Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Example: Update Loan. For Example will be updating Loan Amount
        /// </summary>
        private static void UpdateLoan()
            if (_accessToken == null)
            //Initializing the API Client*/
            var loanApiClient = ApiClientProvider.GetApiClient <LoansApi>(_accessToken);

            //Creating new loan contract for update. We are updating the loan amount.
            var    correctVal = false;
            double loanAmt    = 0;

            Console.Write("Enter Loan Amount: ");
            while (!correctVal)
                correctVal = double.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out loanAmt);
                if (!correctVal)
                    Console.Write("Please enter a valid number: ");
            var loan = new LoanContract
                BorrowerRequestedLoanAmount = loanAmt

            var response = loanApiClient.UpdateLoan(LoanId, null, null, null, loan, "entity");

            JsonSerializerSettings serializerSettings = new JsonSerializerSettings
                ConstructorHandling = ConstructorHandling.AllowNonPublicDefaultConstructor
            LoanContract updatedLoan = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <LoanContract>(response.ToString(), serializerSettings);
        /// <summary>
        /// Example: Loan Bulk Update: Updating lender's contact information.
        /// </summary>
        private static void BatchUpdate()
            Console.WriteLine("Enter Loan GUIDs to update. [Comma Separated and no spaces]");
            var loanGuids          = Console.ReadLine()?.Split(',').ToList();
            var loanBatchApiClient = ApiClientProvider.GetApiClient <LoanBatchApi>(_accessToken);
            var request            = new LoanBatchUpdateRequestContract
                LoanData = new LoanContract
                    Contacts = new List <LoanContractContacts>
                        new LoanContractContacts
                            ContactType = "BROKER_LENDER",
                            Address     = "123 Main St.",
                            City        = "Pleasanton",
                            State       = "CA",
                            PostalCode  = "94588"
                LoanGuids = loanGuids

            Console.WriteLine("Request Submitted");
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Example: Ordering a service. Example of ordring credit from Credco.
        /// </summary>
        private static void OrderService()
            if (_accessToken == null)
            var serviceApiClient = ApiClientProvider.GetApiClient <ServiceApi>(_accessToken);

            Console.Write("Enter Credco User Name  : ");
            var userName = Console.ReadLine();

            Console.Write("Enter Credco Password   : "******"Enter Borrower Id       : ");
            var borrowerId = Console.ReadLine();

            //Ordering credit from credco
            var request = new OrderServiceRequest
                Product = new Product
                    Credentials = new ProductCredentials
                        UserName = userName,
                        Password = password
                    EntityRef = new ProductEntityRef
                        EntityId   = $"{LoanId}#{borrowerId}",
                        EntityType = "urn:elli:encompass:loan:borrower"
                    Name    = "CREDITIQ",
                    Options = new ProductOptions
                        DigiCert               = true,
                        CreditBureauEquifax    = true,
                        CreditBureauExperian   = true,
                        CreditBureauTransUnion = true,
                        CreditReportIdentifier = "",
                        Note        = "",
                        ReportOn    = "Joint",
                        ReportType  = "Merge",
                        RequestType = "NewOrder"
                    Preferences = new ProductPreferences
                        ExcludeZeroforImportLiabilities = true,
                        ImportLiabilities = true

            //Partner ID for credco is 307378
            var resp = serviceApiClient.OrderServiceWithHttpInfo(307378, request);

            //Example Getting ID from location header
            _transactionId = resp.Headers["Location"].Split('/')[6];
            Console.WriteLine($"Transaction ID: {_transactionId}");
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Example: Assign associate to a milestone
        /// </summary>
        private static void AssignLoanAssociate()
            if (_accessToken == null)

            string loanId = LoanId;

            Console.Write("Enter Milestone Id      : ");
            string milestoneId = Console.ReadLine();

            Console.Write("Enter Loan Associate Id : ");
            string associateId = Console.ReadLine();

            Console.Write("Enter Associate Type    : ");
            string associateType = Console.ReadLine();

            //Initializing the API Client
            LoanAssociatesApi loanAssociateApiClient = ApiClientProvider.GetApiClient <LoanAssociatesApi>(_accessToken);

            //Initializing the contract
            LoanTeamMemberContract loanAssociate = new LoanTeamMemberContract {
                Id = associateId, LoanAssociateType = associateType

