a class=l href=""([^\""]+)""[^>]*>(.*?)\s*</a>", RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
            List <AppHelperItem> items = new List <AppHelperItem>();

            foreach (Match m in regex.Matches(response))
                string name = m.Groups[2].Value;
                name = name.Replace("<b>", "");
                name = name.Replace("</b>", "");
                if (name.Contains("(a Titles and Air Dates Guide)"))
                    name = name.Replace("(a Titles and Air Dates Guide)", "");
                    items.Add(new SimpleAppHelperItem {
                        Name = name, Value = m.Groups[1].Value
Beispiel #10
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="expressions"></param>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <param name="instream"></param>
        protected void ProcessExpressions(List <RegexMatcher> expressions, AppHelperContext context, Stream instream)
            StreamReader  sr = new StreamReader(instream);
            string        line;
            StringBuilder allLines = new StringBuilder();

            while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
                line = line.Replace("\r\n", "\n");

                foreach (RegexMatcher matcher in expressions)
                    if (!(matcher is EntireStreamRegexMatcher) && matcher.IsMatch(line))
                        Debug("got a match: " + matcher.ToString());

            string allLinesStr = allLines.ToString();

            foreach (RegexMatcher matcher in expressions)
                if (matcher is EntireStreamRegexMatcher && matcher.IsMatch(allLinesStr))
                    Debug("got a match: " + matcher.ToString());
Beispiel #11
        /// <summary>
        /// loads the specified item into the context, setting values as declared as outputFields
        /// in the helper contract (defined in the Helpers.xml file)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="item"></param>
        /// <param name="listener"></param>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        public bool LoadItem(AppHelperItem item, AppHelperContext context)
            string name = item.Name;
            string url  = (string)item.Value;

            //load the page to find out the url for tv.com or tvtome
Beispiel #12
 public AppHelperItem[] LocateItems(AppHelperContext context)
     string url = string.Format("http://www.thetvdb.com/api/GetSeries.php?seriesname={0}",context["title"]);
     XElement results = IOUtil.LoadXml(url).Element("Data");
     return (from series in results.Elements("Series")
            let title = series.Element("SeriesName").Value
            select new SimpleAppHelperItem {Name = title, Value = series}).ToArray();
        /// <summary>
        /// locates the items (ie: performs a search) using the data in the context. the context
        /// will (possibly) contain data in fields declared as inputFields in the helper contract
        /// </summary>
        public override AppHelperItem[] LocateItems(AppHelperContext context)
            string name    = (string)context["title"];
            Uri    baseUri = new Uri(SEARCH_URI);
            string url     = baseUri + "?type=11&stype=program&x=0&y=0&qs=" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(name);

            byte[] data     = IOUtil.LoadUrl(url);
            string response = encoding.GetString(data);

            return(parseItems(baseUri, response));
Beispiel #14
        public AppHelperItem[] LocateItems(AppHelperContext context)
            string   url     = string.Format("http://www.thetvdb.com/api/GetSeries.php?seriesname={0}", context["title"]);
            XElement results = IOUtil.LoadXml(url).Element("Data");

            return((from series in results.Elements("Series")
                    let title = series.Element("SeriesName").Value
                                select new SimpleAppHelperItem {
                Name = title, Value = series
Beispiel #15
        public AppHelperItem[] LocateItems(AppHelperContext context)
            string url = string.Format("http://services.tvrage.com/myfeeds/search.php?key={0}&show={1}", key, context["title"]);
            XDocument doc = IOUtil.LoadXml(url);
            List<AppHelperItem> items = new List<AppHelperItem>();

            foreach(var showElement in doc.Element("Results").Elements("show"))
                items.Add(new SimpleAppHelperItem { Name = showElement.Element("name").Value, Value = showElement.Element("showid").Value });

            return items.ToArray();
Beispiel #16
        /// <summary>
        /// constructs the search url based on the information in the context
        /// object that we can use to effect the search
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static string BuildSearchUrl(AppHelperContext context)
            string extra = null;
            string year  = (string)context["year"];

