public void TestMismatchedSetError()
            Grammar pg = new Grammar(
                "parser grammar p;\n" +
                "prog : WHILE ID LCURLY (assign)* RCURLY;\n" +
                "assign : ID ASSIGN expr SEMI ;\n" +
                "expr : INT | FLOAT | ID ;\n");
            Grammar g = new Grammar();
            g.FileName = "<string>";
                "lexer grammar t;\n" +
                "WHILE : 'while';\n" +
                "LCURLY : '{';\n" +
                "RCURLY : '}';\n" +
                "ASSIGN : '=';\n" +
                "SEMI : ';';\n" +
                "ID : ('a'..'z')+ ;\n" +
                "INT : (DIGIT)+ ;\n" +
                "FLOAT : (DIGIT)+ '.' (DIGIT)* ;\n" +
                "fragment DIGIT : '0'..'9';\n" +
                "WS : (' ')+ ;\n");
            ICharStream input = new ANTLRStringStream("while x { i=; y=3.42; z=y; }");
            Interpreter lexEngine = new Interpreter(g, input);

            FilteringTokenStream tokens = new FilteringTokenStream(lexEngine);
            tokens.SetTokenTypeChannel(g.GetTokenType("WS"), 99);
            Interpreter parseEngine = new Interpreter(pg, tokens);
            ParseTree t = parseEngine.Parse("prog");
            string result = t.ToStringTree();
            string expecting =
                "(<grammar p> (prog while x { (assign i = (expr MismatchedSetException(10!={5,6,7})))))";
            Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);
 public NFAConversionThread( Grammar grammar,
                            Barrier barrier,
                            int i,
                            int j )
     this.grammar = grammar;
     this.barrier = barrier;
     this.i = i;
     this.j = j;
Beispiel #3
 public void TestCharOptional()
     Grammar g = new Grammar(
             "grammar P;\n" +
             "a : 'a'?;" );
     string expecting =
         "(rule a ARG RET scope (BLOCK (ALT (? (BLOCK (ALT 'a' <end-of-alt>) <end-of-block>)) <end-of-alt>) <end-of-block>) <end-of-rule>)";
     string found = g.GetRule( "a" ).tree.ToStringTree();
     assertEquals( expecting, found );
Beispiel #4
 public void TestA()
     Grammar g = new Grammar(
             "parser grammar P;\n" +
             "a : A;" );
     string expecting =
         "(rule a ARG RET scope (BLOCK (ALT A <end-of-alt>) <end-of-block>) <end-of-rule>)";
     string found = g.GetRule( "a" ).tree.ToStringTree();
     assertEquals( expecting, found );
 public ActionTranslator( CodeGenerator generator,
                              string ruleName,
                              GrammarAST actionAST )
     : this(new ANTLRStringStream( actionAST.Token.Text ))
     this.generator = generator;
     this.grammar = generator.grammar;
     this.enclosingRule = grammar.GetLocallyDefinedRule( ruleName );
     this.actionToken = actionAST.Token;
     this.outerAltNum = actionAST.outerAltNum;
Beispiel #6
 public void TestActionInStarLoop()
     Grammar g = new Grammar(
             "grammar Expr;\n" +
             "options { backtrack=true; }\n" +
             "a : ({blort} 'x')* ;\n" );  // bug: the synpred had nothing in it
     string expecting =
         "(rule synpred1_Expr ARG RET scope (BLOCK (ALT blort 'x' <end-of-alt>) <end-of-block>) <end-of-rule>)";
     string found = g.GetRule( "synpred1_Expr" ).tree.ToStringTree();
     assertEquals( expecting, found );
Beispiel #7
 public void TestFiniteCommonLeftPrefixes()
     Grammar g = new Grammar(
             "lexer grammar t;\n" +
             "A : 'a' 'b' | 'a' 'c' | 'd' 'e' ;" );
     g.CreateLookaheadDFAs( false );
     DFA dfa = g.GetLookaheadDFA( 1 );
     checkPrediction( dfa, "ab", 1 );
     checkPrediction( dfa, "ac", 2 );
     checkPrediction( dfa, "de", 3 );
     checkPrediction( dfa, "q", NFA.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER );
Beispiel #8
 public void TestA()
     Grammar g = new Grammar(
         "parser grammar P;\n" +
         "a : A;" );
     string expecting =
         ".s0->.s1\n" +
         ".s1->.s2\n" +
         ".s2-A->.s3\n" +
         ".s3->:s4\n" +
     checkRule( g, "a", expecting );
 public void TestA()
     Grammar g = new Grammar(
         "parser grammar P;\n" +
         "a : A;" );
     string expecting =
         ".s0->.s1" + NewLine +
         ".s1->.s2" + NewLine +
         ".s2-A->.s3" + NewLine +
         ".s3->:s4" + NewLine +
         ":s4-EOF->.s5" + NewLine;
     checkRule( g, "a", expecting );
Beispiel #10
 public void TestSets()
     Grammar g = new Grammar(
             "lexer grammar t;\n" +
             "A : {;}'a'..'z' | ';' | '0'..'9' ;" );
     g.CreateLookaheadDFAs( false );
     DFA dfa = g.GetLookaheadDFA( 1 );
     checkPrediction( dfa, "a", 1 );
     checkPrediction( dfa, "q", 1 );
     checkPrediction( dfa, "z", 1 );
     checkPrediction( dfa, ";", 2 );
     checkPrediction( dfa, "9", 3 );
Beispiel #11
        protected override void PerformGrammarAnalysis(CodeGenerator generator, Grammar grammar)
            base.PerformGrammarAnalysis(generator, grammar);

            foreach (Rule rule in grammar.Rules)