            //Calling AssignLoanTeamMember
            loanAssociateApiClient.AssignLoanTeamMember(milestoneId, LoanId, loanAssociate);
            Console.WriteLine("Associate assigned");
Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Example: Create Attachment
        /// Create attachment is a 2 step process
        /// 1. Get URL where the document should be put
        /// 2. Upload actual file
        /// </summary>
        private static void CreateAttachment()
            if (_accessToken == null)
            //Step 1: Get the url for document to be uploaded
            var attachmentsApiClient = ApiClientProvider.GetApiClient <AttachmentsApi>(_accessToken);

            Console.WriteLine("Step 1: Creating Attachment Metadata");
            Console.Write("Please enter File Name with Extension: ");
            var fileName = Console.ReadLine();

            var request = new EFolderMediaUrlContract
                FileWithExtension = fileName,
                CreateReason      = 1,
                Title             = fileName,
                DocumentRefId     = DocumentId
            //We need to provide id parameter in order to get the attachment id at the end of second call.
            var response    = attachmentsApiClient.UploadAttachment(LoanId, "id", request);
            var urlToUpload = response.MediaUrl;

            Console.WriteLine("Attachment Metadata Created Successfully");
            Console.WriteLine("Step 2: Uploading File for attachment");
            bool   fileReadAttemptFailed;
            string path;

            byte[] content = { };
            //Reading the file path and making sure the file exists and readable
                fileReadAttemptFailed = false;
                Console.WriteLine("Please enter the file path to upload the attachment: ");
                path = Console.ReadLine() + "";
                path = path.Replace("..", ""); //Fix for Path Traversal security threat
                    content = File.ReadAllBytes(path);
                    fileReadAttemptFailed = true;
            } while (fileReadAttemptFailed);
            //Step 2: Upload the file
            //we are using rest client from rest sharp here to use the URL
            var client        = new RestClient(urlToUpload);
            var attachRequest = new RestRequest(Method.PUT);

            //TODO: Remove this header in next release
            attachRequest.AddHeader("cache-control", "no-cache");
            attachRequest.AddParameter("undefined", content, ParameterType.RequestBody);
            var putResponse = client.Execute(attachRequest);

            //Code to handle the response from file put goes here. For now we are just printing the row response
Beispiel #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Example: Loan Cursor pagination
        /// </summary>
        private static void Paginate()
            var loanPipelineApiClient = ApiClientProvider.GetApiClient <LoanPipelineApi>(_accessToken);

            //Making sure we received more than one page in the response
            if (_count > 100)
                var paginationRequest = new LoanPipelineViewContract
                    Fields = new List <string> {
                        "Loan.GUID", "Loan.LastModified"
                var start = 0;
                var page  = 1;
                for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                    //We do not need headers anymore, hence, calling regular method, And will be paginating 10 loans at a time
                    var resp = loanPipelineApiClient.PipelineRequest("10", null, _cursor, start.ToString(), paginationRequest);
                    Console.WriteLine("Page {0} Loan IDs: ", page);
                    foreach (var loanInfo in resp)
                        var fieldinfo = ((JObject)loanInfo.Fields).ToDictionary <string>();
                        Console.WriteLine("Loan ID: {0}", loanInfo.LoanGuid);
                        Console.WriteLine("Loan Last Modified: {0}", fieldinfo["Loan.LastModified"]);
                    start += 10;
Beispiel #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Example: Get a specific Underwriting condition for a loan
        /// </summary>
        private static void GetUnderwritingConditions()
            int count = 1;

            if (_accessToken == null)
            var conditionsApiClient = ApiClientProvider.GetApiClient <ConditionsApi>(_accessToken);

            var response = conditionsApiClient.GetEFolderUnderwritingConditions(LoanId);

            Console.WriteLine("Total count of conditions - {0}", response.Count);
            foreach (var condition in response)
                //Printing only first five records
                if (count > 5)
                Console.WriteLine("Condition {0} - ", count);
                Console.WriteLine("Id            - {0}", condition.Id);
                Console.WriteLine("ConditionType - {0}", condition.ConditionType);
                Console.WriteLine("Title         - {0}", condition.Title);
                Console.WriteLine("Description   - {0}", condition.Description);
                Console.WriteLine("Status        - {0}", condition.Status);
Beispiel #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Example: Update Loan. For Example will be updating Loan Amount
        /// </summary>
        private static void UpdateLoan()
            if (_accessToken == null)
            //Initializing the API Client*/
            var loanApiClient = ApiClientProvider.GetApiClient <LoansApi>(_accessToken);