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(year))
                extra = string.Format("&y={0}", year);
            string theTitle = ((string)context["title"]).Replace(" ", "+");

            return(string.Format("http://www.imdbapi.com/?t={0}&r=XML{1}", theTitle, extra ?? ""));
Beispiel #17
        public AppHelperItem[] LocateItems(AppHelperContext context)
            string               url   = string.Format("http://services.tvrage.com/myfeeds/search.php?key={0}&show={1}", key, context["title"]);
            XDocument            doc   = IOUtil.LoadXml(url);
            List <AppHelperItem> items = new List <AppHelperItem>();

            foreach (var showElement in doc.Element("Results").Elements("show"))
                items.Add(new SimpleAppHelperItem {
                    Name = showElement.Element("name").Value, Value = showElement.Element("showid").Value

Beispiel #18
        public bool LoadItem(AppHelperItem item, AppHelperContext context)
            Item details = (Item)item.Value;
            // for debugging
            XmlSerializer ser       = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Item));
            StringWriter  outWriter = new StringWriter();

            ser.Serialize(outWriter, details);
            string xml = outWriter.ToString();

            // end debugging
            context["title"] = details.ItemAttributes.Title;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(details.ItemAttributes.MiniMovieDescription))
                context["summary"] = details.ItemAttributes.MiniMovieDescription;
            else if (details.EditorialReviews.Length > 0)
                context["summary"] = details.EditorialReviews[0].Content;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(details.LargeImage.URL))
                context["imageURL"]  = details.LargeImage.URL;
                context["imageData"] = IOUtil.LoadUrl(details.LargeImage.URL);
            if (details.ItemAttributes.Actor != null)
                context["cast"] = string.Join(", ", details.ItemAttributes.Actor);
            if (details.ItemAttributes.Director != null)
                context["director"] = string.Join(", ", details.ItemAttributes.Director);
            context["length"] = details.ItemAttributes.RunningTime.Value + " " +
            DateTime relDate;

            if (DateTime.TryParse(details.ItemAttributes.TheatricalReleaseDate, out relDate))
                context["year"] = relDate.Year;
                context["year"] = details.ItemAttributes.TheatricalReleaseDate;

Beispiel #19
 public virtual void ReadFrom(AppHelperContext context)
     /* foreach (object obj in context.GetEnumerator())
      * {
      *   if (entry.Key.StartsWith("Meta"))
      *   {
      *       MetaData[entry.Key.ToString()] = entry.Value;
      *   }
      * }*/
     foreach (object obj in Components.Values)
         if (obj is IAppHelperAware)
Beispiel #20
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        public virtual void ReadFrom(AppHelperContext context)
            if (context["year"] != null)
                    this.Date = DateTime.Parse(context["year"].ToString());
                        int year = int.Parse(context["year"].ToString());
                        this.Date = new DateTime(year, 1, 1);
                        this.Date = DateTime.MinValue;
            this.Genre       = (string)context["genre"];
            this.Description = (string)context["summary"];
            this.Title       = (string)context["title"];
            this.Country     = (string)context["country"];
            this.Length      = (string)context["length"];
            this.Rating      = (string)context["rating"];
            this.Director    = (string)context["director"];
            this.Cast        = (string)context["cast"];

            if (context["imageURL"] != null)

                System.Net.WebClient client = new System.Net.WebClient( );
                this.Image = Image.FromStream(client.OpenRead(new Uri((string)context["imageURL"])));
                this.Image = null;
Beispiel #21
        public override bool LoadItem(AppHelperItem item, AppHelperContext context)
            string url = string.Format("http://www.imdbapi.com/?i={0}&r=XML", item.Value);

            context["URL"] = url;
            HttpWebRequest webrequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);

            webrequest.UserAgent = "Mozilla 6.0";
            HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)webrequest.GetResponse();

