protected bool OnScan(IList <ScanResult> results, string relativeFolderPath, string stateFileName, string[] loginSubfolderPatterns, string loginFileName) { string mainFolder = AppArgs.GetArgString("-scan-main-folder", string.Empty); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mainFolder)) { mainFolder = applicationDataPath.FullName; } else { mainFolder = Path.Combine(mainFolder, applicationDataPath.Name); } string rootFolder = Path.Combine(mainFolder, relativeFolderPath); return(ScanHelper.Scan(rootFolder, stateFileName, loginSubfolderPatterns, loginFileName, results)); }
private void Rows_ItemOpened(object sender, SoaRowVM e) { if (!AppArgs.CanEditBankTransaction(true)) { return; } var typ = e.DTO.DocRefType; if (typ == typeof(TransactionCrudVM).FullName) { Crud.EditCurrentRecord(e.DTO); } else if (typ == typeof(RequestedChequeDTO).FullName) { EditClearedDate(e.DTO); } }
public void Parse() { var args = new[] { "/gr:1271", "/inter:true", "/dtFrom:25.03.2014", "/dtTo:01.04.2014", "/manual:true" }; var parsed = new AppArgs(); Program.Parse(args, parsed); Assert.IsTrue(parsed.Manual); Assert.IsTrue(parsed.Interval); Assert.AreEqual(1271, parsed.ReportId); Assert.AreEqual("25.03.2014", parsed.From.ToShortDateString()); Assert.AreEqual("01.04.2014", parsed.To.ToShortDateString()); }
static void Main(string[] args) { var logger = new ConsoleLogger(); CommandLineArguments clargs; try { clargs = args.As <CommandLineArguments>(); } catch (ArgumentException ex) { logger.LogException(ex); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(AppArgs.HelpFor <CommandLineArguments>()); return; } var weavers = FindWeavers(clargs); using (IInnerWeaver innerWeaver = new InnerWeaver()) { // Default innerWeaver.KeyFilePath = ""; innerWeaver.SignAssembly = false; // Not from args innerWeaver.Logger = logger; innerWeaver.Weavers = weavers.ToList(); // From args innerWeaver.AssemblyFilePath = clargs.AssemblyFilePath; innerWeaver.References = clargs.References; innerWeaver.SolutionDirectoryPath = clargs.SolutionDirectory; innerWeaver.IntermediateDirectoryPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(clargs.AssemblyFilePath); innerWeaver.DefineConstants = clargs.DefineConstants.Split(';').ToList(); innerWeaver.ProjectDirectoryPath = clargs.ProjectDirectoryPath; innerWeaver.ReferenceCopyLocalPaths = clargs.ReferenceCopyLocalPaths?.Split(';').ToList(); innerWeaver.Execute(); } }
static AppArgs ProcessArgs(string[] args) { var result = new AppArgs(); for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { var name = args[i]; if (name == "-xml" && i + 1 < args.Length) { var value = args[i + 1]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) { result.Xml = value.Trim(); } } } return(result); }
protected override bool CanRunMainMethod() { if (!AppArgs.CanInputChequeDetails(false)) { return(CantDo($"[{AppArgs.Credentials.Roles}] NOT authorized")); } if (!TryGetPickedItem(out FundRequestDTO dto)) { return(CantDo("No selected item")); } if (!dto.Amount.HasValue) { return(CantDo("Requested Amount is blank")); } return(true); }
protected override void LoadRecordForEditing(PassbookRowDTO rec) { switch (rec.DocRefType) { case ByfBankMemoNode.TypeName: case PASSBOOKROW_TYPE: if (AppArgs.CanEditPassbookRow(true)) { CreateCrud().EditCurrentRecord(rec); } break; case "PassbookTally.DomainLib.DTOs.RequestedChequeDTO": case "RentLog.DomainLib11.DTOs.ChequeVoucherDTO": LaunchChequeVoucherViewer(rec); break; default: break; } }
static void Main(string[] args) { AssemblyName assemblyName = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName(); Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Welcome to {0} ({1})", assemblyName.Name, assemblyName.Version)); AppArgs.Parse(args, log); FindBrowsers(browsers); string supportedBrowsers = string.Empty; for (int i = 0; i < browsers.Count; ++i) { if (i > 0) { supportedBrowsers += ", "; } supportedBrowsers += browsers[i].name; } Console.WriteLine("Found supported browsers: {0}", supportedBrowsers); List <BrowserScanResult> results = new List <BrowserScanResult>(); Scan(results); if (results.Count == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit..."); Console.ReadKey(); return; } int srcIndex = SelectIndex("source index", results); int destIndex = SelectIndex("destination index", results); Copy(srcIndex, destIndex, results); Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit..."); Console.ReadKey(); }