            IEnumerable<Rule> delegatedRules = grammar.GetDelegatedRules();
            if (delegatedRules != null)
                foreach (Rule rule in delegatedRules)
 public void Test2InsertMiddleIndex()
     Grammar g = new Grammar(
         "lexer grammar t;\n" +
         "A : 'a';\n" +
         "B : 'b';\n" +
         "C : 'c';\n" );
     ICharStream input = new ANTLRStringStream( "abc" );
     Interpreter lexEngine = new Interpreter( g, input );
     TokenRewriteStream tokens = new TokenRewriteStream( lexEngine );
     tokens.InsertBefore( 1, "x" );
     tokens.InsertBefore( 1, "y" );
     string result = tokens.ToString();
     string expecting = "ayxbc";
     Assert.AreEqual( expecting, result );
        public void TestCombine3Inserts() /*throws Exception*/
            Grammar g = new Grammar(
                "lexer grammar t;\n" +
                "A : 'a';\n" +
                "B : 'b';\n" +
                "C : 'c';\n");
            ICharStream        input     = new ANTLRStringStream("abc");
            Interpreter        lexEngine = new Interpreter(g, input);
            TokenRewriteStream tokens    = new TokenRewriteStream(lexEngine);

            tokens.InsertBefore(1, "x");
            tokens.InsertBefore(0, "y");
            tokens.InsertBefore(1, "z");
            string result    = tokens.ToString();
            string expecting = "yazxbc";

            assertEquals(expecting, result);
Beispiel #14
        public void TestNakedAstar() /*throws Exception*/
            Grammar g = new Grammar(
                "parser grammar P;\n" +
                "a : A*;");
            string expecting =
                ".s0->.s1\n" +
                ".s1->.s2\n" +
                ".s2->.s3\n" +
                ".s2->.s9\n" +
                ".s3->.s4\n" +
                ".s4-A->.s5\n" +
                ".s5->.s3\n" +
                ".s5->.s6\n" +
                ".s6->:s7\n" +
                ".s9->.s6\n" +

            checkRule(g, "a", expecting);
Beispiel #15
        public void TestNakedAstar() /*throws Exception*/
            Grammar g = new Grammar(
                "parser grammar P;\n" +
                "a : A*;");
            string expecting =
                ".s0->.s1" + NewLine +
                ".s1->.s2" + NewLine +
                ".s2->.s3" + NewLine +
                ".s2->.s9" + NewLine +
                ".s3->.s4" + NewLine +
                ".s4-A->.s5" + NewLine +
                ".s5->.s3" + NewLine +
                ".s5->.s6" + NewLine +
                ".s6->:s7" + NewLine +
                ".s9->.s6" + NewLine +
                ":s7-EOF->.s8" + NewLine;

            checkRule(g, "a", expecting);
Beispiel #16
        /** Rewrite alt to have a synpred as first element;
         *  (xxx)=>xxx
         *  but only if they didn't specify one manually.
        protected virtual void PrefixWithSynPred(GrammarAST alt)
            // if they want backtracking and it's not a lexer rule in combined grammar
            string autoBacktrack = (string)Grammar.GetBlockOption(currentBlockAST, "backtrack");

            if (autoBacktrack == null)
                autoBacktrack = (string)Grammar.GetOption("backtrack");
            if (autoBacktrack != null && autoBacktrack.Equals("true") &&
                !(GrammarType == GrammarType.Combined &&
                  Rule.GetRuleType(currentRuleName) == RuleType.Lexer) &&
                alt.GetChild(0).Type != SYN_SEMPRED)
                // duplicate alt and make a synpred block around that dup'd alt
                GrammarAST synpredBlockAST = CreateBlockFromDupAlt(alt);

                // Create a BACKTRACK_SEMPRED node as if user had typed this in
                // Effectively we replace (xxx)=>xxx with {synpredxxx}? xxx
                GrammarAST synpredAST = CreateSynSemPredFromBlock(synpredBlockAST,

                // insert BACKTRACK_SEMPRED as first element of alt
                //synpredAST.getLastSibling().setNextSibling( alt.getFirstChild() );
                //synpredAST.addChild( alt.getFirstChild() );
                //alt.setFirstChild( synpredAST );
                GrammarAST[] children = alt.GetChildrenAsArray();
                adaptor.SetChild(alt, 0, synpredAST);
                for (int i = 0; i < children.Length; i++)
                    if (i < children.Length - 1)
                        adaptor.SetChild(alt, i + 1, children[i]);
                        adaptor.AddChild(alt, children[i]);
Beispiel #17
        public void TestABorCD() /*throws Exception*/
            Grammar g = new Grammar(
                "parser grammar P;\n" +
                "a : A B | C D;");
            string expecting =
                ".s0->.s1" + NewLine +
                ".s1->.s2" + NewLine +
                ".s1->.s8" + NewLine +
                ".s10-D->.s11" + NewLine +
                ".s11->.s5" + NewLine +
                ".s2-A->.s3" + NewLine +
                ".s3-B->.s4" + NewLine +
                ".s4->.s5" + NewLine +
                ".s5->:s6" + NewLine +
                ".s8->.s9" + NewLine +
                ".s9-C->.s10" + NewLine +
                ":s6-EOF->.s7" + NewLine;