            Debug("creating new request/response");
            if (response.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK)
                Debug("invalid response code (" + response.StatusCode + ") cannot load item");

            XDocument document = XDocument.Load(response.GetResponseStream());
            var       movie    = document.Element("root").Element("movie");

            context["imageURL"] = movie.Attribute("poster").Value;
            context["title"]    = movie.Attribute("title").Value;
            context["genre"]    = movie.Attribute("genre").Value;
            context["summary"]  = movie.Attribute("plot").Value;
            context["director"] = movie.Attribute("director").Value;
            context["cast"]     = movie.Attribute("actors").Value;
            context["length"]   = movie.Attribute("runtime").Value;
            context["rating"]   = movie.Attribute("rated").Value;
            context["year"]     = movie.Attribute("year").Value;

            // length rating director cast genre summary

//            ProcessExpressions(expressions, context, response.GetResponseStream());))))

            if (context["imageURL"] != null)
                string imageUrl = (string)context["imageURL"];
                context["imageData"] = IOUtil.LoadUrl(imageUrl);
Beispiel #22
        public bool LoadItem(AppHelperItem item, AppHelperContext context)
            string showId = (string)item.Value;
            string url = string.Format("http://services.tvrage.com/myfeeds/showinfo.php?key={0}&sid={1}", key, showId);

            XElement doc = IOUtil.LoadXml(url).Element("Showinfo");
            context["title"] = doc.Element("showname").Value;
            context["id"] = doc.Element("showid").Value;
            context["country"] = doc.Element("origin_country").Value;
            context["year"] = doc.Element("startdate").Value;
            context["length"] = doc.Element("seasons").Value + " seasons";
            context["genre"] = string.Join(", ", from e in doc.Element("genres").Elements("genre")
                                                  select e.Value);
            context["imageURL"] = doc.Element("image").Value;
            if (context["imageURL"] != null)
                string imageUrl = (string)context["imageURL"];
                context["imageData"] = IOUtil.LoadUrl(imageUrl);
            return true;
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        public virtual void ReadFrom(AppHelperContext context)
            if( context["year"] != null )
                    this.Date = DateTime.Parse(context["year"].ToString());
                        int year = int.Parse(context["year"].ToString());
                        this.Date = new DateTime(year, 1, 1);

                        this.Date = DateTime.MinValue;
            this.Genre = (string)context["genre"];
            this.Description = (string)context["summary"];
            this.Title = (string)context["title"];
            this.Country = (string)context["country"];
            this.Length = (string)context["length"];
            this.Rating = (string)context["rating"];
            this.Director = (string)context["director"];
            this.Cast = (string)context["cast"];

            if (context["imageURL"] != null)

                System.Net.WebClient client = new System.Net.WebClient( );
                this.Image = Image.FromStream(client.OpenRead(new Uri((string)context["imageURL"])));
                this.Image = null;
Beispiel #24
        public bool LoadItem(AppHelperItem item, AppHelperContext context)
            string showId = (string)item.Value;
            string url    = string.Format("http://services.tvrage.com/myfeeds/showinfo.php?key={0}&sid={1}", key, showId);

            XElement doc = IOUtil.LoadXml(url).Element("Showinfo");

            context["title"]   = doc.Element("showname").Value;
            context["id"]      = doc.Element("showid").Value;
            context["country"] = doc.Element("origin_country").Value;
            context["year"]    = doc.Element("startdate").Value;
            context["length"]  = doc.Element("seasons").Value + " seasons";
            context["genre"]   = string.Join(", ", from e in doc.Element("genres").Elements("genre")
                                             select e.Value);
            context["imageURL"] = doc.Element("image").Value;
            if (context["imageURL"] != null)
                string imageUrl = (string)context["imageURL"];
                context["imageData"] = IOUtil.LoadUrl(imageUrl);
Beispiel #25
        public AppHelperItem[] LocateItems(AppHelperContext context)
            // prepare an ItemSearch request
            ItemSearchRequest request = new ItemSearchRequest();