            //Creating new loan contract for update. We are updating the loan amount.
            var    correctVal = false;
            double loanAmt    = 0;

            Console.Write("Enter Loan Amount: ");
            while (!correctVal)
                correctVal = double.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out loanAmt);
                if (!correctVal)
                    Console.Write("Please enter a valid number: ");
            var loan = new LoanContract
                BorrowerRequestedLoanAmount = loanAmt

            loanApiClient.UpdateLoan(LoanId, null, null, null, loan);
Beispiel #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Example: Obtaining a lock and getting lock information
        /// </summary>
        private static void LoanLock()
            if (_accessToken == null)
            ResourceLocksApi lockApiClient = ApiClientProvider.GetApiClient <ResourceLocksApi>(_accessToken);

            Console.Write("Enter the LoanId: ");
            var loanId = Console.ReadLine();
            //This contract will get us lock on a loan and this will be a forced lock.
            var request = new ResourceLockContract
                Resource = new ResourceLockContractResource
                    EntityType = "loan",
                    EntityId   = loanId
                LockType = "shared"
            var createResponse = lockApiClient.CreateResourceLockWithHttpInfo("false", "id", request);

            //Example of pasrsing the URL
            _lockId = createResponse.Headers["Location"].Split('/')[3];
            var getResponse = lockApiClient.GetResourceLockByLockId(_lockId, "loan", loanId);

            Console.WriteLine("Lock ID: {0}", getResponse.Id);
Beispiel #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Example: Creating a document
        /// </summary>
        private static void CreateDocument()
            if (_accessToken == null)
            Console.Write("Enter Doc Title : ");
            var title         = Console.ReadLine();
            var docsApiClient = ApiClientProvider.GetApiClient <DocumentsApi>(_accessToken);
            var request       = new EFolderDocumentContract
                Title           = title,
                Description     = "Description of the document",
                RequestedFrom   = "User",
                ApplicationId   = "All",
                EmnSignature    = "Signature",
                DateRequested   = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-5),
                DateExpected    = DateTime.Now.AddDays(5),
                DateReceived    = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1),
                DateReviewed    = DateTime.Now,
                DateReadyForUw  = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-2),
                DateReadyToShip = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-2),
                Comments        = new List <EFolderDocumentContractComments>()
            var response = docsApiClient.CreateDocumentWithHttpInfo(LoanId, "id", request);
            var loc      = response.Headers["Location"];

            DocumentId = loc.Split('/')[5];
            Console.WriteLine("This document can be accessed at: {0}", loc);
            Console.WriteLine($"Document Reference Id is: {loc.Split('/')[5]}");
Beispiel #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Example: Creating a cursor to generate a pipeline view
        /// </summary>
        private static void CreateCursor()
            var cursorRequest = new LoanPipelineViewContract
                Filter = new LoanPipelineFilterContract
                    Terms = new List <LoanPipelineFilterContractTerms>()
                        new LoanPipelineFilterContractTerms {
                            CanonicalName = "Loan.LoanFolder",
                            Value         = "(Trash)",
                            MatchType     = "exact",
                            Include       = false
                        new LoanPipelineFilterContractTerms {
                            CanonicalName = "Loan.LastModified",
                            Value         = "02/25/2011",
                            MatchType     = "greaterThanOrEquals",
                            Precision     = "day"
                        //Rate Lock # Days
                        new LoanPipelineFilterContractTerms {
                            CanonicalName = "Fields.432",
                            Value         = "2",
                            MatchType     = "greaterThanOrEquals"
                        new LoanPipelineFilterContractTerms {
                            CanonicalName = "Loan.CreditScore",
                            Value         = "0",
                            MatchType     = "notEquals"
                    _Operator = "and"
                Fields = new List <string> {
                    "Loan.GUID", "Loan.LastModified"
                SortOrder = new List <LoanPipelineViewContractSortOrder>
                    new LoanPipelineViewContractSortOrder
                        CanonicalName = "Loan.LastModified",
                        Order         = "desc"

            var loanPipelineApiClient = ApiClientProvider.GetApiClient <LoanPipelineApi>(_accessToken);