            checkRule(g, "a", expecting);
Beispiel #18
        public void TestbA() /*throws Exception*/
            Grammar g = new Grammar(
                "parser grammar P;\n" +
                "a : b A ;\n" +
                "b : B ;");
            string expecting =
                ".s0->.s1\n" +
                ".s1->.s2\n" +
                ".s2->.s3\n" +
                ".s3->.s4\n" +
                ".s4->.s5\n" +
                ".s5-B->.s6\n" +
                ".s6->:s7\n" +
                ".s8-A->.s9\n" +
                ".s9->:s10\n" +
                ":s10-EOF->.s11\n" +

            checkRule(g, "a", expecting);
Beispiel #19
        public void TestPredicatedAorB() /*throws Exception*/
            Grammar g = new Grammar(
                "parser grammar P;\n" +
                "a : {p1}? A | {p2}? B ;");
            string expecting =
                ".s0->.s1" + NewLine +
                ".s1->.s2" + NewLine +
                ".s1->.s8" + NewLine +
                ".s10-B->.s11" + NewLine +
                ".s11->.s5" + NewLine +
                ".s2-{p1}?->.s3" + NewLine +
                ".s3-A->.s4" + NewLine +
                ".s4->.s5" + NewLine +
                ".s5->:s6" + NewLine +
                ".s8->.s9" + NewLine +
                ".s9-{p2}?->.s10" + NewLine +
                ":s6-EOF->.s7" + NewLine;

            checkRule(g, "a", expecting);
Beispiel #20
        public void TestbA() /*throws Exception*/
            Grammar g = new Grammar(
                "parser grammar P;\n" +
                "a : b A ;\n" +
                "b : B ;");
            string expecting =
                ".s0->.s1" + NewLine +
                ".s1->.s2" + NewLine +
                ".s2->.s3" + NewLine +
                ".s3->.s4" + NewLine +
                ".s4->.s5" + NewLine +
                ".s5-B->.s6" + NewLine +
                ".s6->:s7" + NewLine +
                ".s8-A->.s9" + NewLine +
                ".s9->:s10" + NewLine +
                ":s10-EOF->.s11" + NewLine +
                ":s7->.s8" + NewLine;

            checkRule(g, "a", expecting);
Beispiel #21
        public void TestLabeledNotSet() /*throws Exception*/
            Grammar g = new Grammar(
                "parser grammar P;\n" +
                "tokens { A; B; C; }\n" +
                "a : t=~A ;\n");
            string expecting =
                ".s0->.s1" + NewLine +
                ".s1->.s2" + NewLine +
                ".s2-B..C->.s3" + NewLine +
                ".s3->:s4" + NewLine +
                ":s4-EOF->.s5" + NewLine;

            checkRule(g, "a", expecting);

            string expectingGrammarStr =
                "1:8: parser grammar P;\n" +
                "a : t=~ A ;";

            Assert.AreEqual(expectingGrammarStr, g.ToString());
Beispiel #22
        public void TestAutoBacktracking_PlusBlock1Alt() /*throws Exception*/
            Grammar g = new Grammar(
                "grammar t;\n" +
                "options {backtrack=true;}\n" +
                "a : ('a')+ ;"
            string expecting =
                ".s0->.s1\n" +
                ".s1->.s2\n" +
                ".s2->.s3\n" +
                ".s3->.s4\n" +
                ".s4-{synpred1_t}?->.s5\n" +
                ".s5-'a'->.s6\n" +
                ".s6->.s3\n" +
                ".s6->.s7\n" +
                ".s7->:s8\n" +

            checkRule(g, "a", expecting);
Beispiel #23
        public void TestRewriteRuleAndRewriteModeIgnoreActionsPredicates() /*throws Exception*/ {
            ErrorQueue equeue = new ErrorQueue();
            ErrorManager.SetErrorListener( equeue );
            Grammar g = new Grammar(
                "tree grammar TP;\n" +
                "options {ASTLabelType=CommonTree; output=template; rewrite=true;}\n" +
                "a: {action} {action2} x=A -> {ick}\n" +
                " | {pred1}? y+=B -> {ick}\n" +
                " | C {action} -> {ick}\n" +
                " | {pred2}?=> z+=D -> {ick}\n" +
                " | (E)=> ^(F G) -> {ick}\n" +
                " ;\n"
            AntlrTool antlr = newTool();
            antlr.SetOutputDirectory( null ); // write to /dev/null
            CodeGenerator generator = new CodeGenerator( antlr, g, "Java" );
            g.CodeGenerator = generator;