            request.SearchIndex   = "DVD";
            request.Keywords      = (string)context["title"];
            request.ResponseGroup = new[] { "ItemAttributes", "EditorialReview", "Images" };

            var response = DoSearch(request);
            var item     = response.Items[0];

            if (item.Request.Errors != null && item.Request.Errors.Length > 0)
                // TODO: log error messages?
                return(new AppHelperItem[0]);
            return(item.Item.Select(x => new AmazonAppHelperItem()
                Name = x.ItemAttributes.Title, Value = x
            }).Cast <AppHelperItem>().ToArray());
Beispiel #26
        /// <summary>
        /// locates the items (ie: performs a search) using the data in the context. the context
        /// will (possibly) contain data in fields declared as inputFields in the helper contract
        /// </summary>
        public AppHelperItem[] LocateItems(AppHelperContext context)
            string url = string.Format("{0}{1}", EPGUIDES_SEARCH_URL, HttpUtility.HtmlEncode((string)context["title"]));
            byte[] data = IOUtil.LoadUrl(url);
            string response = encoding.GetString(data);

            // TODO: could possibly refactor this out into a google result matcher
            Regex regex = new Regex(@"<a class=l href=""([^\""]+)""[^>]*>(.*?)\s*</a>", RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
            List<AppHelperItem> items = new List<AppHelperItem>();
            foreach (Match m in regex.Matches(response))
                string name = m.Groups[2].Value;
                name = name.Replace("<b>", "");
                name = name.Replace("</b>", "");
                if (name.Contains("(a Titles and Air Dates Guide)"))
                    name = name.Replace("(a Titles and Air Dates Guide)", "");
                    items.Add(new SimpleAppHelperItem {Name = name, Value = m.Groups[1].Value});
            return items.ToArray();
Beispiel #27
        public override bool LoadItem(AppHelperItem item, AppHelperContext context)
            string url = string.Format("http://www.imdbapi.com/?i={0}&r=XML", item.Value);
            context["URL"] = url;
            HttpWebRequest webrequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
            webrequest.UserAgent = "Mozilla 6.0";
            HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)webrequest.GetResponse();
            Debug("creating new request/response");
            if (response.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK)
                Debug("invalid response code (" + response.StatusCode + ") cannot load item");
                return false;

            XDocument document = XDocument.Load(response.GetResponseStream());
            var movie = document.Element("root").Element("movie");
            context["imageURL"] = movie.Attribute("poster").Value;
            context["title"] = movie.Attribute("title").Value;
            context["genre"] = movie.Attribute("genre").Value;
            context["summary"] = movie.Attribute("plot").Value;
            context["director"] = movie.Attribute("director").Value;
            context["cast"] = movie.Attribute("actors").Value;
            context["length"] = movie.Attribute("runtime").Value;
            context["rating"] = movie.Attribute("rated").Value;
            context["year"] = movie.Attribute("year").Value;

            // length rating director cast genre summary

            //            ProcessExpressions(expressions, context, response.GetResponseStream());))))

