protected void DoPause(bool pause) { ApiControl tc = Config.GetApIEngine(); try { string sIDs = GetCheckedValues(Config.MainCheckboxName); string [] s = sIDs.Split(new char [] { ',' }); int l; for (l = 0; l < s.Length; l++) { if (s[l] != String.Empty) { if (pause) { tc.UpdateSelectedTournamentsStatus(2, Utils.GetInt(s[l])); } else { tc.UpdateSelectedTournamentsStatus(1, Utils.GetInt(s[l])); } } } } finally { BindGrid(); tc = null; } }
protected void SavePrize() { if (ddPrizeValueType.SelectedValue != Config.PrizeValueAny) { string stat = prData.CheckPercent(); if (stat != String.Empty) { lblInfo.Text = stat; lblInfo.Visible = true; return; } } string xml = prData.DataSetToXML(nPrizeNumber, Utils.GetInt(ddCurrency.SelectedValue), Utils.GetInt(ddPrizeValueType.SelectedValue)); hdnTournamentPrizeXML.Value = xml; xmlTournamentPrize = xml; ApiControl oTournament = Config.GetApIEngine(); if (!oTournament.SetPrizePool(nTournamentID, xmlTournamentPrize)) { ShowError("COM error occured"); oTournament = null; return; } oTournament = null; lblInfo.Text = "Tournament Prizes were saved"; lblInfo.ForeColor = Color.Green; lblInfo.Visible = true; Response.Redirect(GetGoBackUrl()); }
protected void btnAddBots_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ApiControl ac = Config.GetApIEngine(); int mxNumber = txtMaxNumber.Visible ? Utils.GetInt(txtMaxNumber.Text) : Utils.GetInt(ddMaxNumber_Add.SelectedValue); ac.AddBots(Utils.GetInt(ddProcesses.SelectedValue), Utils.GetInt(ddSitdownType_Add.SelectedValue), mxNumber, ApiTarget); }
protected override void AfterModifySetOfRecordsFromCombo(string sProcedureName, string sIDs, int typeAction) { ApiControl oTc = Config.GetApIEngine(); string [] ar = sIDs.Split(new char[] { ',' }); int l; switch (typeAction) { case 0: if (sProcedureName == Config.DbEnableChat || sProcedureName == Config.DbDisableChat) { for (l = 0; l < ar.Length; l++) { if (ar[l] != String.Empty) { oTc.UpdateUserChatAllow(int.Parse(ar[l]), (sProcedureName == Config.DbEnableChat ? 1 : 0)); } } } break; case 1: case 2: for (l = 0; l < ar.Length; l++) { if (ar[l] != String.Empty) { oTc.UpdateUserStatus(int.Parse(ar[l]), typeAction); } } break; } oTc = null; }
protected void btnKickOff_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { ApiControl oTc = Config.GetApIEngine(); try { string sIDs = GetCheckedValues(Config.MainCheckboxName); string [] s = sIDs.Split(new char [] { ',' }); int l; for (l = 0; l < s.Length; l++) { if (s[l] != String.Empty) { if (!IsTournament) { oTc.KickOffUserFromProcess(int.Parse(s[l]), intProcessID); } else { oTc.KickOffUserFromTournament(int.Parse(s[l]), intProcessID); } } } } finally { oTc = null; } }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ApiControl oTournament = Config.GetApIEngine(); int engineID; try { //1. Create new xml if (comboEngine.Items.Count <= 0) { return; } engineID = Convert.ToInt32(comboEngine.Items[comboEngine.SelectedIndex].Value); string xmlString = oTournament.GetDefaultProperty(engineID, (enType == TrnType.Tornament ? ApiMsg.enProcessFormTarget.Tournament : ApiMsg.enProcessFormTarget.SitAndGo)); xmlString = oCom.getFormXml(xmlString, Page); xmlString = oCom.setAttributeValue(xmlString, "properties/property", "Tournament Type", (string)Session["Tournament Type Maintenance"]); xmlString = oCom.setAttributeValue(xmlString, "properties/property", "Category", Utils.GetInt(enType).ToString()); if (xmlString == null) { Log.Write(this, "Some error occured. Object does not return error description"); ShowError("Error occured while creating xml."); return; } //2. Call InitGameProcess method of Com //int sEngineID = Utils.GetInt(comboEngine.Items[comboEngine.SelectedIndex].Value); int sADispID = Utils.GetInt(comboActDisp.Items[comboActDisp.SelectedIndex].Value); int tournamentID = 0; oTournament.InitGameProcess(engineID, (int)(enType == TrnType.Tornament ? ApiMsg.enProcessFormTarget.Tournament : ApiMsg.enProcessFormTarget.SitAndGo), ref