            //We will need to read headers and hence calling method with http info
            var resp = loanPipelineApiClient.PipelineRequestWithHttpInfo("100", "randomAccess", null, "0", cursorRequest);

            //Reading the cursor ID from headers
            _cursor = resp.Headers["x-cursor"];
            _count  = Convert.ToInt32(resp.Headers["x-total-count"]);
Beispiel #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Example: Unlock Loan
        /// </summary>
        private static void DeleteLock()
            if (_accessToken == null)
            ResourceLocksApi lockApiClient = ApiClientProvider.GetApiClient <ResourceLocksApi>(_accessToken);

            lockApiClient.Unlock(_lockId, "loan", LoanId, "true");
Beispiel #13
 /// <summary>
 /// Initialize field mapping json paths.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="accessToken">Access token.</param>
 public static void InitializeFieldMapping(AccessToken accessToken)
     if (_missingJsonPathsDict == null || _missingJsonPathsDict.Count == 0)
         _missingJsonPathsDict = new Dictionary <string, string>();
         var clientProvider = ApiClientProvider.GetApiClient <PathGeneratorApi>(accessToken);
         var contract       = new PathGeneratorContract();
         _missingJsonPathsDict = clientProvider.GetWebhookNotificationPath(contract);
Beispiel #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Example: Checking the status of service we just ordered
        /// </summary>
        private static void CheckServiceStatus()
            if (_accessToken == null)
            var serviceApiClient = ApiClientProvider.GetApiClient <ServiceApi>(_accessToken);
            var response         = serviceApiClient.GetOrderStatus(307378, _transactionId);

            Console.WriteLine($"The Transaction Status is: {response?.Status}");
Beispiel #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Example: Get specific CDO
        /// </summary>
        private static void GetListOfCDOs()
            Console.Write("Enter Loan Id : ");
            var loanId       = Console.ReadLine();
            var cdoApiClient = ApiClientProvider.GetApiClient <LoanCustomDataObjectsApi>(_accessToken);
            var response     = cdoApiClient.GetLoanCustomDataObjects(loanId);

            //Code for handling the response
            response.ForEach(i => Console.WriteLine("{0}\t", i));
            Console.WriteLine("Retrived list of CDOs");
Beispiel #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Example: Update CDO
        /// </summary>
        private static void DeleteCDO()
            Console.Write("Enter CDO Name: ");
            var cdoName = Console.ReadLine();

            Console.Write("Enter Loan Id : ");
            var loanId       = Console.ReadLine();
            var cdoApiClient = ApiClientProvider.GetApiClient <LoanCustomDataObjectsApi>(_accessToken);

            cdoApiClient.DeleteLoanCustomDataObject(loanId, cdoName);
            Console.WriteLine("CDO Deleted");
Beispiel #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Example: Delete Loan.
        /// </summary>
        private static void DeleteLoan()
            if (_accessToken == null)
            //Initializing the API Client*/
            var loanApiClient = ApiClientProvider.GetApiClient <LoansApi>(_accessToken);

            //Calling Delete loan
            Console.WriteLine("Loan Deleted");
Beispiel #18
        private static void GetUsers()
            if (_accessToken == null)

            Console.Write("Enter Role(Enter if don't wish to filter on role): ");
            string role = Console.ReadLine();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(role))
                role = null;

            Console.Write("Enter start: ");
            var start = Console.ReadLine();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(start))
                start = null;

            Console.Write("Enter limit: ");
            var limit = Console.ReadLine();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(limit))
                limit = null;

            var usersApiClient = ApiClientProvider.GetApiClient <UsersApi>(_accessToken);

            var response = usersApiClient.GetUserProfilesWithHttpInfo(null, null, role, null, null, null, null, start, limit);

            var totalUsersCount = Convert.ToInt32(response.Headers["X-Total-Count"]);
            var responseCount   = response.Data.Count;
            var counter         = responseCount < 10 ? responseCount : 10;

            for (int i = 0; i < counter; i++)
                Console.WriteLine(i + 1 + ") ");
                Console.WriteLine("\t UserId: " + response.Data[i].Id);
                Console.WriteLine("\t UserName: "******"Total number of users in response: " + responseCount);
            Console.WriteLine("Total number of users: " + totalUsersCount);
Beispiel #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Example: Get specific CDO
        /// </summary>
        private static void GetCDO()
            Console.Write("Enter CDO Name: ");
            var cdoName = Console.ReadLine();