            if (context["imageURL"] != null)
                string imageUrl = (string)context["imageURL"];
                context["imageData"] = IOUtil.LoadUrl(imageUrl);
            return true;
 /// <summary>
 /// locates the items (ie: performs a search) using the data in the context. the context
 /// will (possibly) contain data in fields declared as inputFields in the helper contract
 /// </summary>
 public override AppHelperItem[] LocateItems(AppHelperContext context)
     string name = (string)context["title"];
     Uri baseUri = new Uri(SEARCH_URI);
     string url = baseUri + "?type=11&stype=program&x=0&y=0&qs=" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(name);
     byte[] data = IOUtil.LoadUrl(url);
     string response = encoding.GetString(data);
     return parseItems(baseUri, response);
Beispiel #29
 /// <summary>
 /// constructs the search url based on the information in the context
 /// object that we can use to effect the search
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="context"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private static string BuildSearchUrl(AppHelperContext context)
     string extra = null;
     string year = (string)context["year"];
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(year))
         extra = string.Format("&y={0}", year);
     string theTitle = ((string)context["title"]).Replace(" ", "+");
     return string.Format("http://www.imdbapi.com/?t={0}&r=XML{1}", theTitle, extra ?? "");
Beispiel #30
        private void drpHelperNames_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (drpHelperNames.SelectedItem == null)
            string appHelperName = (string)drpHelperNames.SelectedItem;

            context = factory.GetAppHelperContext(appHelperName);

 *          tblInputContext.Controls.Clear();
 *         // tblInputContext.ColumnCount = 2;
 *          tblInputContext.RowCount = context.InputFields.Length;
 *          int row = 0;
 *          foreach (string fieldname in context.InputFields)
 *          {
 *              System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("received input field: " + fieldname);
 *              Label l = new Label();
 *              l.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Left;
 *              l.Text = fieldname;
 *              TextBox textField = new TextBox();
 *              textField.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Right;
 *              tblInputContext.Controls.Add(l, 0, row);
 *              tblInputContext.Controls.Add(textField, 1, row);
 *              row++;
 *          }*/


            tblInputContext.ColumnCount = 2;
            this.tblInputContext.ColumnStyles.Add(new System.Windows.Forms.ColumnStyle());
            this.tblInputContext.ColumnStyles.Add(new System.Windows.Forms.ColumnStyle(System.Windows.Forms.SizeType.Percent, 100F));
            tblInputContext.RowCount = context.InputFields.Length;
            for (int i = 0; i < tblInputContext.RowCount; i++)
                this.tblInputContext.RowStyles.Add(new System.Windows.Forms.RowStyle(System.Windows.Forms.SizeType.Absolute, 28F));

            int row = 0;

            foreach (string fieldname in context.InputFields)
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("received input field: " + fieldname);
                Label label = new Label();
                //label.Size = new Size((int)(fieldname.Length * 8.5), 14);
                label.AutoSize = true;
                label.Anchor   = AnchorStyles.Left;
                label.Text     = fieldname;
                TextBox textField = new TextBox();
                //textField.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(249, 20);
                textField.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Right;
                tblInputContext.Controls.Add(label, 0, row);
                tblInputContext.Controls.Add(textField, 1, row);


            tblOutputContext.ColumnCount = 2;
            this.tblOutputContext.ColumnStyles.Add(new System.Windows.Forms.ColumnStyle(SizeType.AutoSize));
            this.tblOutputContext.ColumnStyles.Add(new System.Windows.Forms.ColumnStyle(System.Windows.Forms.SizeType.Percent, 100F));

            tblOutputContext.RowCount = context.OutputFields.Length;
            for (int i = 0; i < tblOutputContext.RowCount; i++)
                this.tblOutputContext.RowStyles.Add(new System.Windows.Forms.RowStyle(System.Windows.Forms.SizeType.Absolute, 28F));
            row = 0;
            foreach (string fieldname in context.OutputFields)
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("received output field: " + fieldname);
                Label l = new Label();
                l.AutoSize = true;
                l.Anchor   = AnchorStyles.Left;
                l.Text     = fieldname;
                TextBox textField = new TextBox();
                textField.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Right;
                tblOutputContext.Controls.Add(l, 0, row);
                tblOutputContext.Controls.Add(textField, 1, row);