            Assert.AreEqual(0, equeue.warnings.Count, "unexpected errors: " + equeue);
Beispiel #24
        public void TestABorCD() /*throws Exception*/
            Grammar g = new Grammar(
                "parser grammar P;\n" +
                "a : A B | C D;");
            string expecting =
                ".s0->.s1\n" +
                ".s1->.s2\n" +
                ".s1->.s8\n" +
                ".s10-D->.s11\n" +
                ".s11->.s5\n" +
                ".s2-A->.s3\n" +
                ".s3-B->.s4\n" +
                ".s4->.s5\n" +
                ".s5->:s6\n" +
                ".s8->.s9\n" +
                ".s9-C->.s10\n" +

            checkRule(g, "a", expecting);
Beispiel #25
        public void TestAutoBacktracking_OptionalBlock1Alt() /*throws Exception*/
            Grammar g = new Grammar(
                "grammar t;\n" +
                "options {backtrack=true;}\n" +
                "a : ('a')?;"
            string expecting =
                ".s0->.s1" + NewLine +
                ".s1->.s2" + NewLine +
                ".s2->.s3" + NewLine +
                ".s2->.s9" + NewLine +
                ".s3-{synpred1_t}?->.s4" + NewLine +
                ".s4-'a'->.s5" + NewLine +
                ".s5->.s6" + NewLine +
                ".s6->:s7" + NewLine +
                ".s9->.s6" + NewLine +
                ":s7-EOF->.s8" + NewLine;

            checkRule(g, "a", expecting);
Beispiel #26
        public void TestLabeledNotSet() /*throws Exception*/
            Grammar g = new Grammar(
                "parser grammar P;\n" +
                "tokens { A; B; C; }\n" +
                "a : t=~A ;\n");
            string expecting =
                ".s0->.s1\n" +
                ".s1->.s2\n" +
                ".s2-B..C->.s3\n" +
                ".s3->:s4\n" +

            checkRule(g, "a", expecting);

            string expectingGrammarStr =
                "1:8: parser grammar P;\n" +
                "a : t=~ A ;";

            assertEquals(expectingGrammarStr, g.ToString());
Beispiel #27
        public void TestPredicatedAorB() /*throws Exception*/
            Grammar g = new Grammar(
                "parser grammar P;\n" +
                "a : {p1}? A | {p2}? B ;");
            string expecting =
                ".s0->.s1\n" +
                ".s1->.s2\n" +
                ".s1->.s8\n" +
                ".s10-B->.s11\n" +
                ".s11->.s5\n" +
                ".s2-{p1}?->.s3\n" +
                ".s3-A->.s4\n" +
                ".s4->.s5\n" +
                ".s5->:s6\n" +
                ".s8->.s9\n" +
                ".s9-{p2}?->.s10\n" +

            checkRule(g, "a", expecting);
Beispiel #28
        public void TestLabeledNotBlockSet() /*throws Exception*/
            Grammar g = new Grammar(
                "lexer grammar P;\n" +
                "A : t=~('3'|'b') ;\n");
            string expecting =
                ".s0->.s1" + NewLine +
                ".s1->.s2" + NewLine +
                ".s2-{'\\u0000'..'2', '4'..'a', 'c'..'\\uFFFF'}->.s3" + NewLine +
                ".s3->:s4" + NewLine +
                ":s4-<EOT>->.s5" + NewLine;

            checkRule(g, "A", expecting);

            string expectingGrammarStr =
                "1:7: lexer grammar P;\n" +
                "A : t=~ ( '3' | 'b' ) ;\n" +
                "Tokens : A ;";

            Assert.AreEqual(expectingGrammarStr, g.ToString());
Beispiel #29
        public void TestLabeledNotCharSet() /*throws Exception*/
            Grammar g = new Grammar(
                "lexer grammar P;\n" +
                "A : t=~'3' ;\n");
            string expecting =
                ".s0->.s1\n" +
                ".s1->.s2\n" +
                ".s2-{'\\u0000'..'2', '4'..'\\uFFFF'}->.s3\n" +
                ".s3->:s4\n" +

            checkRule(g, "A", expecting);

            string expectingGrammarStr =
                "1:7: lexer grammar P;\n" +
                "A : t=~ '3' ;\n" +
                "Tokens : A ;";

            assertEquals(expectingGrammarStr, g.ToString());
Beispiel #30
        /** Given IList&lt;Label&gt;, return a String with a useful representation
         *  of the associated input string.  One could show something different
         *  for lexers and parsers, for example.
        public virtual String GetInputSequenceDisplay(IList <Label> labels)
            Grammar       g   = dfa.nfa.grammar;
            StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (Label label in labels)
                if (/*it.hasNext() &&*/ g.type != GrammarType.Lexer)
                    buf.Append(' ');

            // remove the final appended space
            if (g.type != GrammarType.Lexer)
                buf.Length = buf.Length - 1;

Beispiel #31
        public void TestRewriteRuleAndRewriteModeNotSimple() /*throws Exception*/
            ErrorQueue equeue = new ErrorQueue();

            Grammar g = new Grammar(
                "tree grammar TP;\n" +
                "options {ASTLabelType=CommonTree; output=template; rewrite=true;}\n" +
                "a  : ID+ -> {ick}\n" +
                "   | INT INT -> {ick}\n" +
                "   ;\n"
            AntlrTool antlr = newTool();

            antlr.SetOutputDirectory(null);   // write to /dev/null
            CodeGenerator generator = new CodeGenerator(antlr, g, "Java");

            g.CodeGenerator = generator;