tournamentID, xmlString, sADispID); if (tournamentID <= 0) { Log.Write(this, "Some error occured. Object does not return error description"); ShowError("Object error. Tournament wasn't created."); Log.Write(this, "Object error. Tournament wasn't created."); return; } //3. Save xml in DB nTournamentID = tournamentID; DBase.Execute(Config.DbUpdateTournamentSettings, "@ID", nTournamentID, "@SettingsXml", xmlString); //delete game process in com error case //4. Success message // StoreBackID(nTournamentID); hdnTournamentID.Value = nTournamentID.ToString(); lblInfo.Text = "Tournament was created"; lblInfo.ForeColor = Color.Green; GetData(); } finally{ oTournament = null; } }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="agApiControl"></param> private void download(ApiControl agApiControl) { DownloadControl wkDownloadControl = new DownloadControl(agApiControl.PostInfoList, txtFolder.Text); wkDownloadControl.ProgressChanged += new EventHandler(DownloadControl_ProgressChanged); wkDownloadControl.DownloadEnd += new EventHandler(DownloadControl_DownloadEnd); wkDownloadControl.ImageDonload(); }
/// <summary> /// Return table with default engine properties /// </summary> private void FillEngineProperty() { //Creating com objects and getting xml string xmlString = ""; ApiControl oEngine = Config.GetApIEngine(); xmlString = oEngine.GetDefaultProperty(1, ApiMsg.enProcessFormTarget.Process); oEngine = null; oCom.FillTable(xmlString, "gameengine/properties/property", true, ref table); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void wkApiControl_ProgressChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { ApiControl wkApiControl = (ApiControl)sender; downloadProgress.CountUp(wkApiControl.PostInfoList.Count(), string.Format("ダウンロードリストを作成中です...{0}/{1}", wkApiControl.PostInfoList.Count(), wkApiControl.TotalPosts)); if (downloadProgress.Cancel) { wkApiControl.CreatePostInfoListCancel(); } }
protected void btnSendMsgAll_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (txtMessage.Text.Length <= 0) { return; } string msg = txtMessage.Text; ApiControl admC = Config.GetApIEngine(); admC.SendMessageToAll(msg); string m = LogAdmin.LogFileName; }
private void CreateDataSource() { ApiControl ac = Config.GetApIEngine(); string rez = ac.GetBotsInfo(Utils.GetInt(ddProcesses.SelectedValue), ApiTarget); if (rez == String.Empty) { return; } GetInfoasDS(rez); return; }
protected void btnSetupPolicy_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string IDs = this.GetCheckedValues(Common.Config.MainCheckboxName); if (IDs == String.Empty) { return; } ApiControl ac = Config.GetApIEngine(); ac.SetupBotsPolicy(IDs, Utils.GetInt(ddSitdownType_Policy.SelectedValue), Utils.GetInt(ddProcesses.SelectedValue), ApiTarget); }
protected void btnSaveBet_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { string xml = String.Format("<tsbettings tournamentid=\"{0}\" coefficient=\"{1}\">", TournID, txtCoeff.Text); foreach (DataRow dr in tbBlind.Rows) { xml += String.Format("<level num=\"{0}\" blind=\"{1}\" ante=\"{2}\"/>", dr["level"], dr["blind"], dr["ante"]); } xml += "</tsbettings>"; ApiControl api = Config.GetApIEngine(); api.SaveTournamentBettings(xml); api = null; }
public string Details(System.Web.UI.Page page, int nGameLogID) { Common.Web.Page oPage = page as Common.Web.Page; Common.Web.Core oDB = oPage.DBase; ApiControl oApi = Config.GetApIEngine(); if (nGameLogID > 0) { lblName.Text = "Game Log #: " + nGameLogID.ToString(); string txtHistory = oApi.GetPersonalHandHistory(nGameLogID, ApiMsg.msgForAction.GETPERSONALHANDHISTORYASTEXT); hdnLogData.Value = txtHistory; } oApi = null; return(""); }
protected void SendUsersMessage(ArrayList al) { ApiControl admC = Config.GetApIEngine(); int l; string uids = ""; string msg = txtMessage.Text; for (l = 0; l < al.Count; l++) { if (al[l].ToString().Length > 0) { uids += al[l].ToString().Trim() + ","; } } admC.SendMessageToUser(uids.TrimEnd(','), msg); admC = null; }