        private void drpHelperNames_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (drpHelperNames.SelectedItem == null)
            string appHelperName = (string)drpHelperNames.SelectedItem;
            context = factory.GetAppHelperContext(appHelperName);
               // tblInputContext.ColumnCount = 2;
            tblInputContext.RowCount = context.InputFields.Length;
            int row = 0;
            foreach (string fieldname in context.InputFields)
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("received input field: " + fieldname);
                Label l = new Label();
                l.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Left;
                l.Text = fieldname;
                TextBox textField = new TextBox();
                textField.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Right;
                tblInputContext.Controls.Add(l, 0, row);
                tblInputContext.Controls.Add(textField, 1, row);


            tblInputContext.ColumnCount = 2;
            this.tblInputContext.ColumnStyles.Add(new System.Windows.Forms.ColumnStyle());
            this.tblInputContext.ColumnStyles.Add(new System.Windows.Forms.ColumnStyle(System.Windows.Forms.SizeType.Percent, 100F));
            tblInputContext.RowCount = context.InputFields.Length;
            for (int i = 0; i < tblInputContext.RowCount; i++)
                this.tblInputContext.RowStyles.Add(new System.Windows.Forms.RowStyle(System.Windows.Forms.SizeType.Absolute, 28F));

            int row = 0;
            foreach (string fieldname in context.InputFields)
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("received input field: " + fieldname);
                Label label = new Label();
                //label.Size = new Size((int)(fieldname.Length * 8.5), 14);
                label.AutoSize = true;
                label.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Left;
                label.Text = fieldname;
                TextBox textField = new TextBox();
                //textField.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(249, 20);
                textField.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Right;
                tblInputContext.Controls.Add(label, 0, row);
                tblInputContext.Controls.Add(textField, 1, row);


            tblOutputContext.ColumnCount = 2;
            this.tblOutputContext.ColumnStyles.Add(new System.Windows.Forms.ColumnStyle(SizeType.AutoSize));
            this.tblOutputContext.ColumnStyles.Add(new System.Windows.Forms.ColumnStyle(System.Windows.Forms.SizeType.Percent, 100F));

            tblOutputContext.RowCount = context.OutputFields.Length;
            for (int i = 0; i < tblOutputContext.RowCount; i++)
                this.tblOutputContext.RowStyles.Add(new System.Windows.Forms.RowStyle(System.Windows.Forms.SizeType.Absolute, 28F));
            row = 0;
            foreach (string fieldname in context.OutputFields)
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("received output field: " + fieldname);
                Label l = new Label();
                l.AutoSize = true;
                l.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Left;
                l.Text = fieldname;
                TextBox textField = new TextBox();
                textField.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Right;
                tblOutputContext.Controls.Add(l, 0, row);
                tblOutputContext.Controls.Add(textField, 1, row);

Beispiel #32
 public override void ReadFrom(AppHelperContext context)
     SummaryUrl = (string)context["URL"];
     EpisodeListUrl = (string)context["episodeListUrl"];
Beispiel #33
 public override void ReadFrom(AppHelperContext context)
     SummaryUrl     = (string)context["URL"];
     EpisodeListUrl = (string)context["episodeListUrl"];
Beispiel #34
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="item"></param>
 /// <param name="context"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public abstract bool LoadItem(AppHelperItem item, AppHelperContext context);
Beispiel #35
 public virtual void ReadFrom(AppHelperContext context)
     /* foreach (object obj in context.GetEnumerator())
         if (entry.Key.StartsWith("Meta"))
             MetaData[entry.Key.ToString()] = entry.Value;
     foreach (object obj in Components.Values)
         if (obj is IAppHelperAware)
Beispiel #36
 public virtual void AssignToContext(AppHelperContext context)
     context[ContextName] = Value;
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="context"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public abstract AppHelperItem[] LocateItems(AppHelperContext context);
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="item"></param>
 /// <param name="context"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public abstract bool LoadItem(AppHelperItem item, AppHelperContext context);
 public virtual void AssignToContext(AppHelperContext context)
     context[ContextName] = Value;
Beispiel #40
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="context"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public abstract AppHelperItem[] LocateItems(AppHelperContext context);