            Assert.AreEqual(0, equeue.warnings.Count, "unexpected errors: " + equeue);
Beispiel #32
        public Set <Rule> GetImportedRulesSensitiveToOverriddenRulesDueToLOOK()
            Set <String> diffFIRSTs = getOverriddenRulesWithDifferentFIRST();
            Set <Rule>   rules      = new HashSet();

            for (Iterator it = diffFIRSTs.iterator(); it.hasNext();)
                String r = (String);
                for (int i = 0; i < delegates.size(); i++)
                    Grammar    g       = delegates.get(i);
                    Set <Rule> callers = g.ruleSensitivity.get(r);
                    // somebody invokes rule whose FIRST changed in subgrammar?
                    if (callers != null)
                        //[email protected](" rules "+callers+" sensitive to "+r+"; dup 'em");
Beispiel #33
        public void TestNewlineLiterals() /*throws Exception*/
            Grammar g = new Grammar(
                "lexer grammar T;\n" +
                "A : '\\n\\n' ;\n"  // ANTLR sees '\n\n'
            string expecting = "match(\"\\n\\n\")";

            AntlrTool antlr = newTool();

            antlr.SetOutputDirectory(null);   // write to /dev/null
            CodeGenerator generator = new CodeGenerator(antlr, g, "Java");

            g.CodeGenerator = generator;
            generator.GenRecognizer(); // codegen phase sets some vars we need
            StringTemplate codeST = generator.RecognizerST;
            string         code   = codeST.Render();
            int            m      = code.IndexOf("match(\"");
            string         found  = code.Substring(m, expecting.Length);

            Assert.AreEqual(expecting, found);
        public void TestMismatchedTokenError()
            Assert.Inconclusive("May be failing on just my port...");
            Grammar pg = new Grammar(
                "parser grammar p;\n" +
                "prog : WHILE ID LCURLY (assign)* RCURLY;\n" +
                "assign : ID ASSIGN expr SEMI ;\n" +
                "expr : INT | FLOAT | ID ;\n");
            Grammar g = new Grammar();

            g.FileName = Grammar.IGNORE_STRING_IN_GRAMMAR_FILE_NAME + "string";
                "lexer grammar t;\n" +
                "WHILE : 'while';\n" +
                "LCURLY : '{';\n" +
                "RCURLY : '}';\n" +
                "ASSIGN : '=';\n" +
                "SEMI : ';';\n" +
                "ID : ('a'..'z')+ ;\n" +
                "INT : (DIGIT)+ ;\n" +
                "FLOAT : (DIGIT)+ '.' (DIGIT)* ;\n" +
                "fragment DIGIT : '0'..'9';\n" +
                "WS : (' ')+ ;\n");
            ICharStream input     = new ANTLRStringStream("while x { i=1 y=3.42; z=y; }");
            Interpreter lexEngine = new Interpreter(g, input);

            FilteringTokenStream tokens = new FilteringTokenStream(lexEngine);

            tokens.SetTokenTypeChannel(g.GetTokenType("WS"), 99);
            Interpreter parseEngine = new Interpreter(pg, tokens);
            ParseTree   t           = parseEngine.Parse("prog");
            string      result      = t.ToStringTree();
            string      expecting   =
                "(<grammar p> (prog while x { (assign i = (expr 1) MismatchedTokenException(5!=9))))";

            assertEquals(expecting, result);
Beispiel #35
        public void TestAutoBacktracking_StarSetBlock_IgnoresPreds() /*throws Exception*/
            Grammar g = new Grammar(
                "grammar t;\n" +
                "options {backtrack=true;}\n" +
                "a : ('a'|'b')* ;"
            string expecting =
                ".s0->.s1" + NewLine +
                ".s1->.s2" + NewLine +
                ".s2->.s3" + NewLine +
                ".s2->.s9" + NewLine +
                ".s3->.s4" + NewLine +
                ".s4-'a'..'b'->.s5" + NewLine +
                ".s5->.s3" + NewLine +
                ".s5->.s6" + NewLine +
                ".s6->:s7" + NewLine +
                ".s9->.s6" + NewLine +
                ":s7-EOF->.s8" + NewLine;

            checkRule(g, "a", expecting);
Beispiel #36
        public void TestAutoBacktracking_ExistingPred() /*throws Exception*/
            Grammar g = new Grammar(
                "grammar t;\n" +
                "options {backtrack=true;}\n" +
                "a : ('a')=> 'a' | 'b';"
            string expecting =
                ".s0->.s1" + NewLine +
                ".s1->.s2" + NewLine +
                ".s1->.s8" + NewLine +
                ".s10->.s5" + NewLine +
                ".s2-{synpred1_t}?->.s3" + NewLine +
                ".s3-'a'->.s4" + NewLine +
                ".s4->.s5" + NewLine +
                ".s5->:s6" + NewLine +
                ".s8->.s9" + NewLine +
                ".s9-'b'->.s10" + NewLine +
                ":s6-EOF->.s7" + NewLine;

            checkRule(g, "a", expecting);
Beispiel #37
        public void TestNoViableAltError()
            Grammar pg = new Grammar(
                "parser grammar p;\n" +
                "prog : WHILE ID LCURLY (assign)* RCURLY;\n" +
                "assign : ID ASSIGN expr SEMI ;\n" +
                "expr : {;}INT | FLOAT | ID ;\n");
            Grammar g = new Grammar();

