Beispiel #1
        public static string LookupApiSetLibrary(string ImportDllName)
            //ApiSetSchema ApiSetmapCache = Phlib.GetApiSetSchema();

            // Look for api set target
            if (!ImportDllName.StartsWith("api-") && !ImportDllName.StartsWith("ext-"))

            // Strip the .dll extension and the last number (which is probably a build counter)
            string ImportDllNameWithoutExtension = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(ImportDllName);
            string ImportDllHashKey = ImportDllNameWithoutExtension.Substring(0, ImportDllNameWithoutExtension.LastIndexOf("-"));

            if (ApiSetmapCache.ContainsKey(ImportDllHashKey))
                ApiSetTarget Targets = ApiSetmapCache[ImportDllHashKey];
                if (Targets.Count > 0)

        /// <summary>
        /// Background processing of a single PE file.
        /// It can be lengthy since there are disk access (and misses).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="NewTreeContexts"> This variable is passed as reference to be updated since this function is run in a separate thread. </param>
        /// <param name="newPe"> Current PE file analyzed </param>
        private void ProcessPe(List <ImportContext> NewTreeContexts, PE newPe)
            List <PeImportDll> PeImports = newPe.GetImports();

            foreach (PeImportDll DllImport in PeImports)
                bool   FoundApiSet   = false;
                string ImportDllName = DllImport.Name;

                // Look for api set target
                if (ImportDllName.StartsWith("api-") || ImportDllName.StartsWith("ext-"))
                    // Strip the .dll extension and the last number (which is probably a build counter)
                    string ImportDllNameWithoutExtension = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(ImportDllName);
                    string ImportDllHashKey = ImportDllNameWithoutExtension.Substring(0, ImportDllNameWithoutExtension.LastIndexOf("-"));

                    if (this.ApiSetmapCache.ContainsKey(ImportDllHashKey))
                        ApiSetTarget Targets = this.ApiSetmapCache[ImportDllHashKey];
                        if (Targets.Count > 0)
                            FoundApiSet   = true;
                            ImportDllName = Targets[0];

                ImportContext ImportModule = new ImportContext();
                ImportModule.PeFilePath        = null;
                ImportModule.PeProperties      = null;
                ImportModule.ModuleName        = DllImport.Name;
                ImportModule.IsApiSet          = FoundApiSet;
                ImportModule.ApiSetModuleName  = ImportDllName;
                ImportModule.IsDelayLoadImport = (DllImport.Flags & 0x01) == 0x01; // TODO : Use proper macros

                // Find Dll in "paths"
                Tuple <ModuleSearchStrategy, String> FoundPe = FindPe.FindPeFromDefault(this.Pe, ImportDllName, this.SxsEntriesCache);
                ImportModule.ModuleLocation = FoundPe.Item1;
                if (ImportModule.ModuleLocation != ModuleSearchStrategy.NOT_FOUND)
                    ImportModule.PeFilePath   = FoundPe.Item2;
                    ImportModule.PeProperties = BinaryCache.LoadPe(ImportModule.PeFilePath);

Beispiel #3
        public void PrettyPrint()
            Console.WriteLine("[-] Api Sets Map : ");

            foreach (var ApiSetEntry in this.Schema.GetAll())
                ApiSetTarget ApiSetImpl    = ApiSetEntry.Value;
                string       ApiSetName    = ApiSetEntry.Key;
                string       ApiSetImplStr = (ApiSetImpl.Count > 0) ? String.Join(",", ApiSetImpl.ToArray()) : "";

                Console.WriteLine("{0:s} -> [ {1:s} ]", ApiSetName, ApiSetImplStr);

Beispiel #4
        public static void DumpApiSets()
            VerboseWriteLine("[-] Api Sets Map : ");

            foreach (var ApiSetEntry in Phlib.GetApiSetSchema())
                ApiSetTarget ApiSetImpl    = ApiSetEntry.Value;
                string       ApiSetName    = ApiSetEntry.Key;
                string       ApiSetImplStr = (ApiSetImpl.Count > 0) ? String.Join(",", ApiSetImpl.ToArray()) : "";

                Console.WriteLine("{0:s} -> [ {1:s} ]", ApiSetName, ApiSetImplStr);