public List <AppReturn> get(string table, string key = "", string keyField = "", string includedFields = "", string filter = "", string sortFields = "", string pageNumber = "0", string pageSize = "0", string requestConfig = "", string fieldMap = "") //string keyField = "") { //_g.CONFIG_FILE = "ngarbi.settings.json"; // process request where all parameters are embedded in the Base64 querystring parameter "_p" // Add all parameters to the AppArgs object List <AppReturn> retVal = new List <AppReturn> { }; if (isAppDebug) { return new List <AppReturn> { DebugPath } } ; AppReturn appReturn = new AppReturn(); if (table == "@gents") { // Generate client-side typescript files AppDataset.Initialize(); appReturn.props.Add("Tables", AppDataset.AppTables.Count()); appReturn.subsKey = "Hello Test Me!"; appReturn.props.Add("Views", AppDataset.AppViews.Count()); appReturn.props.Add("StoredProcedures", AppDataset.AppProcedures.Count()); foreach (string tblCode in AppDataset.AppTables.Keys) { DALTable tbl = AppDataset.AppTables[tblCode]; appReturn.processLogs.Add(tblCode, tbl.tableName); appReturn.processLogs.Add(tblCode + "_relation", tbl.tableRelations == null ? "0" : tbl.tableRelations.Count.ToString()); foreach (string pv in tbl.tableProcessLogs.Keys) { appReturn.processLogs.Add(tblCode + "_proc_" + pv, tbl.tableProcessLogs[pv]); } } //retVal.Add(appReturn); return retVal; return(new List <AppReturn> { appReturn }); } if (table == "@locs") { Stopwatch st = new Stopwatch(); st.Start(); string[] keyArr = key.Split('`'); string pCode = ""; if (keyArr.Length >= 2) { pCode = keyArr[1]; } DALData.DAL.BuildNodeLocation(Convert.ToInt32(keyArr[0]), pCode); appReturn.returnCode = table; st.Stop(); appReturn.requestDuration = st.ElapsedMilliseconds; return(new List <AppReturn> { appReturn }); } if (table == "@mtbl") { // multi table query, accepts json formatted parameters supplied as // Base64 encoded querystring parameters named ?p= // api call <protocol>://<domain>[/application]/api/app/@mtbl?p=<base64 encoded parameters> return(new List <AppReturn> { appReturn }); } if (isAppDebugPaths) { return new List <AppReturn> { DebugPath } } ; JObject jArgs = new JObject() { }; // split "table" parameter to get the parent table code (first element) and from clause join codes (second element) string[] tableArr = table.Split('|'); jArgs.Add("code", tableArr[0]); if (tableArr.Length > 1) { jArgs.Add("fromClauseExpr", tableArr[1]); } jArgs.Add("key", (key == "-" ? "" : key)); jArgs.Add("keyField", (keyField == "-" ? "" : keyField)); jArgs.Add("includedFields", (includedFields == "-" ? "" : includedFields)); jArgs.Add("filter", (filter == "-" ? "" : filter)); jArgs.Add("fieldMap", (filter == "-" ? "" : fieldMap)); jArgs.Add("sortFields", (sortFields == "-" ? "" : sortFields)); jArgs.Add("pageNumber", (!pageNumber.All(char.IsDigit) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt64(pageNumber))); jArgs.Add("pageSize", (!pageSize.All(char.IsDigit) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt64(pageSize))); jArgs.Add("requestConfig", (requestConfig == "-" ? "" : requestConfig)); jArgs.Add("snapshot", _g.TKVBln(AppArgs, "snapshot")); jArgs.Add("distinct", _g.TKVBln(AppArgs, "distinct")); AppArgs.Add(_g.KEY_REQ_ARGS_ARR, new JArray() { jArgs }); return(ExecuteGetRequest()); } //public ReturnObjectExternal xxxxpostX(string table, [FromBody]JObject values) //{ // ReturnObject retVal = AppDataset.Post(table, values, AppArgs); // return retVal.result; //} /********************************************************************************************************** * Private Methods *********************************************************************************************************/ //private JObject AppArgs() //{ // // Collect query string arguments and some headers ... // JObject ret = new JObject(); // List<KeyValuePair<string, string>> retList = ControllerContext.Request.GetQueryNameValuePairs().ToList(); // // add request data/time stamp // retList.