protected void btSystemShut_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { ApiControl admC = Config.GetApIEngine(); try { admC.ChangeClientConnectionsAllowedStatus(4); lbStatus.Text = "Client Connections Allowed Status changed to Shutdown"; lbStatus.ForeColor = Color.Green; } catch { lbStatus.Text = "Client Connections Allowed Status change error"; lbStatus.ForeColor = Color.Red; } finally { admC = null; } }
protected void btEnableCln_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { ApiControl admC = Config.GetApIEngine(); try { admC.ChangeClientConnectionsAllowedStatus(1); lbStatus.Text = "Client Connections Enabled"; lbStatus.ForeColor = Color.Green; } catch { lbStatus.Text = "Error during enable Client Connections"; lbStatus.ForeColor = Color.Red; } finally { admC = null; } }
/// <summary> /// Return table with default tournament properties /// </summary> private void FillTournamentProperty() { if (comboEngine.Items.Count <= 0) { return; } int engineID = Convert.ToInt32(comboEngine.Items[comboEngine.SelectedIndex].Value); ApiControl oTournament = Config.GetApIEngine(); string xmlString = oTournament.GetDefaultProperty(engineID, (enType == TrnType.Tornament ? ApiMsg.enProcessFormTarget.Tournament : ApiMsg.enProcessFormTarget.SitAndGo)); oTournament = null; if (xmlString.Length == 0) //((xmlString == null) || (xmlString == "")) { Log.Write(this, "Some error occured. Object does not return error description"); ShowError("Error occured while getting xml."); return; } oCom.FillTable(xmlString, true, ref table); }
protected virtual void btnDeleteTournament_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string sIDs = GetCheckedValues(Config.MainCheckboxName); ApiControl oTourn = Config.GetApIEngine(); string [] ss = sIDs.Split(new char[] { ',' }); int k = 0; for (k = 0; k < ss.Length; k++) { int iid = Utils.GetInt(ss[k]); if (iid > 0) { oTourn.DropTournament(iid); } } ModifySetOfRecordsFromCombo(sIDs, sDbDeleteQuery); BindGrid(); oTourn = null; }
protected void btnReInit_click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //1. Delete records in GameProcessState and GameProcessStats string xmlString = ""; DataRow oDR = GetFirstRow(Config.DbReinitGameProcess, "@gameProcessID", nGameProcessID); if (oDR != null) { xmlString = oDR["SettingsXML"].ToString(); } else { ShowError("DB error occured during reiniting gameProcess"); oCom.FillTable(xmlString, "gameengine/properties/property", false, ref table); return; } bool errorNumber = false; ApiControl oEngine = Config.GetApIEngine(); int pID = nGameProcessID; nActDispID = Core.GetSelectedValueInt(comboActDisp); nEngineID = Core.GetSelectedValueInt(comboEngine); errorNumber = oEngine.InitGameProcess(nEngineID, (int)ApiMsg.enProcessFormTarget.Process, ref pID, xmlString, nActDispID); oEngine = null; if (!errorNumber) { Log.Write(this, "Init game process error"); ShowError("Error occured. Game process wasn't reinited."); oCom.FillTable(xmlString, "gameengine/properties/property", false, ref table); return; } //3. Everything is Ok oCom.FillTable(xmlString, "gameengine/properties/property", false, ref table); lblInfo.Text = "Game process was reinited"; lblInfo.ForeColor = Color.Green; }
/// <summary> /// ダウンロード /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void btnDownload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (txtApiKey.Text == string.Empty) { MessageBox.Show(this, "APIキーが設定されていません。", Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk); return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtFolder.Text) || !Directory.Exists(txtFolder.Text)) { MessageBox.Show(this, "保存先が無効です。", Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk); return; } if (txtUrl.Text == string.Empty) { MessageBox.Show(this, "URLが設定されていません。", Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk); return; } ApiControl wkApiControl = new ApiControl(new