            Console.Write("Enter Loan Id : ");
            var loanId       = Console.ReadLine();
            var cdoApiClient = ApiClientProvider.GetApiClient <LoanCustomDataObjectsApi>(_accessToken);
            var response     = cdoApiClient.GetLoanCustomDataObject(loanId, cdoName);

            //Code for handling the response
            // Console.WriteLine(response.Name);
            Console.WriteLine("CDO retrieved successfully.");
        /// <summary>
        /// Example: Move a loan accross folders
        /// </summary>
        private static void MoveLoan()
            var loanFoldersApiClient = ApiClientProvider.GetApiClient <LoanFoldersApi>(_accessToken);

            Console.WriteLine("Enter Loan Id     : ");
            var loanId = Console.ReadLine();

            Console.WriteLine("Enter Folder Name : ");
            var folderName         = Console.ReadLine();
            var loanFolderContract = new LoanFolderContract
                LoanGuid = loanId,
                IsExternalOrganization = true

            loanFoldersApiClient.MoveLoanFolder(folderName, "add", loanFolderContract);
Beispiel #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Example: Retrieve Loan
        /// </summary>
        private static void GetLoan()
            if (_accessToken == null)
            //Initializing the API Client*/
            var loanApiClient = ApiClientProvider.GetApiClient <LoansApi>(_accessToken);

            //Example: retriving the loan
            var loan = loanApiClient.GetLoan(LoanId);

            //Printing the response with couple of fields
            Console.WriteLine("Loan Number        : {0}", loan.LoanNumber);
            Console.WriteLine("Borrower First Name: {0}", loan.Applications[0].Borrower.FirstName);
Beispiel #22
        public async Task Import(string source)
            var client = await ApiClientProvider.CreateApiClient();

            var identifierDefinitions = client.GetIdentityStoreMetadata();

            Log.Debug("Available Identifiers Are {@identifiers}", identifierDefinitions);
            var evidenceDefinitions = client.GetConsentStoreMetadata();

            Log.Debug("Available Evidences Are {@evidences}", evidenceDefinitions);

            var xmlParser = new XmlParser(identifierDefinitions, evidenceDefinitions);

            using (LogContext.PushProperty("PeopleSource", source))
                using (var xmlReader = XmlReader.Create(source))
                    foreach (var person in xmlParser.GetPeople(xmlReader))
                        Log.Verbose("Processing {@person}", person);
                        var api = await ApiClientProvider.CreateApiClient();

                        var personId = api.PutPerson(person.PersonSpecification);
                        //TODO: handle null personId - why would this happen?

                        Log.Debug("Person Id is {@personId}", personId);

                        using (LogContext.PushProperty("PersonId", personId.PersonId))
                            if (!person.ConsentSpecifications.Any())
                                Log.Debug("No consents provided");

                            foreach (var consent in person.ConsentSpecifications)
                                using (LogContext.PushProperty("StudyId", consent.StudyId))
                                    RecordConsent(api, consent, personId.PersonId);
Beispiel #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Example: Creating a cursor to generate a pipeline view
        /// This example gets top 100 loans based on last modified in its descending order.
        /// </summary>
        private static void AccessPipeline()
            if (_accessToken == null)
            var loanPipelineApiClient = ApiClientProvider.GetApiClient <LoanPipelineApi>(_accessToken);

            var cursorRequest = new LoanPipelineViewContract
                Filter = new LoanPipelineFilterContract
                    Terms = new List <LoanPipelineFilterContractTerms>()
                        new LoanPipelineFilterContractTerms
                            CanonicalName = "Loan.LoanFolder",
                            Value         = "My Pipeline",
                            MatchType     = "exact"
                Fields = new List <string> {
                    "Loan.GUID", "Loan.LastModified"
                SortOrder = new List <LoanPipelineViewContractSortOrder>
                    new LoanPipelineViewContractSortOrder
                        CanonicalName = "Loan.LastModified",
                        Order         = "desc"

            var loans = loanPipelineApiClient.PipelineRequest("100", "randomAccess", null, "0", cursorRequest, "true");

