// GET: api/LoadsData
        public static List <Load> GetLoads()
            // return the data or perform an action using the remote webApiUrl
            string webApiPath = "api/LoadsData";
            string results    = "";

                results = client.GetAsync(AppCommon.BuildUrl(AppCommon.GetRemoteWebApiUrl(), webApiPath)).Result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
                return(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <Load> >(results));
            catch (Exception e)
                string message = AppCommon.AppendInnerExceptionMessages("GetLoads: " + e.Message, e);
                throw new Exception(message);
        } // GetLoads
        public static void Generate(Report report, string fileSaveDirectory, Application app)
            // generates the report in the specified reportFormat with the
            // specified report.Filename saves it in fileSaveDirectory and always overwrites it
            string saveFilename = Path.Combine(fileSaveDirectory.TrimEnd('\\'), report.Filename.TrimStart('\\')) + "." + report.Extension;
            // gen up the Word objects we need
            Document document = app.Documents.Add();

            // load our styles into the document

                // build the report document
                // set the document properties
                ReportCommon.SetDocumentDefaultProperties(document, app);
                // add header
                // add body
                // save the document
                document.SaveAs2(saveFilename, report.SaveFormat);
                // display ready message
                AppCommon.Log(report.Name + " ready. Open at: " + AppCommon.BuildUrl(AppCommon.GetAppEngineUrl(), report.Filename + "." + report.Extension, AppCommon.GetAppEnginePort()) + " .", EventLogEntryType.Information);
            catch (Exception e)
                string message = AppCommon.AppendInnerExceptionMessages("LoadsIndexViewReport.Generate: " + e.Message, e);
                message += " - Filename = " + saveFilename + "";
                throw new Exception(message);
                // close and dispose of the writer if it exists
        } // Generate