Uri(txtUrl.Text).Host, txtApiKey.Text); downloadProgress = new Progress(wkApiControl.TotalPosts); wkApiControl.ProgressChanged += new EventHandler(wkApiControl_ProgressChanged); wkApiControl.ReadEnd += new EventHandler(wkApiControl_ReadEnd); wkApiControl.CreatePostInfoList(); downloadProgress.SetCancelButton(); downloadProgress.ShowDialog(this); }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //1. Create new xml string xmlString = ""; ApiControl oEngine = Config.GetApIEngine(); try { DateTime actTime; try { actTime = DateTime.Parse(txtActivatedTime.Text, new CultureInfo("en-US")); } catch { lblInfo.Text = "Incorrect value for Activated Time. Please enter valid date."; return; } nEngineID = Core.GetSelectedValueInt(comboEngine); xmlString = oEngine.GetDefaultProperty(nEngineID, ApiMsg.enProcessFormTarget.Process); xmlString = oCom.getFormXml(xmlString, "gameengine/properties/property", Page); xmlString = oCom.setAttributeValue(xmlString, "gameengine/properties/property", "Tournament Type", (string)Session["Tournament Type Process"]); if (xmlString == null) { return; } //2. Save values in DB nCurrencyID = Core.GetSelectedValueInt(comboCurrency); nSubCategoryID = Core.GetSelectedValueInt(comboSubCategory); nActDispID = Core.GetSelectedValueInt(comboActDisp); SqlCommand oCmd = DBase.GetCommand(Config.DbCreateFirstGameProcess); SqlParameterCollection oParams = oCmd.Parameters; oParams.Add("@Name", txtName.Text); oParams.Add("@GameEngineID", nEngineID); oParams.Add("@CurrencyTypeID", nCurrencyID); oParams.Add("@SubCategoryID", nSubCategoryID); oParams.Add("@SettingsXml", xmlString); oParams.Add("@ActionDispatcherID", nActDispID); oParams.Add("@ActivatedTime", actTime); oParams.Add("@ProtectedCode", txtProtCode.Text); oParams.Add("@RewardID", txtReward.Text); oParams.Add("@Visible", chVisible.Checked ? 1:0); oParams.Add("@CreatorUserID", SqlDbType.Int); oParams["@CreatorUserID"].Value = 0; oParams.Add("@ProtectedMode", Utils.GetInt(ddProtectedM.SelectedValue)); oParams.Add("@IsHighlighted", Utils.GetInt(ddHighlightedM.SelectedValue)); oParams.Add("@IsMassWatchingAllowed", Utils.GetInt(ddMassWatchingAllowed.SelectedValue)); SqlParameter oParam = new SqlParameter("@GameProcessID", SqlDbType.Int); oParam.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; oParams.Add(oParam); int Return = DBase.ExecuteReturnInt(oCmd); if (Return <= 0) { if (Return < 0) { lblInfo.Text = "Such game process name already exists. Please try another one."; } else { lblInfo.Text = "Database error occured"; } oCom.FillTable(xmlString, "gameengine/properties/property", true, ref table); return; } int processID = Utils.GetInt(oParams["@GameProcessID"].Value); //3. Call InitGameProcess method of Com int pID = processID; if (!oEngine.InitGameProcess(nEngineID, (int)ApiMsg.enProcessFormTarget.Process, ref pID, xmlString, nActDispID)) { Log.Write(this, "Init game process error"); ShowError("Error occured. Game process wasn't created."); oCom.FillTable(xmlString, "gameengine/properties/property", true, ref table); return; } //4. Success message nGameProcessID = processID; hdnGameProcessID.Value = nGameProcessID.ToString(); lblInfo.Text = "Game process was created"; lblInfo.ForeColor = Color.Green; oCom.FillTable(xmlString, "gameengine/properties/property", false, ref table); ShowControls(); } finally { oEngine = null; } }
protected void btnStandUpAll_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ApiControl ac = Config.GetApIEngine(); ac.StandupAllBots(Utils.GetInt(ddProcesses.SelectedValue), ApiTarget); }
protected void btnStandUpwp_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ApiControl ac = Config.GetApIEngine(); ac.StandupAllBotsWP(ApiTarget); }
protected void btnSitdownAuto_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ApiControl ac = Config.GetApIEngine(); ac.BotsSitdownAuto(chAuto.Checked, Utils.GetInt(ddSitdownType_Auto.SelectedValue), Utils.GetInt(ddMaxNumber_Auto.SelectedValue), ApiTarget); }