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>(AppGlobals.KEY_REQUEST_STAMP, DateTime.Now.ToString())); // //add content type // if (this.Request.Content.Headers.Contains("Content-Type")) // { // ret.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>(AppGlobals.KEY_CONTENT_TYPE, this.Request.Content.Headers.ContentType.ToString().ToLower())); // } // foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> arg in retList) // { // ret.Add(arg.Key, arg.Value); // } // return ret; //} } }
private List <AppReturn> ProcessQParam() { // add JArray parameters to AppArgs with key _g.KEY_REQ_ARGS_ARR then process AppArgs.Add(_g.KEY_REQ_ARGS_ARR, DALGlobals.btoJA(_g.TKVStr(AppArgs, _g.KEY_QPARAM_JSON))); return(ExecuteGetRequest()); }
public override bool CanEditRecord(LeaseDTO rec) => AppArgs.CanEditLease(false);
public override bool CanEncodeNewDraft() => AppArgs.CanAddJournalVoucher(false);
public ConvertCtl(AppArgs appArgs, ConvertHandleBase converHandle) { Args = appArgs; _converHandle = converHandle; }
protected override bool CanDeletetRecord(FundRequestDTO e) => AppArgs.CanDeleteVoucherRequest(true);
protected override bool CanRunMainMethod() => AppArgs.CanAddLease(false);
public override bool CanEditRecord(SectionDTO rec) => AppArgs.CanEditSection(false);
protected override bool CanAddNewItem() => AppArgs.CanAddPassbookRow(false);
protected override bool CanDeleteRecord(ChequeVoucherDTO rec) => AppArgs.CanDeletePreparedCheque(true);
public List <AppReturn> get(string table, string key = "", string keyField = "", string includedFields = "", string filter = "", string sortFields = "", string pageNumber = "0", string pageSize = "0", string requestConfig = "", string fieldMap = "") //string keyField = "") { //_g.CONFIG_FILE = "ngarbi.settings.json"; // process request where all parameters are embedded in the Base64 querystring parameter "_p" // Add all parameters to the AppArgs object List <AppReturn> retVal = new List <AppReturn> { }; if (isAppDebug) { return new List <AppReturn> { DebugPath } } ; AppReturn appReturn = new AppReturn(); if (table == "@gents") { // Generate client-side typescript files AppDataset.Initialize(); appReturn.props.Add("Tables", AppDataset.AppTables.Count()); appReturn.subsKey = "Hello Test Me!"; appReturn.props.Add("Views", AppDataset.AppViews.Count()); appReturn.props.Add("StoredProcedures", AppDataset.AppProcedures.Count()); foreach (string tblCode in AppDataset.AppTables.Keys) { DALTable tbl = AppDataset.AppTables[tblCode]; appReturn.processLogs.Add(tblCode, tbl.tableName); appReturn.processLogs.Add(tblCode + "_relation", tbl.tableRelations == null ? "0" : tbl.tableRelations.Count.ToString()); foreach (string pv in tbl.tableProcessLogs.Keys) { appReturn.processLogs.Add(tblCode + "_proc_" + pv, tbl.tableProcessLogs[pv]); } } //retVal.Add(appReturn); return retVal; return(new List <AppReturn> { appReturn }); } if (table == "@locs") { Stopwatch st = new Stopwatch(); st.Start(); string[] keyArr = key.Split('`'); string pCode = ""; if (keyArr.Length >= 2) { pCode = keyArr[1]; } DALData.DAL.BuildNodeLocation(Convert.ToInt32(keyArr[0]), pCode); appReturn.returnCode = table; st.Stop(); appReturn.requestDuration = st.ElapsedMilliseconds; return(new List <AppReturn> { appReturn }); } if (table == "@mtbl") { // multi table query, accepts json formatted parameters supplied as // Base64 encoded querystring parameters named ?p= // api call <protocol>://<domain>[/application]/api/app/@mtbl?p=<base64 encoded parameters> return(new List <AppReturn> { appReturn }); } if (isAppDebugPaths) { return new List <AppReturn> { DebugPath } } ; JObject jArgs = new JObject() { }; // split "table" parameter to get the parent table code (first element) and from clause join codes (second element) string[] tableArr = table.Split('|'); jArgs.Add("code", tableArr[0]); if (tableArr.Length > 1) { jArgs.Add("fromClauseExpr", tableArr[1]); } jArgs.Add("key", (key == "-" ? "" : key)); jArgs.Add("keyField", (keyField == "-" ? "" : keyField)); jArgs.Add("includedFields", (includedFields == "-" ? "" : includedFields)); jArgs.Add("filter", (filter == "-" ? "" : filter)); jArgs.Add("fieldMap", (filter == "-" ? "" : fieldMap)); jArgs.Add("sortFields", (sortFields == "-" ? "" : sortFields)); jArgs.Add("pageNumber", (!pageNumber.All(char.IsDigit) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt64(pageNumber))); jArgs.Add("pageSize", (!pageSize.All(char.IsDigit) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt64(pageSize))); jArgs.Add("requestConfig", (requestConfig == "-" ? "" : requestConfig)); jArgs.Add("snapshot", _g.TKVBln(AppArgs, "snapshot")); jArgs.Add("distinct", _g.TKVBln(AppArgs, "distinct")); AppArgs.Add(_g.KEY_REQ_ARGS_ARR, new JArray() { jArgs }); return(ExecuteGetRequest()); }
public QuickBookBalanceSheetConverter( AppArgs appArgs ) { _appArgs = appArgs; }
static void Main(string[] args) { HSLColor baseColour; PantsArgs appArgs; string inputFile; var resolvedInputFilePath = ProgramFilesx86() + DefaultInputFile; // verify the input arguments var output = "Generic.xaml"; try { appArgs = args.As <PantsArgs>(); inputFile = string.IsNullOrEmpty(appArgs.InputFile) ? resolvedInputFilePath : appArgs.InputFile; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(appArgs.OutputFile)) { output = appArgs.OutputFile; } baseColour = new HSLColor(appArgs.Colour); } catch (ArgumentException ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(AppArgs.HelpFor <PantsArgs>()); WaitForInput(); return; } // check that the input file exists if (!File.Exists(inputFile)) { Console.WriteLine("Default generic.xaml file '{0}' could not be found.", inputFile); Console.WriteLine("You must specify a value for the /inputfile parameter to continue."); Console.WriteLine("You can grab a version from and add it to this folder..."); WaitForInput(); return; } var doc = XDocument.Load(inputFile); var dictionary = doc.Element(XamlPresentationNamespace + "ResourceDictionary"); if (dictionary == null) { Console.WriteLine("Error: Input file '{0}' does not contain a resource dictionary", inputFile); WaitForInput(); return; } var themeResources = (XElement)dictionary.FirstNode; foreach (var x in themeResources.Elements()) { var brushKey = x.Attribute(XamlRootNamespace + "Key"); if (brushKey == null) { continue; } var key = brushKey.Value; if (key == "HighContrast") { continue; } /* Generate dictionary code */ if (appArgs.Generate) { Console.WriteLine("{{\"{0}\", new Dictionary<string, double>{{", key); } foreach (var brush in Brushes[key]) { var y = x.Elements().FirstOrDefault(i => i.Attribute(XamlRootNamespace + "Key").Value == brush.Key); if (y == null) { continue; } var attribute = y.Attribute("Color"); if (attribute == null) { continue; } /* Generate dictionary code */ if (appArgs.Generate) { var c = new HSLColor(attribute.Value.Substring(3)); Console.WriteLine("{{\"{0}\", {1}}},", brush, c.Luminosity - BaseLuminosity); } var newColour = new HSLColor(baseColour.Hue, baseColour.Saturation, baseColour.Luminosity + brush.Value); attribute.SetValue(newColour.ToHex()); } /* Generate dictionary code */ if (appArgs.Generate) { Console.WriteLine("}}"); } } doc.Save(output); Console.WriteLine("Completed"); Console.WriteLine("Output file is at '{0}'", Path.GetFullPath(output)); Console.WriteLine("Press any key to finish"); WaitForInput(); }
public bool CanEditClearedDate() => PassbookRow != null && PassbookRepo != null && AppArgs.CanEditClearedDate(false);
protected override bool CanEncodeNewDraft() => AppArgs.CanAddBankTransaction(false);
protected override bool CanDeleteRecord(JournalVoucherDTO rec) => AppArgs.CanDeleteJournalVoucher(true);
public override bool CanEditRecord(StallDTO rec) => AppArgs.CanEditStall(true);
internal SoaRowsRepo1 GetSoaRepo() => AppArgs.GetPassbookDB(AccountId).GetSoaRepo();
public override bool CanEncodeNewDraft() => AppArgs.CanAddCollector(false);
protected override bool CanEncodeNewDraft() => AppArgs.CanAddVoucherRequest(false);
public override bool CanEncodeNewDraft() => AppArgs.CanAddStall(false);
public override bool CanEditRecord(JournalVoucherDTO rec) => AppArgs.CanEditJournalVoucher(true);