            g.FileName = "<string>";
                "lexer grammar t;\n" +
                "WHILE : 'while';\n" +
                "LCURLY : '{';\n" +
                "RCURLY : '}';\n" +
                "ASSIGN : '=';\n" +
                "SEMI : ';';\n" +
                "ID : ('a'..'z')+ ;\n" +
                "INT : (DIGIT)+ ;\n" +
                "FLOAT : (DIGIT)+ '.' (DIGIT)* ;\n" +
                "fragment DIGIT : '0'..'9';\n" +
                "WS : (' ')+ ;\n");
            ICharStream input     = new ANTLRStringStream("while x { i=; y=3.42; z=y; }");
            Interpreter lexEngine = new Interpreter(g, input);

            FilteringTokenStream tokens = new FilteringTokenStream(lexEngine);

            tokens.SetTokenTypeChannel(g.GetTokenType("WS"), 99);
            Interpreter parseEngine = new Interpreter(pg, tokens);
            ParseTree   t           = parseEngine.Parse("prog");
            string      result      = t.ToStringTree();
            string      expecting   =
                "(<grammar p> (prog while x { (assign i = (expr NoViableAltException(10@[4:1: expr : ( INT | FLOAT | ID );])))))";

            Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);
Beispiel #38
        protected override void GenRecognizerFile(AntlrTool tool, CodeGenerator generator, Grammar grammar, Template outputFileST)
            if (!grammar.IsRoot)
                Grammar rootGrammar = grammar.composite.RootGrammar;
                string  actionScope = grammar.GetDefaultActionScope(grammar.type);
                IDictionary <string, object> actions;
                object rootNamespace;
                if (rootGrammar.Actions.TryGetValue(actionScope, out actions) && actions.TryGetValue("namespace", out rootNamespace))
                    if (!grammar.Actions.TryGetValue(actionScope, out actions))
                        actions = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                        grammar.Actions[actionScope] = actions;

                    actions["namespace"] = rootNamespace;

            generator.Templates.RegisterRenderer(typeof(string), new StringRenderer(generator, this));
            base.GenRecognizerFile(tool, generator, grammar, outputFileST);
Beispiel #39
        public void TestRangeOrRange() /*throws Exception*/
            Grammar g = new Grammar(
                "lexer grammar P;\n" +
                "A : ('a'..'c' 'h' | 'q' 'j'..'l') ;"
            string expecting =
                ".s0->.s1\n" +
                ".s1->.s2\n" +
                ".s10-'q'->.s11\n" +
                ".s11-'j'..'l'->.s12\n" +
                ".s12->.s6\n" +
                ".s2->.s3\n" +
                ".s2->.s9\n" +
                ".s3-'a'..'c'->.s4\n" +
                ".s4-'h'->.s5\n" +
                ".s5->.s6\n" +
                ".s6->:s7\n" +
                ".s9->.s10\n" +

            checkRule(g, "A", expecting);
Beispiel #40
        public void TestRangeOrRange() /*throws Exception*/
            Grammar g = new Grammar(
                "lexer grammar P;\n" +
                "A : ('a'..'c' 'h' | 'q' 'j'..'l') ;"
            string expecting =
                ".s0->.s1" + NewLine +
                ".s1->.s2" + NewLine +
                ".s10-'q'->.s11" + NewLine +
                ".s11-'j'..'l'->.s12" + NewLine +
                ".s12->.s6" + NewLine +
                ".s2->.s3" + NewLine +
                ".s2->.s9" + NewLine +
                ".s3-'a'..'c'->.s4" + NewLine +
                ".s4-'h'->.s5" + NewLine +
                ".s5->.s6" + NewLine +
                ".s6->:s7" + NewLine +
                ".s9->.s10" + NewLine +
                ":s7-<EOT>->.s8" + NewLine;

            checkRule(g, "A", expecting);
Beispiel #41
        public void TestAutoBacktracking_RuleBlock() /*throws Exception*/
            Grammar g = new Grammar(
                "grammar t;\n" +
                "options {backtrack=true;}\n" +
                "a : 'a'{;}|'b';"
            string expecting =
                ".s0->.s1" + NewLine +
                ".s1->.s2" + NewLine +
                ".s1->.s9" + NewLine +
                ".s10-'b'->.s11" + NewLine +
                ".s11->.s6" + NewLine +
                ".s2-{synpred1_t}?->.s3" + NewLine +
                ".s3-'a'->.s4" + NewLine +
                ".s4-{}->.s5" + NewLine +
                ".s5->.s6" + NewLine +
                ".s6->:s7" + NewLine +
                ".s9->.s10" + NewLine +
                ":s7-EOF->.s8" + NewLine;

            checkRule(g, "a", expecting);
Beispiel #42
        public void TestAutoBacktracking_RuleBlock() /*throws Exception*/
            Grammar g = new Grammar(
                "grammar t;\n" +
                "options {backtrack=true;}\n" +
                "a : 'a'{;}|'b';"
            string expecting =
                ".s0->.s1\n" +
                ".s1->.s2\n" +
                ".s1->.s9\n" +
                ".s10-'b'->.s11\n" +
                ".s11->.s6\n" +
                ".s2-{synpred1_t}?->.s3\n" +
                ".s3-'a'->.s4\n" +
                ".s4-{}->.s5\n" +
                ".s5->.s6\n" +
                ".s6->:s7\n" +
                ".s9->.s10\n" +