            Console.WriteLine("Total Loans: {0}", loans.Count);
            foreach (var loanInfo in loans)
                //Since swagger does not support Dictionary directly, we need to cast manually here.
                var fieldinfo = ((JObject)loanInfo.Fields).ToDictionary <string>();
                Console.WriteLine("{0} | {1}", loanInfo.LoanGuid, fieldinfo["Loan.LastModified"]);
Beispiel #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Example: Finish a loan milestone
        /// </summary>
        private static void CompleteMilestone()
            if (_accessToken == null)

            string loanId = LoanId;

            Console.Write("Enter Milestone Id : ");
            string milestoneId = Console.ReadLine();

            //Initializing the API Client
            MilestonesApi milestoneApiClient = ApiClientProvider.GetApiClient <MilestonesApi>(_accessToken);

            //Calling UpdateMilestone operation which completes the milestone when action is passed as finish
            milestoneApiClient.UpdateMilestone(milestoneId, LoanId, action: "finish", milestoneLogContract: new MilestoneContract());
Beispiel #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Example: Unassign a loan associate
        /// </summary>
        private static void UnassignLoanAssociate()
            if (_accessToken == null)

            string loanId = LoanId;

            Console.Write("Enter Milestone Id : ");
            string milestoneId = Console.ReadLine();

            //Initializing the API Client
            LoanAssociatesApi loanAssociateApiClient = ApiClientProvider.GetApiClient <LoanAssociatesApi>(_accessToken);

            //Calling UnassignLoanAssociate
            loanAssociateApiClient.UnassignLoanTeamMember(milestoneId, loanId);
Beispiel #26
        /// <summary>
        /// Example: Create Custom Data Object(CDO)
        /// </summary>
        private static void CreateCDO()
            Console.Write("Enter CDO Name  : ");
            var cdoName = Console.ReadLine();

            Console.Write("Enter File Path : ");
            var filePath = Console.ReadLine() ?? "";

            Console.Write("Enter Loan Id   : ");
            var loanId       = Console.ReadLine();
            var cdoApiClient = ApiClientProvider.GetApiClient <LoanCustomDataObjectsApi>(_accessToken);
            var request      = new LoanCustomDataObjectContract
                Name       = cdoName,
                DataObject = File.ReadAllBytes(filePath)
            var response = cdoApiClient.CreateLoanCustomDataObject(loanId, cdoName, request);
Beispiel #27
        /// <summary>
        /// Example: Update CDO
        /// </summary>
        private static void UpdateCDO()
            Console.Write("Enter CDO Name: ");
            var cdoName = Console.ReadLine();

            Console.Write("Enter Loan Id : ");
            var loanId       = Console.ReadLine();
            var cdoApiClient = ApiClientProvider.GetApiClient <LoanCustomDataObjectsApi>(_accessToken);
            //Demonstrating to update value with plain string as well
            var request = new LoanCustomDataObjectContract
                Name       = cdoName,
                DataObject = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("This is a test value [Updated].")
            var response = cdoApiClient.AppendLoanCustomDataObject(loanId, cdoName, request);

            //Code for handling the response
Beispiel #28
        /// <summary>
        /// Example: Append CDO
        /// </summary>
        private static void AppendCDO()
            Console.Write("Enter CDO Name: ");
            var cdoName = Console.ReadLine();

            Console.Write("Enter Loan Id : ");
            var loanId       = Console.ReadLine();
            var cdoApiClient = ApiClientProvider.GetApiClient <LoanCustomDataObjectsApi>(_accessToken);
            var request      = new LoanCustomDataObjectContract
                Name       = cdoName,
                DataObject = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("This is a test value [appended].")
            var response = cdoApiClient.AppendLoanCustomDataObject(loanId, cdoName, request);

            //Code for handling the response
            Console.WriteLine("CDO Appended.");
Beispiel #29
        /// <summary>
        /// Example: Get Loan Milestones
        /// </summary>
        private static void GetLoanMilestones()
            if (_accessToken == null)

            //Initializing the API Client
            MilestonesApi milestoneApiClient = ApiClientProvider.GetApiClient <MilestonesApi>(_accessToken);

            //Retrieving loan milestones
            var milestones = milestoneApiClient.GetMilestones(LoanId);

            for (int i = 0; i < milestones.Count; i++)
                //Printing the response with couple of fields
                Console.WriteLine("{0})Milestone Id   : {1}", (i + 1).ToString("00"), milestones[i].Id);
                Console.WriteLine("   Milestone Name : {0}", milestones[i].MilestoneName);
                Console.WriteLine("   Start Date     : {0}", milestones[i].StartDate);