            checkRule(g, "a", expecting);
Beispiel #43
 public void TestCharRangePlus()
     Grammar g = new Grammar(
             "lexer grammar P;\n" +
             "ID : 'a'..'z'+;" );
     string expecting =
         "(rule ID ARG RET scope (BLOCK (ALT (+ (BLOCK (ALT (.. 'a' 'z') <end-of-alt>) <end-of-block>)) <end-of-alt>) <end-of-block>) <end-of-rule>)";
     string found = g.GetRule( "ID" ).tree.ToStringTree();
     assertEquals( expecting, found );
Beispiel #44
 public override string ToString( Grammar g )
     return ToString();
        public void TestLabeledNotCharSet()
            Grammar g = new Grammar(
                "lexer grammar P;\n" +
                "A : t=~'3' ;\n" );
            string expecting =
                ".s0->.s1" + NewLine +
                ".s1->.s2" + NewLine +
                ".s2-{'\\u0000'..'2', '4'..'\\uFFFF'}->.s3" + NewLine +
                ".s3->:s4" + NewLine +
                ":s4-<EOT>->.s5" + NewLine;
            checkRule( g, "A", expecting );

            string expectingGrammarStr =
                "1:7: lexer grammar P;\n" +
                "A : t=~ '3' ;\n" +
                "Tokens : A ;";
            Assert.AreEqual( expectingGrammarStr, g.ToString() );
Beispiel #46
 public void TestSetLabel()
     Grammar g = new Grammar(
             "grammar P;\n" +
             "a : x=(A|B);\n" );
     string expecting =
         "(rule a ARG RET scope (BLOCK (ALT (= x (BLOCK (ALT A <end-of-alt>) (ALT B <end-of-alt>) <end-of-block>)) <end-of-alt>) <end-of-block>) <end-of-rule>)";
     string found = g.GetRule( "a" ).tree.ToStringTree();
     assertEquals( expecting, found );
Beispiel #47
 public void TestNakeRulePlusInLexer()
     Grammar g = new Grammar(
             "lexer grammar P;\n" +
             "A : B+;\n" +
             "B : 'a';" );
     string expecting =
         "(rule A ARG RET scope (BLOCK (ALT (+ (BLOCK (ALT B <end-of-alt>) <end-of-block>)) <end-of-alt>) <end-of-block>) <end-of-rule>)";
     string found = g.GetRule( "A" ).tree.ToStringTree();
     assertEquals( expecting, found );
 public void TestNakedAstar()
     Grammar g = new Grammar(
         "parser grammar P;\n" +
         "a : A*;" );
     string expecting =
         ".s0->.s1" + NewLine +
         ".s1->.s2" + NewLine +
         ".s2->.s3" + NewLine +
         ".s2->.s9" + NewLine +
         ".s3->.s4" + NewLine +
         ".s4-A->.s5" + NewLine +
         ".s5->.s3" + NewLine +
         ".s5->.s6" + NewLine +
         ".s6->:s7" + NewLine +
         ".s9->.s6" + NewLine +
         ":s7-EOF->.s8" + NewLine;
     checkRule( g, "a", expecting );
Beispiel #49
 public NFA( Grammar g )
     this.grammar = g;
Beispiel #50
 public void TestListLabelOfClosure2()
     Grammar g = new Grammar(
             "grammar P;\n" +
             "a : x+='int'*;" );
     string expecting =
         "(rule a ARG RET scope (BLOCK (ALT (* (BLOCK (ALT (+= x 'int') <end-of-alt>) <end-of-block>)) <end-of-alt>) <end-of-block>) <end-of-rule>)";
     string found = g.GetRule( "a" ).tree.ToStringTree();
     assertEquals( expecting, found );
Beispiel #51
 public void TestNakedRuleOptional()
     Grammar g = new Grammar(
             "parser grammar P;\n" +
             "a : b?;\n" +
             "b : B;" );
     string expecting =
         "(rule a ARG RET scope (BLOCK (ALT (? (BLOCK (ALT b <end-of-alt>) <end-of-block>)) <end-of-alt>) <end-of-block>) <end-of-rule>)";
     string found = g.GetRule( "a" ).tree.ToStringTree();
     assertEquals( expecting, found );
 public void TestNakedAoptional()
     Grammar g = new Grammar(
         "parser grammar P;\n" +
         "a : A?;" );
     string expecting =
         ".s0->.s1" + NewLine +
         ".s1->.s2" + NewLine +
         ".s2->.s3" + NewLine +
         ".s2->.s8" + NewLine +
         ".s3-A->.s4" + NewLine +
         ".s4->.s5" + NewLine +
         ".s5->:s6" + NewLine +
         ".s8->.s5" + NewLine +
         ":s6-EOF->.s7" + NewLine;
     checkRule( g, "a", expecting );
Beispiel #53
 public void TestRuleListLabelOfPositiveClosure()
     Grammar g = new Grammar(
             "grammar P;\n" +
             "options {output=AST;}\n" +
             "a : x+=b+;\n" +
             "b : ID;\n" );
     string expecting =
         "(rule a ARG RET scope (BLOCK (ALT (+ (BLOCK (ALT (+= x b) <end-of-alt>) <end-of-block>)) <end-of-alt>) <end-of-block>) <end-of-rule>)";
     string found = g.GetRule( "a" ).tree.ToStringTree();
     assertEquals( expecting, found );
 public void TestABorCD()
     Grammar g = new Grammar(
         "parser grammar P;\n" +
         "a : A B | C D;" );
     string expecting =
         ".s0->.s1" + NewLine +
         ".s1->.s2" + NewLine +
         ".s1->.s8" + NewLine +
         ".s10-D->.s11" + NewLine +
         ".s11->.s5" + NewLine +
         ".s2-A->.s3" + NewLine +
         ".s3-B->.s4" + NewLine +
         ".s4->.s5" + NewLine +
         ".s5->:s6" + NewLine +
         ".s8->.s9" + NewLine +
         ".s9-C->.s10" + NewLine +
         ":s6-EOF->.s7" + NewLine;
     checkRule( g, "a", expecting );
Beispiel #55
 public void TestStringStar()
     Grammar g = new Grammar(
             "grammar P;\n" +
             "a : 'while'*;" );
     string expecting =
         "(rule a ARG RET scope (BLOCK (ALT (* (BLOCK (ALT 'while' <end-of-alt>) <end-of-block>)) <end-of-alt>) <end-of-block>) <end-of-rule>)";
     string found = g.GetRule( "a" ).tree.ToStringTree();
     assertEquals( expecting, found );
 public void TestNestedAstar()
     Grammar g = new Grammar(
         "parser grammar P;\n" +
         "a : (A*)*;" );
     string expecting =
         ".s0->.s1" + NewLine +
         ".s1->.s2" + NewLine +
         ".s10->:s11" + NewLine +
         ".s13->.s8" + NewLine +
         ".s14->.s10" + NewLine +
         ".s2->.s14" + NewLine +
         ".s2->.s3" + NewLine +
         ".s3->.s4" + NewLine +
         ".s4->.s13" + NewLine +
         ".s4->.s5" + NewLine +
         ".s5->.s6" + NewLine +
         ".s6-A->.s7" + NewLine +
         ".s7->.s5" + NewLine +
         ".s7->.s8" + NewLine +
         ".s8->.s9" + NewLine +
         ".s9->.s10" + NewLine +
         ".s9->.s3" + NewLine +
         ":s11-EOF->.s12" + NewLine;
     checkRule( g, "a", expecting );
        public void TestLabeledNotSet()
            Grammar g = new Grammar(
                "parser grammar P;\n" +
                "tokens { A; B; C; }\n" +
                "a : t=~A ;\n" );
            string expecting =
                ".s0->.s1" + NewLine +
                ".s1->.s2" + NewLine +
                ".s2-B..C->.s3" + NewLine +
                ".s3->:s4" + NewLine +
                ":s4-EOF->.s5" + NewLine;
            checkRule( g, "a", expecting );

            string expectingGrammarStr =
                "1:8: parser grammar P;\n" +
                "a : t=~ A ;";
            Assert.AreEqual( expectingGrammarStr, g.ToString() );
 public void Init( Grammar g )
     this.grammar = g;
     this.generator = grammar.CodeGenerator;
     this.templates = generator.Templates;
Beispiel #59
 public void TestCharOptionalInLexer()
     Grammar g = new Grammar(
             "lexer grammar P;\n" +
             "B : 'b'?;" );
     string expecting =
         "(rule B ARG RET scope (BLOCK (ALT (? (BLOCK (ALT 'b' <end-of-alt>) <end-of-block>)) <end-of-alt>) <end-of-block>) <end-of-rule>)";
     string found = g.GetRule( "B" ).tree.ToStringTree();
     assertEquals( expecting, found );
 public void TestMultiplePredicates()
     Grammar g = new Grammar(
         "parser grammar P;\n" +
         "a : {p1}? {p1a}? A | {p2}? B | {p3} b;\n" +
         "b : {p4}? B ;" );
     string expecting =
         ".s0->.s1" + NewLine +
         ".s1->.s2" + NewLine +
         ".s1->.s9" + NewLine +
         ".s10-{p2}?->.s11" + NewLine +
         ".s11-B->.s12" + NewLine +
         ".s12->.s6" + NewLine +
         ".s13->.s14" + NewLine +
         ".s14-{}->.s15" + NewLine +
         ".s15->.s16" + NewLine +
         ".s16->.s17" + NewLine +
         ".s17->.s18" + NewLine +
         ".s18-{p4}?->.s19" + NewLine +
         ".s19-B->.s20" + NewLine +
         ".s2-{p1}?->.s3" + NewLine +
         ".s20->:s21" + NewLine +
         ".s22->.s6" + NewLine +
         ".s3-{p1a}?->.s4" + NewLine +
         ".s4-A->.s5" + NewLine +
         ".s5->.s6" + NewLine +
         ".s6->:s7" + NewLine +
         ".s9->.s10" + NewLine +
         ".s9->.s13" + NewLine +
         ":s21->.s22" + NewLine +
         ":s7-EOF->.s8" + NewLine;
     checkRule( g, "a", expecting );